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Open source mental health communication app to share your stories with loved ones. Available in several languages including Spanish! New contributors welcome 💜
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Ironic Rebound: What it Means and What to Do about It

By: Nick Ma

On willpower as a means to cope with anxiety, techniques that help, and polar bears.

5 Must-see Videos for #AutismAwarenessMonth

By: Bee Martinez

April 2nd is #WordAutismAwarenessDay. Let’s hear what people living on the autistic spectrum have to say.

World Bipolar Day

By: Terra Orgeron

This Thursday is World Bipolar day, let’s help break the stigma of Bipolar Disorder!

Content warning: bipolar disorder, depression, mania, electroconvulsive therapy

7 Options to Choose From and Find Your Therapist

By: Terra Orgeron

Searching for a therapist? Here’s a simple guideline to help you in the process.

4 Tips to Beat FoMO

By: Nick Ma

We tell you why making choices is harder today and what to do about it.

Content warning: stress and anxiety