Top Stories published by The Opex Analytics Blog in April of 2014

Our Ongoing Analytics Project with the NFL: Winning More Games

by Michael Watson

The use of analytics in sports is quite well known. The Oakland A’s popularized analytics by using it to build winning teams with a minimal budget — we mentioned and…

Technical Note on Calculating Many Distances for Analytics Projects

by Samuel Hillis

Distance matrices of different varieties have applications throughout the field of analytics; though the computation varies depending on the application, they…

Sample Custom Optimization Scheduling Problem

by Prateek Rastogi

In manufacturing environment, companies use an automated setup of tanks and hoist for chemical cleaning and coating processes. In this setup, various chemicals kept in tanks situated on a…

Benefits of Map Portals for Your Analytics Projects

by Michael Watson

Earlier this week, I wrote an article for Supply Chain Digest about enhancing your network design capabilities with a map portal:

“Since the mapping in a…

Big Data Applied to the Supply Chain

by Michael Watson

This week, Dan Gilmore of Supply Chain Digest wrote about very big data in the supply chain. It was a well-balanced article, covering both the hype and some nice solutions. Here is one quote:

WSJ Article on the Importance of Analytics to Your Career

by Michael Watson

Yesterday’s WSJ ran an article on the importance of analytics (“Get Familiar With Big Data Now — or Face ‘Permanent Pink Slip’” — may be behind a paywall).