Go to Get Read!
Get Read!
Get Read! provides guides and tools, and allows writers to ask for feedback on already published stories. The feedback is public and aims to provide general writing advice for new writers. Let us help each other improve.
Note from the editor

Please click the “Submit” tab to learn how to submit one of your stories for feedback. It is absolutely free, and you choose at your own discretion whether you wish to tip your feedback writer.

Go to the profile of Eric Monk
Eric Monk
From mentoring to finance to fiction - I've got a little of each. Check out my lists for grouped content!
Go to the profile of Eric Monk
Eric Monk
From mentoring to finance to fiction - I've got a little of each. Check out my lists for grouped content!
Go to the profile of Lorna Dolan
Lorna Dolan
Building a Diversified Portfolio in writing. A published author and an aspiring writer. I hope to share my latest serialised books in fantasy and sci-fi.
Go to the profile of Jayke FM
Jayke FM
Photo/videographer, language and science teacher/communicator, freelancer, solo traveller, PhD student in Austronesian Studies, INFJ, volcano climber, fool
Go to the profile of The Pen Master
The Pen Master
A seasoned writer with a passion for helping others improve their craft. You can call me Penny.