Science and Creativity

Reverse Proofreading & Non-Dominant Hand Writing: The 2 Secrets to Creative Mastery

I introduce two practical techniques leveraging my years of experience and cognitive science theories to empower writers and editors to create more compelling and captivating stories.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz
8 min readJun 23, 2024


Photo by Karolina Kaboompics from Pexels

As an author of multiple books, seasoned editor, inventor, and cognitive scientist, I have spent decades exploring novel techniques to refine my writing and editing skills. Today, I will share two creative practices: writing with the non-dominant hand and proofreading by reading backward.

These techniques are grounded in the fascinating principles of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. They can elevate your storytelling to new heights. These two techniques are part of my daily neurobics to train my brain for mental clarity and intellectual productivity. I also use them as part of my design thinking practice as a thought leader in the field.

You may wonder why and how.

Imagine sitting at your desk, pen in hand, ready to dive into your next writing project. But this time, there is a twist.



Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Scientist, Technologist, Inventor, focusing on HEALTH and JOY. Founder of ILLUMINATION, curating key messages for society. Connection: