The Higher Spiritual Orders of Life of the 777, 888 and 999

Purusha Radha
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readFeb 29, 2024

Everyone’s aware of the numerical configuration 666. People see it as the devil and symbol of things demonic. Though this is partially true, it’s a type of energy, attitude and frequency. And it’s true for the orders of 777, 888 and 999.

Every day, with every choice we make, we choose to function in any one of these orders of life.

A young man in contemplation and light swirling around him holds his hands near his heart where a light glows from it.
Image generated in Midjourney by the author

666 stands for the earthly sphere. It represents low frequency third dimensional existence on Earth.

Instead of fearing and abhorring this symbology, we should be very matter of fact about 666.

Understanding the 666, we can identify all the times we’ve chosen to live in its energy. Many a time we’ve allowed it to drag us down.

And we have all lived in it.

Most people commonly understand 666 as the mark of the beast spoken of in the bible’s Book of Revelation. Christian religion teaches that the mark of the beast is the mark of mankind.

To their teaching I will ad:

It’s the mark of members of humankind who live in their heads instead of their hearts. They live from ego, fear, control, the five senses and sense pleasures. It’s the mark of living for the self alone. It’s smelly and stagnant.

Christian religion calls the devil who is synonymous with this number the enemy. How true that is but it’s not an enemy who lives in hellfire.

The enemy is actually the altered ego mind. And it delights in steering us as often as it can. It feeds off the energy of chaos and lower frequency emotions like anger and fear.

Jewish mysticism or Kabbalah calls this ego Satan (pronounced Suh-táhn). That’s where we get the name Satan from.

Satan is real, but not the Satan that we imagine — a devil flying around with a pitchfork. That is not Satan. The literal translation of Satan is the “disturber” or in Hebrew, the “adversary”. Satan is a negative force that we all have within us. It is a tool created by the Light to help us to grow, to overcome, to shine, and to become the unlimited soul that we are supposed to be in this world. One of the manifestations of that force called Satan is our ego. But it’s not just the ego. Every desire that is for ourselves alone, stems from that negative force. The code name for this selfish desire is Satan. — Eitan Yardeni at kabbalah dot com¹

Having had to live with altered ego minds we can all agree they definitely are our adversary. They work overtime to keep us in chaos, anxiety and fear. They coerce a weak mind to refuse to grow and to run from the truth.

This lowest numerical order is the root of animalistic behavior.

It’s called creaturehood.

We’re in creaturehood when we live from the seven deadly vices: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. These are all 666.

Animal instinct sex is creaturehood to its very core. That kind of sex is exactly how animals do it. And it’s the essence of 666 behavior.

People who meet challenges with fight or flight reaction are living in creaturehood mode.

Notice I said, react and not respond. Reaction is low frequency creaturehood. Response is much higher vibration.

We all have the choice to rise above our nemeses — our dark horses. When we confront our dark horses, we not only demonstrate integrity, it sets a course for our lives.

We begin living in the order of 777.

With spiritual zeal we repaint the canvas of our reality and rise to the 777.

777 is the spiritual. It represents liberation from darkness.

777 is the order of shamans, psychics, the student, and the devotée.

In the purest of 777, we’ve conquerd the 666 and have entered the seventh level of spiritual work.

777 symbolizes your journey of evolution. You have now chosen a higher portal. And you’re making choices from the Lord God of your being to learn from your errors.

But in 777 there is suffering. It is so because you’re clearing yourself of mental and emotional debris and dumping it. You inhale the Breath of God and you exhale the breath from hell. You’re dumping dung from lifetime after lifetime. You’re dumping your deepest and darkest baggages.

You just have to be careful not to become too stuck in the clearing work. Some people get stuck in 777. Many a spiritual person gets addicted to the adrenalin rushes they get from doing ‘spiritual work.’

Even the 777 must be conquered.

Now we can come to the 888. This is the mystical, the Christ consciousness.

Where shamans exist in the 777, wizards live in the 888 order of life. Here there is mystery and Mastery.

In 888, we live dogma-free, without barriers or prescribed spiritual intercourse. We burn our old ways of judgment in the fire.

In the 888 we flow and move like rivers. We live in Free Space.

We may experience the pain of a moment but not the continued suffering of the spiritual 777.

In 888, we become the Observer of everything we see in the lower orders but do not participate in any of their absurdities.

This way of life naturally leads us to the 999 and beyond to Yod.

The 999 is the Christ realized preparing to move into the Yod order of life — beyond the 999. Yod is a Hebrew letter with a numerical value of 10 and the first letter in the name of YHWH.

In the Yod order of life is the true and highest mystic. It will never be one who lights no fire and gives no service to any others.

A Master in the 999 order of life is God becoming God the Infinite.

No longer needing a label or identification, this saintly person radiates purely the presence of “It” — the God of Gods of all Gods.

This saint’s soul continuously inverts from the Yod order of life to the “It.” In other words, the soul returns to Point Zero.

Now a truly realized God walks the Earth.

We sometimes go back and forth between the orders.

There will be times when you go back and dip into 666 or 777. You may not realize it at the time but your soul may have driven you there for a reason.

Perhaps you need the lower experience for your evolution. Perhaps there’s something you need to take into your future as a jewel of brilliant wisdom. The day may come when you realize why you dipped into the darker pools for a time. So don’t be hard on yourself should you go there.

At the same time, if you notice yourself falling back into old behaviors and lower frequencies, you’re noticing for a reason. Nip it quickly. It can be challenging to dig out of a deep hole once you’re in it. Keep yourself above ground, in fact, levitating so to speak.

Hold your higher and higher trajectory as an Ideal in your mind and heart.

Strive to arise into and live consistently in the 888, 999 and even the most high Yod order of life. Remember, you don’t do this just for yourself. By your evolving and arising to higher orders of life, you uplift and increase the rest of the world, in fact, the multiverse.

¹ “Is Satan Real?” kabbalah dot com slash en slash articles slash is-satan-real. Accessed 16 July 2015.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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