Top Stories published by Hi.Stamen in 2012

Watercolor Process

This post was originally published on by Zach Watson.

Yesterday, we announced a trio of new maps on — we’ve had a lot of interest in how the watercolor map gets generated, so here’s the play-by-play. We’ll be using a section of London as an…

Watercolor Textures

This post was originally published on by Geraldine Sarmiento.

Following up on Zach’s post from yesterday and Eric’s post on Monday, here’s a peek into my process in creating watercolor textures for watercolor maps.

Trees, Cabs & Crime in the Venice Biennale

This post was originally published on by Shawn Allen.

We’re proud to announce that Trees, Cabs and Crime will be on display in the U.S. Pavilion at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale this fall. The Institute for… is live, the second installment of the City Tracking project funded by the Knight News Challenge, is live. These unique cartographic styles and tiles, based on data from Open Street Map, are available for the entire world, downloadable for use under a under a Creative Commons…

Weather weather everywhere

We’ve been working on a travel planner for the Weather Channel that tells you a bit more than just how long it’ll take to get from point A to point B. This one predicts what the weather’s going to be like along your drive,when you get there.

Just the streets, ma’am.

The first thing I thought after we hung a copy of London’s Kerning, a printed map showing only the street names in London, in the studio, was: I want one of those for the rest of the world. “How hard can it be to just(people here love that) show the streets?”

Terrain Process

This post was originally published on by Michal Migurski.

This is a follow up post to yesterday’s post about watercolor textures, Tuesday’s about watercolor process, and Monday’s announcing the launch of

Visualizing a day of financial transactions on NASDAQ

Earlier this year Zach Watson and I spent some time visualizing financial data. It’s time to make that work public. The following images represent visualization of buy/sell data during a single day of NASDAQ trades.

These were the top 10 stories published by Hi.Stamen in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.