Part 4: Mankind is Losing Yet Another Golden Opportunity!

How to [Not Mis]Understand the Enlightened Souls!

This is Part 4 of (5) part series. Links to linked stories provided in footnote¹.

Photo by Sebastien Gabriel on Unsplash

The Realm of Enlightened Souls

We were never able to understand the enlightened souls. Read the life stories of Jesus, Socrates, Gandhi or Buddha and you will realize all of them have met the same fate. History stands witness.

The enlightened souls speak from a much higher frequency of spiritual energy and our verdict on them and their discourses come from a lower frequency, which is most often alloyed with worldly ignorance than spiritual awareness. Only if we could vibrate at a higher level, we may perhaps resonate with them to understand the intent of their words.

How to Understand The Enlightened Souls?

To truly understand their discourses, listen to them from the same state of energy and emotions as theirs. Listen not only with mind and ears, but also with our heart and soul. Be all ears when you listen to them.

When Morari Bapu apologized for the fourth time for his remarks on Lord Krishna, He said “All that I have spoken is non-scriptural.” And it indeed is. Gurumukhi² interpretation cannot be found within the boundaries of the scriptures, because Sadguru³ is a scripture in himself.

Such interpretations often get downloaded into our consciousness from the Universe, only by the grace of your Sadguru. One ought to reach total surrender to realize this state. Once this happens, a seeker comes to know all that is present in the scriptures and beyond, even without reading them.

And trust me this is no magic or rocket science. If your heart becomes pure even momentarily, you will receive some or other download from the Universe. It is all about the realm in which you are vibrating.

The Universe is constantly sending cosmic downloads of divine messages, tune into its frequency to receive it.

Be a receiver of the Universe, not an emitter of your tantrums!

Revolutionary Spiritual Leaders

Revolutionary spiritual leaders like Morari Bapu, Osho, Buddha, Socrates, Jesus etc. have been easy victims of people’s criticism & grossly misunderstood. Mankind has spared no opportunity to ill-treat, defame and hurt such generous souls. Sadly we could not understand Osho as much when he was alive as we understand him now. In fact, we forced him to deport from India. Ironically, foreigners could understand him more than us.

Historically it’s proven that NONE of Enlightened Souls were ever understood by people in their contemporary time, place and age when they were alive. Their value was realized only by later generations. Why can’t we break the myth now?

Bigot Hindus are still too conservative to understand, accept & deserve revolutionary spiritual leaders like these. One needs to step out of comfort zone to embrace their ideas. Regrettably, we still do not deserve such enlightened souls.

Morari Bapu is one of the original and revolutionary thinkers of this age. He is a courageous and fearless spiritual leaders, with innovation par excellence. No comparison, but he is one off! He has not hesitated to reform rigid traditions and rituals by replacing those with more practical ones, which are more relevant in today’s time and place. His changes are coherent with contemporary age. And he continues to do so, one step at a time. Importantly, His roots of these changes are still Sanatan Dharma. He has never abandoned the root. Holding on to the root, he has bloomed new flowers. Unfortunately, not many Hindu saints have been able to make such changes, which will only make those rituals & traditions outdated in future.

He believes he has no followers. He lovingly calls millions of His listeners of His discourse as ‘flowers’. Followers blindly follow the master, but flowers would stay rooted at one place and spread the fragrance. He calls himself a gardener of the garden of his flowers.

In one of the recent developments, He urged his listeners to contribute towards the construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya, India. He received an overwhelming response not only from India, but US, Canada, UK, Europe and Africa gathering donation of 16.81 Crores INR in mere five days. Such is the love and trust of his listeners. This is just one of many of His initiatives.

Are We Losing A Golden Opportunity, Yet Again?

Unfortunately, without giving much thought to any of the above points, we are too quick, too thoughtless and too mindless to pass our judgement and verdict on such souls. We are in a haste to reject. Criticism comes easy to human nature than praise. The recent incidents do demand a bit of contemplation from our side!

It’s highly regrettable that we are unable to understand such souls who are very much alive around us in the present moment, because we are still stuck in the finiteness & tangibility of the scriptures and have least idea of the infinite and intangible space that exists within the same scriptures.

The recent incidents are getting recorded in history. Those who are blaming Morari Bapu without concrete evidence will only have their names written on the other side of story. Choose where you want to be!

Least, if you cannot agree, move on for you may be unknowingly committing an offence. You have one life, make a wise choice!

I fear mankind may be losing yet another golden opportunity…!

Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the above blog are NOT intended to promote any person or religious belief. I have presented the truth based on factual information and general observation as a third person, in response to the recent spiritual upheaval in India (precisely May 2020). My objective is to make people aware of the facts. I leave it to the readers to take their own decision based on their wisdom and discretion.

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