Top Stories published by Mitar’s point in 2013

Read-write science

There is a notion of a read-write culture, a culture where we are not just consumers of the culture, but also producers. Prosumers. But we are missing a read-write science culture!

I see move from read-only to read-write culture as a democratization of the culture…

Travelling across social divides

Few days ago I was taking a BART and saw a guy going into the BART without the ticket and the officer there complaining and not allowing him to go in. He was not lying or trying to make excuses. He said that he does not have money but needs a ride.

Slovenia in 21st century

When I look at Slovenia I see a country without a vision. Without imagination what would make the country something special. What would put it on the map. I see many great individuals with great ideas doing great things. But as a country? A small country lost somewhere in the middle…

These were the top 10 stories published by Mitar’s point in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Mitar’s point
Somewhere and everywhere between (computer) science, technology, nature and (open) society.
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