Fiction by Genre


6 stories | Updated June 22, 2023

Fiction Friend
Fiction Friends


A book floating in midair, surrounded by other books.
Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

Ready to escape into an imaginary world?

These virtual shelves are home to stories in the Fantasy genre on Medium, built on story listings submitted by fiction authors.

Have fun browsing!

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Looking for a particular story tag, subgenre, or type? Search this list for keywords by using the Control + F key command on desktop, or Find Selection on mobile.

The Regenerated River

By Mariana Busarova | Gain Inspiration

• Read time: 6 min
• Genre(s): Fantasy, Nature
• Type: short story
• Status: Complete
• Rating: 8+
• Tags: Saving Nature, Water, Valley

What will we do if the freshwater is distinguished? A little story of the strength a girl has.

The Singing, Springing Lark Retelling

By Lark Morrigan | Morrigans Wake

• Read time: 56 min.
• Genre(s): Fantasy, Fairy Tale
• Type: Novelette
• Status: complete
• Rating: 13+
• Tags: The Brothers Grimm, fairy tale retelling, curses, birds, magic, evil stepmother, lions

This is a retelling of a lesser-known Brothers Grimm fairy tale about a woman who falls in love with a lion prince and makes sacrifices to set him free from a curse.

The Watcher’s Stone


• Read time: 3 Minutes
• Genre(s): Fantasy, Romance, Mystery
• Type: Flash Fiction
• Status: Complete
• Rating: 13+
• Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Debt Owed

Nothing in her twenty years of life had prepared her for the penetrating scrutiny of those ebony eyes. They weren’t threatening, at least not in a violent sense. But the possessive message they signaled sent a warning shiver up her spine.

Congratulations — You’ve Leveled Up

By Lynda Coker | Fiction for the Heart

• Read time: 3 Minutes
• Genre(s): Fantasy
• Type: Flash Fiction
• Status: Completed
• Rating: 8+
• Tags: Flash Fiction, Fiction, Gaming, Games, Digital games, Online gaming

Christy stared out the windshield. Where the rapidly flowing river used to be was now what looked like a river of yellow daisies. Half the trees lining the riverbank were cube-shaped. And in the middle of it, stood the Eiffel Tower or its twin brother.

The Other Side

By Lynda Coker | Fiction for the Heart

• Read time: 7 Minutes
• Genre(s): Adventure, Travel Portal
• Type: Short Story
• Status: Completed
• Rating: 13+
• Tags: Fantasy, Travel Portal, Adventure,

A thoughtless girl pushes the limits of belief too far.

Film Flam

By David Perlmutter

• Read time: 15 min
• Genre(s): Superhero
• Type: Short story
• Status: Complete
• Rating: E

“Do you want your life filmed and stolen from you? They sure don’t…”

About Fiction Friends

Fiction Friends is a virtual library and coffee shop for fiction writers and readers on Medium. It’s a space to share stories, learn about publishing online, and discover great fiction. Our mission is to help build a better, stronger fiction community on Medium — one cup of coffee at a time.



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Fiction Friends

Official account for Fiction Friends, the virtual library and coffee shop for fiction writers and readers on Medium. 📚