Top Stories published by Hi.Stamen in October of 2012

Facebook: mapping how viral photos spread

Following up on last month’s map of the world’s friendships on Facebook, we’ve released another visualization of relationships across social networks today. Called “Photo-sharing Explosions,” these visualizations look at the different ways that photos…

Comparing energy efficiency in the San Gabriel Valley

We’ve launched a new project for PMC, a consulting firm that advises municipalities on things like transit policy and energy use. Energy Efficiency in San Gabriel Valley looks at a variety of cities in southern California and reports how…

Map2Image: better, faster, stronger

The Map to Image bit of has seen steady use since we launched it in September: close to six thousand images made, about half of those watercolor, a third toner, about one every ten minutes. We’ve made some adjustments and improvements to it that…

Stamen at State of the Map US and NACIS

I went to my first Open Street Map conference recently — State of the Map US, in Portland. Stamen was one of the conference sponsors, along with MapBox, and ESRI and TeleNav, among others, and it’s great to see and be part of the different industries come…