Top Stories published by IPG Media Lab in October of 2007

Microsoft’s Zune Social Network A Good Move

From the pages of the New York Times today yesterday, Microsoft is seeking to promote its Zune media player by offering an updated interface, a reworked music-sharing scheme, and DRM-free music within its store. Oh, and did I also mention that they’re…

Real Americans: Farmers Vs. Orcs

John Rogers over at the Kung Fu Monkey blog has made a very interesting observation about the nature of what constitutes the American Heartland in our country. Because I’m both from what I lovingly refer to as the “flyover states” originally and because I’m an avid gamer…

SMS-Controlled Smoke Signals

CR Blog has spotted a pretty interesting new technology that allows users to write smoke signals using their cell phones. Built by a design company called Minimaforms, two installations of the “ephemeral speaking cloud structures” debuted at the OFFLOAD festival in Bristol…