Mobile Me and You: Preparing Questions — Part 5

Marina Karvouni
Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2018

This semester we had the chance to work for a very interesting project during the course ‘’New Consumer Trends’’, taught by Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou. Our team did an extended research on Mobile Collaborative Consumption and Sharing Economy, a field that is on the rise. During our research we wanted to go deeper into the mobile consumption and the way, especially Millennials, use their phone for their everyday routine. The insights and the observations that arise are interesting and tell us a lot about our generation and the world around us. So keep on reading our stories in order to follow our project steps and discover our final findings.

During the last session of the course we had the chance to work for the next step of the project ‘’Mobile Me and You’’. After creating the big canvas (for more information check the link above) with all the insights regarding Millennials and their mobile consumption, this time we had to prepare some questions.

Each team had time for discussion in order to find out what questions arise from the selected insights. Mrs.Betty Tsakarestou presented two big canvases for all the teams in order to fill them out with their thoughts. On the first canvas each team had to declare which special internet group wants its research to be focused and on the second canvas we had to post the questions which arise from the insights. My team and I decided to focus to people who are fitness and food enthoustiasts and we prepared some questions for Millennials in order to understand how the fitness community works and why Millennials feel the need to follow and be inspired by influencers on Instagram or Youtube.

Our questions

The last hour of the session we tried to lead the discussion towards a common base in order to find out what questions result from all the communities, which each team is interested for. We want to create an open discussion guide so that all the teams have the same baselines!

The final project

Read more:

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7

For more information about our research, check our site:

Our team (Viral Vixens): Elena Tsakiridou, georgia flaouna, vasia tagatidi

