Let’s All Go On A Summer Holiday

Lit Up Updates and our Summer Holiday Prompt

DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up


3 min readJun 10, 2022


Midsummer bonfire, North Mayo (Hayes)

Lovely Lit Up Community,

It makes me extremely happy and grateful to see how many of you are interested in publishing with us, and to hear all these heart-warming words you email me regarding this Land of Little Tales. I know that you don’t hear from me often these days, and if it wasn’t for Peculiar Julia and Dermott Hayes Lit Up wouldn’t be running at all, but I would like to thank you for sticking with us, and for your continuous trust and support.

Life has indeed gotten the best of me, and I am fully aware that I’ve already attempted and failed to get back as active on Medium as I used to be, however, I am giving it another try, and I am also taking this chance to express in advance my most sincere gratitude to all of you who will support me and this effort.

Without further ado, Dermott Hayes, our prompt editor, has come up with another of his splendid ideas. So how about a new prompt?

Oh welcome dear summer,
with your rush of green and
splendid colour,
were it not for winter
I would sit with you forever
Summer Poem, Ronan Gallagher

Everyone has a summer memory of lazy days of sunshine and flowers, ice cream cones with chocolate melting faster than we can brain freeze, the alluring charred waft of barbecue, golden beaches, stretched in the distance, the promise of wild abandon meeting someone new.
Dig deep and trawl your memories for those periwinkles of your past.
Let’s all go on a Summer Holiday Prompt, tell us your story as flash fiction (less than 1,000 words) or poetry.

Prompt details:

Submissions open: Today
Submissions close: July 17th, 2022

What to submit:

Flash Fiction: Up to 1000 words
Poetry: No form restriction.

Please subtitle your draft: ‘Lit Up Summer Holiday Prompt’ so we can find your submissions in the queue.

If you’re not a Lit Up writer yet, please submit your tales here:

We can’t wait to read your little tales!

P.S. Please note that Lit Up publishes prompt entries every Wednesday (and Thursday when there are no Tales in Parts in line for publication) so make sure you submit in a timely manner as indicated in each prompt announcement. Of course, our editing process will follow our submission guidelines as usual.

And before we say “au revoir”, I just want to ask you if you’re enjoying these prompts, if you have any suggestions for us (anything you’d like to see on Lit Up), and if you have anything else you wanted to tell us :) I’d be happy to read your comments…even if you just want to say hi, it will still give us an idea about our community’s status and how active we still are. At the end of the day, we might work hard for this publication, but without you, there wouldn’t be any point to it…would there? 😉

That’s all for today
Until next time, don’t forget to love, live, and create.
DiAmaya Dawn



DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up
Editor for

Reader, writer, editor, poet, dancer, music addict. Japanophile, pluviophile and attracted by darkness. Part normal, part Greek. www.diamayadawn.com