Slip Under the Surface


“To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go.” — Mary Oliver

I know, I know,
you fought so hard,
with me by your side,
but this beast we faced,
gave up no ground.

Please do not weep,
some mountains are immovable,
shockingly man learns his limits,
when faced with a horrible puzzle,
neither science or faith can solve.

You are an indomitable spirit,
with courage rarely witnessed,
you love and are loved,
as fully as can be imagined,
and will leave a precious gift for all.

Why do you hold so much in,
protecting me from a grab bag of fears,
I am your steward taking on every burden,
only later to discover,
your most potent concern is my future alone.

Traveling so far together,
on a journey of attrition,
panning for specks of joy daily,
amidst the ongoing torrent of tragedy,
helplessly our paths diverge soon.

Don’t be afraid or falter,
I am right here,
where I was always meant to be,
no greater calling,
honored and humbled my only mementos.

Slip under the surface,
let there be no shame or regret,
I vow you will not suffer,
solemn oath turns to merciful deeds,
go now, surrender gently and find eternal relief.

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Image by Jose Maria Perez Nunez.


