The Four Goals of Life: 4. Moksha

Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Goals of Life
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2014


Life Attributes 1. Artha 2. Kama 3. Dharma 4. Moksha Three Gunas

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4. Moksha

Moksha — the liberation form, the web of maya be,
Freedom from the cycles of birth and death clearly;
- 33 —
Moksha — experiences of divine happiness does be,
This the ultimate goal of life and God-realization be;
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Moksha means liberation, realization of Self truly,
It the ultimate destination of this human birth be;
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Its grace frees from the bondage or illusion finally,
Blessed with self-realization and God-realization be;
- 36 —
Moksha — freedom from cycle of birth, rebirth be,
All these four goals of life in balance have to be;
- 37 —
It realization of self as Supreme Self undoubtedly,
It the experience of cosmos within one’s self be;
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It the very experience of the flow and fusion be,
Of Shiv and Shakti energies in one’s self do be;
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It the experience of the union, the oneness be,
The Ekatvam with the Universe — unquestionably.
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Some paths shorter than others can certainly be,
Some paths more arduous than others surely be;
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Some path difficult to navigate can certainly be,
Some path may not always but visible clearly be;
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As all the rivers must lead to the sea eventually,
All spiritual paths leading to the same goal finally;
- 43 —
And all of the variety of life are created certainly,
By combination of the three Gunas undisputedly.
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Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Goals of Life

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,