Editor’s Picks: Top June Articles in Modern Women

Check out our favourite reads from this past month

Megan Llorente
Modern Women


Photo by Kevin Malik from Pexels

How time flies! Modern Women is now 6-months-old as a publication, WOW. We’ve come so far and now have 615 followers. We’re well on our way to 1,000 followers by the end of the year!

Publication Updates

Our next writing prompt for July will be announced soon. It’s been a little busy on our end, thank you for your patience! For our June writing prompt, 7 writers participated in writing letters ‘To My Younger Self.’

We’re also bringing back our Modern Women Zoom Mixer on July 17. Come join our lovely MW team where we get to support each other as writers!

Lastly, a huge thank you to Claire Roberts, Corey Casey and Crystal Rowe for joining us as our newest editors at Modern Women. We’ll include their Editor’s picks for our next newsletter in July.

Love what we’re up to at Modern Women? You can show your support for our wonderful editing team by buying us a coffee at our Ko-Fi page!

Editor’s Picks

Alexandria Roswick’s Top Picks

Kennedie explores and questions the meaning of the “Black Girl Luxury” aesthetic through this thought-provoking and comprehensively structured article. She encourages readers, specifically black women, to define luxury on their own terms and to never apologize for knowing their worth.

Through compelling metaphors, Colleen’s poem details the careless destruction one can cause by ignoring crucial life lessons about control and compassion. She woefully depicts the toxic patterns one is doomed to fall into when one refuses to take accountability for wrongdoings.

Delia Pena-Gay’s Top Picks

Children are a blessing but life without kids is a life that shouldn’t be pitied. As a woman in her mid-thirties without children, I appreciated Thea highlighting the small details in life that you don’t have to negotiate and are often overlooked.

I liked how Bonnie pointed out the benefits silence brings. Silence typically makes people uncomfortable or think something is wrong but that’s not always the case.

Gillian Annie’s Top Picks

This thought-provoking article begs the question of how to parent right in this day and age. An interesting perspective on how we might be setting our children up for discontentment!

This article brought me almost to tears with its raw honesty and descriptions of what happened to the author and her supervisor, Carol. I was caught up in the magic of Janet’s storytelling abilities. A must-read for the current political situation.

Jenny Starr✨’s Top Picks

I’m a big dream interpreter, but this one didn’t need any sort of translation. The impact of this decision in an illustrated dream. Shocking and heartfelt.

LGTBQ+ youth face an especially difficult time coming out and walking in their truth. But giving them opportunities to express themselves to their caregivers, each other, and the community is amazing. Nicole outlines some of the ways we can affirm our children, not just during PRIDE month but every day!

Megan Llorente’s Top Picks

Liza’s story took my breath away. First in how harrowing of an experience but second in terms of her resilience in the face of such heartbreak as a parent. Definitely worth a read.

I really enjoyed reading Rhiannon’s take on leadership and recognizing the value of feminine energy. It’s not about one or the other as Rhiannon says, it’s about balance.

Thank you for taking the time to read these great stories and support our Modern Women publication! Look forward to supporting all of your wonderful stories in July.

With love,
Megan & the Modern Women team



Megan Llorente
Modern Women

Love is the answer ❤️ Certified Coach, Children’s Books Author, Avid Entrepreneur. Creator of 2 Pubs: Modern Women & MIDFORM. Find me @ Meganllorente.com