OriginTrail bi-yearly report — H2 2021 | Making humanity’s most important assets discoverable, verifiable and valuable

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22 min readMar 11, 2022

In the first six months of 2021, OriginTrail transformed into a multichain network, making way for a faster global adoption of the Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG). This report covers the most significant events of the second half of 2021 which helped shape strong fundamentals to amplify the impact of world-class organizations and individuals using OriginTrail.

With the Starfleet phase successfully overlaying DKG on two more blockchain networks — xDai (now Gnosis) and Matic (now Polygon) — important efficiency gains made it possible for the permissionless OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN) to gain traction in various industries. Introducing the DKG to the pharmaceutical industry with AidTrust, a joint Trace Labs and British Standards Institution (BSI) product, coupled with continuous growth in already established sectors resulted in connecting millions of essential assets and grew the total graph size (TGS) beyond 100 million. As the spectrum of use cases grew along with the network, so did the support by the Next Generation Internet initiative funded by the European Union, resulting in OriginTrail being selected as one of the building blocks for the Ontochain project — further advancing the European infrastructure for a more inclusive and fair Internet.

With the advent of OriginTrail v6, ushering an evolutionary epoch of making the world’s most important assets discoverable, verifiable and valuable across Web3, OriginTrail immensely expands its capacity to grow well beyond the established enterprise — the vision encapsulated by an updated website OriginTrail.io. The builders of the DKG are thus furthering the capability for connecting physical & digital worlds in a single connected reality. With that, for the first time ever, new and increasingly sought for solutions are becoming possible giving organizations and individuals alike an ability to vastly expand the value of their assets across metaverses. The first v6 based product prototype named NFT Supercharger was presented at the NFT.NYC conference in New York and represents the first evolutionary step towards the new OriginTrail Explorer set to launch in 2022.

The $TRAC utility token received further institutional support and more market exposure as Coinbase — the leading global cryptocurrency exchange listed the asset, and followed soon after by the Uphold Inc global outlet. With technological advancement continuing in 2022, like OriginTrail V6, Polkadot integration through parachain, a new open source SDK for developers community, the evolving OriginTrail Explorer and the overarching vision of the “knowledge graph of knowledge graphs” the network effects powered by the DKG will decidedly shape Web3.

Decentralized Knowledge Graph adoption update

BSI solutions

The launch of AidTrust, a joint Trace Labs and BSI product, marked the entry of DKG-powered solutions into yet another global industry, pharmaceuticals. AidTrust harnesses the power of OriginTrail DKG to bring visibility and trust to pharmaceutical supply chains, ensuring that medicines reach the intended patients, even in complex environments. The initial roll-out of AidTrust is in progress in India to 80+ treatment centers, working with an NGO that distributes donated medicines from leading pharmaceutical companies to over 40 countries. Preparations for roll-out to further countries are already in the works, bringing millions of pharmaceutical assets onto the DKG. Trace Labs and BSI teams are also in discussion with global pharmaceutical companies and aid programs for further deployments of AidTrust to fully unleash the power of OriginTrail DKG across the pharmaceutical industry.

See AidTrust in action:

SCAN Trusted Factory, the solution that harnesses OriginTrail DKG to secure security audits of over 22k factories across Asia for the largest retailers like Home Depot and Walmart, received an exciting upgrade. Linking security audits with certificates of the auditors who performed them, SCAN members can now verify that auditors have an up-to-date level of SCAN audit training. This upgrade directly leverages the linked-data capabilities of the Decentralized Knowledge Graph and its capability of connecting multiple distinct assets in one single graph. Further extensions of the solution are being discussed and will likely be implemented throughout 2022. SCAN Trusted factory was also the focus of a great discussion with Ken McElroy (Home Depot), Dan Purtell (BSI), and Diana Sabrain (OneAgrix) on how such DKG-based solutions play an increasingly vital role in facilitating Frictionless International Trade.

Building on the foundations of SCAN Trusted Factory, Trace Labs and BSI have also been working on the Trusted Bytes project, developing a DKG-based solution that combines an enhanced Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) framework and shipment data, aiming to facilitate the flow of goods across the UK borders. Utilizing the OriginTrail DKG as the technological backbone, BSI’s expertise in supply chains, and global data standards such as GS1 EPCIS 2.0 to ensure interoperability, the solution looks to enable UK Customs to perform comprehensive and verifiable risk assessments for shipments entering or exiting the UK. We expect the first proof of concept to be implemented in early 2022.

At WOF Expo, a leading logistics event in the CEE region, both SCAN Trusted Factory and Trusted Bytes solutions were presented by Trace Labs’ General Manager Jurij Skornik, highlighting how DKG-based solutions can address many of the challenges faced in international trade today.

Trace Labs and BSI also launched the DKG-based Training Certificates solution in Q4 last year. Starting the roll-out with Malaysia and the UK, almost 4k certificates were powered by the DKG by the end of 2021 and as additional countries continue to be onboarded, over 200k BSI training certificates will be transformed into Web3 assets and secured on the DKG annually.

Trace Labs and BSI continue working with Church of Oak as they finalize the construction of the distillery in Monasterevin. Development of the immersive experience application has been completed and, within the scope of the NGI Atlantic data marketplace project, lots of farm data collected. Once distilling starts, OriginTrail DKG will be the backbone of ensuring trust and transparency of each bottle of whiskey, from grain to glass.


Trace Labs continued its engagement in the GS1 EPCIS and CBV 2.0 working group, contributing to the development and validation of the new supply chain event visibility standard. As the standard is being finalized for the official release, first OriginTrail DKG solutions utilizing EPCIS 2.0 are already in preparation and will be deployed as soon as Q1 2022. Among others, EPCIS 2.0 is being used in AidTrust, making it one of the first production-ready solutions based on the novel GS1 standard.

We have also been working with our partner Swiss Railways SBB to improve the DKG-based GS1 EPCIS repository initiative. Throughout the second half of 2021, we enhanced the repository by increasing interoperability, extending it with additional features, and onboarding additional suppliers to drive network effects.

Finally with OriginTrail v6 adding support for RDF/SPARQL and other semantic technologies, the implementation of GS1 standards within OriginTrail technological stack brings even more powerful capabilities to builders looking for standardized, open-source tools.

EU projects


In H2 2021 the Food Safety Market project was coming to an end of the second year of its three year commitment. Trace Labs continued to work on co-developing theFSM platform, to which other project’s partners provide data in scope of the project’s aim to transform the European food certification market with the power of Big Data and the support of blockchain technology. Trace Labs also analyzed other partner’s software systems in order to have a clearer view over the technical requirements and developed the Smart Contracting Layer of the TheFSM platform on top of OriginTrail DKG. Within the final year of the project in 2022 Trace Labs, along with their project partners, expects theFSM platform to go live and to integrate it with other data marketplaces. The purpose is to get broader adoption even out of the project’s limits.

NGI Ontochain

Announced in December 2021, Trace Labs will develop OriginTrail DKG technology components as part of another Next Generation Internet initiative, ONTOCHAIN. The OriginTrail DKG has been selected as a core infrastructure network to be used within the Ontochain project, supporting builders within the Ontochain ecosystem. Additionally DKG-based knowledge economy tools developed through the project will become part of the ONTOCHAIN technology stack, harnessing the power of the DKG to support the creation and exchange of trusted, traceable, and transparent ontological knowledge. We are looking forward to the upcoming months of the project, as we get an opportunity to know and collaborate with other remarkable development innovators. Trace Labs aspires to introduce a rounded approach adding to ONTOCHAIN’s distributed storage, core protocols and application protocols stack to facilitate a transition from a broken data economy to a trusted, semantic, human-centric and privacy-by-design adopting knowledge economy.


As part of the H2020 DEMETER project — a large-scale deployment of farmer-driven, interoperable smart farming-IoT (Internet of Things) based platforms — Trace Labs is providing to their project partners the infrastructure for two of a total of 20 pilots across 18 countries. Trace Labs collaborates closely with their partner DunavNET in order to integrate data of wine and poultry production to the blockchain. Apart from the technical component of the project, Trace Labs is active also in communication and dissemination activities within the project, helping with event organization and presenting Demeter at conferences and summits. One of such examples was the IEEE 5G Summit event, where Branimir Rakic together with Srdjan Krco from DunavNET showcased how the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph and blockchain are utilized to bring transparency and trust to supply chains.


In the scope Ekopakt, a project supported by the European Commission, Trace Labs is establishing a national traceability system for organic beef in Slovenia. The project encompasses development of a traceability framework which utilizes OriginTrail DKG as the backbone for trusted data exchange and data integrity. Significant progress has been made within the project in the second half of 2021, clearly defining how the DKG will be used to better position the products from locally raised organic beef on the market. Once implemented, the national traceability framework defined within Ekopakt will be available for replication and use in other sectors and countries, further expanding the reach of OriginTrail DKG. Sharing the expected impact of Ekopakt, Trace Labs team also attended a combined panel and seminar that discussed the traceability system being built.


While Trace Labs wrapped up the implementation of SmartAgriHubs initiatives — tracking poultry products and automating payments to milk farmers — earlier in 2021, we continued working with the consortium to promote the developed solutions and key outcomes. In a piece featured by SmartAgriHubs, Trace Labs’ Project Management Associate Ema Lovsin reflected on how OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph was applied in agri-food supply chains to drive transparency and integrity while maintaining privacy of business-sensitive data.


At the NFT NYC event that took place in November last year, Trace Labs unveiled a novel and revolutionary use of OriginTrail DKG in the NFT area. Tomaz Levak, one of our founders, took the stage and showcased how the DKG can be used to supercharge NFTs by making them discoverable across different blockchains, connecting them to other Web3 assets, and evolving them through verifiable asset graphs. Starting with the upcoming OriginTrail v6 release NFT owners, app builders, and other NFT enthusiasts will be able to utilize OriginTrail DKG to significantly extend the way they use and interact with their NFTs.

At the event Trace Labs also unveiled Tracies, the first OriginTrail NFT collection and the prototype Supercharger app that can be used to supercharge any NFT.

Technology development

During H2 2021 we’ve seen the expansion of the OriginTrail technical ecosystem in several fields, including the Polkadot parachain and additional blockchain integrations, as well as the research and development activities on the Decentralized Knowledge Graph, expanding both the active v5 and introducing the latest update v6.

Decentralized Knowledge Graph updates

With the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph becoming multichain in early 2021 with the integration with Gnosis blockchain (formerly xDAI chain), the OriginTrail mainnet has also been integrated with the widely used Polygon blockchain, making ODN a tri-chain network. Having multiple blockchains integrated enables the DKG to incorporate all of their ecosystem assets, such as the growing ecosystem of NFTs on Polygon, into a single Decentralized Knowledge Graph. The multi-chain expansion to Polygon has further extended the network robustness in the consensus layer, as well as created an additional option for network participants to utilize when interacting with the DKG. Further enhancements, such as the highly anticipated data pruning update and many smaller improvements have been introduced to further optimize the network as a whole, as well as reduce the load set on network nodes. An additional Rust based dkg-client has been created to facilitate easier integration with rust and Substrate-based solutions.

Finally we’ve seen significant progress in the DKG evolution through the introduction of the latest and most advanced version 6 of OriginTrail, bringing native support for Web3 asset graphs, interoperability with existing knowledge graphs through W3C standardized technologies such as RDF/SPARQL and significant performance improvements. The first public OriginTrail v6 testnet has been launched at the end of 2021 as the public environment in which v6 matures to reach mainnet in 2022. The network has quickly grown to over 100 nodes operated by the OriginTrail community and expected to grow due to the extensive v6 bounty program intended to battle-test the v6 network prior to mainnet release.

Polkadot integration updates

Throughout the second half of 2021 the OriginTrail team has been driving the development of OriginTrail technologies for multiple integration paths with the Polkadot ecosystem. Through the efforts of engineering teams at Parity and Trace Labs in the Substrate builders program, significant progress has been made on the development and maturity of the OriginTrail Parachain. After crossing the 3-month designated testing duration of the OriginTrail Parachain running continuously without downtime in the testnet, the system has reached the necessary technology readiness needed for Polkadot integration (TRL8).

In parallel to the OriginTrail parachain development, Trace Labs has been working on creating a customizable Substrate off-chain pallet, designed to enable oracle functionalities for any Polkadot parachain wanting to integrate with the Decentralized Knowledge Graph. After presenting the pallet at the Sub0 conference, it has been further put in motion in partnership with the Acala ecosystem. The OriginTrail & Acala ecosystem integrations and use cases include:

  • Bridging the TRAC token to Acala for a potential listing as an accepted fee token, as well as giving any DApp on Acala the ability to integrate TRAC (money markets, DEXs, etc.)
  • Integrating the OriginTrail Substrate pallet into Acala’s parachain, enabling any DApp developer to leverage information from the DKG
  • Integrating OriginTrail smart contracts into Acala’s EVM+ development environment
  • Integrating Acala’s aUSD stablecoin into the OriginTrail ecosystem to be used by network participants, node operators, and other use cases

Key ODN adoption metrics

The multiple advancement of the network, especially achieving the multichain stage, were crucial in growing the Decentralized Knowledge Graph. The H1 2022 report will also feature new metrics, in line with the expanded capabilities of the OriginTrail v6.

Total graph size (TGS)

Total graph size (TGS) is one of the core metrics designed to measure the growth in the OriginTrail Decentralized Network . It is a measurement of the size of knowledge supported by the Decentralized Knowledge Graph. This is done by combining two key elements of a knowledge graph — data objects and connections between data objects. In more precise terms, it combines the total number of graph vertices (also known as graph cardinality or the order of the graph) and the total number of graph edges (known in graph theory as graph size) of a decentralized graph. The term vertices represents all the different objects that have been added to the graph (such as identifiers or specific information for supply chain events, products, attestations, locations, and certificates) while the edges represent the connections between these objects.

The second half of 2021 saw a steep growth in TGS, with an increase from 30 million to over 100 million TGS mark. Further, faster growth is expected as the OriginTrail v6 rolls out due to enhancement in network efficiencies and expanded usability of the technology.

Other metrics

The rest of the metrics followed the growth in TGS. Starting with the number of published datasets on the ODN, the number of publishings kept increasing towards the end of the year, touching capacity thresholds which are to be addressed with the upcoming DKG v6 update. With OriginTrail v6 we expect orders of magnitude higher throughput capacity, as already observed on the v6 testnet via the Telemetry Hub (so far reaching as high as 70.000 publishings in a single day).

We have seen a steady increase in total TRAC staked in H2 2021 months, the total amount surpassed 11MM TRAC locked up for network utility. As additional staking becomes available with v6 in ’22, it is expected that this metric will significantly increase.

Marketing & communications

In terms of marketing and communication related activities, the second half of the year 2021 was an incredibly busy one for Trace Labs, OriginTrail and the wider involved ecosystem. It was a period that included some of the largest technological advancements of the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) to date as well as the achievement of key milestones, gaining industry leaders as core advisors, attending leading industry events, and, forming partnerships that will bring the DKG into new and exciting growth markets.

For ease of reading and navigation, these activities have been broken down into relevant subsections below.


One of the largest and most exciting developments for the OriginTrail ecosystem was when we completed a brand new website overhaul as well as released a comprehensive new explainer video. The goal with both of these initiatives was to further highlight and explain the expanded vision of the Decentralized Knowledge Graph particularly when it comes to areas in which the technology can and is adding value. The DKG is widely applicable technology that is currently powering solutions for multiple fortune 500 companies across a variety of industries and we are actively expanding its use cases, scope, and adoption.

At the beginning of August, the OriginTrail team revamped the technical documentation that contains more detailed information on the DKG, updated developer materials, tutorials and a collection of the latest and greatest created by the OriginTrail community. This update was part of the efforts for the OriginTrail evangelist program, which aims to provide additional materials and support to developers who want to learn about the workings of the DKG and build on top of it.

Shortly after refreshing the technical documentation and as part of the OriginTrail evangelist program, the team also launched the First OriginTrail Builders Challenge to empower the builders’ community in the OriginTrail ecosystem. The aim of the challenge was for developers or participants with different backgrounds to create solutions, prototypes or provide ideas for building on top of the decentralized knowledge graph foundations. The team reviewed a lot of useful solutions and prototypes.

Towards the end of the year the team has revamped the roadmap. Divided into 3 phases the new roadmap introduces key activities and targets that will establish the DKG as the ubiquitous Semantic Web3 layer for amplifying network effects. Each roadmap phase is named after important individuals within computing space — Alan Turing, Bob Metcalfe and Tim Berners-Lee. The Turing phase encompasses everything around Web3 assets, OriginTrail DKG v6 launch, NFT supercharger and UALs. Metcalfe phase promotes network effects across NFT, DeFi & real word assets and Berners-Lee phase focuses on Web3 Semantic Internet.

As the year came to the end, the team launched the DKG version 6, which has been the biggest technological advancement since the mainnet launch. Version 6 brings great performance enhancements as well as bigger Web3 capabilities and utility for the TRAC token. These improvements will allow the OriginTrail DKG to act as the global fabric and standard for all Web3 activities by providing a trusted, multi-chain, robust network which is already powering value-adding applications for some of the largest organizations in the world. It represents the opportunity for all assets whether they be NFTs or digital representations of physical assets, to be truly discoverable across the entire Internet and Web3.


The second half of 2021 brought the revelation of a part of the Trace Labs’ advisory board. It started with announcing Dr Bob Metcalfe as the first advisor. He is one of the earliest Internet pioneers and the father of Ethernet. The Trace Labs founders met Dr. Metcalfe in 2017 through his mentorship during the Food+City innovation competition in Austin, Texas, where OriginTrail won the People’s Choice Award among many prospective food supply chain startups. Dr Metcalfe, famous for Metcalfe’s Law, is helping apply it for predicting the value of linked data in the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph as well as guiding and advising on other related operations.

The second member of Trace Labs’ advisory board announced was Greg Kidd, who is an adviser and an early investor for companies like Twitter, Coinbase, Ripple, Uphold, Solana, Filecoin, and more.

Next to join the board were Aaron Bradley and Dan Purtell. Aaron is a knowledge graph strategist at Electronic Arts (EA) and will be advising Trace Labs’ founders on strategies for evangelizing the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph to developer communities within various sectors such as enterprise, media, content creation and others. On the other hand, Dan will be advising the team on innovation strategies for deploying the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph in diverse industries and sectors such as assurance, pharmaceuticals, and supply chains.

Overall, the advisory board will help extend OriginTrail’s footprint into the metaverse realm by providing the framework for enabling discoverability, verifiability and further value extension for NFTs through linked data technology. This framework will unlock immense potential for developers to build on the Decentralized Knowledge Graph.


Throughout the backend of last year the team was incredibly active at leading global events as well as through a variety of media interviews with partners, podcasters, and publications.

There were over fifteen in-person industry events that the team attended including;

NFT.NYC: As part of the leading NFT event, co-founders Branimir Rakic and Tomaz Levak launched the OriginTrail NFT Supercharger demo. Designed to protect, connect, and level up the value of NFTs through adding deeper and richer data and utility, the Supercharger was presented to attendees as part of an event-long display as well as a dedicated presentation.

League of bridges (Paris): In July, CTO Branimir was part of the League of Bridges event in Paris, France, where he delivered a winning pitch showcasing how the OriginTrail DKG revolutionizes the Web3 semantic layer by introducing a viable, productive, multi-chain approach.

Frictionless International Trade: In a specially crafted event, founders Tomaz Levak and Ziga Drev were joined by Ken McElroy — Global Manager, Trade Risk & Export Compliance at Home Depot -, Dan Purtell — Group Director of Innovation at British Standards Institution -, Diana Sabrain — founder at OneAgrix -, and Ajša Vodnik — CEO at AmCham Slovenia — to discuss the challenges of international trade and how the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph can help overcome them by utilizing blockchains as trust networks together with knowledge graph technology to create rich linked data.

European Blockchain Week: The OriginTrail team was specifically invited to join European Blockchain week and present on the topic of frictionless international trade. At the panel, the team was joined by Dan Purtell from British Standards Institution and Ken Mcelroy from Home Depot.

WOF Expo: In early October, Trace Labs General Manager Jurij Skornik presented the value-adds of the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph, including the Trusted Bytes initiative, on the mainstage at the WOF expo.

Polkadot Miami meetup: Co-founders Ziga Drev and Tomaz Levak attended the Polkadot Miami meetup where they liaised with key partners in the Polkadot ecosystem as well as outlined and presented OriginTrail’s plan for a parachain and the new value-adds it will bring.

CoinAgenda Caribbean: As a key sponsor of this event, OriginTrail presented on the OriginTrail DKG and how it is powering network effects through the semantic web3 and across multiple industries.

From Web2 data silos to the semantic Web3 event: At this public event, co-founder and CTO Branimir Rakic was joined by Dr Bob Metcalfe, and John G Keogh — Managing Principal, Shantalla Inc. — to discuss how the OriginTrail DKG is actively transforming web2 data silos to the semantic web3. Discussions included network effects, knowledge graphs, and updates regarding Trace Alliance working groups.

GSI Global Forum: Co-founder Branimir presented on EPCIS and standards used together with the Decentralized Knowledge Graph, being developed through the GS1 EPCIS 2.0 Working Group with participation by the OriginTrail team.

Walmart Global Food Innovation Launch: As a winner of the Walmart spark award in 2017, co-founder Ziga was invited to speak on OriginTrail, the key problems it is solving and the OriginTrail evolution within the last 5 years.

#Sub0 Online: OriginTrail co-founder and CTO Branimir was invited to present at the Substrate developer conference where he introduced the OriginTrail DKG, the value adds the technology brings and how Substrate developers can build on it and supercharge their own applications by doing so.

Podim Conference: At the Oracle and Podim organized event, co-founder Tomaz Levak spoke about the OriginTrail DKG’s ability to be used ubiquitously and referenced how the technology is currently adding value for safety and payment in the Dairy industry as part of a joint Oracle, OriginTrail, and SmartAgriHubs project.

NSAC: As part of a dedicated event, co-founder Tomaz was invited to speak at NSAC, which provides fisheries related advice to the EU Commission and the Member States, about the OriginTrail technology and how it can deliver positive impact in the fishing sector and in food supply chains in general.

Crypto Unplugged: OriginTrail co-founder Ziga Drev and communications associate Martina Poberaj were invited to the Crypto Unplugged podcast for an insightful interview about everything OriginTrail. They further discussed transparency issues in various industries and the latest developments within both OriginTrail and Trace Labs.

The whole podcast is available here.

Breaking Banks Europe: Ziga Drev was invited to the Breaking Banks Europe podcast and showcased how the OriginTrail DKG enables enhanced transparency, traceability & increased sustainable usage in agricultural supply chains.


Co-founder and CTO Branimir Rakic was interviewed by Ivan on Tech where he did an introduction to the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) and showcased building apps utilizing the network. Watch the full interview below.

Ivan on Tech also released the ultimate guide on OriginTrail, in which he explored the OriginTrail Decentralized Network (ODN) and how OriginTrail is tackling the lack of trust and transparency in global supply chains. An overview of Trace Labs and the TRAC token was given and a short introduction to Polkadot integration and Knowledge Economy was made.

As part of supply chain expert Edouard Thieuleux’s podcast, co-founder Ziga was invited to discuss the OriginTrail technology and how it’s enabling more robust supply chain management through greater transparency and connectivity.

Following on the back of reaching key milestones, OriginTrail engaged in a focussed AMA with CoinTelegraph. Held in Discord, the conversation covered everything about the OriginTrail ecosystem including applications, technology value-adds, and key partners.

To round out the year, OriginTrail hosted a very special Christmas AMA with key community members Famous Amos and Guinnessstache. Topics included key partnerships, the development of the DKG, and the progress of version 6 of the network which brings with it huge performative and utility enhancements.


The OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph was recognized by International Banker in their piece about knowledge graphs where the DKG was compared to Google’s and Facebook’s knowledge graphs with the main difference being that the data on the OriginTrail DKG is not controlled by a single entity. With the network being decentralized, this means that it is not subject to a single point of failure. This also “significantly increases trust in data, as every part of the DKG can be verified utilizing blockchain — who issued a specific dataset, when, and that the dataset has not been tampered with’’, as explained by Jurij Skornik, Trace Labs’ General Manager at the logistics exhibition WOF Expo 2021.

At the end of August, Alpha Sigma Capital issued the second report on OriginTrail. The report covers the updates and growth of the OriginTrail ecosystem.

One of the greatest milestones for OriginTrail in the second half of last year was integration with Polygon. This was the third blockchain that the DKG was extended to. The integration happened when the total graph size surpassed 50M TGS.

Together with our key strategic partners BSI, Trace Labs were published in the Interface Magazine. The article showcased how using the OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph is changing global industries for the better by introducing more transparency, trust & efficiency.

Shortly after the OriginTrail website comprehensive overhaul, OriginTrail was featured as a key company adding value to the web3 space as part of a Cointelegraph article. The full piece can be found below.

Another important fact to mention is that governments and other official regulatory bodies are recognizing the increased adoption of NFTs and other digital assets. Bank of America issued a report, which states that “It’s difficult to overstate how transformative blockchain technology, digital assets and the thousands of decentralized apps that have yet to be created could potentially be”. DeFi could present a threat to the centralized banking system and digitals assets are restructuring the way organizations operate. OriginTrail was listed as one of the infrastructure and development companies within the Digital Asset ecosystem included in the Bank of America’s report (see image below).

Special credits to our loyal community

The OriginTrail community is among the strongest in the space and we couldn’t be prouder or happier to be sharing our journey with fellow passionate and engaged web3 pioneers. Together, we are creating the next-generation Internet and powering it with decentralized value-adding technology that overcomes many of the hardships that businesses — both traditional and emerging — are facing. Here are some highlights from our community;

New Music

If you’re looking for some catchy new tracks to add to your playlist, look no further. Community star Famous Amos created several new content and music pieces last year all focussed around the DKG and it’s value adds and all set to catchy beats. You can see a few of these below;

To help break-down key milestones and news, there were also several excellent community recaps put together. Topics include key takeaways from version 6, the NFT supercharger, and more;

Additionally, the community also recently launched a comprehensive OriginTrail Community Club website. Acting as a hub for everything related to the OriginTrail ecosystem, this website includes all the latest news and developments as well as relevant resources for builders, node runners, and community members.


In the second half of 2021, the ecosystem remains in a good financial state, with the future development fund remaining in the same amount as at the end of H1 2021, a total of 132,500,000 TRAC.

The total size of the treasury therefore stands at 43,895.26 ETH on December 31st.

Trace token

The Trace token (TRAC) asset ecosystem saw a very significant expansion in H2 2021. In August, the Bancor and $BNT community showed strong support by creating a liquidity pool for TRAC/BNT pair and listing TRAC on Bancor’s decentralized exchange. It has since been one of the best performing pools on Bancor.

In November, $TRAC ecosystem saw another important development as Coinbase added TRAC to both of their trading platforms — Coinbase and Coinbase Pro. Receiving Coinbase’s support has significantly increased both accessibility of TRAC as well as credibility.

Soon after, OriginTrail’s core development company Trace Labs established a partnership with Wintermute. Based in London, Wintermute is a renowned algorithmic trading firm that provides liquidity to over 180 digital assets across 50 different centralized and decentralized exchanges. Supported by the key industry investors, they are committed to support the most advanced blockchain and web3 projects. Wintermute started supporting major listed TRAC pairs on the largest existing and possible new exchanges. In addition to the exchanges liquidity, Wintermute will also add TRAC to their OTC desk.

In December, the TRAC token was added to another important global outlet Uphold Inc and soon after to Changelly platform, both providing a seamless way to access the asset.

As well as the new additions of Coinbase, Bancor and Changelly, TRAC remains available on Uniswap, Bittrex Global, KuCoin, HitBTC and BitMart. Token holders that follow their portfolio through Blockfolio and Delta can stay up to date on major updates directly through the apps’ features.

The second half of 2021 brought huge improvements in OriginTrail DKG to implementations moving the state of the art in various industries. Here’s to breaking more barriers and records in the next six months as we #TraceOn!

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OriginTrail is the Decentralized Knowledge Graph that organizes AI-grade knowledge assets, making them discoverable & verifiable for sustainable global economy.