Another 14 #OSTa2 Projects (Pt. 5)

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6 min readApr 30, 2018


Two weeks ago we announced the start of our OST KIT⍺ Phase II program, accepting 142 projects out of more than 250 applications. Developer teams providing a successful POC submission will be rewarded with 50,000 $OST. There’s also a Grand Reward of 250,000 additional OST + an extra four reward categories, each with a prize of 25,000 additional OST.

Didn’t make the selection? Not to worry: Be the first to know when we’re launching Alpha III >

Don’t forget to check our previous posts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
Here are today’s 14 #OSTa2 Projects: Have fun!


BuddEconomy is “a Wordpress / Buddypress plugin that allows people to create a crypto-funded Social Network economy.” Currently employing a Facebook group of 2.5M Barbecue fanatics to test their POC, the team from Hamburg hopes to attract similar Facebook groups to provide economic benefits to its members. BuddEconomy foresees a great future for the decentralization of social networks that are mainly made up of user generated content.


This developer team wants to tokenize online learning, with a strong focus on incentivizing feedback and discussion among students. Teachers decide the reward they want to teach a class for, and the course starts once the queue is filled. Tutr Token uses Phase II to create a subscription model focused on students who wish to have unlimited access to drop in on classes that are not oversubscribed.
United States


The ultimate goal here is to provide scholarships to students with a low income by collecting donations. The Scholarships team thinks that the current, social issues with transparency, traceability, and accountability can be solved thanks to blockchain. Their Branded Token, SCH, would be used to incentivize and trace created accounts (sponsors, students, volunteers and admins) and to receive, transfer and track donations.


WoodToken wants to demonstrate how they’ll integrate and managers users, aidrops and transactions into the open-source Umbraco content management system. Their project name stems from the business they’re building this integration for, a Danish wood wholesale company. The team ultimately hopes to replace fiat currency with WoodToken.


Marble is a crowdfunding micro-economy POC, with “an emphasis on doers and advocacy.” The platform would work similarly to Kickstarter and Indiegogo, but with a focus on two separate paths to fundings yields and bringing project support to fruition. The developers hope to reward purchases with MRBL, their own Branded Token. MRBL can then be used to buy rewards at other OST partners.
United States


The team behind Kwanda is fed up with the current league of Q&A platforms. “Low quality answers”, said the founder of the like of Quora. A reward system in the form of a token should increase the quality of answers while encouraging more people to share their knowledge. Users can set a token reward for the best answer, thus democratizing the reward process.


Ez-Shop’ is a consumer shopping application (or eStore), that hopes to implement Branded Tokens to incentivize its customers for purchasing and for referring others to the EZ-Shop app. The team wants to demonstrate their POC within the shopping app. The Branded Token could later be used to get a discount or to cover the shipping costs.
United States


Meet Up’ is an app that lets you connect with people in your vicinity who have something to sell. The idea is that both buyer and seller will get incentivized to actually show up, or at the very least to give prior notice if they can’t make it. Users will be able to stake purchased Branded Tokens when agreeing to meet someone. If a party fails to show up or to give prior notice, the inconvenienced user will receive all the tokens.
United Kingdom


Capo Portal wants to develop a mini market place that incentivizes its community members to find and share helpful information about currencies, brokers, exchanges and markets. Members can earn Branded Tokens by joining broker affiliate programs and by contributing validated, useful reviews and information.


This team has a heart for culture, and it wants to reward the community for sharing their opinions, reviews and recommendations on anything cultural. From books to movies to music: As long as you have an opinion, you can be rewarded with their Branded Tokens. For now, their Proof of Concept will focus on incentivizing book reviews.
United States


S7 Club by ShopNet wants to build an online store for casual apparel, which can be purchased with their very own S7 tokens. Customers will also be rewarded for providing feedback and for referring others. A portion of the proceeds from sale will be donated to selected, charitable organisations.


CipherSift is an “easy to use marketplace to buy, sell or trade crypto collectibles.” Crypto collectibles are non-fungible digital assets like CryptoKitties, that are all different or are offered as a limited edition. The team has worked on a prototype on the Stellar platform before, but jumped ship to build and iterate quicker.
United Kingdom


DIPS stands for “Decentralized in person sales “ market. The developer hopes to make ‘online in person sales’ safer by taking cash out of the equation.When the seller and buyer agree to a price, the corresponding DIP tokens are locked away, pin code protected. When the buyer and seller meet, the buyer gets the product and they exchange pin codes. The seller will then instantly receive DIP tokens in their account.


Better a good neighbour than a distant friend: The team behind Tech Token wants to reward good samaritans in college towns and on campuses for small acts of kindness and commercial services. From repairing the cracked screen of your phone to washing your windows or picking your blazer up from the dry cleaners.
United States





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