Is This Too Much Muchness?

A lot has been going on

Patsy Fergusson
Fourth Wave
4 min readSep 13, 2023


A Roman Feast by Roberto Bompiani | © WikiCommons

So much has been going on at Fourth Wave lately that I’m starting to feel like a Roman glutton at a week-long feast. *Burp* Which way to the vomitorium? Just kidding! I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but is all this a little too much muchness? I swear Fourth Wave is taking over my life!

Medium Day

First there was Medium Day August 12, which was a glorious event all its own, where I hosted two online sessions attended by about 60 people each. We had so much fun! You can see replays of them here, if you missed us on the Day. They are about 30 minutes each.

What Matters Most to Every Woman in the World
With Aza Y. Alam in the U.K., Yong Yee Chong in Malaysia, and Suma Narayan in Australia. Hosted by Patsy Fergusson (that’s me!)

What Matters Most to Every Woman in the U.S.
With Elle Beau ❇︎ in the Southeast, Maevyn Frey in the Southwest, Vena Moore in the East, and Rivka Wolf in the West. Hosted by Yours Truly.

And here’s a comprehensive list of all the videos of all the sessions that ran on Medium Day.

Fourth Wave Salon

Next we had our second ever Salon, where a few of us Fourth Wave writers and readers got together on Zoom to talk. We had such a good time that we’re doing it again September 30, when the topic will focus on balancing privacy with writing great stories and telling the truth. Join us if you like! Read about our salon and sign up to attend here.

Getting the Boost

Finally, Fourth Wave was invited to be part of Medium’s Boost Pilot Program, which is a great honor and asset, allowing us to elevate writers, bring more attention to the publication and really level up. Read about how the Boost program works here. And find the first stories that were Boosted via Fourth Wave nominations here.

Besides all that, we’ve been doing the usual, which is publishing sharp and sassy pieces from a wide variety of writers and cultures and (feminist) points of view — except more so, since now we’re getting more submissions as a result of getting the Boost.

So without further ado, here are links to all the stories we’ve published since the last newsletter August 5, starting with the oldest and moving to the most recent, organized by author. There’s a wealth of wisdom, passion, and humor here.

I hope you find many stories that you want to read!

Yours truly,
Patsy Fergusson
Fourth Wave



Patsy Fergusson
Fourth Wave

Tree hugger. Tour guide. Top Writer. Feminist. Newly-baptized Bay swimmer. Editor of Fourth Wave.