Top Stories published by Hi.Stamen in July of 2012

Just the streets, ma’am.

The first thing I thought after we hung a copy of London’s Kerning, a printed map showing only the street names in London, in the studio, was: I want one of those for the rest of the world. “How hard can it be to just(people here love that) show the streets?”

Visualizing a day of financial transactions on NASDAQ

Earlier this year Zach Watson and I spent some time visualizing financial data. It’s time to make that work public. The following images represent visualization of buy/sell data during a single day of NASDAQ trades.

Visualizing a day of financial transactions on NASDAQ part 2

This is a followup to yesterday’s post on the visualization of a day’s worth of trading data on the NASDAQ stock exchange. We’ve taken another look at the same dataset a bit more closely. In the examples that follow, each of…

Detailed Toner v2 (2012) change notes

Eric gave a general overview of the changes we rolled out for Toner v2 in this post and this post. In my post I dig into the technical details. But first, pictures!

Visual changelog for Toner 2012:

Toner V2 is live, and there are historical versions

We’ve got some new additions to Toner, the black and white style that Geraldine started and that Nathaniel and Mike have been gradually improving this year. There are some fairly significant changes to the cartography stack all the way…

Watercolor New York, 20x200

We’re pleased to announce our second collaboration with Jen Bekman’s 20x200, releasing gorgeous prints of New York City today, and London shortly. There will be more cities coming over the next few months, so please stay tuned!

Stamen in Icon 109

We’re the cover story (!) of this month’s Icon Magazine, featured alongside my longtime heroes at the Center for Land Use Interpretation as part of the maps issue. Ari Messer did a terrific job on the interview, and R.C. Rivera spent an afternoon photographing our plant- and map-filled studio…