How I Bit Off More Than I Can Chew With Medium

The most important lesson I’ve learned in my quest to join the Medium Partner Program

Juri Vlasic
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 6, 2022


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Would it be unreasonable to give you a piece of my mind about the quest to join the Medium Partner Program?

A few weeks ago, I joined Medium. And sincerely, I just wanted to have a place for writing, a place to call my own. Although I’ve written before (in my notebooks, note stickers, planners, Word documents, and endless academic essays), this time I wanted my stories to be published. I wasn’t sure who I wanted to share it with, but I hoped I could have an impact on at least one reader.

I still hope for that.

As a current professional athlete, I envisioned my writing niche in sports psychology; however, the keyboard has taken me in a different direction thus far. In my first Medium article, I told the story of inspiration to be seen through my articles without any expectation or discomfort for my image.

I thought that having a Medium account would make me write more consistently, and it did. Even if I don’t publish, I read and write every day. I also believe it is a wiser use of my time than scrolling through other social media. Overall, I’m really thankful for this platform that allows us to connect via our shared love for writing.

Naturally, after reading numerous pieces of advice on how to monetize writing (nearly every other article on Medium), I started to fantasize about my new profession. A freelancer, working from a laptop, anywhere in the world, and, of course, with a cup of coffee.

I dug deeper and deeper, reading dozens of new articles in pursuit of polishing my writing skills. Spontaneously, I devised a “flawless strategy” for making money in the near future. I knew it would be a bit of a peanut, but I also knew Rome wasn’t built in a day.

My most recent article Parents, Your Kids See You. received more attention and engagement, telling me that I’m on the right track. So, guess what happened next? Croatia is not in the list of supported Medium countries for the Partner Program, as I discovered. Haha! What a fool I was!

Did I consider quitting Medium? Yes. What’s the point of it now?

Well, Iain Adam, my Medium friend, you put my mind at rest that there is something more valuable than monetization.

Iain’s journey to conquer 100 followers and the quite anguished aftermath of success reminded me how easy it is to fall under the trap of monetization. I apologize for generalizing, but it appears as nowadays every other bloke and every other girl from next door gives “simple” advice on running an online business. As much as I admire those whose hard work has been rewarded by established freelance status, I tend to take their advice with a grain of salt. Personally, I am drawn to the brave ones who are open about their shortcomings and flaws as authors without attempting to sell something. I’m tired of being pressured to constantly increase traffic; instead, I feel that the best pieces come from a position of honesty, generosity, and a genuine desire to help others.

Don’t you agree that quality matters more than quantity?

Surely, I bit off more than I can chew with Medium but I’m not going to stop writing. I am giving up fantasizing about cosy mornings with words swirling on the screen as easily as a leather leaf while my bank account miraculously grows heavier. I accept the fact that there are no earnings for me on Medium. My primary motivation for writing is to learn and have fun. What I can do is read, comment on, and share the work of other brilliant authors. I’m grateful to all the writers like Iain Adam, whose hands are marred by daily effort, who strive courageously and know great devotion.

To get a better idea of Iain Adam journey, here are his three articles:

I Made It past 100 Followers — And I wish I Hadn’t

I Wrote an Article Every Day for 30 Days — Should You?

The Most Meaningful Comments That Were Left on My Article

If any of you, my fellow Medium members, relate to these stories, please share your piece of mind with us. I would love to hear it!



Juri Vlasic
New Writers Welcome

Professional athlete with Masters Degree in Sports Psychology. Currently working in Portugal. Coffee lover. Writing with joy about life.