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Open source mental health communication app to share your stories with loved ones. Available in several languages including Spanish! New contributors welcome 💜
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10 Essential Self-Care Reminders

By: Cam and bee

We all need a pick-me-up once in a while.

1. A reminder that we’re here for you.

The Benefit of Support Groups

By: Terra Orgeron

Whether you are someone with mental health issues, or a person who loves someone with a mental illness, joining a support group can be beneficial

Breaking the Stigma

By: bee mtz

Inclusion is the way…

Content warning: mental illness stigma

I hear and use the phrase “break the stigma” all the time. For me, it’s about owning what I perceive as a flaw and declaring it…

3 Practical Self-Esteem Boosters

By: bee mtz and Nick Ma

February is International Boost Self-Esteem Month. Here are 3 easy to follow tips for you to celebrate accordingly.