The Starseed Ideal: Hold this Ideal In Mind and Heart and Become Your Diamond Light Greatness.

Purusha Radha
Starseed Life
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2024

Starseed, you have an Ideal to aspire to. This Ideal must be so strong within you it permeates every cell of your being. You must hold it until you achieve it — even in the moments when things look hopeless. This is the lifetime when you finally return to your full-on God-Self.

We all entered a very risky trap when we came to serve and uplift Earth in this 26,000 year cycle. And we’ve been working our way up and out ever since.

But this is the lifetime we bring all that to an end. We’re so very close so don’t give up. Let the Ideal in the paragraphs below carry you the rest of the way.

An ascended Self version of an older woman; she is wearing white and encompassed by a white-gold vaporous Light.
Image generated in Midjourney by the author

The Masters tell us a great truth if only we’ll listen with ears that really hear.

They know of what they speak because they’ve realized this truth themselves. The Masters have held this very Ideal in their minds and hearts to enter the higher realms.

They achieved it mainly through thinking and contemplating their Ideal into being. It’s how everything is created — everything. No exceptions.

The Masters before us have shown the way. And we’re fools if we don’t learn from their example.

We don’t have to browbeat ourselves into it — just be consistent contemplating our Ideal.

I remember very many years ago, I wondered if I could think and affirm myself into my ascended self. Then I rejected it as preposterous.

In the space I was in back then, I thought this was something I had to work really hard at. After all, I’d been raised to firmly believe you had to slave for anything you wanted. And the spiritual group I joined only reinforced that belief.

There I was, singing Hindu chants for eight hours in a row and even then being told I mustn’t stop.

I accepted shaming and belittling from so-called spiritual people in the name of spiritual growth.

No one was allowed to take even a short break from the unrelenting demands and stress that carried on for many years. They didn’t understand that the most growth happens in the moments of pause and rest.

Maybe there was a method to their madness. Demands like those can make you reach deep inside yourself to bring out your greatness. And finally, my greatness did arise and I left.

Now I realize, now I’ve learned, my Ideal doesn’t require arduous sweat-of-the-brow work. Many spiritual practices do open pathways of Light, that is true. But when we get dogmatic with them, we take all the joy out of them and the journey.

My, and hopefully, your Ideal should bring you joy and ease when you think of it. Where’s the joy and ease in arduous striving to become something? This Ideal would never want us to beat our backs with a whipping stick.

Ultimately, this Starseed Ideal requires only one thing — that you love it and step into it. You step into it by developing a mind that’s host to knowing…

You. Are. God.

Here is the picture of the Ideal. Here is the Great Ideal.

You possess the true body, a body you long ago rejected dreaming yourself in chains all this time.

You’ve always had this body. It’s just that you’ve obscured it with false 3D agenda thinking.

You break free of the chains and follow no one’s agenda but yours.

In this very moment, you possess this true body.

It’s a body so luminous, no germ of old age or decay can take root in it. Your true body is so utterly alive, it truly cannot die.

The more we embrace the utter truth of our beings, the Masters tell us this is what will happen:

Your true body begins to exude the effulgent fragrance of a warm summer evening. Decay has ceased and therefore its putrid scent.

Then pure rays of white Light appear within your body. Your body becomes aglow with a gentle Light.

Then this soft yet brilliant living Light begins to permeate the atmosphere around you like a white-gold vapor.

This white-gold vaporous Light steadily grows. It covers you and permeates everything in your close proximity.

You are utterly bathed in this radiance.

Next, a pure dazzling and scintillating crystal white Light begins radiating from your body. Its Light is more brilliant than the sparkle of the most beautiful diamond.

Metaphorically, you are now standing on your own Holy Mount of Transfiguration, ablaze with pure Light, radiant and beautiful. You now know what it means to be wholly immersed in Divine Life.

In this power, you now stand forth the Divine Master of every situation for you have become the Christ of God.

Make this Ideal the very Life Force in the cells of your body.

If you hold this Ideal consistently — and know that it may take some time, maybe even several years — your soul will change the programming of every cellular structure of your being to increase the vibratory rate within every cell.

Isn’t several years worth becoming such an Ideal?

But then again, it may not take quite that long. We certainly have the benefit of lifetimes of wisdom garnered.

Whatever length of time it takes — and we must let go of the need to measure time — it will be so very worth it. We will look back and see it as no time at all.

Blend your Ideal with the emotions of peace and serenity.

Peace and serenity means an absence of chaos both in your thoughts and in your life. This Starseed Ideal can only grow in the fertile soil of serenity.

This emotion along with your desire for your Ideal will carry through your entire physical arrangement. It will make you Lighter and Lighter and Lighter. Your body will vibrate faster and faster.

And then one day comes the moment when you’re vibrating at the speed of Light. And now you can take your entire body with you into ascension.

This is the process the Masters have shared with us.

Fullfill your Birthright and promise this lifetime, Starseed.

Our way is not the human way that believes in age, sickness, decay and death.

You once believed in the Ideal truths. Embrace them once again.

Know that this is your last lower plane lifetime. It’s only up from here.

Welcome and profoundly appreciate the reinforcement you receive from your sixth, seventh, and twelfth plane selves. Know that when your seventh plane brothers and sisters arrive en masse in the ships, you will already have ascended into your seventh plane body.

Don’t wait for someone else to quicken you. Quicken yourself by holding your Ideal in your mind and heart.

Know that you are immortal in the fullest sense of that word. Know that you are an immortal Master.

You are transmuted. You are trans-formed.

Hold this Ideal in your mind and heart every day and you will walk into your Christed loving saintly self. Your actions in everyday life will naturally and automatically begin to align with your Ideal. And you shall become a starry realm saint once again. In fact, you already are.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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