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Hovgaard’s notebook
Hovgaard’s notebook
Irregular musings from a business designer
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The power of foxy thinking

I recently read this article and saw this video by Vikram Mansharamani, a Yale professor, and decided I needed…

Web savvy businesses grow twice as fast

The below is a very interesting excerpt from a new McKinsey Institute report released last week at the eG8 Forum in Paris.

“The evidence is abundantly clear: Internet usage triggers a significant increase in performance in businesses…

Why I’m gonna fail harder

As I wrote about in my dissertation, creativity is vital for the innovation, and hence, the survival of most businesses (at least in developed countries). Indeed, creativity and innovation have essentially replaced raw materials, labour and capital as the key source of economic…

The Decisive Moment

Just ordered this book by Jonah Lehrer from Amazon and I suspect it will be a great read. It is kind of an easy introduction to neuroeconomics and provides biological explanations of how people make decisions and offers suggestions for making better decisions. Lehrer argues there are two main…