Behavioural nudges for positive outcomes in Government policy

At Loyalty Bay, we are very interested in how “nudges” can be applied to change people’s behaviour online, but one of the most exciting areas is how this can be applied to making positive policy outcomes in government and…

The Best Abandoned Cart You Have Ever Seen!

These days people are very familiar with Exit Intent Technology and Abandoned Cart software. We see pop ups and lightboxes all over the place BUT what if we could make them fun and rewarding for the end recipient without breaking the bank?

Modelling The Effect of your Super Users with Netlogo simulation

Netlogo and the God complex

I love Netlogo, ever since I discovered it a few years ago I keep coming back to it just to play around with what’s possible. Netlogo is a…

Loyalty Bay blog
Loyalty Bay blog
We write about all things customer engagement, behavioural psychology, incentives and rewards
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