Archive of stories published by Interaction Design Thesis Martijn

Why I’m taking a break from my weekly blogging

Bringing out the Wisdom — Week 7

It’s been long that I felt so insecure as a designer. Anything I come up with really. I just don’t think it’s that good. My concepts feel unoriginal and ungrounded. My design process feels…

Identifying Design Opportunities and Strategies to design for Wisdom

Bringing out the Wisdom — Week 5

This week I’ve been trying to pivot my project from research more towards design. I’ve narrowed my scope and reframed my research into “How might we..”…

Why you probably can’t transfer Wisdom

Bringing out the Wisdom — Week 2

Wow such a busy week, with lots of insights. While writing this post I realized how much I value this place as a way to reflect. Without it, I would probably be super confused right now. Instead, I feel

Dancing with Uncertainty

Bringing out the Wisdom — Week 3

I’m three weeks in now. It’s nothing significant really. However, as I’ve started to synthesize more of my research, things are beginning to make sense. I am seeing patterns in what experts told me and the experiments I have…

Interaction Design Thesis Martijn
Journey of Interaction Design Thesis by Martijn
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