Top Stories published by The Opex Analytics Blog in March of 2014

Top Five Skills for a Supply Chain Modeler

by Michael Watson

I recently wrote an article for Supply Chain Digest on the top five skills you need in a supply chain modeler. They are:

  1. Ability to manipulate large data sets

Managers Need to Know Technical Details of Analytics

by Michael Watson

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal ran an article entitled “Who Needs to Know How to Code”, which suggested that many executives should learn about coding:

Spending Your Analytics Time Where It Counts

by Sara Hoormann

Whether you are developing more complex optimization models or beginning to formulate solutions including technologies such as LogicNet Plus or R, one thing will remain the same. The focal point of…

Predictions That Save Big Money

by Sara Hoormann

Why is it that your car always seems to breakdown during your busiest week at work? Farmers fear the inevitable failure of their combine equipment during the peak of harvest season. Plant managers struggle with knowing…