Archive of stories published by James Hill

Debugging Mocha in the Browser with Node and full SourceMaps!


As of Node v6.3.0, we can now debug Node applications in Chrome DevTools. BUT, as I’ll elaborate on later, you’re going to need Node v7.2.1 if you want full SourceMap support to boot.

Locking Down Node/NPM Versions Using Engines

Although NodeJS and it’s proprietary package manager, NPM, have come on a lot in recent times, versioning can still be a mine-field, when setup projects on different systems and environments.

Parsley Flex project example

I recently had to knock up a demo Flex project using the fantastic Parsley framework from SpiceFactory. Having not used the framework before, I naturally spent a bit of time googling for examples and was disappointed that there actually aren’t many on the web — which is why I’m…

These were the top 10 stories published by James Hill; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2016, and 2017.