Top Stories published by Notes to self in June of 2008

The brand meme

I got tagged by Shefaly to do a meme! I’d heard the word ‘meme’ but didn’t really know what it meant, so I looked it up.

The idea behind this meme is: Take any day in your life and chart out all the brands you have used. I am going to choose a normal working day and put only…

The energy crisis in your pocket!

How many times has your cellphone died just when you needed directions?! Here’s the answer to all your troubles. The ever entertaining Reuters carried this news article about a charger for cellphones that converts motion to electricity. So all you have to do is strap it…

Off to Peru…

Folks, I am off to Peru for a 10 day backpacking trip! Should be a lot of fun! Arequipa, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Tambopata and Lima are the destinations. Along the way I hope to make some new friends, and get to know better some old ones :)

Notes to self
Look back in 10 years. See the change. #evolution
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