Mobile Me and You (The Big Canvas) — Part 4

Marina Karvouni
Mobile Reputations
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2018

This semester we had the chance to work for a very interesting project during the course ‘’New Consumer Trends’’, taught by Mrs. Betty Tsakarestou. Our team did an extended research on Mobile Collaborative Consumption and Sharing Economy, a field that is on the rise. During our research we wanted to go deeper into the mobile consumption and the way, especially Millennials, use their phone for their everyday routine. The insights and the observations that arise are interesting and tell us a lot about our generation and the world around us. So keep on reading our stories in order to follow our project steps and discover our final findings.

We are all keen on our smart phones, which we consider as the most precious gadget of all times! That’s why our class is very interested on consumer trends and costumer behavior regarding mobile usage.

After we interviewed peers from our inner circle and people from around the globe, and after we analyzed our personal habits with our phones, we reach some interesting conclusions. From those observations arise some interesting insights about how Millennials use their phones and how their personality is constructed according to that use. The video below describes all the insights that arise from our research and explains Millennials’ and their love for their smart phones!

Next step for our project was a big canvas where we wrote down all the important insights from our research. Fist of all, Millennials love visuals, which means that they are into photos and photography. Even if they aren’t professionals, they have several apps and tools at their disposal that help them reach an esthetically pleasing result. They also enjoy being part of a community. It is clear that they need a space to communicate with others, who have the same interests, beliefs and passions. Interaction and communities are the key words that link back to social media.

Did you know that Millennials are control freaks? They want to have access to everything, track and know everything, from international news to their heart beat, while they exercise. They certainly want to feel in control and that’s why they download apps for fitness and well being, maps and so on.

During our project, we tried to be as much creative as possible. So we drew our canvas, we put some colorful post-its and stickers and we wrote some inspirational words and phrases on it! That was really fun!

The next step of the process was another canvas. For this purpose our team, Viral Vixens, and another team were united. More specifically, our insights were united! For more information go to the medium article below…

All in all, it is obvious that Millennials have many things in common, even if they live thousands of miles away from each other. Don’t believe us? Just check their mobiles!

Our Final Project

Read more:

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

For more information about our research, check our site:

Our team (Viral Vixens): Elena Tsakiridou, georgia flaouna, vasia

