Difference between Synchronous vs Asynchronous Communication in Microservices

Choosing the Right Communication Pattern for Microservices Architecture: Exploring Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Methods



How Microservices communicates with each other? Synchronous vs Asynchronous Communication

Hello folks, if you are working on Microservice architecture and wondering how does Microservices communicate with each other and what is difference between synchronous and asynchronous communication and when to use one over other? then you have come to the right place.

In the last few articles I have talked about common Microservice design patterns like Event Sourcing, CQRS, SAGA, Database Per Microservices, API Gateway, Circuit-Breaker and also shared best practices to design Microservices and now, you will learn about Microservice communication, including synchronous and asynchronous communication using Message queue like RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka.

In recent years, Microservices architecture has gained popularity as an approach to building scalable and modular applications. One of the key considerations in microservices design is how microservices communicate with each other. In this article, we will explore two common methods of communication between microservices: synchronous and asynchronous communication.




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