Wisdom’s Muscles — Part 14


Sam Mokhtari
Follower Booster Hub


Photo by Sebastian Bill on Unsplash

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself” Rumi

Welcome back to our exploration of wisdom’s fascinating terrain! In previous parts, we uncovered the secrets of wisdom’s foundation and its muscles including goodness, faith, acknowledgment, hope, fairness and contentment, gratitude, grit, trust, compassion, kindness and knowledge. Now, let’s dive into the next “muscle”: understanding. In this post, we’ll dive into the essence of knowledage, its role in fostering wisdom, and practical strategies to enhance it.

Understanding: Beyond Mere Information

Understanding goes deeper than simply possessing knowledge. It encompasses:

Grasping Meaning: Understanding means connecting ideas, spotting patterns, and figuring out the main ideas from all the information. It’s about understanding the reasons behind things, not just what they are.

Context Matters: Truly understanding something means recognizing its place within a larger system, its historical influences, and its potential future implications.

Multiple Perspectives: Wise understanding means thinking about other people’s views, being kind, and not being stuck in your own ways of thinking.

How Understanding Contributes to Wisdom

Informed Decision-Making: Knowing all about a situation, thinking about what might happen because of it, and thinking about what’s right and wrong helps you make decisions that match what you believe in and what’s best for the future.

Adaptability: When you understand things, you can look at new situations, use what you know, and change what you do as needed. This helps you bounce back when things change.

Empathy and Compassion: A good understanding of different experiences helps bring people together, encourages being nice, and leads to finding solutions that help everyone, not just yourself.

Nuance, Not Absolutes: Being wise means understanding that things aren’t always black and white. Knowing this helps you avoid making quick judgments and respond in better ways.

Combating Arrogance: Real understanding shows us how much we still don’t know. This humble attitude helps us stay open to learning more, which is a key part of being wise, and stops us from getting stuck in narrow thinking.

Seeing the Bigger Picture: Understanding complex systems, like society, nature, or relationships, helps you make decisions that are good for everyone. This way of thinking, seeing how everything is connected, is really important for being wise in a way that helps more than just yourself.

Strategies for Enhancing Understanding

Curiosity: The Engine of Understanding

  • Ask Questions: Dive into the “why” and “how” behind things. Don’t just accept information at face value.
  • Make Connections: Look for patterns between seemingly unrelated ideas or fields of knowledge. This creates a robust web of understanding.
  • Embrace “I Don’t Know”: Admitting gaps in your understanding opens doors to further learning and prevents intellectual stagnation.

Diverse Input for Deeper Output

  • Seek Multiple Perspectives: On any issue, read sources with differing viewpoints. This challenges your biases and creates a more nuanced understanding.
  • Experience Matters: First-hand learning, whether through travel, volunteering, or simply trying new things, adds a dimension of understanding that books alone cannot provide.
  • Engage in Dialogue: Respectful conversations with those who hold different opinions can break down echo chambers and deepen your grasp of complex issues.

Critical Thinking: Your Toolkit for Understanding

  • Analyze Information: Go beyond the surface; identify the author’s intent, the evidence provided, and any potential logical fallacies.
  • Question Assumptions: Challenge your own and others’ deeply held beliefs. Are they based on sound reasoning or unexamined biases?
  • Consider Implications: For every piece of information, ask “So what?” Consider the potential impact for yourself and the wider world.

Understanding Yourself

  • Reflection: Regularly examine your thoughts, emotions, and reactions. This reveals the hidden biases that shape your understanding.
  • Seek Honest Feedback: Ask trusted friends or mentors to point out your blind spots. This growth can be uncomfortable but incredibly valuable.
  • Mindfulness: Cultivate present-moment awareness. This quiets mental chatter, allowing for clearer understanding of your own motivations and those of others.

Enhancing understanding is a continuous journey. Approach it with enthusiasm and humility, and allow your insights to shape your actions towards a life marked by greater wisdom and meaning.


Understanding leads to a big change — from acting without thinking to making smart choices, from judging to understanding others, and from having strong opinions to seeing things in a more detailed way. Spend time learning more, and you’ll see the benefits in a life that’s wiser, kinder, and more satisfying.



Sam Mokhtari
Follower Booster Hub

Technology thought leader with 15+ years in cloud, data analytics, and AI @ AWS | PhD | Author & Speaker | Life Mentor & Coach