Our First Six Frontier Technology Pilots

Lea Simpson
Frontier Tech Hub
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2017

It was an exciting end to 2016 at for Frontier Technology Livestreaming.

After launching the programme and our first call for submissions at the start of November, the call was closed a month later, our shortlisted submissions were in pitches by mid-December and our final projects chosen soon thereafter.

For those of you reading who are interested in the programme’s approach and methodology, we’ll be posting more about our method in the coming weeks and months - including the decisions we’ll make to evolve the method based on what we learn as we go. For now though, we wanted to introduce you to our first six pilots.

These final six submissions demonstrated how the application of a Frontier Technology could transform DFID’s practice, save time, maximise impact, or open up whole new markets or ways of working.

  1. Localisation of Production with 3D Printing & Digital Platforms in Nepaltesting the viability of contracting a Makernet to produce medical implements in earthquake affected areas
  2. eWATERpay for sustainable water supply in Tanzania testing the impact of a new UK payment & monitoring technology on the reliability of rural water supply systems
  3. Alternative Internet Delivery using Super Wifi in Nepal — piloting the use of Super Wifi using TV Whitespace technology to provide internet connectivity to remote schools and rural communities
  4. Remote Delivery of Humanitarian Supplies — developing and testing the range and carrying capacity of remote delivery systems
  5. SolarEnabler Smart Battery Trial in Off-Grid Clinics in Zimbabwe — trialling a new productised UK Smart Battery system in rural clinics, collecting data on usage and performance
  6. Automated Condition Survey of Low Volume Roads in Tanzania — using machine learning to automate the assessment of road conditions from satellite images

Click the links to find out more about the specific projects and follow this publication for our live stream of stories from the field, our learnings and findings.

If you’re a technologist or inventor in frontier technology and would like to join our database of potential collaborators, please visit DFID Funding Finder.



Lea Simpson
Frontier Tech Hub

Founder of Brink, Team Leader of the Frontier Technologies Hub. Tech optimist and lifelong nerd.