5 Projects You Can Build to Learn React.js in 2024

Project ideas for React beginners with links to free courses/articles to build those projects

8 min readNov 14, 2021


5 Projects You Can Build to Learn React.js in 2022
image_credit — Educative

Hello folks, if you are self-learning React.js and looking for some project ideas to hone your React skills then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best websites, courses, roadmap, and books to learn Reactjs, and today, I am going to share the best React.js projects you can build to improve your React skills.

These projects are mainly for beginners who are learning React.js but even intermediate developers can use these project ideas to create some fun projects.

Learning web development and new technologies is not easy and react js is one of them. Just completing an online course about react doesn’t make you a professional web developer until you test your knowledge by creating multiple projects so you take advantage of its features for learning purposes.

If you are learning React.js, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for frontend development and you want to enhance your skills you should start building a project right now.

One of the key advantages of building projects rather than doing exercises is that you get exposure to many related technologies which is key to building a real-life application.

You also get to build something which people want to use and something which you can add to your resume or your GitHub portfolio and something which can proudly share with your friends, family, and prospective employers. Doing projects has many benefits.

In this article, you will see many projects that you can do to learn more and master this react library, and build a good portfolio that can attract employees to hire you or showcase to your peers and maybe start your own business as a freelancer.

By the way, if you are a complete beginner in React.js then I would suggest you first go through a comprehensive React course like React — The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) to learn React.js in a structured way instead of jumping into projects. Once you know React Fundamentals and different React concepts you can start with these projects.

best React.js course for beginners

5 Best React.js Project Ideas for Beginners to Learn in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of Reactjs project ideas for beginners. You can build these projects in any order but going from top to bottom is the recommended one as you will start with games, learn building logic, and then finally build a complete website using the React.js library.

It’s very common to get stuck while building projects so don’t get disappointed or give up when you are stuck. I have also mentioned resources and online courses where you can check how to build a particular project if you are stuck.

My online advice is don’t copy-paste, instead if you stuck go through the resource and learn and then come back and do it yourself.

1. Build React JS based Web Application

You will have to create a react js single web application with a front that seems like a blog website and should be also mobile-friendly and add some features like a mobile menu and the main thing here is the ability to navigate through pages without refreshing the browser.

This Free course on Udemy is based project known as Build your first React JS Application where shows you how to create your own react js web application and is well mobile-friendly with features like the navigation menu and more so you can take it as a reference if you get stuck with that project.

best udemy course to build first React applciation

2. Building Tic Tac Toe in React

In this project, you will build a Tic Tac Toe game with three rows and columns as usually with two players start making X and O and the first who complete a line vertically or horizontally wins and they need to prevent each other from doing that otherwise one of them will win the game.

This project actually exists as a Free course on udemy called Building a Game in React showing you step by step how to implement this using react and with some basic HTML/CSS JavaScript code, so if you found it a little bit hard so and check that course for more info.

best React projects for beginners

3. Build a CryptoCurrency Tracker App using React Native

In this project, you will create a cryptocurrency tracker app e that runs on your phone with some features like how much is the price of a particular cryptocurrency in real-time.

The idea is great and you can actually put this app into App Store or Google Play Store as React Native allows you to create cross-platform apps. You can use React.js, React Native, and Firebase to build the course, where Firebase can be used to build the backend.

If you get stuck then you can watch this free Udemy course to get some idea about how to build a CryptoCurrency Tracker app using React and React Native.

best React Native projects for beginners

4. Building a React Form

In this project, you have to create a simple sign up form utilizing react and should be containing fields like the username email password with some features like when the user enters different things in the email field it tells him an invalid email or the password doesn’t match it will tell him that.

The project is aimed to be for beginners who start learning the react library but if you found some troubles completing this project then feel free to refer to this course called React Forms on udemy to get some help.

best web projects for React beginners

5. Build a Website using React.js

The last project is to create a simple website which the react library is aimed to do but you need to add some HTML/CSS JavaScript code into your web pages and add some components with pictures and make it a little bit modern and have a nice interface.

As usual, every project that I suggest does have an online course that already has the solution for your problem and this guided project on Coursera called Build Your First React Website has the solution for your project if you get stuck at some point while creating it.

best Coursera project to build a website using React.js

Apart from this, Coursera also has another project called Build a Twitter Clone Front-End with ReactJS which is great to learn how to build frontend using React.js.

In this 1-hour 20-minutes long project-based course, you will learn how to create a fully functioning frontend for Twitter using React.js library. You will learn how to start a project from scratch with create-react-app, how to build functional React components and pass props down the components tree, how to implement components state, how to fetch data from an external API and how to store and display it.

And, finally, you will be able to style the components with Bootstrap and CSS.I highly recommend this to you after you have gone through any react tutorial.

By the way, If you are planning to join multiple Coursera courses, projects or specializations, then consider taking a Coursera Plus subscription which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.

That’s all about the best React.js projects for beginners in 2024. The resources provided in this article will differently make you a react developer and will get you some experience that you can rely on it if you want to apply for a job or start your own business as a freelance developer.

And, if you have fun creating projects and you want more for purposes like rich your portfolio with projects as an experience to get hired or anything checks out this course on Udemy Complete React JS web developer that will help you build 10 real-world projects and some of them are:

  1. Blog application
  2. Course sales application
  3. Reddit API
  4. Timer application
  5. React application

This course is not free but it’s completely worth your money. It’s also very affordable and you can buy in just $10 on Udemy sales which happen every now and then.

Other React.js and Web development articles you may like

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these Reactjs projects for beginners then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, please drop a note.

All the best.

P. S. — If you just want to do one thing at this moment to kickstart your React.js journey, just go and join The Modern React with Redux [2024 Update] course by Stephen Grider on Udemy. You will learn React.js quickly and never regret your decision, and if you like something simple, just start with this Coursera project now.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com