The Four Goals of Life: 1. Artha

Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Goals of Life
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2014


Life Attributes 1. Artha 2. Kama 3. Dharma 4. Moksha Three Gunas

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  1. Artha
    Artha — getting useful wealth and prosperity,
    Finding the meaning for living herein truly;
    - 2 —
    If in poverty, in a state of worry constantly,
    About how to support and feed one’s family;
    - 3 —
    How can one pursue the path of spirituality?
    In worry, focus on the Divine union cannot be;
    - 4 —
    Artha — attainment of wealth, material prosperity,
    Its realization on righteous and moral basis be;
    - 5 —
    Artha — the pursuit of material wealth does be,
    Bringing material comforts to a person clearly;
    - 6 —
    Spiritual growth, material wealth not elite be,
    And no spiritual seeker needs to be in poverty;
    - 7 —
    Even Universe — reflection of abundance be,
    Abundant Nature be, abundant Divine quality;
    - 8 —
    The important thing is not to be attached clearly,
    To possession or attainment of wealth unfailingly;
    - 9 —
    It either transcended or sought with detachment be,
    With awareness, wealth same as Divine pursuit be;
    - 10 —
    As abundance or wealth as a form of the Divine be,
    In this detachment, one attains wealth unaffectedly;
    - 11 —
    Hence desire to pursue dies away automatically,
    Thus paving the way for Moksha unhinderingly.
    - 12 —
    Pursuit of abundance not in contrast with Divinity,
    When free of worries, focus on union with Divine be.
    - 13 -

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Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Goals of Life

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,