Archive of stories published by Kundalini Meditation

What Happens in Our Life After Kundalini Awakening?

The gradual transformations of life after the kundalini awakening and its effects on psychological nature of man.

3 Most Powerful Meditation Techniques in the World

Whatever we do physically or mentally to rejuvenate and tranquilize the mind in a constructive way is the meditation.

Proven Ways to Increase Intelligence

The scientist found that — brain which is the residing place for intellect has shrunken for about 10% for the last few millenniums

How to Transmit Energy through Hands?

Tips for transmitting psychic energy through hands. The psychic power is usually transmitted externally through the three organs from our body.

How to Do Third Eye Meditation?

The psychic energy center — Ajna Chakra has a significant interest through the ages in spirituality and…

6 Reasons You Are Wrong with Positive Thinking

The moment that when we face lots of negativity in life, we lose our…

How to Safely Awaken Kundalini Energy?

Whatever be the person’s religious belief, the higher perfection in spirituality cannot be attained unless the kundalini energy is safely awakened in him.

Most Powerful and Inspirational Quotes Ever

There is a specialty on hearing the truth, the truth of one’s attitude, the…

Determinism and Freewill in Science and Philosophy

Is it destined or a choice of your free will that you came across this title? Find out more about this.

These were the top 10 stories published by Kundalini Meditation; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016, and 2017.