Top Stories published by Mitar’s point in 2014

Peer-to-Peer voting scheme

The following was a class report done together with Valkyrie Savage where we compared my idea for voting described in the previous post with others similar ideas we found around. This idea is envisioned as a backend for the massive online collaborative decision making system…

Net neutrality and traffic shaping

Net neutrality is an important feature of the Internet, but it is at risk. Net neutrality means that Internet service provides must not discriminate and must transport all traffic with same priority and quality. ISPs would like to be able to discriminate because this…

Are corporations a new form of slavery?

It is interesting to think about the whole concept of shareholding and corporations. It seems like a modern form of slavery. Because you cannot own a person anymore we developed a concept of corporate personhood, which we can own, sell, resell, split, merge…

Towards a better group decision-making

One more old document explaining technical background of the voting system presented in the previous post. Historically it was made few years before the ideas of the previous post, so it does not describe all the properties needed for it. But it does explain how…

Universal basic Bitcoin income

I have a proposal for a double social experiment, merging two disruptive ideas. One is that Bitcoin technology is removing government from the equation of controlling and taxing money flows, which is arguably better because it allows people to freely decide how they want…

Ideal of a economy in the society

I proposed the new global economic system which allows gradual transition from the current system. But to what would such a system lead? What is the ideal organization of economy in the society?

These were the top 10 stories published by Mitar’s point in 2014. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Mitar’s point
Somewhere and everywhere between (computer) science, technology, nature and (open) society.
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