We have told you of the coming of the Antichrist and the Beast, and the beast from within”

Told by Aka, the spiritual messengers of God


“If the children of God deny the mark of the beast, the seventh seal shall not be opened, and therefore, your thousand years shall reign upon thy earth”

[See The Revelation, chapters 6–10, and The Revelation 19:11–21 and 20:1–6.]

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, tell us about the preparation for the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Beast in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ”(parts 1–3), Also, you can listen to their recorded words on July 25, 1970 in “We should tell thee of the Anti-Christ…and how it shall affect God’s children” (from 00:30 to 4:00 and from 28:30 to 30:40) to learn what they say.

In this writing — We have told you of the coming of the Antichrist and the Beast, and the beast from within –– the spiritual messengers of God tell us how one can choose not to write the mark of the beast upon the soul.

What is the mark of the beast?

The spiritual messengers of God answer this question on August 18, 1972 and April 24, 1981, beside the dates further below. Yet, they have answered this in many ways. These messages are collected for you by the date they were spoken in this writing.

The Classical Greek word charagma (χάραγμα), translated as mark (of the beast) in Revelation 13:16 can also mean any mark engraved, imprinted, or branded; stamped money, document, or coin.

Coin showing Nero distributing charity to a citizen. When the Revelation was written, Caesar Nero was said to be the Antichrist. The spiritual messengers of God tell us this will be the second happening. They say Americans are the modern Romans. How will none be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark of the Beast? Technology is so rapidly advancing that with a surveillance system able to detect each individuals heartbeat, state of health and emotions, some suggest a cashless digital system based on social credit scores and value of each individual based on health, age and usefulness to society. Google recently helped Communist China establish the digital social credit system, which may rapidly be implemented in the U.S. The other side of the coin is a tracking system, such as with COVID-19 today, and the ability of an app on one’s cell phone to monitor many physiological and emotional things going on within one’s body with the help of nanotechnology developed by DARPA. But the spiritual messengers of God say the mark of the beast will be written on one’s soul by one’s own thoughts and actions throughout a lifetime. The mark imprinted on the heart includes greed, hate, lust, jealousy, envy, fear, mistrust, and doubt.

The mark of the beast is interpreted differently across the four main views of Christian Eschatology (the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind). [See the Wikipedia article, “Number of the Beast”.]

What do the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, tell us about the mark of the Beast?

Seven months after their coming, they spoke in their message, November 20, 1970, of things written upon the heart: We should say unto thee, there are things of the mind which are of the mind. There are things of heaven which are of heaven. And there are those things of earth which are of earth….

And as doubt grows and the seed of doubt –– for we have said before that even the seed of the onion, as small as it may seem, should act as yeast and coveth thy mind either with the works of God or the works of Lucifer.

The messages the spiritual messengers of God gave on the mark of the beast are gathered here to read, from the first to the last. They’ve been made available in a paperback, if you prefer.

Hopefully, their words will add to understanding of what scriptures say. You’ll find many teachings about the mark and many examples. As you study their words, the meaning will hopefully become clear.

These messages are given in love, so that the mark of the beast may not be written on one’s soul.

If you’d like to know about the arrival of the spiritual messengers of God in 1970, see “We Give This Message from our Father.

Aka, God’s spiritual messengers, first tell of a mark, May 2, 1971. [This message is also in the accompanying writing you may want to read, “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ.”]

The day they first spoke of a mark, they told of two very different marks––the mark of the beast or the mark of Christ. The spiritual messengers of God said: And now, we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. For soon upon your earth all things shall change, for men should burn and steal and kill, and darkness shall come upon your earth. But the children of God shall fear not, for the angels shall hover above your earth and gather, as once before, the lambs of earth. And those who resist the mark of the Beast shall live again in God’s kingdom. And for those who shall wear the mark of the God, and who were in the Book of the beginning and who are in the Book of this time, for their descendants, our Father has promised a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But remember, this time shall come, not as you count, but as our Father should count. And once again, the Messiah shall walk your earth and give blessings. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–22.]

But it shall be different, for now we shall give thee this message. For as before, the Messiah walked in five placed, he shall not this time upon this coming. And for those who should wear the mark of Christ, the Lamb, their descendants and their descendants forevermore shall dwell in the house of the Lord. And temptation shall be taken from their path, for at this time that that dwells in man, which is Lucifer, shall be no more.

And all the Jewish people of the earth shall bow before Christ. [See Zechariah 12:9–14.]

And you ask, “How can this be possible?” And we say unto you in this manner. For our God, our Lord, can change the descendants of man as you can turn a stone, for this word, as we have said before, for as God’s spirit flows as a brook, as man’s spirit flows as a river, as the souls of man should flow as an ocean to the many lands, to the many nations, to the many tongues, and all shall become as one.

But remember these words. Our Father and yours, our God, has many mansions. All man was given free choice. God asks that you should love of Him one-tenth of the love that He should give unto you, and He asks that thee love of thy fellow man.

And we should say unto thee, prepare thee for the famine. Store of the food for each man, woman and child upon thy earth; store food for one year of your calendar. Store seeds that thy may replant and replenish the earth. Store the seed of knowledge that thy may take this [on] to thy descendants of all forms. Store pure drinking water, and this should be done to sustain you for six months. Store farm implements; tools of all nature and kind.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

It’s a big story, and it’s a big battle also. It’s a battle for the hearts and minds of the people upon the Earth. Will we have 3,000 years of darkness, barbarianism and killing after a 3.5-year reign of the Anti-Christ? Or will we shorten or even stop his rule before it begins––and have a thousand years of peace upon the Earth, as God counts, and the reign of the Messiah?

The choice is ours.

Our Father sends His spiritual messengers to gather an army of minds for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah on Earth.

This is a collection of messages from the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, about the mark of the Beast. There give many examples to guide individuals how not wear this mark upon our souls.

If you read Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christyou may learn to recognize work done in preparation for the Anti-Christ’s coming so you don’t get mislead by powerful influences in media, politics, and social media intended to persuade your thoughts and feelings in ways that could harm your soul. Those who prepare for the rule of the Antichrist are misusing power with lies, deceit, fear, inverting what is true to what is false, chaos, destrucion, war, pestilence, famine, death.

Other man-made interventions can also influence people to react with emotions that could write the mark of the Beast on their minds or souls. Drugs, impurities in air, water and food, microwave and electrical frequencies, weather modification, and pandemics can cause an imbalance of man’s natural energy and biochemistry and create ill health or affect the mind. Attempting to control the will was scientifically studied and used in Nazi Germany in Hitler’s time. Much is done today beyond onesself to influence thoughts and emotions — even advertising and propaganda toward social engineering.

But above attemps to change society, each individual has free choice. No one but one’s own self can place the mark of the Beast in one’s mind and upon the soul. This is the gift of free will God has given to us.

And this is the faith God has placed in His children, that we will remember Him, and return to His many mansions.

This writing is not about those preparing a way for the Anti-Christ, which is gathered for you to read in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ.” This is a collection of what the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, teach about the mark of the beast. These messages are for the individual––for you––to guide you in what you can do to avoid this mark.

You’ll read loving guidance of the spiritual messengers whom God sends to prepare a way within our hearts and minds, first, for the coming of the Messiah. In this way, a place will be prepared for him in our world today.

These words the spiritual messengers of God spoke August 27, 1971, may help explain: Thy have asked in thy minds of karma. And we should say unto thee these words. If thy should create thy own karma in life, then why should thee call this God’s will? For remember, God gave thee free will. And as thy should go through life, thy should not always walk forward; there are times when thy shall walk backwards, and thy should stumble and fall. And thy should get up again, and therefore, walk again. But if thy should walk in the light of our Father, our Father should give thee guidance. But our Father, nor us, can interfere with your own free choice.

As the man known as Buddha did say unto his disciples, “If thy should go unto the desert and there die under the hot sun because thy did not bring water and provisions for the same, would this be thy destiny or would this be thy suicide?”

If thy should go unto the market and trade a horse for a rooster, is this God’s will — nay. Nay, our Father has given unto thee thy free will to do, in thy own way, the best thy can. This is all, as we have said before, of climbing of the ladder.

For in thy minds, if thy would think of God as the sun, and the rays that come from [our] God like the rays of the sun, this in itself would be the spirit of our Father. But then again, the spirit of man that knows of our Father always should become part of the soul, and therefore, become part of man. The immortal body that we have spoke of before is the binding of the body, the soul and the spirit, and the spirit of God, all into one.

As thy climb the ladder, and as we have spoke of before, as thirteen, thy then, thy soul, thy body and thy spirit, and thy immortal body, and the spirit of God shall be bound as one — and as 4 was the sacred numeral of 13, it should then become in unisance.

See Acts 1:12–26.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“No, Aka.”

Then we should say [in] these words. As man should possess a karma, as the land he dwells upon should possess its own karma, as the worlds and universes, and universes and galaxies beyond galaxies should possess a karma, these they did create themselves because our Father gave unto them free choice. Do not put the blame upon your God, your Father, for your own shortcomings.

But remember these words, our Father who giveths, therefore, can taketh away.

And remember also, that now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fourth Angel, therefore, dwells upon thy land. And as we have said before, that these things that man has placed in the earth shall come forth and bite and sting of these men, yet they shall not die, for these things they have placed upon the earth they must live with. New eruptions shall start again in the California area. And they shall continue for some years to come, for “as the Fifth Angel should walk upon thy earth.” But beware of the Seventh. But if the children of God deny the mark of the Beast, the seventh seal shall not be opened, and therefore, your thousand years shall reign upon thy earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 6–8.]

September 16, 1971: for our Father, is the creator of the universes and galaxies and planets. For remember, her Father loves His many children. But as we have said before that as each individual should have free choice and that each person upon thy earth should worship their God in their own way, for our Father did not set down rules of worship unto Himself, for He asks only that thy should have no other god before Him, and that thy should love thy God unto one-tenth that of which He loves His children, and that thy should love of thy fellow man unto the same as thy love thy God.

And thy say in thy mind, “Where is this God?” Then we should say unto thee these words. Thy God is everywhere. And in yourselves our God does dwell, for in that proportion of yourself thy should call thy conscience, and in this word thy use so often, yet know not the meaning of, in that word of love. For if thy should doubt of our Father, look at thyself….

And we should tell thee of these words. For our Father and His son did promise unto man that before the Seventh Angel should strike thy earth He should send two prophets upon thy earth — and therefore, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

And as the prophets of before, beware, for this one thy should not stone again. [See The Revelation 11:1–13.]

But we should say unto thee these words. If a prophet should come unto thee and speak of our Father in an untruth manner, and he comes not of the Spirit, then beware. [See Matthew 24:3–6, 23–27.]

For our Father has seen fit to place upon [this] earth the new Book. And this Book should have wings. And for those who have ears to listen, then hark of our Father should say unto thee. For if thy should dwell upon the earth, wear not the mark of the beast. [See The Revelation 20:4–15.]

But for those who have come to say our Father is not merciful — for these are not the children of God. For remember, not one stone upon thy earth shall be left unturned. [See Matthew 24:1–3.]


August 11, 1972: And we should leave unto thee these words. For as we have said before, the Fifth Angel dwells upon your earth.


Your years shall come rapidly, and your time shall appear before thee, as we have said. For let none who should wear the mark of the Beast remain. Let none who should wear the mark of the Beast come before us and drink from our cup, for our Father has little tolerance for those. If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.

We have given unto thee both the wine and the bread. Now, must we also furnish the yeast unto thyselves?

Now is the time of the Cherub.

August 18, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy have set a new course, and therefore, shall at last, that that has been placed in the brook shall flow unto the river. This in itself is good. [Exodus 17:1–7.]

As we have said before, thy shall walk unto many doors and knock, and therefore, give unto them your blessings. [Mark 6:1–14.]

There shall be some who shall accept for a while and then reject the same. There shall be some who shall stand as hypocrites in false robes and say the vows before our Father, but yet they shall wear the mark of the Beast. But as we have said before, only those who should stand forth and not wear the mark of the Beast shall enter the kingdom of God in fullness. And from this shall come unto the time when all mankind shall live within the temple of God, and our Father shall call His many children back unto His many mansions.

But as a field is sown in many places, yet in the most unlikely places shall come the best crops, so do not fail to sow them all, one by one, and two by two. [Matthew 13:1–23.]

But as before, the chain was broken, a chain may be built of many links. But that a chain may stand before our Father, each chain must tested and tested again; each length must stand strongly and firm within the shadow of our Father. [Acts 1:9–26 and The Revelation 20:1–6.]

As we have said before, you shall build a mighty army unto God, but it shall be an army of minds, and nothing shall be hidden from this army. [The Revelation 19:11–21.]

For when they shall build the last wall, none shall enter that should wear the mark of the Beast. [The Revelation 21:9–27.]

But unto our Father’s words, “There is a time for all things.” There is a time that the rain should fall upon the earth. There is a time that the seasons shall change. [Ecclesiastes 3.]

And for a man who cares not to see the season change, he should not see his soul and spirit and the immortal body grow in fullness, for he should hide and continue to hide. [Matthew, chapter 24 and The Revelation, chapters 6–7.].

But as we have said before, this time is over, the half times. For nothing unclean shall come into our Father’s temple. [The Revelation 21:27, 22:6–7, 10–16.]

For those who should wash their clothing in the blood of the Lamb, all things of their past shall be forgotten within themselves, and so it shall be forgotten within our Father, for those who should step forward in righteous sake, and cast no stone upon his brother. [The Revelation, chapter 7; 14:1–16; 19:7–10; 20:4–6; 21:1–8, 27; and 22:7–15.]

But we say unto thee these words. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside. [Exodus 21:18–27, and Matthew 5:29 and chapter 18.]

For none shall enter the kingdom of God that does not know of earth, and none shall not know of earth that does not know the kingdom of God. But we say unto those who should doubt, why should you believe the words we should speak of heaven, yet believe the words we should say of earth. [See John 3:1–21.]

But mark unto these words, your Fifth Angel stands upon your earth, and your cleansing process has already began [The Revelation 6:9–11, 8:13, 9:1–12.]

But we say unto you, if a wall is mighty, and the foundation is strong, and the roof is built well, then you shall weather the storm. But if one link is weak within this structure, then it shall fall to the earth. [Acts 1:6–26 and The Revelation 21 and 22.]

So be unto thy brother’s keeper, and do so in reality, that thy may look into thyself and start thy thousand years of peace.

[The Revelation 20:1–6.]

You have questions ask….

“Yes, Aka, could you tell me what the mark of the beast is?”

The mark of the beast shall be that that you shall write upon your soul.

If thy should give unto evil unto your fellow man, this mark shall show.

If thy should give unto greed unto your fellow man, this mark shall show.

If thy should trespass upon another, this mark shall show.

All things of your lives shall show upon your soul, one by one, where you have built them. [The Revelation 12:17, 13:1–18]

Yet, we say unto you, in one moment all this could be taken away. But within that moment, if thy should take a backward step, they shall be stamped again.

Therefore, we say unto you, wash of thy clothing in the Lamb, of the blood, and the blood of the Lamb shall be cleansing of the same. And we do not speak of the blood that thy would know, but of the soul, and the spirit, and the immortal body of your own, for they shall be, as all things shall be, a righteous thing given unto our Father. And this thy shall take unto the altar of our Father. [The Revelation 6:9–11, 7:13–17, 11:14–19, 12:7–12, 14:1–4 and 10–14, 19:5–9, 20:1–6 and 11–15, 21:1–7 and 23–27, 22:1–5 and 12–14.]

Thy have asked in thy minds, “Then what could be of this, this immortal body?”

It is all the acts upon your soul and spirit.

It is that that thy have built, for when thy have reached unto the immortal body, thy have come as four — and as four was of 13. [Mark 3:7–19 and Acts 1:6–26]

There have been many who have stepped unto five and thought they had climbed the ladder in complete. But only as five they had opened the third eye of man.

Yet, some had cast a veil upon it. [Exodus 26:31–37, 27:21, 34:10–35, 36:35–38, 40:1–35.]

And some through lifting this veil and passing beyond, have thought to become as six; yet they were tossed back unto one. And therefore, that that they should see should not come as truths, but as half truths. And that that they should talk of should not come as truths, but half truths.

Take up unto thyselves unto five, and therefore, remember, that as we have said before, bring forth unto us, one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and therefore, show unto our Father the immortal body of man. Let it walk unto the psychic world.

Five is the body, soul, spirit, immortal body and additional gift of Life or Spirit God gives. Jesus told a learned rabbi that unless one be born over again one cannot see the kingdom of heaven. (See John, chapter 3.)

But those who should use of their psychic powers in the wrong manner, their powers shall be taken from them, for the psychic power of man is a gift born into all mankind, for as a child should suckle its mother, it should possess this. Unto the smallest creature of the earth, it should possess this.

Then bring it forward; learn of it, put it to use, into common practice. Let it become part of your normal lives. But do not fill the stomach with more than you can digest, and do not place into the mouth more than you can swallow (chuckle). For in either case, you can give yourself a sickness that can not be cured.

And for those who should do of this, let them bury their own dead, for our Father is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living, for as Egypt buried the dead, so should these.

But remember unto these words, for I am soul Ray, and soul Ray is I. But do not confuse that that should come unto Thirteen, for in fulfillment of your life and your missions, all things, for those who should not wear the mark of the beast, shall come.

But remember, “Judge not, lest ye be judged,” for all things that man should think of is sin, is not sin in our Father’s eyes. Before you cast that from yourself remember, look deep within yourself and say unto these words, “Is this part of my Father I should cast out?”

Thy have other questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth asks, ‘Can you describe the nature and function of the immortal body? Can it be used as a pattern in healing?’”

Yes, this can be used as a pattern in healing.

Within soul Ray we have placed the knowledge of the aura, and the treatment of the same.

You have thoughts now of machinery that should bring forth the creative force of man, and therefore, be able to change the function of the brain cells into full healing. As we have said before, both through the sound and light lies the secret.

The spiritual messengers of God guided Ray to use biofeedbck to heal the body through the mind in a way more advanced than curent knowledge. They would attune the light and sound of an aura to harmonious frequencies so that, like a symphony directed by Ray consciously using the healing light from God, the patient’s spirit, mind and body would follow, and heal. When one grateful patient bought Ray a biofeedback machine, Ray would use it to monitor what was happening. Since this was before desktop computers were availble, he read the oscilliscope to monitor the brainwaves and heartbeat, which he also was monitoring in spirit. While he and the healing angels God sends would tune in to see the individual’s needs, working in one accord, they visualized what was needed, imparting healing in a sensitive, yet powerful transmission of energy. Some might think of this way of giving healing, in part, as mind-to-mind hypnosis. Yet this was a greater way of healing, since it was imparted from God through Ray’s thought (as an instrument) to the patient. The spiritual messengers of God continually taught Ray to show him how to help and heal the 40 people a day who came to his door asking for help. Even before they arrived, the angels looked and saw their needs. Ray would listen and learn, much as a child would learn from his Father. One thing Ray learned was that some more difficult healing needed to be done through the spirit, mind or soul, and body, even upon the genetic level, for the healing to be complete. The answer below is part of Aka’s teaching in words., although most of their communication was directly in spirit.

But as the sperm of man and woman should be dissected, so you shall dissect the light and sound which are the true healing of man, which can change the pattern of the genesis of man.

You must realize that, as these secrets should come forth, disease, as you should know it, shall be wiped from the face of the earth.

Your thoughts upon this subject are correct. We shall elaborate upon this further at a different time. More knowledge shall be given. It is being given to you daily, but as questions arise, ask of these. This is an important field, very important, for as the immortal body is used in the function of man’s soul and spirit, a sick body should be of a sick mind, and a sick mind should have not of the immortal body….

But we should say unto thee, blessed are those who have stood through the time of trial. Blessed are those who should carry no false faces before our Father. Blessed are they who should end their karma. But woe upon those who should build of the new, for they should wander forever as lost souls in a nothingless land.

August 26, 1972: But do not listen unto those who should come in falsehood, for the wrath of the God is mighty. But as a small child who suckles [its] mother, go unto the temple of God for knowledge, for none who should know not of heaven should not know of earth, for none who should not know of earth shall not know of heaven.

And we should say again, for the time grows near, for written upon your sky, the earth shall bellow forth its mighty force. And there, upon the desert it shall lie, close to the ocean, for within real, but Satan, therefore, cannot steal….[See Matthew 24:29–33, Acts 1:6–11, The Revelation 14:14, 19:11–16, and The Revelation 12:10–17.]

And we say unto thee, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Not one stone shall be left unturned. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–7 and Matthew 24:1–8.]

And soon, from Alaskans, the earth shall churn, through your Mediterraneans, through your South Americans. All things shall come, as written before. And as [a last] Atlantis did rise and fall, so shall many lands upon your earth.

But for those who should not wear the mark of the beast, no harm shall come unto these.

[See The Revelation, chapter 7, 14:1–14, 15:2–4, 19:6–9, 20:1–7, chapters 21 and 22.]

September 22, 1972: Give that unto God that should belong to God, but do so in this manner. If thy cannot believe these things of the earth that we have given unto you, then how can you believe these things of heaven we have given unto you? For all comes from the same source.

And you should say unto us, “Why should you call this one a prophet, and no longer call of him an instrument?”

And we should answer in this manner. For we have placed within his mind, the awakening mind, the ability to see those things of the future clearly. For has it not been written that your Father should send unto one who could not be slain, and for those of the beast who should try to slay him, our Father would let him lie dormant and then rise him before the beast? [See The Revelation 11:1–13.]

And so it has been done.

And the beast we speak of is the doubt and greed within the minds of many.

October 13, 1972: Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord. And we should say unto these words….

We come not to promise thee the worldly needs, we come not to make thee great in the eyes of man, we come but for one purpose, that purpose is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And we say these words unto you, if thy should believe the earthly things, then thy should believe those things of our Father. (See John 3:12.)

But if thy cannot believe of which we speak, there are many mansions and our Father shall provide one for you. Our Father has planted into your hands that of free choice. Neither ourselves or our Father shall take this from you. We have entered into thy house many times, for thy bid us welcome. We have placed unto thy hand our wine.

But we also placed unto all those who do the work of God a time of temptation, a time of doubt. We did this in this manner that the house of God could be cleansed. For those who should walk in the light of our Lord and the work that is needed in the preparation for his coming shall have the strength to carry the mighty Sword, for now is you time of Armageddon. [See The Revelation, chapter 19 and “Now you ask, ‘What is the great sword that cuts two ways?’”]

For many doors unto your mankind shall be opened. Your radio and television media shall be placed before you. The hearts and minds of thousands and millions shall be placed into your hands.

But all those, one by one, and two by two, and three by three were to be tested. And those who could not stand should be cast aside. And those who shall not stand shall be cast aside. For is it not written that if thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside? For thy Lord, God, is a jealous God, and He shall have no other gods before Him, or after Him.

And for the one who should come shall not come as a god, but as a servant of God. Yet, he shall carry the spirits of God within him, and he shall carry within him that of the Christ-state of many. For he shall come as the first-born son of our Father. For is it not written that our Father loved this world of yours and mankind that He should hand into your hands once before His first-begotten son who He loved very dearly. And is it not written that the descendants of Abraham should be changed as stones. For you shall serve one of your own kind. Yet, as the spirit of God should dwell within you, so it should dwell within this one. But the power of God should also dwell within this one, and the wisdom and the love our Father has for His many children.

For if it was not so, our Father would have told you. For our Father has hidden nothing from His children. For what has been laid in darkness shall be placed into the light. What was covered shall be uncovered. For a new heaven and a new earth shall come and all things our Father has promised shall be as it was written. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

For did not our Father promise that two prophets should come to the earth and they should be slain and risen again. And so it shall be. And so it is, for have you not seen it with your own eyes? [See The Revelation, chapter 11.]

Yet, thy say, of the many, unto us, “Perform, therefore, a miracle, and we should believe.”

And we say unto you, we have come not to perform miracles, as thy would know them, for we can do nothing without the permission of our Father, for it is not us who should give healing, but our Father. It is not us who should show you light in the darkness, but our Father, for we are but the servants of our Father, and we walk in His holy light.

But those who should walk in our Father’s light and give praise unto Him, of the Creator, the Father, the God, then light shall be shown forever and ever.

But we should also unto you these words, for those who should not believe, watch your earth tremble. Watch those who should not believe fall into the earth and be devoured by it, and yet live in fear. Watch those who have become so concerned with their selves that they have no room for God create their own hell and walk in nothingness.

Yet, you say unto us, then now is the time of sorrow. And we say. nay, you are but foolish children, for now is the time of joy, and the joy should be in your hearts for the day of the preparation. For upon your earth shall be a thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father should count, and each day should be as a thousand years.

And your earth shall change its form. Where no water flow, water shall flow; what was desert shall be made into gardens.

Your times of trail are but a short time. This time of the Anti-Christ, that is short upon your earth to come, is but a short time.

Yet, for those who should not show the mark of the Beast, all things unto our Father shall be given.

[See The Revelation, chapters 12–13, 14:8–12, and chapters 15, 17, and 19–22.]

And we say unto thee, give glory unto our Father, and our Father shall give glory unto you, and glory be the name of the Lord, our Father, forever and ever. Let that of the light that was placed there in the beginning to see, open this, and let it see, and thy shall see us, and thy shall see thy Father.

But deny thyselves, and thy shall see darkness….

And we say unto the disciples, prepare therefore a haven within thyselves of love. But remember, thy are shepherds; do not allow the wolves to attack thy sheep. Stand as David, and thy shall stand as the shepherd of people of God.


June 19, 1973: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Was the destruction of the island of Atlantis remaining in the time of Noah because of the earth’s slipping on its axis or because of an atomic explosion?”

Was Bimini and the Island chain in the Bahamas once part of Atlantis?

First were the atomic explosions; second was the earth’s slipping upon its axis. Both were interrelated to parts of the same. That of the splitting of the atom, as you know it, is but a minor thing from the power unto which they had harnessed, for they had harnessed that of the cosmic power, the splitting of the cosmic rays within themselves, therefore, the changing within your atmosphere of the amount of cosmic energy laid forth upon the earth and into each individual. This is why your form did change. And so it shall again. But fear not, for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall walk upon this new heaven and new earth, and live within the thousand years of peace, and shall see the Messiah walk upon your earth.

July 13, 1973: And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For we shall tell thee the parable of the raindrop and the rose, and that of the wild rose that should grow upon the mountaintop, and of the angry man who climbed the mountain.

And he saw unto these roses, and he rushed forward and ripped and tore the bush from the mountain to carry it away with him. He did not ask permission of this plant, nor of the mountain, nor of his God. He stole away, as a thief in the night, this beautiful thing that God had placed forth for all of mankind to see.

But in doing so, many thorns had ripped his hands.

He went into the valley, there to drop the rose, the bush. And a small girl came forth and saw this beautiful thing starting to wilt. She took it up into her arms quite gently, and carried it to fertile soil by a brook, and with her hands she dug into the earth and placed each root gently, with love and care, and covered the roots with earth. And then she looked unto the heavens and said, “Oh, Father, please save the life of this beautiful thing that others may share its beauty.”

And God spoke back unto this little one with a teardrop in His eye, and He said unto her, “FIRST I SHOULD ASK UNTO YOU THIS QUESTION. CAN YOU FORGIVE THE ONE WHO RIPPED THE PLANT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP?”

And she said, “Oh, yes, Lord; this I can do.”


And so the child sought out from place to place. And there she heard, in this small place hidden behind all other buildings, the moan of the man whose hands were swollen with infection, and bleeding.

And she went unto the man, and she said unto him, “Oh please, kind sir, let me heal unto your hands.”

The man began to laugh at her, and said, “What can a child do, that I who am so strong cannot do?”

The child wept — but not for pity, not for shame, but for his sorrow within his heart, for his anger within his heart.

And this one looked upon the tears that fell and reached out his bloody swollen hands, and her small hands encircled his. And his hands became whole. Yet hers retained the swelling and the blood and the pain.

And she said, “Thank you, sir. Now I must go.” And so she left and went back unto the plant.


And there she did as she was told unto the Lord. And the plant sprang forth new life, new beauty. And the rain began to fall.


And so we have told unto you the parable. But yet there is more.

For this rough man had stood and watched. And he ran before the little one to bow, and said, “I have seen unto this day a miracle.”

And the little one looked into his eyes, and said, “In truth, the plant was a miracle before you destroyed it. So there is no miracle that has been performed, except that unto the Lord.”

And the man said unto the little one, “How can you have such faith? Where does it come from? And how may I remove this mark of the Beast from my forehead?”

And the child pointed to the mind, and said, “From within — forgive of thyself, for you are the only one that should judge of thyself.”

August 27, 1973: And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we have told unto thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of God. Yet, we have not told thee of the thoughts and the teachings that God placed into these.

And as they sat before God, the Third Spirit said unto the Lord, “But Lord, why should we place the wind upon the earth?”


And then the Fourth Spirit said unto the Lord, “But, Lord, the wind is sometimes confusing. Why should we place confusion upon the earth?”


And then the First Angel said unto the Lord, “But Lord, the wind can do great damage upon the earth, a shifting of the earth itself.”


And the Fifth Angel said unto the Lord, “But how could this be so, oh, Lord?”


And the Sixth Angel stood forth and said, “But, Lord, of the terrible storms that the wind can cause, what good could this do upon the earth?”



And the Seventh Angel, who was wise, had listened to all the other questions. And he said unto the Lord, “I see their need, oh, Lord, and their need for learning. But can these frail things which we call unto Thee the man-beast withstand all of these things?”

And the Lord spoke unto the Seventh Spirit, and said unto him these words, “I AM THE LORD, GOD. AND AS MY CHILDREN SHALL LEARN, SO SHALL I, FOR THE WIND SHALL BE AS A LEARNING TREE.



You have questions, ask….

The Lord, God, has placed into your hands free choice. As in many times before, as in now, doubt shall be cast before you, as you once cast doubt in your entry. Even now, you have cast doubt at times. You have thought, “How can this be? How can these things be possible? How can one simple man who has been placed upon the earth change the meaning of the same?”

And we shall say unto you, we have placed the mark upon his forehead, not the mark of the Beast, but the mark of the Eagle. Use that of your own free judgment in those steps you should take.

Ray Elkins was as an eagle. In spirit, he soared the heavens and also knew of earth, knowing of both heavenly and earthly things. His spirit soared much as the sacred eagle known to the Indian peoples, who carries prayers of the people up to the Creator and returns back to the Earth with His messages for us.

October 5, 1973: At times, you now on this earth plane of this time, you, more than all others, should know that the mark of the Beast that can be placed upon man; therefore, do not use the abilities given unto you in folly, or once again the mark of Cain, the mark of the Beast, shall be placed upon you. Bring forth this that you have seen, for we are here but for one purpose, that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Your abilities of the mind have been restored, but remember unto these words, that that the Lord has given, the Lord can taketh away. For the half-times are over.

We have placed the bread and the wine at your feet. We have shown you where you have been, that you should know where you are going. Cast aside these follies.

November 2, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. So as the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. But as the Lord should taketh away, the Lord takes nothing that He does not giveth, therefore, tenfold.

For thy have prayed that moisture come upon your earth, and the Lord has not listened with deafened ears. Yet, there is a time for all things, and that your land should be better prepared for that that should come. For the land that thy stand upon is blessed land, for the children of God should walk upon it, and it has been made as such.

For we blanketed your earth with flowers, yet we have told you that now is the time of the changing of times, that the half-times are over, that the Fifth Angel should walk upon your earth, that a new comet within your sky shall be seen by a third of the Earth at a time and should [coveth] one third, and that famine and pestilence should reign.

Comet Kohoutek, formally designated C/1973 E1, 1973 XII, and 1973f, was first sighted on 7 March 1973 by Czechastronomer Luboš Kohoutek. It attained perihelion on 28 December that same year. Comet Kohoutek is a long-period comet; its previous apparition was about 150,000 years ago, and its next apparition will be in about 75,000 years. At its apparition in 1973, it had a hyperbolic trajectory (e > 1) due to gravitational perturbations from giant planets. Due to its path, scientists theorized that Kohoutek was an Oort-cloud object. As such, it was believed that this was the comet’s first visit to the inner Solar System, which would result in a spectacular display of outgassing. Infrared and visual telescopic study have led many scientists to conclude, in retrospect, that Kohoutek is actually an Edgeworth/Kuiper-belt object, which would account for its apparent rocky makeup and lack of outgassing. Before its close approach, Kohoutek was promoted by the media as the “comet of the century”. However, Kohoutek’s display was considered a let-down, possibly due to partial disintegration when the comet closely approached the Sun prior to its Earth flyby. Since this was probably the comet’s first visit to the inner Solar System, it would have still contained large amounts of frozen volatiles since its formation. Although it failed to brighten to the levels expected, it was still a naked-eye object. Its greatest visual magnitude was −3, when it was at perihelion, 0.14 AU (21,000,000 km; 13,000,000 mi) from the Sun. Its orbital inclination is 14.3°. Its best viewing was in the night sky after perihelion, when it had dimmed to fourth magnitude. The comet also sported a tail up to 25° long, along with an anti-tail. (Wikipedia)

But for those who have kept sacred His words, fear not. For as the mark of the Beast has been implanted, those who have [sterned] away, even through the ridicule of other men, shall not be touched. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 13, 14:1–14, 20:4–6.]

We have told you of the storing of many things. We have placed before you each of these. We have also told you that the monetary value that should be needed shall be before you as the times are needed, that the needs shall be taken care of, not the wants. Therefore, in your preparation, prepare for the needs.

For seed was strewn upon the earth in heavy harvest, therefore, to lay dormant until the time it was needed to grow again, and so it shall be. For even though there shall be pestilence and famine, new seed shall rise from the earth and growth shall come forth, for our Father shall prepare a way for His children in this manner.

You shall find that nations shall fall, yet rise again from the dust. But those that shall rise shall be better nations because they have fallen. And new governments shall be born within governments, and so it shall be within your own. So fear not this trying time.


February 16, 1974: Now cometh the time that we should show you the flowers.

But remember also that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now eruptions shall arise, and the toil upon the earth shall be heavy. The Anti-Christ is walking upon your earth. Greed is walking upon your earth in a multitude of manners; cast aside this monster. Jealousies should walk upon your earth; cast aside this monster.

For each of these are a head of the Beast.

And for those who should stand apart and be not marked by these, then the new heaven and earth shall come forth into fullness. [See The Revelation, chapter 13, 20:1–7, and 21:1–7.]

April 10, 1974: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–10–74–003], ‘I will appreciate anything on any subject.’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we shall say unto you unto these words. Thy seek within thyself spiritual growth and knowledge.

And we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine shall come forth.

Prepare, therefore, for this time, but fear it not, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish.

Men shall flee unto the hills and try to hide themselves and pray for death, but there shall be no place to hide. But the children of God who have not forgotten Him shall not feel the pain, for the faith in thy Father shall save unto you and thy kinship. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapter 7, and chapters 12–17.]

We give unto thee these words, prepare therefore within thyself. For we are not great; we have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Look therefore, as a man who leases land, for the owner to return, into each soul thy meet, and treat each person as though he was he who should come, and therefore, thy should know of him when he does come.


For there was the time of Abraham. There was the time of Moses. There was the time of Buddha. There was the time of Mohammed. There was the time of Jesus, the Christ. There have been many who have reached the Christ state, for the beggar on the street may be the next. Treat each person as thy brother, and thy shall prepare within thyself a place for his coming and a place in thyself for thy thousand years of peace and harmony. But think not as you should count, for think of each day as a thousand years. Therefore, one of your years shall be one thousand.

April 18, 1974: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, we have [4–18–74–008]; ‘Who wanted me today, and was it a test?’”

Yes, we see of thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Before permission was given unto soul Ray to come unto this land, we laid upon the land that to cleanse it, to take away confusion of the mind, yet to bring forth those who should seek spiritual development that they may pass it on unto others. For as a river should flow, and as a brook should flow unto a river, and as the river should flow unto an ocean, so should the spiritual words of our Father come forth upon your earth, for we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to prepare a way, but in the same, to prepare a way for His children during the time of the Anti-Christ upon your earth, that those who should not wear the mark of the Beast should be spared, and life upon the earth should begin again, that the knowledge thy have should not be lost. We are here to prepare the way for your thousand years of peace upon the earth. Count not as you would count, but count a thousand years as a day, and you shall know the full meaning of the words we have spoken. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–24, 17, 19–22.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [4–18–4–009]; the question is, ‘Which direction should I take this coming year, relocation, and so forth?’”

Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. Thy have lived in turmoil. And therefore, walk away from this. As we have said before, we have come to prepare a way for the children who should not wear the mark of the Beast. New opportunities shall be laid before you. The door shall be opened, if thy wish to enter. Cast aside that of aggrievances, but look unto the doors we have opened of the future. Truth and prosperity and happiness shall lay before thee.

June 1, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner in this way.

For as our Lord, God, sent forth the Seven Angels, and the Seven Spirits unto the same to create thy land, and therefore, the creation came forth, and the Lord, God, found it good — and now we should say unto thee of the Eighth.

The Eighth was that that you should know as Lucifer. And Lucifer came forth unto the Seven Angels, the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and did become jealous because of their creation, for he was the youngest. And therefore, he came upon the earth and did bring forth lie and deceit.

And the Lord, God, looked upon the children of the earth. And He did cast Lucifer from the heavens unto the earth.

And yet, the Seven Angels went back into the Lord, God, and said, therefore, unto the Lord, “Oh Lord, why have you cast unto the earth this one who should harm of our children?”



Yet the Seven Angels, the Seven Spirits of our Lord, still did not understand. And the angels, the spirits of the Lord, said unto the Lord, “But Lord, they have many obstacles to overcome. Why should You add to their burden?”




Yet, as He spoke, one of the spirits of God shook his head in despair, and he said unto the Lord, “But Lord, I can understand all you have spoken. But why have you allowed this one known as Lucifer to place the seed of doubt in their minds? No one placed the seed of doubt in our minds as we grew the fields of grain.”


And so it was done.


And as each whispered into the other’s ear, the last came forth.

And the Lord said unto this one, “WHAT MESSAGE HAVE YOU RECEIVED?”

And the last said unto the Lord. “That the worst thing within the heavens and earth is doubt.”







And there shall come forth upon the time upon the earth when blood should run upon the earth like the rivers, and spill into the oceans and pollute the oceans. And the grass and the tree and all living things they should destroy, one by one, until they themselves can grow beyond this and see that unto which they have destroyed.

All of these things we have known, yet we know of a greater thing — that the day shall come that each shall gather, as the pebbles should flow across the land from brook to river to ocean, unto the many lands and universes, their overcoming of doubt, their replacing this with faith. There shall be no more mistrust.

For the Lord, God, says unto you, “BLESSED BE THE PEACEMAKERS.


Can you understand of which we have spoken?

Nay, not fully.

We have told of you unto these things, for we have seen your seeds of doubt. But we say unto you unto this manner, as we have said before, none from either side shall interfere with this work. There shall be weeds that should grow in the garden, but the Lord is a good farmer. He shall pluck the weeds, for their own doubts shall strip then naked before mankind, and show mankind that unto which they are, their own jealousy.

We say unto you, as you build unto the temple of God unto thyself, place, therefore, first, a good foundation, and pick thy mason well. Put plumbing into the house, that it should not clog up and pollute the house, that it should carry away the waste. Place a good roof upon the house that the storms should not damage the interior. Make the walls strong.

Do so unto others as you would wish them to do unto you….

If thy have faith, thy dreams shall come forth in beauty and truth. This must come from within yourself.

You have had doubts, placed there by Lucifer. For you must realize that as the days grow short, he works in desperation, for his time grows short. For the thousand years of peace that was promised shall soon come upon the earth.

Yet, there is but the time yet of the Anti-Christ, and many have been marked already and carry the mark of the Beast. And he shall be slain and grow a new head. And this has come about.

Your battle of Armageddon shall be fought upon the earth and in the heavens. For as it was written, so it should be done, on heaven and earth. [See The Revelation 13:1–8, and 19:11–21.]

Glory be the name of the Lord.

June 7, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer your question in this manner –

for we should tell unto thee the parable of the wind.

And as the Seven Spirits came forth unto the many universes, each said into the other, “Why has God placed wind upon the planetary substance of the same?”

They puzzled long, and one thought unto himself, “For it must be to carry the clouds from place to place.”

And another thought, “Nay, it should take the autumn leaves from the trees.”

And another said unto them, “Nay, it is for cleansing of the water upon the earth.”

And yet another said, “Nay, it is for changing of the earth’s form.”

Yet, they thought long, but none could agree.

Therefore, they went unto their Father, and said unto God these words, “Oh, Lord, why have Thy created wind?”





For death as you know it is much like the wind. It is only there for a moment and then the form should change, should evolve — become, therefore, within a whole.

For within your minds many have thought of death, as you would know it. You have accepted this of your own free will. This is your way of learning. Life is death and death is life, and so it shall be through all the planes. Many shall climb to the last step upon the ladder only to choose to return, and fall to the bottomless pit, there to look up and see our Father and climb again.

But as a Father, He has hidden nothing. Like the wind that circles your earth, so thought form shall circle, and so, it shall repeat and repeat again. So shall your life form be of the same.

Yet, into each of you, you think unto yourselves of a life reading, of knowing where you have been, and then you think you should know from where you will go. But we will say unto you unto these words. Saying and doing are two different things. Hearing and listening are two different things. We may speak unto you the words, but if you hear us not, then our words are as the wind; they pass on.

We say unto you, as we have said before, the book with roses, the Rose without Thorns, comes dear to our Father’s heart.

We told of you in this manner –

to cast from your hearts all jealousies and doubts and greeds, which are monsters. They are beasts and the Mark of the Beast.

Humility is of bread, for our Father has shown you humility many times. He has shown you tolerance many times. He gave of His children free will. Neither He nor we can violate this. We come as teachers but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And so should the Rose without Thorns come for the preparation for the Book with Wings. [See “New words shall be written upon the sky. But they must be written in men’s hearts first.”]

We say unto you, think unto yourselves. Give that unto God that should belong to God. Give that unto yourself that should belong to yourself. Give that unto your brother that should belong unto your brother. But give not unto either if you come before God’s altar and in the kingdom of God, which is the body, the temple, with grievances in your hearts.

We have placed before you both man and prophet to give guidance. His task has not been an easy one. It was not intended to be easy.

Thoughts placed in love upon paper bring forth more love and more understanding.

Thoughts placed on paper without love brings confusion and doubt.

Your country at this time is going through one of its greatest changes in history, this history. But if it should survive as one nation before God, if it should overcome its karma and rise above the ashes as the phoenix bird, as the bird of the Great Pyramid, with greater knowledge, then in truth it shall be one nation before God. And it shall be as a mirror, and other nations shall follow its example.

The bald eagle is a symbol for the U.S.A.

There are those who say that the pathway unto our Father should come through fasting. If the body is not fed, it withers and dies. Proper food and proper exercise is needed. But a man should not run himself to death, nor eat himself to death.

It is said, to become closer to God that you must eat this or that. We shall say unto you, in the time of Moses, the Laws of Moses came forth for the protection of the people, to rid the people of the diseases that plagued them. So therefore, all of the things that Moses brought forth were for his time and place, in proportions of the same. This does not change the Ten Commandments given from God. For there was that that came from Moses and that that came from God.

For time is like the wind; it has no beginning and no ending, and constantly changes. If it stayed but the same there would be no purpose for life.

You will say unto us, you have talked once again as in riddles. But we say unto you — for those who should hear, let them hear. For those who should see, let them see.

But we say unto you, we have come that nothing should be hidden. We have come forth to bring the light unto the Lord’s people, all of the people.

Each man has chosen his way unto worship God. We are here not to destroy this, but to give unto you the philosophy, and in doing so, the preparation within yourselves.

For some shall hear our words. And others shall misinterpret our words. And so is the ways of men. But we say unto you, for those who should misinterpret, we are here to prepare the way. Are you? Can you prepare the way within yourself?

For no one but our Father knows the exact day or moment. Therefore, we say unto you, be prepared at any moment that that he who should come should walk up unto you and you should extend your hand with love and knowledge and know of him….

For we are soul Ray and soul Ray is I. Yet we are many. For we stand as close to God as His teardrops, and as close to soul Ray as his heartbeats.

June 20, 1974: Yes, we see thy need.

And we should answer in this manner. For upon the earth the Father saw forth to place the mighty redwood tree, to stand in stature above men. Yet man was mighty within himself, for he took his ax and cut down the mighty tree.

Yet the forest looked on, and so it wept, for it had lost a mighty friend. And each tree said into another, “Oh woe, what is this that man had done again? Shall he destroy the whole earth?”

And days and months passed, and there upon the granite rock grew a new sapling, each day, each year. And day by day it grew and counted the days as the forest came and went, and as man came and went.

So we say unto you, you can destroy nothing. You may only change its form.

In this day of yours of great trial, many should think they should run into the forest and hide beneath the rocks. [See The Revelation, chapter 6.]

Nay, we say unto you. For there shall be no place to hide.

For those who should carry the mark of the Beast, their days shall be long and many. For those who do not carry the mark of the Beast, there is no reason to hide.

You may be persecuted at first by those who should carry the mark. But for those who carry the mark, they shall perish and you shall not.

For famine shall ravish the earth, and men shall kill for bread. But we say unto you, man may take from thee thy hand and arm, or thy life, but within truth he cannot take thy life, for life is everlasting. He can harm you not. Only you yourselves may do this. For he cannot cut away the soul of man and separate it from its spirit that belongs to God. Only you can do these things.

And for those who should carry the mark, they will have done so without scarring the body. But they should go, therefore, into the land of the lost souls, for they should never see again the light of our Father.

Be thus, as unto the redwood tree who fell mightily upon the earth only to rise again, for your God is the God of the living, not of the dead.

July 8, 1974: Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–7–74–004], who has asked a previous question, asks, ‘What changes to our lifestyle as we now know it will take place in the next 10 to 15 years?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Much shall depend upon your own free choice, and that of your fellow mankind.

We say unto you, give unto God that that is God’s; give unto your brother that which should belong to your brother; but just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself. If you should do of such, in all manners you should be serving God.

We should say unto you, plant your own field first; then go unto your neighbor and help him plant his.

Your lifestyle shall drastically change in the next 10 years. Medicine, as you know it, of this day shall take a drastic change. New power sources shall be brought forth upon the earth, new forms of travel. All these things should come forth.

Wind turbines and solar power soon came, even solar powered cars.

But war, also, may come forth with it.

This is your earth. This is your time. Make your choice.

But we say unto you and to all mankind, the Lord, our God, loves of His children. But we say, as He gave unto Moses the Ten Commandments, must it be necessary once again that the days of Noah shall come forth upon your land? Must these days of darkness, must the Sixth Seal be opened, and then the Seventh? Must all of the words we have spoken not be heard? Nay. [See The Revelation of John, chapters 6–10.]

We come forth not to take from the words of Moses. We come forth not to change the prophecies of John. We come forth with love from our Father, with A Rose without Thorns for your earth. Pick it up. Be as a mirror; show it to your brother. Judge not his skin, or the color.

We have told of you of life on other planetary worlds. Shall you kill of them when they come [up] in peace? For the crafts that have landed upon the earth, so far all you have done is try to destroy them — yet they have harmed you not — because their forms are different than yours. When you leave your body, this shell that you should live, it should wither away and turn back into dust. And as is proper, should you look upon it and stand and watch it decay, you would think it a horrible thing and fear it.

Pick up this rose, and fear not, for the Lord, God, walks with you, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish from this earth, or from our Father’s kingdom.

[See The Revelation of John 20:4–6 and chapters 21–22.]

August 2, 1974: For as man was brought forth upon the many planetary systems, above and beyond your universe and universes, he was but the thought of man, yet the thought of God. And therefore, he came forth in a spiritual form.

And God looked upon man and He said, “AND THEY SHALL BE OF OUR KIND, OF OUR IMAGE, AND IT SHALL BE GOOD.” And as the Seven Spirits created the heavens and earth, and therefore, God blew life into man, and that life was the soul, and the body formed, therefore, from the dust, that that you would know of cosmic energy. And so it was.

Yet, as man emerged from the dust, that he should rule above his domain, God placed within him all things of His likeness, the abilities that he could move mountains with his mind. But yet, He placed within his mind the knowledge that a mountain moved without reason was a useless thing. And yet, as man came forth upon the earth, and as day by day, he could use mechanical means in the place of his own mind, these abilities began to waste away, back unto the dust that they had come from.




Yet we say unto you, the years of darkness can appear, the Seventh Seal can be opened. We have said before, and we have been tolerant in each of the things we have placed before you. For humility is that that you must learn, as the Lord, God, has learned it from His children. For how many times has the Lord, God, said unto His children, “COME FORTH.” And how many times have His children promised false promises unto Him. Yet, God, in His humility, has granted your prayers, has brought forth that that thy have wished, and asked for so long….

And so it shall be again, for the resurrection shall come forth. The new Messiah shall come forth upon your Earth, and a new heaven and a new earth shall be born….

Now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Tornados, hurricanes, pestilence shall ravish the earth.

Yet, if the children of God should not wear the mark of the Beast, if they should not depart from their love of their God, if they should begin now to build that thousand years of peace, if they should begin now to prepare the way for his coming, fear not.

For those who walk within light of the Lord, there shall be eternity.

For those who walk in the light of Lucifer, there shall be never.

August 10, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way. For we should answer, as the children of Abraham came forth upon the earth, and as Abraham begot the children of Egypt, and the children of your Arabian nations, so one was as into another, for they were of brothers, yet they knew each other not. And so it has been, that for all the descendents of Abraham, they did make war upon each other, and cast stones upon each other, for they were a jealous lot. Yet, each and all in the same manner believed, therefore, into our Father, the God.

Yet, as Abraham ventured forth into the land of Egypt, because his wife was, therefore, so fair, he told not of the truth; he said she was of his sister. And therefore, many did pursue this maiden, Sarah. And therefore, Abraham did bring forth lie before his God.

And as time passed forth, and the brother of Abraham, who was Lot, did live within the cities of sin, and therefore, as Abraham did argue to persuade the messengers from God that should they find ten honest men in all the city, they would spare the city, but they ventured forth, and therefore, found none, but Lot ­and his two daughters and his wife. And Lot did bargain with the people who had besieged him, to trade them his daughters, but still they wanted to destroy these that had been sent by the Father, God. For it is as in your days, this day, this time.

Abraham [Lot] went forth from the city with his family, as he was directed and told, therefore, not to look back. But his wife, therefore, did of such and was turned, therefore, into the salt and into the soil, and destroyed, of the body form.

And therefore, Lot hid into the mountains and into the caves, for nothing could grow upon the land, for the land had been destroyed, much as you would destroy now with your atomic weaponry. Yet, the daughters of Lot thought unto themselves that they should drunken their father and beseed themselves in pregnancy. And so it was done. And so, the karma of the family of Lot was sent forth upon the earth. And from this karmic action came forth and was born into a son. [See Genesis, chapter 19.]

We say unto you, as the nations and nations of the world have come forth, one by one and two by two, to live in the house of the Lord and take direction from the same, each has come forth, in their own way, that they should enter our Father’s many mansions. But yet, there is still this charlatan.

And as we have said, the great Sword that should cut of two ways has cleansed your land, has brought forth unto the land a new Government, and it shall grow forth and produce yet a better Government. But your Government and your country can only remain as it should stand as one nation before God. It was God’s promise that the land of Israel be returned back unto the Israelites, and so this time has been fulfilled. Yet before you lies the battle of Armageddon. We say unto you, fight among yourselves and the Beast shall win, and the Beast shall rule, and the land shall become desolate and polluted. And man shall die and waste away in a polluted land.

But we say unto you, hear these words, oh Israel. Hear these words, you modern, of the Roman nation, that call themselves, Americans. Our Father’s will shall be done, and the Sword shall cut again.

And those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall walk forth and inherit the earth.

But for those who should walk forth with the mark of the Beast, they shall become as lost souls and shall be cast aside into nothingness. [See The Revelation chapters 19–22.]

We have given unto your keeping now this time, your book, your Rose without a Thorn. It is but a beginning.

There’ll be many of you who can say, “Nay, I can only do this,” or “I can only do that.” Yet, you will ask your God day-by-day to do his bidding, your bidding. And your God shall answer.

Which of you shall now answer your God?…

Open thy door that we may enter, and thy shall know the true light of God. But we say unto you, our Father has many mansions.

There lies within this work much yet to be accomplished. We shall allow no one from either side to interfere with this.

But this is not the full question, ask again.

“I have no more question here….I have nothing that isn’t written here that I have not read.”

We shall answer the question in this manner, in this way.

As God said forth unto Moses, “TAKE MY PEOPLE FROM ISRAEL [EGYPT]” — and as Moses went unto the mountain and brought forth the words of God, the Ten Commandments, and he looked, therefore, upon the people and they were worshiping the calf, a false idol, and Moses did say unto them, “You are not befitting of these,” and he did cast them into the eternal flame, and the eternal flame did destroy the false idol, and did devour those who carried the mark of the Beast —

for the mark was, therefore, greed, and lust, and jealousy

–– and therefore, the people did wander into the wilderness for forty years that they should overcome their karma, and Moses sent them, therefore, into the promised land, yet he could not cross, for he had within himself his own karma, and he was, therefore, taken up by God to come again — all things shall be as they have been before. The dividing line of those who should follow God and those who should follow their false idols shall be as once again.

There will be those who should think they are holy by taking, therefore, those of the hallucinatory drugs. God did not place a perfection of the mind only to be destroyed by such.

There shall be those who should come forth and say they are this or say they are that. But the instrument that we have placed, and the instruments we shall place within each, and the gifts that shall be given, shall not wither away, but shall grow in strength and be enduring.

For this one who has asked these questions, we say unto you, when thy return back unto thy home, open thy door that we may enter. Go forth and prepare, therefore, that our instrument should travel into thy land. Prepare well, that all may hear and know of our words. For thy shall become part of a river that shall flow unto the many lands. Yet work with others in the preparation. Leave not one stone unturned. Cast aside all your jealousies. Become as brethrens, one unto another. And the reward thy seek, this that thy ask for, we shall grant….

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. Now is the time of the Cherub.

August 15, 1974 (Tucson, Arizona): Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. For upon thy earth should walk the Seventh Angel.

And you should say unto us, “What this could mean unto the earth?”

And we should answer unto you into this manner. For it should mean pestilence and famine. That that man has placed into the earth should come forth. That that man has placed into the heavens should come downward. Rain shall not fall, but when it comes it shall come in abundance. Crops shall not grow. All of these things man has done unto himself.

Chemical trails (with aluminum and perhaps 20 other compounds) emitted from jet planes gradually fall to the groound. They affect rainfall, block sunlight, and are toxic to plant and other life. But man has placed many things upon earth, including pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, industrial pollutants, radiation. Crops have been genetically modified. Even the upper atmosphere is affected by powerful microwave from antennae arays at numerous failities worldwide, such as H.A.A.R.P. (High Atmospheric Auroral Research Propram). These directed microwaves move the clouds and chemical clouds to control weather. Also nucler radiation from testing has circled the earth and fallen to the ground over years. The ways man has pulluted and changed the earth are too many to mention. You can read the history of weather modification here.

For we should tell thee ––

the parable of the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and as they placed there forth within your atmospheric that that would produce the clouds into which the rain should be carried about.

And therefore, each was different and separate, and each did serve its own purpose. And therefore, the earth was green and fertile, and all things came in abundance.

And then man came forth. And day-by-day and year-by-year, he has polluted the land, the sky, and the earth beneath the land. At first he learned to rotate his crops to rebuild the land, but then he found, through the use of chemical compounds, that he could force the growth of the plant life, he could change the genes within the plant life. And these were good, for these were intended.

Then man became lustful. And as he became lustful he tried to make the earth produce more and more, beyond its own endurance. And therefore, the land polluted into itself.

We shall tell thee of another time, of a land of Egypt, when famine did come upon it. And in this land God sent forth in dream form he who should dream the dream [Pharaoh]. And then He sent forth the one who should interpret the dream [Joseph]. And in both God’s work was done.

And we say unto you, your earth could feed the world in bountiful form with­out such as this.

Many have asked, “Then what is the answer for such?” And we say unto you, as you in this land of your Americans have put forth what you call, soil banks, take these from the soil banks and put them into production. Take the land that is no longer productive and lay it aside that it may restore itself. Plant upon it these things that will put back into the soil and not take from it. If such is done, if man in his lust should stop, then the famine would stop.

But all is in free choice. Should you go onward with your lust as you have, man shall die away in a polluted land where nothing grows.

You have changed your cosmic radiation, or cosmic bombardment, unto the earth form, which all mass and all form should come from. You have polluted the sky in such a manner that no longer is there an even balance. Therefore, a form change should take place. For those who can adapt themselves to this form change shall live. But many thousands shall die. And yet, the thousands shall be into millions upon the earth.

We have placed before you means to overcome and change your own environment. Yet you have heard us not. We came before you and told of you of the coming of the famine, and to store, and yet, you heard us not. [See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

Now we say again unto you, heed our words. Store of grain, of tools. Store of seed. Store of knowledge. Do of these things, that your civilization should preserve itself, that it ­should not crawl back into the caves once again, that it should not revert itself totally back unto the animal form that the spirit first found it in.

Take lessons from your clouds. Know that each is different and each is changing. But a cloud can go not where it is not wanted. It can only come unto the lands for those who should give praise unto the Lord.

The Hopi Indians in Arizona say prayers and dance during the hot, dry season asking the kachinas to come with the clouds. In many ways the Kachina rites are the most important ceremonial observances in the Hopi religious calendar. Within Hopi religion, the kachinas are said to live on the San Francisco Peaks near Flagstaff, Arizona. To the Hopis, kachinas are supernatural beings who visit the villages to help the Hopis with everyday activities and act as a link between gods and mortals. According to Susanne and Jake Page, the katsinam are “the spirits of all things in the universe, of rocks, stars, animals, plants, and ancestors who have lived good lives.” These spirits are then impersonated by male dancers wearing costumes and masks for ceremonies during the first half of the year.

Yet, you have used up your water from the earth, your natural storage tanks. And your ground should settle and cause earthquakes within the same unto this land, the land you stand on, the land of the Tucson.

And we shall tell thee of the land of the Tucson, for the land of the Tucson was the tribe of the thieves. And the thieves, therefore, were the thieves of Yucatan. They were the thieves that came forth from the land of Atlantis.

And yet, the time came forth when the one known as the Christ did walk upon the earth, and he came forth among these and he taught them of their ways. And he showed them to plant the corn and the grain, and the melons, and to make the ground fruitful unto them, and showed them there were no longer a need to be thieves. Yet he left among them no curse words, no profanity. This is why you find not that in their language, for it was cast aside. For is it not written, “Should thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” And so, therefore, this land became a peaceful land.

Cultivation of maize in an illustration from the 16th c. Florentine Codex by Gary Francisco Keller, artwork created under supervision of Bernardino de Sahagún between 1540 and 1585. — The Digital Edition of the Florentine Codex, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15124157. A well-known combination South and North American Indians often plant together is called “the three sisters.” The Three Sisters are the three main agricultural crops of various indigenous groups in North America: winter squash, maize(corn), and climbing beans (typically tepary beans or common beans). Originating in Mesoamerica, these three crops were carried northward, up the river valleys over generations, far afield to the Mandan and Iroquois who, among others, used these “Three Sisters” for food and trade. Legend tells of the travel route, the Kings Highway, from south America through Arizona. Some say this is the route Jesus walked when he came to the Americas.

And then came forth upon this land those of your Spaniards; once again thieves walked the earth. They walked and they brought forth the Black Robes to imprison the people, and they cut forth out their tongues, and they made slaves of them, and they did destroy of them. And they did play trickery upon them, and they made them believe that the enemies were of their own people, of their own kind. And so, they went forth and they did burn pueblo after pueblo, and it did go unto the earth. All in the name, they said, of the Christ one who had come before. Yet the old ones who know, said unto them, of the people, “This is not his way. This is not those we have waited, that should come again, as he should promise.”

San Xavier mission to the southwest of Tucson near the Yaqui and Tohono O’odham tribal lands

And then came forth those of the Americans from many lands. And they came forth. And yet, these peaceful people do not make war upon them, but greeted them, only to have trickery performed upon them once again. And these who scratched the earth and brought forth the gold, the silver, the copper, and they took more and more of the land, and once again this land called Tucson diverted back unto the town or the land of the thieves.

And now you have your modern thieves, those of your time, of your day. And we say unto you, cleanse this land or it shall be cleansed for you. For not one pebble upon the earth shall be left unturned. For now is the time of the Cherub, and the Cherub shall carry the great Sword, the sword that should cut two ways. One side of the sword should cut away land, and cleanse it. The other side should cut away those who have the mark of the Beast, the thieves. [See The Revelationchapters 13 and 19.]

And we say unto you, look unto yourselves.

Cast aside your greed, your lust, your envy.

Look unto your brothers and look unto your sisters in such a manner that you should be as a mirror. Do unto them as you would wish them to do unto you, and you shall change the destiny of this land. If this is not done, then as we have said before, the land shall be cut from the earth and cast unto the sea. Yet the sea should not want it. And it should throw it back out, but not in the form it lies of today.

Tucson is part of the sonoran desert region about 200 miles north-northwest of the seaside town, Peurto Penaso, on the Gulf of California (Spanish: Golfo de California), also known as the Sea of Cortés (Mar de Cortés) or less commonly as the Vermilion Sea (Mar Bermejo). The gulf a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean that separates the Baja California Peninsula from the Mexican mainland. It is bordered by the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, and Sinaloa with a coastline of approximately 4,000 km (2,500 mi). The sea is where the North American and Pacific continental plates meet. The San Andreas fault north of the sea is also where the two plates meet. Geologic evidence is widely interpreted by geologists as indicating the gulf came into being around 5.3 million years ago as tectonic forces rifted the Baja California Peninsula off the North American Plate. As part of this process, the East Pacific Rise propagated up the middle of the Gulf along the seabed. This extension of the East Pacific Rise is often referred to as the Gulf of California Rift Zone. The Gulf would extend as far as Indio, California, except for the tremendous delta created by the Colorado River. This delta blocks the sea from flooding the Mexicali and Imperial Valleys. Volcanism dominates the East Pacific Rise. The island of Isla Tortuga is one example of this ongoing volcanic activity. Furthermore, hydrothermal vents due to extension tectonic regime, related to the opening of the gulf, are found in the Bahía de Concepción, Baja California Sur. Tucson (/ˈtuːsɑːn, tuːˈsɑːn/; Spanish: Tucsón; O’odham: Cuk-Ṣon; Navajo: Tó Oostsʼąʼ) is a city in and the county seat of Pima County, Arizona, United States, and is home to the University of Arizona. It is the second largest city in Arizona, with a population of 520,116 in the 2010 United States Census, while the 2015 estimated population of the entire Tucson metropolitan statistical area was 980,263.

August 28, 1974: “Aka, would you give us information as to why we are on the earth plane?”

Yes, we see thy need and we should answer in this way, in this manner. Most of you who should think of the spiritual plane — one day upon this earth plane you can learn more and progress farther than in a hundred years in the spiritual plane.

You should think because the mortal soul and the mortal body should pass away, that this one or that one should become smarter. This is not true. They stand as they left the earth plane, sometimes bewildered, sometimes to sleep years, and sometimes thousands of years, before they will allow themselves to awaken. And sometimes they are bewildered by where they stand, for all their civilization has made them ready to pass before a judge which does not exist except within themselves.

There is much bewilderment in the first of passing. Therefore, they run around, as you would say, as a chicken with his head underneath its wing, making great noises, but knowing very little.

We say unto you, we, this council, has existed since the beginning of time. Yet, we must go to our Father for information, for knowledge. Our Father, your God, is kind, and gentle and loving. Yet each of us has existed upon your earth planes and others throughout the many galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. We have lived lives upon [yet] what you would call the earth plane. We picked one from among us and sent him forth upon the earth plane as a teacher.

And he stands within your grasp.


But each should be different in kind, but beautiful in all, for the kingdom of God lies within you, each of you. For who could not love of God’s beauty He has placed upon the universes? And who could walk out among them each day and not know of His love?

Look at the flowers that He [has] placed beneath thy feet. See them. Give rejoice and great tidings each day, for each day is another day closer to his arrival upon your earth, that he should make himself known unto thee.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever! Blessed be the name of the one who should come.

And we say unto you, pray that the Seventh Seal is not opened. But show unisance unto each other, that you may show unisance unto God.

For those who would wear the mark of the Beast shall be cast unto the bottomless pit for that one thousand years, as the Lord should count. Cast it from thyself.

[See The Revelation, chapters 19–20.]

We stand as our Father stands. Ask and thy shall receive.

Now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth; pestilence and famine. Prepare, therefore, into the same. Earthquakes shall shatter thy Western and Eastern seaboard. Hurricane and storms shall race across the face of you land. Prepare for the famine.

September 2, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For that that that the Lord has giveth, the Lord should taketh away, but all things that the Lord should taketh, He should replenish tenfold. For your land is sparse and dry. We have told you of this time. Yet we say unto you, give prayer unto the Lord in unisis, and that that the Lord has taken shall be replenished upon your earth.

Your earth should travel forth into economical disaster. All nations now stand and tremble. Yet we say unto you, fear not. But beware, for one shall come forth who shall seemingly make all things right. Yet, in truth, he is a taker of the land. He is the Anti-Christ. The nations shall crumble and fall. And as he walks forth he shall put bread upon the table, yet he shall ask for souls in return.

As we have said before, we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. As [the] bread should leave the tables, many shall lose their faith in our Lord, and many should turn their faces away from Him, unto this one. And we say, beware.

The earth shall tremble. Chaos shall come upon the earth. Yet the worst chaos of all is fear. And fear should breed fear, so we say unto you, fear of this not, for as we have said before, we shall provide that that is needed. And for those who should walk in the righteous light of our Lord, bread shall be placed upon their table, and their needs shall be taken care of.

Around you, you have those who should worship of false images. And they should call of themselves, Christians. And they should say unto you, “This is the way to go.” And they shall say unto you, “This is the Messiah.” And we should say unto you, nay.

Wear not the mark of the Beast.

We say unto you, this of your Common Market, of the world commodities, shall grow in strength. Europe, as you know it, shall become that of a United Europe. And none should trade nor barter lest they seek this passageway. But we say unto you, this harlot shall fall. And all nations shall look, yet they shall not find. And they shall be saddened at the fall of this.

In front of the European Union Headquarters Europa rides the Beast.

And we shall say unto you, this one shall set himself up into the throne of Rome. Yet, we say unto you, his days shall be short, for he shall come forth and promise the thou­sand years of peace upon the earth, and his words shall be mighty before men, yet he shall fall. [See The Revelation, chapters 13- 19.]

And wars and pestilence shall ridden the land. And the Lord, God, shall split the land and set it aside.

And that thy know of as China shall make war upon other lands.

And the Bear should make war upon other lands.

And this of your United States economy shall falter and seem to die.

All of these things shall be made forth by those who should seek and worship of gold. But the gold shall fall away [upon] their hands and mean not naught unto man.

We have shown you that that lays before, should all progress and should all mankind continue to seek out their own selfish needs.

Yet, all of these things we have told you can be altered by your free will.

We say unto you, we come in peace. We come with the gift of our Father. We lay into your hands A Rose without Thorns. We ask for no crowns. We ask for no glory. The glory we seek is through yourselves.

Soon, each of you shall say unto yourselves that the times are hard and you can no longer prepare the way, that you shall have this or that that should be done. We say unto you, continue with this that we have handed you, and we shall see that the needs of each of you are provided for. The bread shall be upon the table, but we warn you, waste not the bread.

September 10, 1974: “Thank you, Aka. [_____] asks, ‘Are these here, which have been healed or will be healed by the force through the channel of Ray Elkins, being prepared to accomplish specific purpose to prepare for the coming of Christ? If so, please tell us about these channels, who and what they are to do?’”

We should say unto you, this healing power, this gift from God, was a gift from that which would come, the Messiah himself. Each of you are being healed as proof of his coming, that you should have the faith within yourselves to prepare the way.

We say unto you, our Father’s children have been separated too long. You within your psychic world are becoming enlightened each day toward the needs and desires of our Father through many channels. Yet we send, therefore, a healer and a prophet among you. He has no desire to become great in the eyes of men. His only desire is to heal, as the one known as Jesus did heal.

Our Lord, God, gave unto John a vision of that that was to come, but yet He gave unto man free will to change that that stood before him. We are here for that purpose. [See The Revelation of John.]

Should we not be successful in our mission, then man shall go back into his caves, as the Sons of God did find them. They shall go back and for 3,000 years upon your earth there shall be a darkness before the light shall shine again.

But we give you this year of 1999, a year of fulfillment, a year of the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, this one has been placed upon the earth. [Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:36, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”]

Yet, there is another placed upon the earth, that of the Anti-Christ. He is working at this time to try to extend his realm of domination upon the earth.

It is up to you; which shall you have? Which cup shall you drink from?

Shall you [wear] the mark of the Beast?

The Lord, God, does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. Nor has He ever. Only man has done of such. Should you know the true compassion and love, this word you use so often, then we say unto you, stand beneath the cross to let the drops of blood fall upon thy forehead.

From these hands and mind and body the blood should pour and it should heal of you, and prepare you, that each of you should prepare another.

And one should prepare ten, and ten should prepare a hundred, and a hundred should prepare a thousand. And the millions shall flow. We say unto you, think of our Father as a brook, and the spirits of our Father as a brook. Think of the souls of man as a river and the pebbles therein. And as the brook [should] flow into the river, and as the river should flow unto the ocean and reach many shores, and the spiritual proportion of man shall rise within all, and reach into the heavens, and all beings from heaven and earth shall kneel before the new Messiah.

And your hundred [note: thousand] years of peace shall come forth; not as you count, but as our Father counts. And each year shall mark a thousand years. Let [that] the wise listen. Let the wise see. For each year shall be as a thousand years. One year in heaven shall represent a thousand years upon the earth. Multiply that, and you shall know of the kingdom of God.

These words of Aka, September 12, 1974, are also in the article, “The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth, and famine and pestilence shall be thy enemies”: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Across thy land and across the world so should stand the Fifth Angel.

And thy should say unto us, “How this should affect the world?” And we should answer unto thee into this manner. Pestilence and famine shall coveth thy Earth. First, by drought, then by storm, so should your food provisions be wiped away.

And you say unto us, “Why should this happen?” We should answer back unto you, for we have warned you, your Lord, God, has warned you, and your prophets have warned you throughout the land that the time was at hand.

Long ago, in the land of Egypt a pharaoh dreamed a dream. And a shepherd came forth to interpret the dream. And they did prepare for the famine that would come, and therefore the people ate from the storehouses. [Genesis, chapters 43–47.]

We say unto you, it is not too late to store thy needs. [See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

But your crops shall be lean each year. First you should plant them and they should die of thirst. Then you should plant them and the water should drown of them. Your winters shall be harsh. Where no water has been before, water shall flow. In lands that nothing grew, flowers shall bloom across the earth. Yet, you shall not know the time of planting and what to plant. You shall run and hide thyselves, yet there shall be no place to hide.

And then shall come forth upon your earth he who is already born, the one that shall bear the name of the Anti-Christ. And the seven nations shall rise, and they shall represent the seven horns or crowns. And they shall multiply into ten, and from the ten they shall choose their leader, who shall become the Beast, and the Beast should take power from them, and should feed off of them. And the rule shall be light and lean, and all things shall be done to preserve this time. [The Revelation, chapters 13 and 17.]

But yet again, then the one, the long-waited one shall come forth. When the earth shall run red with blood and smolder, he shall lay his gentle hand upon the earth and the earth shall rise again as though from the dead. And all nations shall bow before him. And for those that do not wear the mark of the Beast, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon the earth. But think not as you would count; think as a thousand years, those thousand years shall be multiplied into a thousand, for each day shall be of a thousand years. [The Revelation, chapters 18–23.]

Many of you shall be, in this time of famine, sure that the earth shall destroy itself. And we say unto you, nay.

But all of the things that we have said can be prevented, for we are here but for one purpose. That purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And in that preparation the Lord, God, should send His messengers forth to prepare a way within each of His children.

There shall be those who should not listen. There shall be those who shall not see. There shall be those who shall stand and say, “What foolish talk is this?” But the earth shall be cleansed, either by men or by God. The choice is yours.

But should the Sixth and Seventh Seal be opened, woe, woe be that upon thee. For as we have said before, man shall run and hide. He shall go to the mountaintops to hide beneath the stone, yet the stone should shield him not. He shall wish in mind for death, and pray for it, yet death shall come not. [See The Revelation 6:12–17 and chapters 7–10.]

And we say unto thee, you who have founded a nation unto one God and made a mockery of the same, you who should go unto the churches in your fine cloth and say, “I have built a temple unto God,” when within reality you have only built a temple into yourselves, we care not for your temples. We care for the temple of God that dwells within man.

This word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, this word of yours you say, of love, our Father, God, gave you this word, and He placed upon the Earth His first­-begotten son and stood aside that man slay of him. And as his blood should strike the earth, the Earth did change, and darkness did come upon the Earth for three hours.

We say unto you, prepare not for this time, and the darkness shall come for 3,000 years, and man shall come back into his caves where the Sons of God did find him.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We have come not with words of doom. We have shown you the paths that lie before thee.

The choice is yours.

Find the true meaning of the word of love. Go into your churches and find God, both inside and out.

Pick not just one day, but use all of them, and then you shall be as a mirror and beauty within shall never die.

We have brought forth unto thee A Rose without Thorns. You may place the thorns upon it if you wish, or you may pick it up, and hand it to a friend, a brother or a sister. And roses shall multiply and all that could happen will not happen. And your earth shall flourish in abundance, and your cup shall runneth over.

For those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, even in the times of famine, we shall see that thy needs are taken care of.

But know the difference between your needs and your wants.

November 29, 1974, Aka spoke these words; they are also in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ” (part 1): Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner, in this way.

As we have said before, your country once again should repeat its own folly. It should make treaties with its enemies that shall be considered as just pieces of paper. It shall disarm itself and be made easy prey.

Those who should come of the Anti-Christ have already made their toil upon your country. You now face your greatest hours of need. For they did not need to make war upon you to weaken you. They took from you the oil that would burn in the lamps. They took from you the wheat which would make of the bread. And yet, you stood idly by and did nothing.

Toronto during the Northeast blackout of 2003, which required black-starting of generating stations. The original uploader was Camerafiend at English Wikipedia. — Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.; transfer was stated to be made by OhanaUnited., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4410508. In February 2021, the jet stream brought arctic weather across the U.S., including Texas. As temperatures plummeted to near 0 in places, Texas power companies could not provide enough electricity for everyone. To solve this demand, they created rolling brown-outs. But instead, millions found themselves in the dark and cold just as temperatures were lowest in Texas. Some homes in the unusual snowy weather did not have their power turned back on for several days. Carbon monixide poisoned at least 300 and some died. Other Texans drove or sat in their cars through several days to get warm, until the gas ran out. Initially, the iniability to provide customers with power was attributed to having replaced one-fourth of geration stations that use natural gas, of which Texas has more that it can use, with wind turbines that froze and wouldn’t turn. Others report a conspiracy by corporate elites to raise prices as much as 2,000 percent in some cases, and blame it on the power outage.

Now they stand poised and ready to poison your minds. For we should say, hark, into thee, for if the Eagle [U.S.A.]does not spread its wings and give the protection unto the land of Israel then your days of famine shall worsen. Each day shall lead into another, each becoming more desperate into the next. We have told you before, to prepare for the famine. We have told you the length of time of famine. It is at hand. It is now.

We say unto you, your Government shall go through yet another great trial. And each trial shall simulate unto the Lord a nation divided not, but a nation that should stand, one unto another. One nation under God. Yet it shall not be one nation, for many nations shall come forth.

The work that you have done before shall take many hands for that of the future. Do not weaken. Do not blame the time of famine one upon another. Look not unto the race of man or his nation that should make him as he is. But we say unto you, look unto the holiness of it all, unto the righteousness of it all, and there before you shall be the answer for all to behold.

Wear not the mark of the Beast.

[See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, new efforts should be made that the book, A Rose without Thorns, should be brought forth, for now in the dire needs of all time should be the time that is needed by the Lord, our God, and the time that is needed by the people and the children of the Lord. Bring all things into fulfillment and glory before God, and God shall bring all things into fulfillment and glory before you. Fear not these times before, for they have been at your doorsteps once before, not in the same manner.

A well-known photo of a mother and her children in 1936 during the Great Depression in the U.S.A. that began with a stock market crash in 1929.

Many in your land now grow hungry for need. We say unto you, make the extra effort to put stores in your storehouses. Put tools, seed, each of all kinds. [See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine: Food for Thought.”]

For now is the time of the Fifth Angel, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Chaos shall come forth. More eruptions shall occur in the San Francisco area and the San Bernardino area. New eruption shall occur in the land of Alaska, and the Circle of Fire in Mexico, down through the land, for the land now prepares to separate itself. All things that we have prepared you for, throughout, the twinkling of the eye, is now the time to bring them forth into fulfillment. Store of all things, but do them with caution. Do not be as the man who should store for the sake of storing. Emphasize in your newsletter quite strongly the needs.

We say unto you, bring forth unto the nations the need you have for more teachers. This must multiply tenfold.

There are those who should say that the Jewish nation should be the seat of all your troubles.

We say unto you, there are still those who wear the mark of the Beast that roam the land.

Come forth now in truth within yourselves, blaming no one. For your time for blaming someone will do you little good.

And so we say these words unto you. For long ago upon your earth, one came forth in the time of depression and promised the German people a land of glory. He brought them a land of destruction and division. That this should not happen again upon the earth, act when you see the signs. Many thousands and millions of dollars are now being spent on such propaganda.

Heed our words; listen not unto them. Listen unto your hearts and your souls, and the answers shall come forth in truth before all.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

June 7, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord — and glory unto His children, for the Lord has seen and the Lord is pleased. For as the autumn winds should come and the leaves should fall from the tree, so should the blessings of the Lord come unto His children.

We say unto you these words. To know where you have been is to know where you are going, but to dwell upon the past is not a good thing, because you can become so involved in the past that you cannot see the future. A lesson learned from the past is a lesson learned from the future. It is like a gift carried forward from lifetime to lifetime.

For as the one known as Jesus of Nazara did walk upon the Earth, [in] the land of Israel, of Egypt, of Persia, of the land you know as India, and as he walked upon the North and South American continents, and as he journeyed forth and brought the words of God unto man, and brought the coveth, therefore, unto the same, he said unto you these words, “I have come not to change the laws of Moses, but to fulfill the prophesies of the same.”

And we say unto you, we have come not to change the Law of Moses, but we have come for this time. Moses’ laws were for of his time. Yet the Ten Commandments were for all time, for they were the words and [the] laws of God.

And as the tablets were brought forth upon the two continents, even then the preparation was being made for the coming of the Messiah upon the Earth.

We say unto you, watch the sky and watch the leaves as the autumn should fall. Each day his presence shall grow stronger in your hearts.

As we have said before, we came not to change the prophecy, but to bring the fulfillment of the prophecy of the same, and the promise made unto the Lord, God, unto His children, of a new heaven and a new earth, and the thousand years of peace and love and tranquility upon the Earth.

But we say unto you, now is the time that Lucifer must be chained.

Build the links of the chain, one by one, two by two, three by three. Multiply them, and he who should come as the Anti-Christ shall be defeated before he sets a foot upon the Earth, for his beginning and his ending has already been written.

Let not the mark of the Beast appear upon your foreheads.

Continue your work. We shall provide for your needs. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

Aka’s words on September 27, 1975 (also in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ”) begin: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We shall say unto you, as was written in your book of Revelations, look therefore, and you shall find within the same that the Beast did rise, and the Beast did have upon its head ten crowns. And the Beast, therefore, had the head severed, yet it grew a new head. [See The Revelation 13:1–9 and 17:12.]

Apocalisse, 12 il mostro marino e la bestia, by Durer. See “Number of the Beast.”

And you should say, “How should this be possible?”

And we should say unto you, the time and the place is now. The head that was destroyed of the Beast that carried ten crowns was the head of a nation that was removed. And therefore, it did grow a new head. And each crown represents a nation, a nation each within what you would call your Common Market. And it did say unto these words,

“Lest these be carried and wear the mark of the Beast, they could not trade nor barter.”

And so it is, as it was written, as it was given unto John. Even within his madness so he placed forth that that was to come forth in your day and in your time.

Yet, the reign was short. We shall say unto you that Rome did rise and Rome did fall, and Rome did carry upon its shoulders the emblem of the eagle. And so was the fulfillment of the first of the prophecies. And now is the second, for you are the modern Romans.

Leste not your nation [U.S.A.] fall from within itself — leste not it fall, “one nation before God”–– you are few, but your strength should multiply. We have said unto you, bring forth and come forth as a mirror unto the people. We have encouraged new teachers and ministers be brought forth for this purpose. Yet each one of your members is that of a missionary within itself, for as each member should cast his light upon the water, so a reflection should come forth.

Leste these wear the mark of the Beast, now is the time that all should reach forth to multiply and increase the dominion of your membership.

This can only be done with increase of the group study sessions in correct and proper manners: that before God, that with God, and that for God. [Would you like to join us?]

If a teacher cannot carry the burden, it is better to be a good shepherd than a poor leader of nations. As you carry forth the words, one unto another, forgiveness, mercy, and humility must be part of your banners.

We say unto you, go forth in such a manner that you should knock upon the door. Should they bid you enter, enter and drink of their wine of knowledge and give of yours.

It is only in the trading of knowledge, and through knowledge, can the mark of the Beast be avoided.

The time grows near when new hurricanes and tornados shall strike your continent, both from the eastern and western seaboards. Volcanic action beneath the ocean shall bring forth new tremors in the western and eastern seaboard. They shall intensify. Earthquakes stronger than the earth has known in many, many years shall now strike. The month of October shall mark the beginning.

The fuse is short in the land of Israel. It shall be lit from the continent of France, and therefore, may spread upon the Earth.

Your nation, even as it stands, can crumble a little at a time unless now the spiritual substance of mankind is applied. It cannot come in such a manner that one should stand and take; it is in the giving that you shall grow. As we have said before, we shall supply your needs, not your wants. Therefore, in the preparation of the coming times, prepare in such a way that you should not make war upon your neighbor.

November 8, 1975: We say unto you unto this manner, we have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor have we come to change the words and prophesies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We come to bring unto you a further truth, taking not from that that was given, but to add to.

Yet we come not as Moses, nor as Jesus, we come but to prepare the way for he who should come after us, for we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. But in the preparation, we say unto you,

that preparation must come forth, first within your souls, your mind, your heart, and your immortal body of the same.

It must also come forth in such a manner that you do not lose your good judgment.

There shall be many who shall come forth as false messiahs. They shall say unto you, “You must be this, you must be that.”

We say unto you, the Lord, God, did place unto you free choice. He who should come from God should not take that from you. He who should speak of God should not take that from you, for the Lord, God, would not take that from you.


February 7, 1976: We say unto you, our Father should shed tears to see His children die. Yet, we say unto you…as Jonah did come unto the people and say, “Change unto your ways,” and so it was done, and the destruction of the land did not follow….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I would like to know, how we can recognize truth from fable, those things that are figments of one’s imagination and those that are real? Is there emotion on the spiritual plane of life? I have heard that man is evolving from the emotional to the mental level. Is this true? How can we learn this?”

We shall say unto you unto this way, into this manner. There are many things that should come of the spirit. And those that should come of the spirit should come of the Lord. There are many things that should come of the soul, and some of these should come of Lucifer. But that of the imagination neither comes from Lucifer nor comes from God, but Lucifer should be the first one to take advantage of it.

Open the gateway that we may enter, we have said unto you. We did not say unto you, open the gateway that any may enter.

In your spiritual growth take stock within yourself, much as you would stop and count your blessings, to see if they are within truth and true blessings.

But remember also, what is food for one would not be food for another. This is why our Father has many mansions.

[Editor’s note: chimes ring out from the clock in Ray’s living room.] And we say unto you, as the bells should ring upon the land, and as the temples shall rise, there shall be some false bells and some false temples. But we say unto you, those who should be built in the light and the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who should be built for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall fall away, for his reign shall be short.

And we should also say unto you, for those who should wear the mark of the Beast shall wear it forever.

[See The Revelation, chapters 17–20.]

We have said unto you that the spirits of God are as the pebbles of a brook that should flow into the river; the pebbles of the river are of the spirits of man that should flow unto the ocean; the pebbles of the ocean are like the souls of men that they flow to the many lands and back again.

But we say unto you, that a man should have a soul does not mean that he would have a spirit. For the soul always knows of man. The spirit always knows of God. It is only when you place the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body together does all come in accord, one with the other.

Should that within a man become too harsh, that the soul can no longer abide, then it should leave, and this one shall become a lost soul, wandering forever into nothingness. The only resurrection for this — should they look back into the light of our Father. Yet, they should wander forever on the earth plane, always seeking, seeking entry.

For those of your civilization who should participate in the use of liquor, or alcohol or drugs, they have opened the doorway, not for the development within themselves, but for the possession to take place of a lost soul, for all they can think of is re-entry, not with the knowledge they have gained through a lifespan.

And many of these shall stand forth and say, “I shall rise, for I have the knowledge.” We say unto you, if you build a house, build first the foundation and make it strong. If you place doorways and windows, place a door that you may enter and a door that you may walk out of. But when you place this building within the mind, remove the hinges from the door, that that knowledge that may come in may pass through and on into others, that it may build.

Remember, a lost soul has placed hinges and doorknobs upon their minds. Therefore, what growth they have may look mighty to some, but it is very narrow, for no knowledge can get in, and no knowledge can get out, and they are truly lost within themselves.

When you see that which you would call, a spiritual being, look into this one and see its purpose.

Within each of you there are that of what you would call, your guardian angel. There are those from both sides that shall change from different times. These shall be your guides throughout your life plane.

As your growth should mature, so should those that are needed to provide this growth. When a man should lose the use of his right arm, and he should pray the Lord to send those to him to teach him to use his left arm in the place of his right, the Lord should not send those who have never lost their arm; He should send those who have lost their right arm and learned how to use the left. This, and in this manner, you shall know the guides that are sent to you are those that are here and now to serve their purpose. And their purpose is the purpose of the Lord’s, your growth, your maturity.

Like some of the previous messages, these next two reveal more plans in the preparation for the Antichrist (these are also in, “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ”). They’re shared here to help readers recognize parts of an overall plan. By knowing, we can more wisely choose our paths. We can also choose to not write the mark of the beast on our hearts as difficult times bring temptations––marks such as fear, greed, envy, jealousy, hatred, mistrust or others. Recognize, this a battle for dominion of the Earth including the hearts and minds of every individual.

On February 28, 1976, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have told you before that we would give you warning in time that you might protect your loved ones and yourselves. We say unto you, these things that we say now shall happen, step by step, and unfold before you day by day. Throughout the land the time of the famine is now; throughout the world, the time of famine. [See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

We should say unto you, because it is of your election time, your politicians shall play that of hiding from the public that which is so. As a result, they shall deplete your reserves by trying to feed a hungry world. Your harvest lands have and are being annihilated through drought, through wind, through storm. The land itself shall be made to bear nothing, for the soil shall be eroded from the land. Only in this land shall your harvest be bountiful. And we say unto you, the desert harvest, that of the flour that should come from the mesquite, the fruit of the desert plants, all shall be in bountiful to you.

Beans from the mesquite tree can be eaten fresh on salads when they are green in springtime. Or they can be harvested later when they are dried and ground into flour.

One side of your political parties shall play the part of the Devil’s advocate, to try to show you how bad the problem is. They will overemphasize the problem and do nothing to correct it. They shall be as a dog sitting upon its own tail barking. The other shall tell you how plentiful and how much reserve, or surplus, as you would call it, your country possesses. They shall be as the hyena who laughs at nothing.

We say unto you, through your groups, prepare for this time, for the time is now. It shall [graduate] more so as the months pass by. The land that is now having pestilence struck upon it, it shall be many years before it can be reused again. If the land in this land [Arizona] could be used, more of it for agricultural purposes, more of your water used for the same purposes, and less for your artificial lakes, this could supplement and feed your country. This land unto which you stand, this land you call the land of the Eagle, or the land of the Globe, shall prosper.

Yet, the inflationary depression shall continue.

Throughout the world, tornados, hurricane, and volcanic action shall rule, and drought. Earthquakes now shall appear in regions where they have never appeared before. We say unto you, prepare, therefore, for this time.

We shall say unto you as the parable of those who were told and did heed the words and did store in the time of Egypt, and those who were told and did not heed the words, they did sell themselves into bondage. They did sell their cattle and all their belongings. You must at all costs remain a free people, the freedom to worship God, each in your own manner. Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold.

Coming together in group form to accomplish the task at hand should be done in such a manner that each should take upon themselves a task to be performed and performing it well. For those who should store for themselves shall only attract thieves to their doorstep. Prepare your storage in group form, that you may feed those who should come unto you as long as they are willing to work to replenish your store­houses. The means shall be made available to you.

We say unto you, there are those in your land who should crucify once again the Jewish people, those of the Israelites. There shall be those in your land that shall look upon different races and blame them for the problem at hand.

We say unto you also that now is the time, close at hand, when one shall come forth who will have an answer for all things. And this one shall be the Anti-Christ. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, woe be upon them. We say unto you, wear not the mark of the Beast.

The Lord, God, did make thee free. He did not put a yoke upon thy neck and say, “Pull my plow.” He did naught to make men slaves. It is said that man and woman were brought forth of “Our kind, of Our image.” We say unto you, if these words are so, then how can you be enslaved? [See Genesis, chapter 1.]

Unemployed men standing in line outside a depression soup kitchen in Chicago 1931. Is there much to learn from the Great Depression?

Yet do not enslave thyselves. Hold dear to thee this right of freedom.

There are different ways of becoming enslaved––to bankers through debt, to those who control resources such as energy, water or the food supply, to those in political control, or to others with evil intentions. But possession can come a step at a time because one allows it to happen.

The spiritual messengers of God told this parable, August 20, 1976, about how to cast out what can eventually possess one who is vulnerable or lost because of no longer listening to God in that quiet place within the mind, while choosing to write the mark of the beast there instead: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Within your minds you have asked many times about that of the exorcism, and therefore, we shall answer in the form of a parable.

And we shall say unto you, that was of the usual manner of the rabbis of Thore, they did debate long upon each subject. And upon this day they were debating that of exorcism, the driving out of an evil spirit, and how they would know when this was truly within that of the person that should be treated.

And the first rabbi said, “First, we should consult the physician to see the physical state.”

The second said, “Nay, we should consult the psychiatrist.”

And the third said, “Nay, this is a job of the priest and the priesthood, and it must be decided within us of who should possess that of the evil demon that should be driven away, and the matter thereupon.”

But yet, the argument lasted day after day, without an answer, and finally all three did agree that they would go into three days of solitude, and therefore, pray unto the Lord for an answer.

And when the three days ended, each returned. Each looked long, gaunt, the face drawn.

And the first did rise to speak and his words did stammer. And he said unto the others, “I say unto you that only those who possess a gift, a gift of the true psychic, the gift to see of the spirit — but each of these must be schooled in the ways of the physician, in the ways of the psychologist, in the ways of the psychiatrist — they must posses all of these gifts, and they and they alone.”

But not one should say, “But I should say it should come from all three.”

And the third arose and said unto the other two, “I would agree, but I say that the evil spirit is like the feather floating about, landing and rising with the currents of the wind. It comes from no place, and has no place to go, and even though it may enter, it may never be reborn. So, if we are to deal with that of a feather, then what manner should we use? And I say unto you, we should use unto this manner, that it should be that of the psychic, that of the physician, that of the psychologist, that also of the priest, and the psychiatrist, and it should come in that of one.”

And the second did rise, and he said unto them, “Through my meditation and my prayers I have seen beyond a veil. I have seen through the planes of this lifetime and the others. I am not a sorcerer, or am I a practicer of evil ways. Yet for most of my life have I seen of these things. I have used this ability to guide me through my life and into my priesthood.

“And some would say that I am psychic. And let us look at the word and the definition of the word of psychic. We say one word which would have the meaning of many, that of those who can see of the soul, that of those who could see of the spiritual substance of the same, and that of those who should see of the immortal body unto the same. And then, and only then, could the true substance come into completeness.

“I say these words, not that I should be right, but that that we might never misjudge any man, nor any woman, nor any child.

“But I say unto you, let us do it in the way of our Father. Let us bring forth the Seven Spirits of the Lord in a symbolic manner. Let us light unto the seven-candle candelabra and place it in the center. Let us take of the thirteen single candles and place them in the circle, that they may represent the Father, Himself. And then, let us take and walk, therefore, in a counterclockwise motion, reciting unto these words.

“‘If you be of God, welcome unto thee. If you be of Lucifer, then go of thee.

“‘If you are not of Lucifer, then we should give unto thee of the free choice: be gone back into the valley of lost souls; return, for we shall show you the light of our Father, and go unto the light of our Father; or be destroyed into the ground and unto the hallowed ground unto which we have created, therefore.’”

And he said unto them, “For if this, in truth, they are possessed, they cannot stand or exist within the holy circle we have created.”

All three stood and said, “This is right; this is good.”

And so, as it has been spoken, so it should be written. And so, it was set into your own text, into your own Holy Bible. It is called, the exorcism, in your Old Testament. It has changed not, for it came with the laws of Moses and before Moses. For the Ten Commandments did not come just in the time of Moses; They came before Moses. They came upon all land, all earths beyond earths, beyond time. For they were not the laws of Moses, they were the Laws of God and that that God must do Himself and abide by Himself.

There are many parts of your Old Testament that should bring forth many truths.

Now we have said unto you and prepared that of the knowledge that all of your Teachers and your Ministers must know of. But we say unto you, if an exorcism should be performed, let it be as the three rabbis. Before such an act is performed, let three of your Ministers or Teachers come together. Let them fully study the situation. If they are not sure of the act that they are about to perform, then let them come into your Shepherds — not one, but all of your Shepherds — and let the knowledge flow from them. And still, if they are not sure, then come into your Prophet and let all of the minds bind.

But remember, if you drive from the soul, their own soul, if you destroy it, you have driven away the spiritual substance within the same. “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Remember that the best things in one person are not the best in another. Make certain before you act, and when you act make it an act of love, an offering to and from our Father, for you are acting in His stead.

And now we shall answer unto your minds. In the day that we told of thee of the 8.5 in the Richter scale, and the climbing, and that of the task it would take, and we said, “Our Father weeps,” and so He does. For your pestilence and famine has not ended; the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. [See “Now you ask, ‘What is the great Sword that cuts two ways’?”.]

Let those who are not marked by the Beast, let them take, instead of the 7 7 7,

let them look at the one who shall possess the number of man, six hundred and sixty-six, and this shall be the number and the name of the man of the Anti-Christ. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13, chapters 17–20, “Number of the Beast”.]

And once again you say we have asked you as in riddles. We have said unto you, pray not that the Sixth and the Seventh Seal should be opened. [See The Revelation 6:12–17, and chapters 7–10.]

We have also told you that of the birthplace and the time of the Messiah that we have come to prepare a way for. There are others that are preparing the way for that of the Anti-Christ upon your Earth. He is also upon the Earth. And the nations have come together, and the time that God should look upon the land of Israel and it should be holy is at hand. All of these things are now unfolding.

More earthquakes shall shake the earth. More death, more pestilence shall occur.

But for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall not fear.

[See The Revelation, chapters 11, 14, 19, 20:1–6, 21, and 22.]

September 17, 1976: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we shall say unto thee

the Parable of the Earth, and its Being.

For as God sent the Seven Spirits unto the Earth, and after much toil upon their part, the Earth was created, and all those things of their kind was placed upon the Earth. And man did come upon the Earth.

And as time passed, and as the Seven Spirits did see unto the folly of man, they did meet together and say unto themselves, “Why has the Lord, our God, created us? And why has He sent us forth to create, under His instruction, all of these things, [that] this man, as He calls him, who resembles us, who is of our kind — yet the folly of him? The Lord has sent teachers unto the Earth of their kind, yet they see them not. Instead they look for sensationalism. They look [with] things that are shrouded by many words. They look for the mystery of all things, and hidden meanings. Yet what the Lord, the Lord has placed before them is in the simplest form. Why should the Lord continue with such as thy?”

They thought long as they observed the Earth. “We have placed a balance unto the earth, a balance of life, and man has continued to change this balance. We have placed a balance into the earth’s form, and man in his quest has continued to change this. Even the things we have placed into the outer atmosphere to protect man, he wishes to change this. Where [would] he stop in his heaven and earth?”






But still they stood, and they said, “But look Lord, You have sent unto the land Your first begotten son, and they have crucified him. And You now plan that the Earth should be chosen again for the birth and return of the Messiah. And You have sent your masters forth to prepare the way. Yet look, Lord, look as they prepare the way. Their own apostles have turned against them. Their own apostles have decided that their thoughts are the only thoughts. And the apostles fight among themselves. Little has changed since the time of Jesus and this time. Little has changed since you did send John the Baptist forth to prepare the way, and he was betrayed and his head severed and fed to the dogs. You, oh, Lord, have asked much of us. But You ask much of the ones You asked to prepare the way. Where is the justice in this?”





And the Seven Spirits said unto the Lord, “That we may learn, that we may serve, let us go forth and enter into the twelve as You do enter, and it shall become Thirteen.”


The comet with which God’s spiritual messengers arrived and began to speak through a man who was reaching to God, Ray Elkins, on April 3, 1970. The heavenly light was named for the astronomer who discovered it, Bennett. This photo was taken April 4, 1970. How it happened is written for you in “We give this message from our Father” and “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone.

And as they entered, and as the Council began the pilgrimage upon your Earth upon the day in your year of 1970, April the 3rd, the Council did break through and become known.

And then one, and then all of the spirits did say unto the Lord, “Look, oh, Lord, for ministers are coming forth. Yet, each of them shall betray him in their lifetime. And each of them shall go forth. Yet he knows this; why does not he act?”

And the Lord, God, said, “PATIENCE UNTO THEE, AND WATCH.”

And then he did bring forth unto the shepherds. And then he did bring forth unto the Teachers’ courses, that new seed should be planted.

And yet, he did look forth and see that still this was not enough. You of this earth-plane are inquisitive, and you like mysteries.

We say unto you, each of you, place yourself in this instrument of God’s place. Place yourself there for a little while, each of you, who say, “I cannot complete this course,” and those who complete it for title, and those who reach for ministry without substance.

We say unto you, those [who] have now completed the course, who have waited for the instructions of the minister to start, prove of yourselves as teachers and then the instructions of the ministry may start.

Of those who have agreed to take minister’s or teacher’s positions, let them comply. Many of you shall say, “I shall not have the time.” But we say unto you, you cannot afford to not have the time. Leaders will be needed in many places. If they think only of themselves, your people shall return back unto the Stone Age.

Southwest U.S.A. Anasazi Indian rock drawings

The Fifth Seal has not only been opened, but it shall not be long until the Fifth Angel has completed his walk. [See The Fifth Angel walks upon your Earth, and famine and pestilence shall be thy enemies”.]

And woe be upon thee as the Sixth shall be opened, and the time of the Anti-Christ shall be there, and the mark of the Beast shall be that in your hearts — that you shall place there yourselves.

[See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapters 7, 12:13–17, chapter 13, 14:1–16, chapters 16, 18–19, 20:1–6, chapter 21 and 22:11–17.]

We say unto thee of the time of Noah, when his words were cast into the wind by the people ––

he spoke of the mark, yet they heeded him not.

A thousand years of peace has been promised unto you, a new heaven and a new earth, but only when mankind can accept of this and these things.

A shepherd should tend his flock, not one but all of them. In failing to do this, he should place his staff upon the ground and walk away, or come into whole­ness and in the realization.

There are those of you who we have named as teachers because of the potential, therefore, within the same. And you have become lazy and not complied. Either pick up the staff and continue, or step aside, for we shall weed the garden, and none from either side shall interfere with this work.

For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, that the thousand years of peace may reign upon the earth, that the new heaven and the new earth shall become unto reality.

These are not our words, but the words of the Lord, our God, Almighty.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We know you have many questions, but instead of asking questions, take of what we have said and give it thought and you shall find the answers.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The great Sword is poised, striking, striking, striking. And one side shall cut away man, and the other side shall cut away the land. [See “Now you ask, ‘What is the great sword that cuts two ways?’” and Genesis, chapter 3, The Revelation, chapter 19 and John 5:19–37, 6:26–64.]

Where desert once stood, it shall become fertile. Where forest stood desert shall reign. And man shall thirst for the words and the compassion of his Lord.

We have brought the wine and the bread. We have even given you the yeast.

[Editor’s note: Please join us with the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in the Association of Universal Philosophy they asked us to form. See how here.]

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

Editor’s note: Ray Elkins awakens from trance state and describes a vision he had while coming back into his body.

“And they were saying there could have been two worlds, only they were the same world. And I thought, ‘There is blossoms’ […] but it was like there — it was like five Edens coming together. And everywhere there was fruit and [olive…] and just an abundance of everything. It was almost like the [tunnel went in] two paths. But I was — And all of you, I was sitting upon a rock, where all of you were eating from the fields, berry fields, and it was such abundance. Hmm.

“But there was one, and I saw all the [sides] of the nation.”

“You saw what?”

“All the [sizes], the whole world. And, there was a building, which was a huge, big dome. And [entered in] all the people from all the world. And all the nations were there, were gathering, in the thousands and thousands of people. [And then,] I was speaking to them. (Chuckle.) It was very weird [to come forward].”

“How [long were you] there? They knew you were coming, huh?”

“I remember the first time that — and then I heard your voice, coming down, and [then it had changed]. And then I heard the words, ‘You have sinned.’ And then I woke up. It must have been through what I [felt] and saw […].

It was much like coming [up] — There’s much more, but I’d better think about it though; put the pieces parts together.

[A woman asks Ray] “Ray, a building, [with] two paths?”

“Two paths, the world.”

“Which path are we [to go on]? Which shall we take?”

“Whichever you choose to take.

“Whichever you choose to take.

“It was like — I looked, and I was looking at the organization — and then we were here, now. And then I looked at the organization in a different time, and I looked here now, and here now, each was going their own path. And then I looked in a different time and the organization had spread over the earth, and this was the earth where there was an abundance of plenty. But on the other earth they were still squabbling. And I knew that they had not advanced beyond this point, and that’s why it was the way it was. It was like the two earths [were hanging] on scales, and the earths were in a balance; the only thing was the slightest movement would turn it in either direction. And then, [funny] but I saw Henry Kissinger, on one side of the scale and he was trying to pull the earth toward the peaceful side. But it was like, every time he tried to pull, more and more weight was placed upon [it].

“Well, you guys had your reading and I got mine, I guess (chuckle).”

September 24, 1976: But forget not from where you came so that you shall know from where you are going. Prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and the Eagle shall remain in flight and coveth thee. Be as the shepherd — to teach, to tend, to love, to hope, and bring forth the faith that we have mentioned before.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God; glory be the name of His children who shall not be marked by the mark of the Beast.

March 25, 1977: Now we should say unto thee, bring forth love and understanding, the word you use so often and know not the meaning of.

And you say unto this, “How can we bring forth love when each man should stand only for himself? How can these things be accomplished?”

And we say unto you, it can be accomplished. You are like the core, the center, of a tree which branches may extend from. The tree in its maturity and its growth shall have lean years and full years. Love shall be as the tree. The faith that must go into the love for the growth, without it the roots have no place to go. The hope shall be part of the faith.

Man shall begot man. Civilizations shall rise and fall. But once you have put together strong links, one at a time, there is no boundary that can hold you any longer, for you shall reach out into eternity — for it shall not be you, but the spirits bound together in eternal love.

You have that that is called understanding. That in itself is but a half truth. We only understand the truth as it stands before us today. The truth is a changeable flexible thing.

It is like the young tree. It must reach upward into the heavens. The farther and the higher it may grow, the greater the understanding. Yet, the tallest limb must send back unto the roots understanding. And the roots must know the height of the tree so that the wind may not blow it over, and so it may receive the proper nou­rishment for the whole tree.

So is your group; so can be your nation. Your nation is like a tree with so many branches the roots know no what nor where it is needed to nourish the rest of the tree.

Most of you in your thoughts of the parable of Jesus and the olive tree, when he did wither forth this tree you said, “What point did it prove?” [See Mark 11:13–25.]

For he did not destroy anything. He rapidly brought forth full maturity into the tree. He showed you that the tree was rotten at the core so it could not fully develop.

Your group and those of other organizations that should join you should join in such a manner that they bring representation, as you have set aside in the growth of your country, that if they should desire to join with you let them participate in full by bringing their representatives into the Board of Directors, becoming part, a working part of all things.

You say unto us, “How can these things you have said be of spiritual growth?”

Any growth is spiritual growth. Nothing may stand still. It is always changing. The oldest things on the world, on your continent know this. The oldest things of your plant life understand this. Why cannot you? Why cannot you know that the earth has changed many times? It is man who has lost his knowledge along the way. Yet some know­ledge, even though he has altered and changed the meaning, has remained.

The scientific knowledge is as important as knowing how to meditate or anything else. Without this, and without these things, your continent cannot prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Shall it be that he should come and go, and never be known?

We have said before to bring forth public relations, people within your organiza­tion to deal with the press and television and radio media. We have prepared the way many times for you. You have shunned them aside because you cannot work together. Your right hand and your left hand must know what you are doing.

We said in the beginning we would provide for your needs, the needs of your spiri­tual growth, and the needs for the material things that were needed, not only for the growth and maturity of your organization, but for the growth and the maturity of the individual. And for all those who are willing to work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, so it shall be.

But it cannot be done in silence. Let your voices be heard unto the Lord. Let your voices be heard unto one another. If your desire is to reach toward your Lord, if you should reach alone you have accomplished nothing. If you shall reach together, your heart, your soul, your spirit, and you immortal body shall all be as one.

In that hidden place within your mind you shall find the quiet pool. There you shall find a candle that shall always be lit. And there within yourself you shall find God.

But be as a mirror. Let that part of you reflect out.

If you should go unto the forest, and there you shall find all the beautiful flowers and share them with no one, then love is nothing unless it is shared. It is an impulse felt at the time, nothing more.

There are those who should speak forth in anger to one another. And after they have spoken, they would like to remove the words that they have spoken. It is not enough to say you are sorry. Put into practice what you should preach. Be not as a hypocrite.

Man shall rise and fall. It is not the falling that shall be the sin; it is his inabi­lity to get up, to rise. And in rising he shall lend a hand for others. If one should take it upon himself to bring ten, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and all should function with one idea — love, unity, hope, faith — then you shall find eternity.

April 8, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We should say unto thee ––

the parable of the two farmers.

Between the two farmers ran an [abundant full] creek, which both extracted water from and farmed their lands. The one farmer came unto the other and said unto him, “If we should go to the head of our land and build a dam — ”

The other farmer did not let him finish, but immediately began to find fault. “If we built such a dam, the waters would back up, and during the heavy rainy season would pour over and destroy our fields.”

The first farmer said, “Nay, for we shall build the dam in such a way that through the normal flow there shall be spillways.”

The second farmer said, “Well, who should distribute the water?”

The first said unto him, “Both of us can.”

The second farmer thought long and hard. He was not the type of a man to look forth into the future, and he said unto the first farmer, “Build your dam, but I shall not pay the cost.”

The first farmer went ahead and he built his dam. And as he was building the dam, he built a diversion route for the creek. And he built the dam strong. And he did build into it equal-size distribution for each person.

As the years went by, both farmers reaped benefits of the dam. And then came a year of a bountiful runoff. And, as the water grew higher and came over the spillways, the creek did rise. It did not rise above its normal run that it had before the dam was placed into place. But the second farmer, who was afraid to cross the creek, shouted across to his neighbor and said, “Look at the damnation you have brought upon me. It shall cut away my farm, and I cannot cross the creek to venture forth for supplies.”

The first farmer said, “We can cross the creek. We shall help you. We shall build a bridge across the creek.”

Once again, the second farmer said, “Build your bridge.”

And the first farmer did labor long and hard, and he did build the bridge. And for those supplies that the farmer on the other side did need, he did bring them to him.

When the bridge was completed, the second farmer said, “How should I know that this bridge is strong enough to go across?”

And the first farmer said, “You do not. You have gambled nothing. You have thought only of yourself. The bridge is there. It is strong. We have no reason to cross it, and we have no reason to bring you supplies.”

And the first farmer went back to his farm. And in the dam, he did place, therefore, within those substances that would generate electricity. He did improve his farm a hundredfold.

Yet the farmer on the other side, fearful to cross, his land soon became a wasteland. He became even afraid to open the gates that allowed the water to irrigate his land. And the fear built day by day, until he did come to the edge of the creek and call across. And he did say unto the first farmer, “If you shall help me across, I shall sell you my land.”

And the first farmer said unto him, “I have no desire for your land. I have never wanted your land or any of your possessions. I have only asked to help myself and help you.” And he did walk away.

Then one day the [second] farmer came again, and he said, “If you will bring me and all of mine across, and what few flock and stock that I possessed, then I shall give you the land.”

The first farmer said unto him, “Nay, I do not want to covet anything you own. But you must be strong enough within yourself to cross this bridge.”

The second farmer waited and waited, and yet his fear did grow. And finally his sons and his wife did cross the bridge. And when he saw it safe, then he began to gather his things and cross the bridge. And then he went into the local town and he placed his farm up for sale.

The first farmer bought the land. The second farmer stayed in the town and he did tell foul stories about the first farmer, that he built the dam and then built the bridge, all to drive him from his land and that he had cheated him.

The first farmer did not reply. He went on improving his land.

And then, one day the second farmer brought a suit against the first farmer, and he was brought into court. The first farmer stood before his peers and said, “I have been brought here this day to answer for those things I have done. I have turned the right cheek. I have turned the left cheek. Now I shall turn no more.” And he brought those upon the jury to the farm and he did show them the dam and the bridge that he had built for his neighbor to cross. He showed them that equal water was being dispensed unto both farms, that equal farms now was growing and multiplying.

Even those on the jury, some after they had seen with their own eyes, some, the majority voted to exonerate the first farmer; the others did not.­

We say unto you that this parable is much like the preparation for the coming famine. There shall always be those who should criticize those with dreams, those [who] should find solutions, those who should not come or have to come out of the caves in the future that shall prepare themselves for the day of the Anti-Christ and for the day that his reign should end. They should prepare themselves for the hundred years, the thousand years of peace. And their peace shall begin now.

And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, they should come unto you and they should say, “If you do not take unto the Lord, Jesus Christ, as your savior, then you are for damnation, and you are a false prophet and what you do is false.”

Yes, we know of these things. But that that is good shall stand. As we have told you in the beginning of all of this that we would provide for the needs, that the time would come when unity, understanding, would link you with other organizations. You must prepare for these times, for it is only in the joint effort of all things shall you all prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. ­

Fear not. There shall be days of darkness; there shall be tornados and hurricanes. There shall be floods and destruction; there shall be earthquakes and volcanoes, and the earth shall shift.

But for those who truly believe, they shall not carry the mark of the Beast. They shall not worship the Anti-Christ.

But they shall not crawl in a hole and pull it in after them, for they shall have the foresightedness to look to the future and future times. You do not need to run and hide.

All of the things that now we have laid into soul Ray’s mind, we have placed there for a purpose, that it shall give you the substances needed that you may sustain life; not only sustaining life during all of this, but you shall gain momentum and knowledge, and your civilization shall rise beneath it all. And the new heaven and the new earth that has been promised unto you shall come into fulfillment.

Which shall you be — as the first farmer, or the second? If you were on the jury that should try this case, how would you vote? When you have decided the way you should vote, do not alter or change your mind. Remember, the life you save may not only be your own, but your children’s children; that that you preserve shall be your pathway to return.

We have told you of different things to store, but do not forget the flowers, for they are the most important of all.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [_____]. She asks, ‘Aka, will you please explain the first part of the reading of March 25, 1977, referring to understanding? How would you have us approach other groups? Were you referring to a specific group? Can you give us guidelines to go by? What is truth and half-truth?’”

We shall say unto you, this we have tried to explain already. The words and the understanding lie in the parable of the two farmers. The half-truths lie in the parable of the two farmers. There shall be rumors. There shall be threats. If you believe today, ­why should you not believe tomorrow?

If more understanding and truth is placed within the substance, it is only like a flower in growth. When you first see the flower, it has attracted your attention for its unusual beauty. If you find a flower in the desert alone, you stop to examine it. At first it may be from curiosity. But if you stand and watch the flower long enough, you shall understand why and how it has come about.

We say unto you, understanding must begin at home. It cannot be with lies. It cannot be with those who are hypocrites who should put on their flock and their best to walk into your churches one day a week and say before all, “I worship God; I accept Jesus as my savior.”

Understanding is in the knowledge that Jesus walked this land in many places. And he did appear in many forms, not all by the same name. Understanding is the realization that the Jewish nation, the Jewish people, do look upon Jesus as a prophet. They do look upon Mohammed as a prophet. But all is part of a whole. Yet they wait with you for the second coming. Do you think that God, nor the Messiah, because one man should call a man, Jesus, and another, Buddha, it would make any difference?

Yet there shall be those of false prophets; this is true. They will come among you and they will say, “I have a whole truth.” This is not true. Our Lord, God, has learned from His children. He could not learn if He had closed His mind and said, “I have a whole truth.”

Our Lord, God, would have looked upon the human race and walked away from it a long time ago if it was not for the hope, the dream, that within time His children would cease to squabble.

We have told you of lost souls. There are many of such who shall raise false prophets, who shall join the ranks of the Anti-Christ, for without them, he could gather no strength. And he shall say, “I come in the name of the Lord; I come in the name of Jesus of Nazara.” And he shall perform many miracles. But he shall come as a man. But even he shall come with the hope that his reign shall last. The length of his reign shall depend upon you….

The Lord, God, shall provide the needs. You must join in unity, in understanding — in strength….

Changes shall now come forth. There shall be many who shall control orthodox, as you would call it, religions, who shall and are there to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. They shall succeed. But you must succeed in seeing that his reign is short.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When the Anti-Christ is apparent, how can we effectively work to shorten his reign?”

By the unity of your work; by collecting forth in all forms the preparation in heaven and earth, an army of minds. We have told you the parable, that we have prepared you not only for the storage of grains, the preparation of your minds. Within your mind shall be the answer. Within light and sound shall be the answer. As it may heal, it may also heal the world. [See the Parable of the Time of Preparation.]

This message, in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ”, is also shared here as we learn more about the mark of the beast. May 6, 1977, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of his children.

And we should say unto thee the parable of the treasure.

For there was a rich king in the land, and he did send much gold into another kingdom. But thieves did see of this, and they did come forth, and they stole the gold. And then they came together to divide it.

Each in turn took their part. But the leader took the largest part. And he pondered long and thought, “If I should show such amount of gold, the king should surely know I stole of it. I shall hide it away until another day, and then I shall spend it.” So he went forth and there he found a young oak tree. He dug beneath the young oak tree and there he covered his stolen gold.

All the thieves were soon arrested and taken away, him included. It made no difference that he had no gold; he was soon found guilty and sentenced to prison.

Years went by, into the number of 20, and somehow he survived the harshness of the prison and was released. He went forth to find the young oak tree. Now the oak tree, when the man had placed the gold beneath it, its roots sought it out, but soon found that the metal was not good for growing, and so, covered it with its roots.

Another man in passing the young oak tree saw the ground around it and said, “Here I shall build my home.” And he did do so. Soon others came, and soon there was a small town and then a city. And the oak was the center of the city, and they did build a park about it. The oak grew and grew. And when the thief came back he found the city, and in the center of the city, a huge oak tree.

He had carved his initials into the tree, deep, when he had buried the treasure. The initials were still there, scarred into the bark and into the wood of the tree. He thought he would wait until night, and then uncover his gold.

When night came, at first he tried with his hands to dig beneath the tree. He could not; the roots were too many. The next night he came forth with pick and shovel, and still the roots were too many. So he covered up the hole he had dug and returned the third night with axe, to cut away the roots of the huge oak. But in his coming and going, certain of the city people saw him, and they began to watch. And the word was whispered throughout the whole city that the thief of the gold had come for his gold and it was buried beneath the tree. And as he began to dig, the crowd rushed forth, all wanting some part of the gold.

But the young man who had first settled in the city came forth, and he said unto the old man, the thief, “You placed gold beneath this tree, is that true?”

And then the thief said, “Yes, but it is mine; I have paid 20 years of my life for it.”

And the man said unto him, “And you would destroy this tree for your gold? You would dig away its roots, its foundation, you would destroy it for gold?”

He said, “It is mine, rightfully so.”

And then the others joined in, all wanting the gold.

And he said unto them, “If any one of you had had the gold buried beneath your home, and you had built a foundation upon it, and there you had had your children and your children’s children, would it be right that we should destroy your home to recover the gold?”

And they all said, “No.”

And the man said, “This is true with the oak. Then thief, tell us how much gold you stored beneath the tree.”

And he said unto them, “Thirty pieces of gold.”

The man said, “Then, you shall have your 30 pieces of gold.”

But the rest of the city was not satisfied; they wanted to destroy the oak.

The man said unto them, “For once, for 30 pieces of silver our Lord was betrayed and destroyed and crucified. And wood was used, the wood of life, the wood that has built your homes. This tree has stood and gives you shade and comfort for all these 20 years. Let me return to the thief his dues.” And so the man paid the man 30 pieces of silver, or gold.

Yet the people went on.

The thief left. But the rest of the city treacherously at night dug away at the roots until they found the gold. They did bring it forth. That night was a huge storm, and in the wind and in its weakened condition, the oak fell.

The city came forth and demanded that the city government repair it. And so the city put forth a tax to repair the tree. And it was brought forth and uprighted. And a tree surgeon was brought forth. And each person alike was taxed. And before the tree was repaired, it cost a hundred times the 30 pieces of gold. Yet the tree did not live. It withered and died, for its roots had destroyed.

We say unto you, unto all of you, this is the same. We have brought unto you a prophet. Many things have been placed beneath the foundation. If what we have placed there is destroyed and ripped away by your silly prejudice, then all we have come for shall wither with it.

A city, a person — a man, a woman, a child — a state, a country, a nation, an earth, is all but the same.

Look into our words. Give them birth and meaning. Place wings to them, and let them coveth the four corners of your earth.

We brought to you A Rose Without Thorns. We brought to you the beginning of a Psychic Gift before the Dawn. Yet those who sought it were as the people.

Look into words. Heed them.

For those who looked for the miracle that we promised, it was provided, yet you saw it not. The miracle was within the understanding. And that you traveled for was given, and the wisdom you traveled for was given, as was promised. For not the smallest thing shall fall from this earth without our Father’s permission.

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Tornados, hurricanes, volcanic action, earthquakes, shall dominate the earth. Drought and flood shall walk hand in hand.

But for those who shall not carry the mark of the Beast, fear not.

But it must be done in such a manner that the tree is not destroyed. But yet again, as the one known as Jesus did say, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.”

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

June 1, 1977 (Phoenix, Arizona): Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For within thy hearts they say unto us, “Where shall I find spiritual substance to apply into my daily life?” Or very simply, “How do I find peace of mind?”

We say unto you that the thousand years of peace our Father has promised you may start at any time thy desire, within thy heart and thy soul and thy body. We say unto you, love unto thy self. Forgive thyself. Bring hope unto thyself and faith unto thyself. If you may do this, then you shall bring the hope, the love, the faith, into the Father, and you shall also bring it into thy brother and into thine sister.

For within all things, and unto the smallest thing, our Father does dwell. And none should fall unless He should see. But the sun and the rain shall shine upon all. For does not a Father love all of his children the same.

But we say unto you, look into your hearts, and look unto the heart of the person who you dislike. Within that person you shall find many parts of yourself. The reason you dislike this person, you have said, is karma. This in itself could be basically true, but only in part, because you are all parts of everything you have ever been, and so are they. So when you see someone else, you see them as a mirror, reflecting back unto yourself. And that part of yourself that you do not like, you will not like in another.

It is said, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” It is also said, “Physician, heal thyself.” But there is a greater saying, “Those who should be their own physician should have a fool for a physician, and a fool for a patient.” In the cleansing of the mind and body, quite often you will throw the better part of yourself away, and dominate it, throw it down because someone else has told you that this is a bad thing, that this is a bad karma. There are many herbs upon your earth. Some herbs will heal some people. The same herb could kill another. No two things upon the face of this earth are identical.

If you cannot love thyself, then think of yourself in this manner. God brought forth you of one kind, of one likeness. There shall never be another exactly like you again ever, because you shall either evolve or fall down. But where you stand at this moment, at this precise second, you are one of a kind.

You protect many endangered species. Why do you not take the time to protect yourselves, for you are endangered species.

For once that flicker of light, that shell that you live in is gone, that shell is gone forever, not to be repeated, nor a likeness given forth, precisely to the last molecule that your body possesses at this time. It will evolve, the spirit shall evolve, the soul shall evolve, the immortal body shall evolve.

Take the time to love yourselves. If you can do this, you will find that quiet place within your mind where the still pool, the quiet pool lies, and where the candle burns forever, eternally. You shall find God within yourself.

Not one day should pass without these thoughts. “Within me, within this one small person, lies God….”

We say unto you, new tornados and hurricanes shall rack the Midwest in the United States and the Eastern and Western shorelines. Earthquake shall be as common as the sun should rise in the morning. But fear not.

For those who should not walk with the mark of the Beast shall have nothing to fear.

For those who should pass on at this time are passing on for a purpose.

There are those here who grieve in the death of their friend. He passed on that he may return and walk by the side of the Messiah. You should not grieve, but give gladness into his heart, for he found that that he seked [Note: Middle English for sought.] And he shall return to sow the fields. His sleep is already passed. His awakeness and awareness is already at work.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The great Sword stands above thee. It should slice from two sides.

From one, [it] shall part the earth and change its form. In a land where no rivers flowed, rivers shall run freely. In other land, parts of your land shall flood and turn into desert. Gardens shall grow in the desert, and the earth shall change its face.

On the other side of the sword, so shall it separate man––for those who should stand with God, and for those who shall deny Him. Remember into the tale of Lot from thy Bible and you shall see your earth. For as the two cities were taken from the earth, and the inhab­itants therein, so should happen to the substance of thy earth. Yet for those who did not look back, they did multiply and come forth upon the earth. And they were the descendants of Abraham, as the brother of Lot. [See Genesis, chapters 18–19.]

The earth shall change its shape, this is true.

If you prepare a way, now, your Messiah shall come unto you in the year of 1999 and be known unto you and walk with you. It is your choice.

It is your world. It is your universe. It is your time. What shall you make of it?

The spiritual messengers of God spoke this parable, August 5, 1977 (which is also in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ”). It is shared because this teaching is how to not write the mark of the beast on one’s heart:

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

And we should say unto you, as the earth was formed, and each of the Seven Spirits did come forth to perform their task, and each were given different tasks, some to form the mountains and rivers and forests and valleys, some to form the plains, some to form the deserts.

And as they went about their tasks, they began to argue.


And first one stood forth and said, “Oh, Lord, you have given me the job to bring forth a desert with vegetation, yet they will not give me rain and clouds. They take the rain and place it in abundance in places where it is not needed.”


Looking southwest toward Ray Elkins’s ranch in the Arizona Dripping Springs Valley



Prickly pear cactus leaves store up water on the left in front of the fence behind the AUP church parking lot. On the other side is a forest of cholla cactii that has lived on this desert for a long time.


Mesquite trees in winter give hope of springtime with leaves and edible, fresh green pods, and then summer with dried pods for flour and beans.



Rising above a saguaro and a barrel cactus in the Dripping Springs valley is the sacred “7” mountain.


The blessed water of the healing springs flows from a spring that drip from the Dripping Springs mountains. This photo was taken the Sunday before Easter in 2019. The water still contains the healing spirit Ray awakened in it in the early 1980s. Can you see the shaft of seven rays of light from God shining directly down from above into the pool of water? Yet, the sun was not overhead; it was 3:30 p.m. when this photo was taken.



A church to God stands waiting in the valley to welcome people of all faiths, whose religions are like the bouquet of our Lord




Roses blossom in abundance on Easter Sunday

You say unto us, the words we have just spoken unto you are as riddles once again. We say, no. Study these words. Learn from them, and you shall find that the tree of knowledge and this circle, which is slowly encircling your earth, of knowledge, is much like the mesquite tree.

You have said, “This is the Aquarian Age.” We say unto you, the thousand years of peace that has been promised you can come any time you are ready for a new heaven and a new earth.

Now we say unto you, across the western parts of your United States, greater fires shall scorch the ground. Some of these will be due to the fact of man’s neglect and others to that of nature cleansing the ground. We have said before that two year’s time would pass before your droughts would end, before the underground caverns could be refilled.

But as man continues to use more than can be given, rationing, even in this land, shall come about. Therefore, we say unto you, use these substances wisely. Learn from the desert. Learn that that your fathers and your fathers before you knew who dwelt in this land. Learn that that you have known who have dwelt in this land.

For the Lord, God, did place His special blessings into the least of things. Is it not said, “Blessed are the meek for theirs shall be the bounty.” All around you we have placed those things that would give you life. And remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead.

And now we should say unto those who have come to seek healing. Unto each of you, you have found your pathway here because of your afflictions. The afflictions shall be taken from you. We have given, as the Lord, God, has given unto us, and has given unto you, the one you call soul Ray, the gift to heal.

Yet, when your afflictions are long gone, much as the desert in a drought, you will blossom forward. You will take more than a healing with you, for there is the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Take these things back into your own religions.

If what we have said does not apply within your lives, do not be despondent, for you shall find some parts much as the growing of a tree, that you can carry home with you, that you can take back into your journey.

Remember, we are not here to separate the churches.

Now is the time, and shortly the reign, of the Anti-Christ.

We are here for the preparation and the coming of the Messiah, that the mark shall not be cast upon God’s children.

[See The Revelation, chapters 7, 10, 13, 14:14–18, 15:2–4, chapter 19, 20:1–6, 20:11–14, and chapters 21–22.]

As we came forth, we came forth in five places, and the readings as you hear them now, and our voice was heard in five places upon your earth. In four they have been cast aside. Now, we are able to reach into many mouths and bring forth that day of preparation.

Our words, give them wings.

And wherever you should sayeth and pray unto your Father, remember that that you say unto your Father’s name and say it in truth, for the betterment of mankind, we shall travel and be there to serve you — for we do not sleep. For wherever you journey, the gifts that you shall receive here shall go with you. And only the thought, and we shall be with you. But we are not great. We are but the messengers of your Father and ours, God.

In you minds you say, “Why, then, do you not speak of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, the first-begotten son?” And we say unto you, we speak of these things into which you seek knowledge as we look unto your minds. We need not speak for him, who should come later, for he shall speak for himself, and you shall hear him. Our job is not to place words in his mouth; our job is the preparation for his coming.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children. And glory be the name of the Messiah.

You have other questions, ask.

These words (also in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ” (part 2)) are included here to add understanding about the September 2 1977, parable that follows them on the mark of the beast. Their meaning is more fully explained in the writing about the Anti-Christ.

A man asked, “Yes, Aka. What is the significance at this time of the date, ‘the 6th of September — Black September,’ as you spoke of earlier? What will occur, and what should we do in preparation?”

We should say unto you, there are those who call themselves Palestenes, Palestines. They should seek a country of their own. This is not all they seek, for within them and among them they harbor the Anti-Christ. Should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread its wings and protect Israel, woe be your land, for his reign shall be four and one-half years.

We have told you that both the Anti-Christ and the Christ, the true Christ, is upon your land.

Upon that date you shall feel the tremors of his first works.

And many shall call him messiah. And many shall follow him. And he shall perform miracles unto you. And he shall come unto you and say, “I shall teach you miracles.” And there will be those who will come unto you and say, “I shall teach you miracles.” And we say, nay. Beware, for these are false prophets. Beware. For those who follow him shall bear the mark of the Beast.

At the same time you shall feel the presence begin to grow among you of the Messiah.

It is not yet time that the Eagle shall spread his wings, for we are not through with our work. But your country, the Eagle, should coveth Israel — not in such a manner that would harm her, but that would giver her strength. For remember, in their greatest time of need, they shall kneel before the Messiah.

September 2, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For we shall tell of thee of the young lad, who had decided to leave his father and his home.

His decision had come about because of his disagreements with his father.

The father was sad, and so therefore, he went unto the rabbi, the teacher of the time, to seek his counsel. And he told of these things unto the teacher.

And the teacher thought long upon this. And he said unto him, “There is one yet wiser than I. Let me take this matter up with him, for I have no solution to your problem.”

The boy had packed his clothing and was preparing to make his journey, when suddenly there before him stood a stranger. And the boy looked unto him and said, “What strange clothing thy bear.”

And the stranger looked unto him and said, “What strange clothing thy bear.”

And the boy said unto him, “Where have you come from?”

And the stranger said unto him, “Where you are going.”

The boy became confused, yet angry. Who could be this stranger in the house, in his father’s house, who should ask questions in such a manner, who should talk in such a manner? And he said, “Who are you by name?”

And the stranger looked unto him and said, “I am Jesus of Nazara.”

And the boy said, “Then you must hurry from my home, for we are of the Jewish faith, and my father would not allow this.”

The stranger looked into him and said, “You would disobey your father in all other things, yet, when I walked into your home you would cast me out.”

And the boy said unto him, “But our teachings are different than those you have brought forth.”

And, he said unto him, “What difference is it unto you, the time that your people shall recognize me? For where you are going, they shall recognize me and know of me.”

And he said unto him, “But how can this be so, for I am leaving my father’s house, and where I am going is not a fit place for a person such as you?”

And he looked unto him and said “I shall dwell in the hearts of all of you, as my Father dwells in you now. Open the door, and I shall enter. But yet you should break of your father’s commandments, and in doing so you have broken of my Father’s commandments. You have not held sacred the commandment that says to respect thy father and mother as into thyself. You take from one Testament only when it pleases you.

“You shall go your way, and there you shall find me, even though you cast me from your house.” And the stranger left.

And the father was waiting at the rabbi’s. And the stranger did appear at the rabbi’s house. And the rabbi bid him enter and said, “This is the one who I have waited too for us to seek counsel from.”

But the father said, “But who is he?”

And he said, “He is a rabbi, a teacher, a master, for he is Jesus of Nazara.”

And the father said, “But rabbi, how can you allow this one into your place of worship?”

And the rabbi looked into him and said, “What difference is it to you whether he should come in today or tomorrow? He has always been here.”

And the stranger spoke unto the father and said, “You are much like your son. You would take from the new and the old. But, I am not here for that purpose this day, for in your son lies one of my disciples.”

And the father looked shocked, and said, “How can this be? He drinks. He takes drugs. He is all of those things.”

And Jesus said unto him, “This I know. Yet, he would take from me as well as you.”

And the father said, “How can that be so, for you are that in the future; you are that that we have waited for throughout all of these years? You are the Messiah yet to come.”

And he said unto the father, “You are the father and the head of your household. And I serve my Father who is the head of all of our households, so we both serve the same God.”

And the father said, “Then what should I do? Should I allow my son to continue as he is?”

And Jesus said, “Nay, for now is the time of the cutting away of father from son, from mother from daughter. For there shall be those who should choose the path of the Anti-Christ, and he is now upon you. For the date is now, September the 6th, 1977.”

And the father looked unto him and said, “How can this be? He is a good Jewish boy, brought up in the belief. How could he serve the Anti-Christ, and serve you at the same time? How can he wear the mark of the Beast and serve you at the same time?”

And Jesus said unto him, “For where he goes he shall join the Palestines, those of the Black September movement. And from them shall come the beginning of the Anti-Christ, and the downfall of your churches and all churches of all beliefs. But even from the rubble of all things shall rise some men.

The Black September movement became the Black September Organization, which was still led by Yasser Arafat, who then became Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat from 1969 until his death in 2004. Arafat was named the “Father of Modern Terrorism.”

“I have said he can serve both, or he can serve one. This is your decision, the decision you make here and now. If you continue to allow him to continue in your house and do the things he has done, and give disrespect unto his father and mother, then surely he shall join the Anti-Christ. But if you stand firm, and say unto him, ‘If ye be my son, then do unto my household and make it holy this day.’”

And then, Jesus turned unto the rabbi and said, “When the Eagle comes, you shall know of him, for he is here to prepare the way for my coming. But when I come, ye shall not know of me, for I shall wear a different clothing, and a different body. It is through the eyes of the young they shall know me first. And the Eagle shall spread its wings and give them coveth.”

And then, the rabbi felt a holy reverence that entered into his house of worship. And then the stranger was gone.

And the father fell on his knees, and the rabbi fell on his knees, and said unto the Lord, God, their thanks for what they had seen.

The father returned back unto the home. And there he did find his son and said, “If ye go this day, then go. But you shall defile this house no more. If you go and wear the mark of the Beast, return not unto my house, for I shall not allow you to destroy your sisters and brothers.”

The son looked unto the father and said, “Nay, father, I shall respect thy house, and I shall stay, for while you were gone, I met a stranger who said he was Jesus of Nazara, and I felt a reverence throughout my being. And as he left, a great eagle appeared, and did coveth over our house. And I know now that in this land of Israel I shall go about and prepare a way. For the eagle shall touch all lands and giveth coveth. It is written. You shall see.”

And the father said, “We are greatly blessed, for I too, have met the Messiah who shall come, and I too, have felt the warmth of God, and I have seen the eagle in flight. I shall go, my son, and we shall stand together and prepare this way.”

Everyone in town thought them to become strange. And then in the town there was one who had come to speak, and he was a healer, from a far-away land. But as he began to speak, the people knew and felt and saw. They too became transformed.

We have told you this parable for a purpose. Some of you have lost your young loved ones. Our Father now builds His army in readiness. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Those you have lost have gone before you, to prepare a way, and they shall walk with the Messiah. As we are here to prepare a way, so shall they in their own way.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory be the name of the Messiah. And glory be the name of the children of our Father who shall not be cut away.

All of you shall have many decisions to make. It is said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.” There is a difference between a decision and a judgment. Judgment is a final and lasting thing. A decision can be a new beginning for all.

A Minister’s candelabra in the Association of Universal Philosophy shines with the light of the seven spirits of God, who make their indwelling within, as vows to God are given in a new covenant.

This message spoken in Phoenix, Arizona, September 21, 1977 (also in the writing about the Anti-Christ), tells about the two preparations on Earth––for the coming of the Messiah, or the reign of the Anti-Christ: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be name of the Lord, thy God; glory be name of His children.

And we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the preparation for his reign upon your earth. And all things shall be done for his coming, for he walks your earth now.

We have told you before, of the Black September, and now we shall tell thee of its beginning. We told you before, unless the Eagle [U.S.A.] spread its wings and did protect — we say unto you that as the Eagle gives away its land, as the Eagle ceases to protect Israel, then woe be man. Yet we say unto you, the temptation shall be great.

But for those who should resist the mark of the Beast, the reign shall be short, four and one-half years.

The preparation — as we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, so are those that are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. The giving away of the land of Panama shall show your first weakness; the granting unto the Palestinians that that they wish shall be second.

Editor’s note: What took place on September 6, 1977, that Aka said were the “first rumblings of the Anti-Christ”?

The September 7, 1977, New York Times newspaper reported these events:

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — Israel’s Prime Minister, Menaham Begin, drafted a proposed peace agreement that shows what Israel would expect from such a document. This was done at request of Americans after a peace process meeting in Washington D.C., led by U.S. President Jimmy Carter. (Note: This led to the signing of the Spetember 19, 1978 Camp David Accords and to the March 26, 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, in which Israel gave away land for peace, which never came from the “Palestinian cause.”)

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — Jordan’s King Hussein in a summit meeting with France’s Falery Giscard d’Estaing in Paris warns of war in the Middle East.

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — End of four-day meeting of the Arab League in Cairo. Subject is opposition to Israel’s annexation of occupied lands.

Wednesday, September 7, 1977 — U. S. President Carter and Panama General Torrijos sign the Panama Canal Treaty, in which the U.S.A. gives away the canal to Panama.

Friday, September 9, 1977 — Treaty ratification process begins in the United States Senate. Ronald Reagan leads the opposition.

But the Lord has said unto you, “FEAR NOT.” For there shall come a breaking away of the land, and so it shall commence. Through earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, all shall strican [note: Middle English for stike] the earth and blighten it. Yet good cheer shall be found in all. Man shall know his neighbor, and learn not only to love him, but to trust him. Father and children shall be brought together. Mother and children shall be brought together. As there has been a tearing away, so shall there be a mending.

We shall say unto you, the things that are about to happen upon the earth should look as though a storm should arrive upon your doorstep. But have the faith to know that the sun shall shine again.

Put yourselves together. Let not race or religion interfere. If you can learn this simple lesson, to respect each other’s religion, that in itself shall be the first step to your thousand years of peace. That will be the first step toward the end of your wars.

The things we have spoke of, you shall soon forget until they happen.

September 30, 1977: You have other questions, ask.

“How did the seven spirits of God cause chaos, confusion, over breeding, as mentioned in the reading of June 19, 1973?”


We have told you this many times. [See Give the Lamb the help that is needed and the seventh seal shall not be opened.”]

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.


earthquake, tornado, volcano,


drought ––

all is brought forth by man.

Yet, as the Fifth Angel walks forth,

man spreads the chaos before him.

Governmental rules, corporate decisions, covert profiteering, power grabs, lockdowns, rolling blackouts, water shortages, or crop failures often cause chaos, which may be followed by increased control, higher prices, loss of freedoms

We have told you before that now is the time of the great Sword, that that shall strike away and divide the earth. And it shall change its form. We have told you of the other side of the Sword that shall cut away man.

And some shall go forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ.

And some shall go forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

For those who go forth to prepare the way for the Anti-Christ, most of them already wear their mark. And it shall be six times sixty-six. And the coming of the Messiah’s sign shall be seven seven seven [777].

We have told you why we are here. We have said unto you, now is the time for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We have also said unto you that nothing from either side shall interfere with this.

And it shall come forth that the Beast shall lose its head. The one we have put forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah shall strike forth the blow unto the Anti-Christ, and the one that should prepare the way for his coming. Yet the Anti-Christ shall [grow] forth, and his reign shall be lean because of the blow that [shall] be struck.

And for those who shall not wear the mark of the Beast shall rise and build a new world and a new heaven, and a thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, but not as you count, but as our Father counts.

For each day shall be as a thousand years. In other words, one day shall represent one thousand years. Yes, I still see the doubt within thy mind. In other words — In other words, it should take one thousand of your days to make one day of God’s.

Yet we say unto you, if we are not successful, the Anti-Christ’s reign shall come and go, and three thousand years of darkness shall enter upon your earth.

There are those of you here who would take our words lightly. There are those of you who would try to strip the words and change their meaning for their own benefit. And we say unto you, woe be unto you, for it is your soul that you have damaged, your spirit that you shall strip away.


January 20, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For glory be the children of God, and glory be those who should take His name in a sacred manner.

Throughout thy land at this time thy are experiencing trauma and illness. We shall explain in this manner.

The human body in its largest substance is fluid, and therefore, shall act in great accordance with both moon and sun, and other planets, and even meteorites in your galaxy. Therefore, in that manner, these should also affect the ozone belt. And in the same manner as you would have in the summer months, of a buildup of large amounts of positive ions, you are having the same pattern, only in reverse. With the increase in the storms in your area and the many other areas across your land, the negative ion buildup can exceed that of normal limits, causing arrhythmia in the system of the heart regions, anxiety which would bring forth the drama within your own lives.

You have yet another factor, and that is man’s interference with the weather itself. Properly used, these tools should be greatly enhanced into man’s hands. Improperly used, or experimented with as a weapon

H.A.A.R.P. ( the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is one of many around the world today. One application is said to be the focusing of intense microwaves from the array of many antennae into the ionosphere to bounce off and direct clouds, including those with heavy metals, such as aluminum, to affect the weather for good or harm.

— the third part of this should be that of the experiment of your two greater powers, that of the Republic of Russia and that of the United States, in what you would call, ultrasound. This in itself could cause nervousness to the point that some would go mad. Others it would affect the heart. Other organs would be affected accordingly. Any weaknesses within the system would come forth in extreme manners.

A NYPD officer stands ready with the LRAD 500X at an Occupy Wall Street protest on November 17, 2011 near the city hall. Photo by Z22 — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33256395

These properties should all be taken into consideration at this time.

Other factors — as we have said before — those of the Black September or Palestinian Organization, which has coincided themselves with what you once knew as the Nazi Party, and has financed terrorism throughout the land, these properties and these people carry the mark of the Beast and are that that is in preparation for the coming — as you would say, in the preparation of the Anti-Christ and his reign upon the Earth. The half times are over. Now it shall be one or the other — those who should follow the Anti-Christ, or those who should prepare the way and follow the Christ.

Palentinian Nazis. Here is some history.

God has seen upon your Earth all these things. And none of these things are new; they are all things we have told you before.

More storms shall be centered into the proportions, lower proportions of Oregon, California, and across your land. In one sense of the word, these are good, for they shall help replenish your underwater supply of — but there is also that of the earthquakes that shall follow in short periods afterwards. That of the Mexico region shall be the most severe hit, at this time. Other proportions of your earth, that as you know was of Red China shall be affected by these earthquakes and so should the United Republic of Russia. As has been predicted, these shall continue, as such.

We shall also say unto you, beware of those who should come forth at this time with promises of returned wealth unto the people of the United States. We shall say unto you that that who acts in peace and smiles in peace, and talks in a very mild manner, from your land, should by his own stupidity lead you into warfare, and lead the land of Israel into warfare.

Menachem Begin, Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat at Camp David, 1978. The Camp David Accords were a pair of political agreements signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978, following twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David, the country retreat of the President of the United States in Maryland. (Aka warned of this on January 20, 1978.) The two framework agreements were signed at the White House and were witnessed by President Jimmy Carter. The second of these frameworks (A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel) led directly to the 1979 Egypt–Israel peace treaty. The Camp David Accords were the result of 14 months of diplomatic efforts by Egypt, Israel, and the United States that began after Jimmy Carter became President on January 20, 1977. The efforts initially focused on a comprehensive resolution of disputes between Israel and the Arab countries, gradually evolving into a search for a bilateral agreement between Israel and Egypt. Following the advice of a Brookings Institution report, President Carter opted to have a comprehensive, multilateral approach. The Yom Kippur War further complicated efforts to achieve the objectives written in United Nations Security Council Resolution 242. Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and his successor, Menachem Begin, were both skeptical of an international conference. In actuality the Israelis and the Egyptians were secretly formulating a framework for bilateral talks. Even earlier, Begin had not been opposed to returning the Sinai, but a major future obstacle was his firm refusal to consider relinquishing control over the West Bank.

But fear not, for we have said before, the land of Israel shall be protected.

And for those who should not carry the mark of the Beast, they shall be protected.

And yet, there shall be those who should wish for death.

The spiritual messengers of God told a parable April 7, 1978 about baptism and the mark of Christ: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For in the days of the one thy should call, John the Baptist, as John had seen in the stars that the time was so that he should venture forth to prepare the way, he came forth in the land, as thy would know it, as the Dead Sea. And as he entered, and went forth unto the Jordan River, he began to baptize and to preach. And he said unto them, “Repent, for the one who shall come after me shall baptize of the spirit.”

And none could understand of his words. Yet many began to follow, and many asked him who he was.

And he did say unto them, “I am John.”

And they asked him if he were the prophets of old? And he did look upon them and say, “Nay, I have been here as long as ye.”

They did not understand these words he had spoken.

And then, as he baptized, he did baptize the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And he said unto Jesus, “Thy should baptize me.”

And Jesus said unto him, “Nay, baptize me, John.”

And John did baptize him. And as he brought him forth, he told unto his disciples to follow Jesus. [See John 1:15–51 and 3:22–36.]

And then, as the twelve were brought together, they did go forth, each one at a time, to be baptized again by John.

And John the Beloved came unto John, and looked unto him and said, “Oh, Master, baptize me.”

And he looked unto John and said, “And you shall be with your true master to the very end; forsake him not. Stand beneath the cross, and you shall receive the final baptism. For one drop of blood shall fall upon your head, and the blood of his body shall represent the spirit that shall baptize for thereafter.”

And John the Beloved became frightened, and he ran back unto Jesus and said, “Master, why do they call him John, the Baptist?”

And Jesus laughed in his usual way, and said, “Pray be it, John. But does he not baptize you and I? Has he not brought unto you the spirit of God? Has he not prepared the way for you and I, and all who shall come after us?”

But John the Beloved said, “But yet, Master, but I see death in his eyes.”

And Jesus looked sad then, and said, “Yes, these things shall be so, but the baptisms shall continue unto I return again.”

And so it has been throughout time, that the baptisms that you receive now, and the marks that are placed upon your forehead, therefore, never shall be the marks of [peace] placed there,

for in the baptism you have accepted the mark of Christ, the mark of God, and therefore, the Anti-Christ can never mark thee….

“Yes, Aka. [P____ L_____ (9–16–72–001?)] asks, ‘What do you want me to do?’”

We say unto you, you have picked up the rose that lay at thy feet. Now reach for the candelabra. The light of God shall dwell where darkness was cast, for darkness could not understand the light and it did flee before it. And as the wine came upon thy forehead thy became as one, within one.

Minister’s candelabras of the Association of Universal Philosophy shine with the light of the seven spritis of God, the eyes and ears of the Messiah. (See The Revelation, chapter 4 and 5.) This spiritual light is born within each Minister as he or she gives vows to God to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

The preparation for the coming of the Messiah must spread rapidly upon the face of the Earth. And the wine and the water must touch the foreheads of many,

that not the mark of the beast may be placed there.

For it is but a short time until the coming of the Messiah, yet a shorter time for the rule of the Anti-Christ. Both must be prepared for. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 10–22.]

April 14, 1978: There will be those who shall fall, and those who shall help the others rise again.

But beware the mark of the Beast.

April 21, 1978: Beware of that which your politicians do.

And beware of those who should speak with one hand of God, and give out damnation with the other. Once again we shall say — nothing from either side shall interfere with this work.

For those who should come, they shall find no mark of the Beast before them.

For those who should seek their kingdom elsewhere, they shall look in vain. But give unto those who ask, and take away the mark of the Beast from them.

The Lord God brings blessings into you. Use them in a wise manner. Pick them up as pieces of stars. Cherish them.

Love one another. Let that love flow among you in such a manner that no one can deny it. Take hatred from your hearts; cast it aside. Put love within your heart and love within your minds. Project it forth as your shield, as your [lance]. Pray, “Oh Lord,” unto God, thy God, that your souls be cleansed and bathed in the light of love. And glory shall be forever more.

Pick up the rose[s] and plant them.

June 10, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. For the Lord has seen, and the Council has seen — and that that we have seen, and that that we have heard, the Lord is pleased. For that that His children has brought unto the earth shall now reach unto the oceans and into the heavens, unto the many universes.

For in this day thy have set forth a new step.

And the Lord shall place a new star in the heavens for thee. And there, for all to see, they shall know the presence of the Messiah. No longer shall you wait and not know of his presence.

But we say unto thee also, the Anti-Christ shall know of it; beware. But we say unto him and to his followers, beware.

And for all of the children who shall not wear the mark of the Beast, a new heaven and a new earth shall be prepared, and a thousand years of peace shall reign upon it — not as you count, for each thousand years shall be as one day to the Lord.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

This message, which is also in the article,”Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ (Part 2 of 3),” teaches about what is written in The Revelation, chapters 13 and chapters 17–19. Many have wondered about the well-known scripture in The Revelation 13:15–17: “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

July 21, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner: glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. We say unto you these words. The Anti-Christ now knows of his dominion and walks upon your Earth. A way is being prepared for his time and his rule.

That of the recent conference between your European countries and your own [U.S.A.] was a major part in the power he shall draw from.

The harlot, Europa, rides the Beast (Zeus) in front of the European Union Headquarters today. Did the spiritual messengers of God forewarn of this on July 23, 1978 when they spoke of the recent conference being a major part of the power from which the Anti-Christ will draw? The Bremen Summit, held 6–7 July 1978, was on Progresses Towards Monetary Union. Did this precede the euro monetary system? Was this a step toward a one world government in which he could have dominion over the Earth?

The other side of the coin will be that power he shall draw from China and Russia.

China is the Dragon, Aka says. In The Revelation, chapters 12–13, the dragon which was cast down to Earth and went to war against the Christ child, and then those “who keep the commandments of God and have the estimony of Jesus Christ” was the Devil or Satan. Russia is the Bear. Both China and Russia are under Communist rule, which may be the style of government planned for the new world order.

We warn you now, the war of Armageddon is about.

In the next ten-year period those who are there to prepare the way for his rule will do all in their power to lengthen it. They will do all in their power to destroy the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. They will do all in their power now to devour those who should stand and prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, the one from God. They shall infiltrate your churches, your countries, and do all they can to denounce the work that has been done and shall be done. The next ten years shall be the most critical time.

This one shall perform many miracles that should sway most of your major religions, for it shall look as though he shall bring peace unto the Earth. Within reality, and through the strength of peace, he shall gain his power.

We say unto you, beware.

Do not wear the mark of the Beast.

Beware, for those who shall say, “Destroy thy neighbor, for they do not believe as you;” beware of those who should say, “Mine is the only way unto God,” for our Father has many mansions.

Upon your Earth, and upon the heavens, the Lord shall build His armies. [See The Revelation 19:14.]

And the Beast’s rule that should give unto power of the Anti-Christ shall soon be known unto you. And none may defeat him, even though you shall cut away his head. These things the Lord has laid before you in all of your scriptures. [See The Revelation, chapters 13 and 17–19.]

He has brought this knowledge unto you many times. The biggest problem shall be that man has never taken the Lord’s words as plainly as they have been written. They have said, “Oh, this is for another time.” “This is for someone else.” We say unto you, nay, now is the time.

It has also been written that none may trade nor barter, leste they wear the mark of the Beast.

As these things take place, many of you shall be tempted. Many of you shall say, “What difference if I make if I trade or barter with the Beast? How can this rob me of my soul?”

We warn you, you cannot barter with Lucifer.

Only through the might and the strength of our Lord —

only through the strength you should grow and gain from God, shall you gain in the strength to not wear the mark of the Beast.

[See The Revelation 14:9–20, 15:1–4, 19:1–10, and chapters 20–22.]

July 28, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee ––

the parable of the poor man who worked from dawn to dusk, but to barely feed his children.

But upon one morn he woke, and he walked out unto the early morn and came back into the house and said unto his wife, “Come, wife, see the new morn.”

His wife looked upon him in a strange manner. What difference was this, this morn that would be different from any other?

She walked out with him, and he said, “Behold wife, for here is a new world.”

She looked at him and said, “You talk quite strangely. What difference is this day from any other? What difference is this morning from any other?”

And he said unto her, “In my dream last night, I dreamed that this day was the day of the coming of the Son, and this morn would be a blessed morn, and our cup should runneth over. Let us go now and break bread and thank the Lord for this day.”

As they stood in talking, their children came forth, with laughter, and he said unto the children, “Look upon this, thy new world.”

And the children laughed with joy, and soon the poor man and his wife too laughed with joy, and their laughter rang across the land and began to cross the world. And as each heard unto the other the laughter and the joy, it was continued, much as a mirror reflecting into itself.

And as they broke bread and their moment of silence did come forth, their day, and moment of silent prayer, sudden they stopped. And the woman said unto the man, “What should we pray for? We have given thanks unto the Lord. But now this is a new world, and our cup runneth over; what shall we pray for?”

And the child said, “Mother, let us pray that the reign of the Son shall be long upon the Earth, and the joy we have felt this morning shall be an everlasting joy.”

And so it was, each day leading into another. The children grew into adulthood, and peace and joy did reign upon the Earth. Neighbor gave unto their neighbors and received from their neighbors the joy.

And then one day, a craft from another planet did arrive. The craft did — looked upon the Earth for many centuries. But this time, the craft did not look; it came forth and said unto the people, “We are here to see your joy and let it be ours.”

And from planet to planet, and galaxy to galaxy the joy did spread, the joy to do their work, to carry their burden, their love, their needs, as their cups did runneth over. And planets brought forth their gifts, and traded unto one another.

And you say unto this, “What knowledge can we gain from these words that have been spoken?”

And we say unto you, for joy to come from your heart it must be a new morn, that each day is a new world, a new creation of the Lord.

If you shall take these words into your heart, then each morning when you arise, rise with joy and laughter. Give that unto one another, and soon your new heaven and your new earth shall be upon the Earth, and the reign of the Anti-Christ shall be short, for he shall have nothing to reign over. He shall have nothing, for the earth shall be bountiful and he can give nothing, and therefore ––

with your joy in the Lord, and the joy in the Son, so shall you find that the mark of the Beast shall disappear from the Earth, from the galaxies, from the galaxies beyond galaxies.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever….

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks thy earth. Now is the time when those who should prepare the way for the Anti-Christ shall seem to reign over thee.

It shall not be so, for only those who should be willing to sell themselves may he reign over, and for those who do shall wear the mark of the Beast. And the mark shall be placed by yourselves.

[See The Revelation, chapter 13, 16:10–16, chapter 17, chapter 19, 21:1–8 and 22:10–15.]

August 25, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children. And we say unto thee this parable.

As the Lord, Jesus, did administer to the sick and heal on the Sabbath, many did condemn him. But he looked upon him and said unto them, “I go about my Father’s work through His many mansions. And the Lord has set aside this day for rest and worship. But within His worship, and in His glory, He allows me to do this healing. Then who should cast the first stone?”

We have said before, none shall interfere with this work from either side. We have also told you, the Anti-Christ is now upon your Earth, and as he has entered of age, so shall his followers make his time ready for his realm. In doing this, they shall split churches, they shall cast down temples, for they are building one temple into the Anti-Christ.

How often do we see arguing and fighting between religious faiths — divisions into many denominations or sect that disagree and separate again and again — judging rather than loving one another, even within one house. Have we ever thought this could be Lucifer whispering to us and those preparing for the Anti-Christ (through hatred, mistrust, doubt, envy, jealousy, fear, which are the mark of the beast) telling us to separate? Why follow this and write the mark on our hearts?

For those who have ears, listen. For those who have eyes, see. For “the blind may see, and the deaf shall hear.”

And so shall the mark be placed upon each of those who shall be his servant. And it shall be six, six, six [666].

And as the given time, as those who should join the Anti-Christ, it shall be placed upon their hand and their forehead. [See The Revelation, chapter 13:16 and “Number of the Beast.”]

We have said before, for those who should walk in a righteous manner, fear not. For those who should go about this work, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, fear not, for his time is also here.

Many shall cast themselves upon you. Many shall attack you. We say unto you, the coveth given unto Jesus is now given unto you. The promise of the Lord, God, unto His children who should hold themselves in a righteous manner, the Anti-Christ shall have no power over. Those who should attack you shall but only attack themselves, for they are destroying themselves.

They are placing the mark themselves.

And now we say unto the ministers and the teachers of this work, now is your time of trial. Now is the time of temptation. Hold yourselves one unto another. Now is the time we have prepared you for. Now is the time you must reach above your own wants and needs. Bind together as one. Wherever one is stricken, wherever one has been hurt, wherever one shall be cast aside, let this not happen. Stand together. Do not quarrel. Do not bicker. Be as the mighty hand of the Lord, and the strength you ask for shall flow into your bodies and minds.

September 8, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children;

glory be the name of those who should not wear the mark of the Beast.

And we should say unto thee unto these words − for we shall tell you this parable of a man who, as a child, knew not his place.

And yet, as he went through life, he sought power. And for the receiving of this power, he did trade his soul.

This man became a minister. And he brought forth false images into his church. And the Beast did give unto him the power to bring forth these images.

And he did come before the people and speak words that he did not believe within his heart. He saw in all people only the greed to fulfill his needs. Yet, this Beast one day would claim his soul, and that day did arrive, for the Beast did plant upon him his mark, on the hand and in the forehead.

We shall try to explain to you the difference of your word meaning, forehead, and that of both the Hebrew word meaning fore head − the foreskin that would be extracted, and was to be extracted, from a newborn child that they may be cleansed and not wear the mark of the Beast. This in itself was called the fore head, and the mark could be concealed, therefore, within the same.

The second part of the word, or the meaning of the same, would be toward the base of the skull. This, in itself, should be the second part of the same word, meaning of the same.

The next part, meaning that of the hand, in the back of the hand, would not necessarily conceive that that it would mean in your words, or the meaning of the same. You have a word which means the reading of the palm. The palm would extend from the thumb to the small finger. From that you shall find within the same that the mark shall be laid. The mark can either be laid on the surface or on the reverse side of the palm, or may be laid farther up to the pit of the arm; all would mean of the same.

You must realize, in the interpretation, your words have not come out to mean the same. We speak these words that you might know, therefore, where the mark should lie.

Now we say unto you these words, of this same person. Once in the servitude of the Anti-Christ and those who should prepare the way for him, the Beast shall prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, for the cutting away of the head, and the re-growth. And the Beast shall give power unto a man-beast. And it shall be the name of a man.

You shall look, therefore, into your Bible, and look, therefore, into the words of Daniel; there you shall find a more complete interpretation of this time and that that confronts you, and how to deal with the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 13 and Daniel, chapter 7.]

Use these things that we shall give unto you. Use them wisely, but bind together. Bind and become one unto another as the strongest of strong ropes upon the Earth, stronger than the strongest chain.

And remember − look at these who should crucify you, and pursue you and persecute you. Remember. Remember that that they have done, for one day upon this Earth, as is happening now, a new religion shall sweep the Earth to take a place of the old. Will you then persecute these? We say unto you, nay, persecution is for fools who have nothing but idle time. But we have also told you to turn of the right cheek and then the left, and then let the mighty arm of the Lord do His work.

It must be done by binding together. If you do not, they shall sweep you away, as wheat. They will use you for their own purposes. This is but an example of the beginning your persecution, your times of trial.

You now have understanding. With understanding grows wisdom and knowledge.

And we say unto you, you shall build a building, and we shall give unto you the dimensions. It shall serve all of you. And it shall be a place of worship. But if you bring into it an angry heart, it shall not be a place of God.

In this message in 1979, the spiritual messengers of God foretold of this church that would be built four years later, in 1982, on one corner of the ranch Ray Elkins would buy in about a year, in 1979, on Christmas Star Route to which the angels had not yet led him.

We have let anger dwell within you for a purpose; anger can be of a good tool. Now you must use your minds.

Now you must use your strength, your combined strength, and combined wisdom to ward off the persecution and to bring those who would not wear the mark of the Beast into one house.

This message (also in the Anti-Christ article) tells more about The Revelation 13:17 scripture thatno one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

October 6, 1978: We shall say unto you unto these words. For within your churches now, those of the Anti-Christ shall move through and take positions of authority, through all of your churches.

Now is the time when the mark shall be placed.

For those who are truly compassionate for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who have truly love for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who in truth shall prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who are preparing a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall stand but a short while, and then they shall be swept away.

We shall say unto you these words, of this peace, this peace that your President has hid behind. Egypt now prepares to make war as she pleads for peace − and she shall make it in such a manner that it shall look as though the Israelians are at fault. [See “Egypt-Israel peace treaty”.]

But we say unto this lands that the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall spread his wings and coveth − beware of Egypt. Beware of the Palestinians who now plan to destroy your cities. Beware of the Arabian gold which now is buying its way into your country. All is part.

For those who shall take control for the Anti-Christ, none other than them may barter or sell.

It has been written. We said before, look unto Daniel, of the four beasts, and the last beast was made of iron. That beast was Rome.

A coin bearing the Greek name and image of Caesar Nero, with radiant crown symbolizing the sun, on the front Nero and Poppaea Sabina on the back. Photo by Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. http://www.cngcoins.com, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2192239.

[See The Revelation 13:16–18, Daniel, chapter 7, and “The Beast.”]

November 3, 1978: There are wars and rumors of wars. And great wars, the greatest of wars, has not happened yet.

We shall also say unto all of you, your inflationary depression has not ended. Inflation shall continue. And from it shall come a boom, a great boom, a great growth. There will he those who say, “Invest in gold.” The greatest investment shall be within land. We give you this, as knowledge, that you may protect the people, and the people may protect themselves, for financial disaster is as great and as much as damaging as an earthquake − and that you shall have a multitude of. [Note: In 1975, the cost of land to build an average home in most of the U.S.was $4,495. In 1978, it was $6,342. In 2015 that same land cost $97,148, down from the 2006 housing bubble of $128,034.]

For those who should heed our words shall succeed. For those who do not, some shall wear the mark of the Beast.

We say unto you, no one can harm you, only yourselves. It is when you are in the bottomless pit that sometimes you may only look up, for looking down you see nothing. When you look up, then you see the light. And all that is covered shall be uncovered and light shall be for those who want to see this light.

Go forth, uncover these things. Uncover ignorance. Let truth of many forms come forth unto you. Let the beauty of the land, the sky, the heavens, the seas, and all forms of the water shine into thee. Let the plants, and the animals of all sorts be under your dominion. Let the heavens and the fowl, and the sea and all that live in the sea be under your dominion − and rule it well.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

December 8, 1978: We have told you of light and sound, and how it may be used for healing. And soul Paul warned at a time that it could be used for destruction. This is true. But remember, they only have in their possession two of the basic tones.

There is but yet another part unfolding. You now have two key members, one dead, one near dead. In their place shall be placed people and a plot to take over both the Congress and the Senate of your country.

By February 20, 2021, the U.S. Congression House and Senate no longer looks like this. It was surrounded by high fence, barbed wire, Capitol police and tens of tousands of National Guardsmen and women. Could Aka’s words provide a clue?

This dream has not died for a madman who did rise in the sea to lose his head, and was fallen, yet the head was healed. [See The Revelation 13:1–9.]

We have shown you one step farther into something we made quite clear, a long time ago, to you. We should say unto you, use the alphabet in sequence of sevens, multiplying each seven and the numeral into the same, and you shall spell the name of the beast who has lost his head.

It shall also spell and show you the mark of the Beast that lies upon the man. Beware.

[See “Number of the Beast” and “616 (number)”.]

We shall say also unto you, prepare in all the ways that we shall place in the mind of the prophet for shortages in many areas, from fuel that you may run your vehicles with, to food.

You have the means to make your own electricity, to store of the fuel.

The greenhouses must be built in many places, that extra food substances may be grown. [See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

The solar unit, which was started and not completed yet, must be completed. All these things are happening rapidly now. Store wood in more abundance; each family should have at least seven cord. Each family should now store extra food substance in their homes. But the greenhouses must be built. The design we are now implanting more and more into Soul Ray’s mind.


[In Anti-Christ article] January 12, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable ––

of this great nation, who stood as a nation before nations and a nation before God, and did proclaim unto all of its freedom and its citizens’ freedom.

And it brought forth unto it a leader who promised great things. And he did promise peace unto the Earth and good will unto men. And during his reign, at first he gave all appearances of bringing peace and good will unto men.

And then, he did turn his back upon his neighbors and the friends of his nation, one by one. And he did turn them away. And he did say unto his enemies, “Come and be friends with me.” And still he went into the house of the Lord among his people, so that his people would think that he was a man of God. And he did forsake unto the land of Israel, and forsake her in a time of times.

And when floods came, he did forsake his own people and turn his back upon them. And as the weathers began to change, he looked not into the meaning of the same, but gave away the storehouses of the people, and gave away of all their precious metals, and gave away their natural resources. For this man sought power. He sought power, not unto the Lord, God, but only unto himself. He sought riches, not unto his people, but unto himself.

The 1979 Easter Flood in Jackson, Mississippi. The 1979 Easter flood was among the most costly and devastating floods ever to occur in Mississippi, with $500–700 million in damages ($1.76 billion in 2020 dollars). It was the result of the Pearl River being overwhelmed by severe rain upstream. Floodwaters sent the Pearl 15 feet above flood stage. More than 17,000 residents of Jackson, Flowood, Pearl, Richland and other Mississippi communities were forced from their homes. The flooding of the Pearl River placed most of the streets of Jackson, the state’s capital city, under several feet of water.

And then, when earthquake and tornado did ravish the land, he did change the laws into such a way that soon he would own all the land for himself.

A roof collapsed in Brawley, California, during the 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake, which occurred on October 15 just south of the Mexico–United States border. It affected Imperial Valley in Southern California and Mexicali Valley in northern Baja California. The earthquake had a relatively shallow hypocenter and caused property damage in the United States estimated at US $30 million. The irrigation systems in the Imperial Valley were badly affected, but no deaths occurred. It was the largest earthquake to occur in the contiguous United States since the 1971 San Fernando earthquake eight years earlier. The earthquake was 6.5 on the Mw scale.

Instead of “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” the land gradually became a prison for all, but a weak prison.

And the neighbor unto this nation, they were used. And thousands upon thousands of people from their country came into this country. They came in the disguise of workers; yet they came to destroy, not to build back. They took from the land and took from the people, and gave nothing back in return. And still, this man did nothing.

Countless thousands cross the United States-Mexico border each year, legally and illegally. A small percent crossing illegally are caught by the U.S. Border Patrol. Some from States designated as sponsors of terrorism, including Palestinians, Syria, Iran — as well as from Cuba, China, Africa, Central and South America, and from all over the world. Individuals and groups smuggled by cartels come for unstated reasons.

We say unto thee, beware of the Dragon (China). Beware of the Beast. Beware of those of the Palestinians, and those who would support the Palestinians, for they should bring forth your Black September, and they shall do the work of the Anti-Christ.

And the host of Lords [Lord of hosts] did say unto these, “AND FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST, FEAR NOT.”

For it is written that they say now, “How long, oh Lord; how long?” [The Revelation 6:9–11.]

The Fifth Angel now walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. Radical changes shall take forth in your weather, and the land itself. Yet, a greater fear lays before you, for those who should make friendly gestures into this nation prepare for war against it, an atomic holocaust that should lay waste unto the land.

March 9, 1979: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [10–379–1]. She asks, ‘Please, the direction of my life I know, yet my purpose in the Association — am I fantasizing as to peacemaker, or what?’”

We say unto you these words. If you and your husband shall come forth and complete the teacher’s work, then the things you have thought to bring forth shall come about. Remember, the master of all masters started as a student.

The light of God shines in the candle that will be given to a Teacher after completing the Teacher’s Course and making a vow to God that he or she will show prejudice to no one.

A peacemaker must be wise, for “glory be the peacemaker[s], for they shall be held holy in the eyes of the Lord,” for they shall bind the wounds, and help to bind the people together. But in the knowledge of making peace, do not bring serpents, and tigers and lambs, and expect them to retain their peace, for the serpent must have that which they need, and the lamb must have that that they need, and the lion must have that that they need. If making peace, you can see these things, then you shall be truly wise in the eyes of the Lord.


And death may come in many forms, a physical death, or death or a means of discrediting the work that has been brought forth through the vehicle which we have chosen.

Many of these who should come forth — do not consider them stupid people. They have much learning, and they are wise and well-trained in the arts. Do not underestimate them.

But we say also into them, do not underestimate the people ––

for those who shall prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah shall never wear the mark of the Beast.

[See The Revelation, chapters 7, 12–14, 15:1–4, 16:12, chapter 17, 19, 20:1–6, chapters 21–22.]

Bind together. Bind together that your strength may be felt throughout the world.

And when the time and strength and the binding has become as such, you shall rise from the earth to rebuild it. And those of your brothern and your sistern shall come from the heavens to assist you. And a new heaven and a new earth shall come forth. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

March 16, 1979: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for we shall tell unto thee ––

The parable of the masters.

For in the beginning, all God’s children were equal. Yet He gave unto them freedom of choice, the free gift to climb the ladder as they desired, to make the choices of the land, the sky, and all there about them. He did not demand they love Him, for as a wise father, He knew that only through the freedom of their own choice could this come about. Yet, He said unto them, come unto Me.

And as all the multitudes brought forth upon the earth, some of His children developed and climbed the ladder more rapidly, some to climb it only for the sake of climbing it. He also knew that those who would climb, and who truly loved God, would turn, only to go to the bottom of the ladder to help others back up. And these would be the masters.

And the masters, as they should pass from one lifetime on to another, some should stay upon the other side to guide that one who would choose to be born again upon the earth, as you would say, to be reincarnated.

Your words are of many languages, and therefore, your word “to be born again” is the simplest, for it means the same in many languages — to be transferred [transformed], to be transcended, to be ointed, yet ointed not. [Editor’s note: ointed is a variation of anointed.]

For the master that would be placed upon the earth should wash the feet of his students, that they may learn that there is no task too large or too small upon the earth or in the heavens, to teach them in the knowing of humility before their God and their brothern and sistern.

Each of you have long sought to have one ascended from heaven that could bring you all of the knowledge. You have forgotten that the Lord, God, learns even today. If you do not believe so, then look within your own Bible, and from Abraham unto Lot unto Moses unto Jesus, He was learning.

For in all things, as you should bring forth a child upon the earth yourselves, you shall learn from the child, and so the Lord, God, learns from you. And at times He learns from those you would call, the masters.

Each of you feel that you are special, as you would say, ointed [anointed], and the Lord, God, has made you special, for there is not another like you as an individual anywhere. Though you come from your mother’s womb, you are yourselves. You are the ointed ones. You are the chosen ones, for you are in His likeness, of their kind. What greater gift of life could one receive? What greater gift of joy and riches could one receive?

Yet you say unto the masters, “Teach us. Heal us. Guide us. Tell us what to eat, and what not to eat.”

Talk unto the Lord, God, and say unto Him, “Forgive us of our sins.”

We say unto you, the sins of one may not be the sins of another. For did not your Lord, Jesus, say unto you that only you could harm yourselves? No one else can harm you, only yourselves. The temple of God is within you. It burns brightly. Destroy it, and you shall rebuild it in three days. That is the body of man and woman. Have joy in your hearts, for you, each of you, are special.

Because a person should reach high political or professional position does not mean they are wise, does not mean they cannot make mistakes. Love cannot be bought nor sold, nor bartered for. It must be given freely. Trust cannot be bought in any manner. Faith and hope — all of these things must come and be given freely.

Your President has made such a mistake, which your nation shall pay for.

Within 10 days of this message Aka spoke, U.S. President Jimmy Carter would place his signature as a witness upon the Egypt-Israel peace treaty which he led Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Began to make. By encouraging Israel to give away land for peace to its enemies, he sought to restart the Middle East “peace process.” In the photo, President Carter shakes hands with Sadat and Begin on the White House grounds on March 26, 1979, after the signing of the Egypt–Israel treaty, following the 1978 Camp David Accords. This treaty was received with enormous controversy across the Arab world, where it was condemned and considered a stab in the back. The sense of outrage was particularly strong amongst Palestinians, with the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Yasser Arafat, stating: “Let them sign what they like. False peace will not last”. On the other hand, the treaty led both Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin to share the 1978 Nobel Peace Prizefor bringing peace between the two states. However, as a result of the treaty, Egypt was suspended from the Arab League in 1979–1989, and Sadat was assassinated on October 6, 1981 by members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Syrian President Hafez al-Assad severed all relations with Egypt after the signing of the peace deal, and diplomatic relations were not re-established until 2005, when Egypt once again enjoyed warm relations with Syria under the rule of Bashar al-Assad.

We say unto you, unto these words — bring forth and prepare your Shepherds’ Fund. Bind together; become as one. Make your plans with love and care for each person. And soon will be the time to build.

There are many of our words that we have spoken tonight that some of you do not fully understand, and never will.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–274–3…who is here tonight], and she asks, ‘All things considered, physiologically and physically, can I wisely have this predicted child now? Please explain in detail the ramifications pro and con.’”

At a different time the child could have been born unto you and your husband in a graceful manner. Now it [would] be much more difficult, both psychological and physical. But the choice is yours to make. In the next three-year period, the life as you know it, financial, shall greatly change. It shall become a necessity that small communities come forth and bind together. This will change your way of living up to this point. It shall change the child you have now, and this one that you shall ask for. Times shall almost reverse themselves.

We have explained in the earlier part of this reading, you cannot pay a blackmailer, for they shall only return for more. You cannot pay murderers to go away, for they shall only come back and slay more of you. The Palestinians shall bring havoc upon the earth. They now have the support of those that you would know as the international Nazi party. They now have the support of the Communist world. They now have the support of what you would call your Ku Klux Klan. They now have the support of the John Birch Society. [And] some of these have become unwilling partners.

And many of these people, much as the Nazi party of Germany did spread itself upon the earth in blackness before and engulf innocent people to do their bidding, so this shall be once again, and it shall spread north, east, south, and west. The treason that shall take place in Israel shall light the fuse. It has already been lit from France to Iran. Now it spreads forth as a plague upon your earth.

More earthquakes shall occur, in the Houston area, in the Dallas area, in the Fort Worth area. And soon, as you have been blaming the weather upon the Russians, soon, as the earthquake and the tornados and the hurricanes, and those of natural events should occur, shall soon be blamed upon those of the Israelites.

But as these things come forth, if you should prepare yourselves in a binding manner before the Lord, then those of the Lord’s children shall not wear the mark of the Beast, and their children’s children shall wear the mark of God.

And that of the Christ child’s safety shall be assured, and the reign of the Lord shall be upon the earth.

You say unto us that we have gone, as you would say, a long way around, explaining, answering your question. At this time the choice is yours. You must make the decision. But remember, as we make ready now to provide the needs of the people, who should come forth in the preparation of the Messiah, and the needs for their protection, we say unto you, remember the Dead Sea Scrolls? Remember unto that place that the Romans did defile?

The scrolls were found in caves near the northwest coast of the Dead Sea, and were probably placed there after Qumran, the cliff top abode where the Essene group that was preparing the way for the Messiah, came under lengthy seige by Roman soldiers. After their drinking water ran out, the Jewish sect killed themselves rather than to be taken prisoners.
A cistern at Qumran above the cliffs. Qumran’s water arrived perhaps twice a year from rainwater runoff. Water was one of Qumran’s most valued commodities, and water management is an integral part of the site, as seen with the numerous cisterns and channels.
Near the southeast corner of Ray’s ranch, on the Dripping Springs mountains in the Arizona desert, the spiritual messengers of God guided Ray and members of the Association of Universal Philosophy to collect the water that flowed on the cliffs when it rained into a pond to be built by placing a dam below. This would hold the rainwater that fell during the two rainy seasons in the desert, much as at Qumran. The land was provided as a safe place for the people of God to come in a disaster. Adam was made. But much work was needed to prepare and maintain the land. Unfortunately, the pond eventually filled with dirt washed down from the mountain since the people did not keep it clean and flowing. The spiritual messengers of God asked that records or archived writings be kept of the words they spoke from 1970 to 1989. As those whom God sends who are wiser than people, they remember Qumran.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Firstly, you made a comment about the Russians being blamed for manipulating the weather. Have they been manipulating the weather, or is this a false accusation?”

(Chuckle) I should say unto you, manipulation of the weather has been a four-sided event. Four nations are [involved], including your own. The one who should have such information as this time now wallows in Iranian oil, and sets themselves in the Israeli embassy….

The weather has been being modified for many years. Read moreabout this.

And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of the children of the Lord.

And [from] those who should come in quest from the land of the Californians, we should say unto you, look forth unto this land as a haven and a protector. But we shall protect you now where you stand, where you live. For those who should seek safe passage from that of Texas, we should say unto you, we shall make that of a safe passage at the present time. Each of you should come unto soul Ray for consultation, that the knowledge that we shall put in his mind shall be given unto you.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

September 19, 1979: “Thank you, Aka. Please give me any message the Father would have for me.”[6–290–5].

Yes, we see thy need. And the Father should look upon His children, and be proud of the same. And as you know, these are part of the vows a Minister should say unto the Prophet, and we state them unto you. [See the Minister’s and Teacher’s vows to God.]

You have given glory unto the Lord, and the Lord has given glory unto you. But harken, and listen well, for soon great work shall come unto you. Do not let it pass thee by, but pick it up, and hold it to thy bosom, and share it, for it should come,

and a Mark, not of the Beast, but of he who should come after.

September 19, 1979: Between the years which follow it [1979], unto 1985, great preparation should be underway in this land.

Great readiness should be made. Plans should be drawn in your major cities for evacuation. Much greater yet, plans should be drawn and brought to the attention of the officials that the evacuation of these cities is impossible. If there are those who should live, they must stay where they dwell. Proper facilities should be made ready for them, and proper food substance should be made ready for them. And the people should stay in the lands they dwell until proper help may be sent to bring the people into the land.

Now is the time that these things should be done.

Now is the time that God’s people should know that the mark of the Anti-Christ is about to be placed upon them.

And should they accept it, then they….

now flies unto his becoming call, that of the Lord. These things we say unto you, the time is crucial. The time is short, for the half-times are over.

Editor’s note: Please remember that Jesus said, in Matthew 24:36, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” The spiritual messengers of God tell us that through prayer, many things could be averted or pushed forth. And people did pray. Is this why much of what we read about the preparation for the Anti-Christ and about the preparation for the Messiah seems prophetic, to fit even more for this time now? And specific events of which we were warned then seem to disclose part a much larger plan? Yet, even methods of warfare have changed and are many.

We say unto you unto these words, where no water flowed, water shall flow. The deserts shall rise and become gardens. And [inaudible] shall lay in waste, and cities shall lay in rubble.

And the sword that shall cut two ways shall strike upon the earth. And one side shall strike away man, and the souls that have departed shall flee.

If you are not ready at this time, if all things are not ready, then you shall flee, and not look back. [See Luke 17:20–37 and Matthew 24:15–22.]

Should you be in the field, do not stop to pick up thy coat, but flee, and do not look back. And it shall be this way for forty and eight days. And then those who should come and evacuate you shall do so.


February 1, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this way, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

It came upon the Earth that nations made war upon nations. And this did exist for many, many years.

And then it came upon the Earth when three great nations emerged from all the others. At first, they grew mightier and mightier for fear of one another. And the world stood back and said, “Who can defeat these?”

And then, one nation said unto itself, “We must start a war between these great nations. And it looked into the prophecies that had been written, and it was their desire that the fulfillment of these prophecies should come forth now. But they did not look into the prophecies of the old prophets, they looked unto only their own. They forgot of the old prophecies and that of Armageddon, and they did build and conceive a great bomb. And they did implant the bomb in one of the great nations.

And the great nations thought only their enemies, of the other great nations, could have of such a weapon, and they did retaliate. And the wars of Armageddon did begin.

And the Lord looked down upon them, and He did split and turn the land. And He gave unto the Seventh Angel the power to strike unto the earth with the blade that cuts both the land and mass[es].


And those of the elders pled unto the Lord, “Have done with it.”

Yet the Lord’s heart was heavy. And He stood and said, “NOT BY MY HANDS SHALL IT BE DONE. IT SHALL BE OF THEIR OWN.”

And so this one, of the countries, invaded one land after another, afraid, therefore, of the other nations. And this country did step forth and take, therefore, of vast oil reserves and fuel of many types. And all the other nations became afraid, until there were two nations standing alone.

And then from the land of Israel came the voice of the old prophecies, and the battle of Armageddon began, from France to Israel.

We have told you of another time, yet it could be your own, now. For the Palestinians are quiet now, but they are working in earnest. Those of the Russian continent have made but puppets out of the world. And yet, you have another power who hungers for the world; it is afraid of the Bear. That is that that you call, China.

We have told you before to prepare — [to] prepare a place to bring stores. And we say unto you, it is but the whispering of a wind that keeps you from a war at this moment. It is but the words, “One nation under God,” that has held you sacred unto the Lord.

We say unto you, lands and many lands shall come aflame as this great threat continues. And the Anti‑Christ and those who prepare the way for his coming are making great progress.

We say unto you, love one another. Take that that the Lord has given you. Hold the name of the Lord sacred in all things. Do not allow the mark of the Beast to come upon you.

For a Rose has been planted in the hearts and souls of many. It has passed from hand to hand.

The first book of Aka’s loving guidance was printed in 1974. After it, more have followed, which you can see here.

We have told you many times this word, love, which you use so often, yet know not the meaning of — you are close now. Love is when you put forth another person before yourself and expect nothing in return. Love is the heavens and the earth and the universe and the galaxies brought forth as leaves of a rose, a bud ready to blossom. Let the fullness of this come into your hearts. Let our words go not unheeded.

February 8, 1980: We say, look unto the east, into the heavens, and a new sign shall come forth on the 9th day of March of this year, and it shall remain unto the heavens unto the 13th day. And unto the 13th day, it shall be plain for all to see.

Aka announced this sign of the Anti-Christ three days before a non-periodic comet, C/1980 E1, was discovered by Edward L. G. Bowell on February 11, 1980. You can see by its path (in magenta), it would have been most visible to Earth after it passed Jupiter’s orbit and was approaching Earth’s orbit (in aqua) in early March 1980, when Aka said it would be seen in the heavens. Animation of C/1980 E1’s orbit: C/1980 E1 (Bowell) · Sun · · Earth · Mars · Jupiter · Saturn by Phoenix7777 — Own workData source: HORIZONS System, JPL, NASA, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=82614120

And this mark is the mark of the Anti‑Christ, for he now places claim to his dominion.

Look upon it, see it, and gain knowledge from the same. For nothing, save that of the Lord, may last forever.

June 7, 1980: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is wrong with praying for Lucifer?”

Because Lucifer is in competition with God; he thinks he is a god. And he is not.

And he shall bring forth his son upon the Earth, and you shall call it the Anti-Christ, and it shall be in his image. And much work at this time is being done for that preparation, of his coming.

And he shall reign for four-and-a-half years once he has come into full power, and no armies may defeat him. And none may trade nor bargain leste they have the mark of the Beast upon them.

Yet those who should take the mark of the Beast shall try to hide as the whore of Babylon falls. And they shall be stung as by scorpions, yet they shall not die and they shall pray for death.

For those who take not the mark of the Beast you shall trade among yourselves and you shall survive.

And the Lord’s kingdom shall be known and become upon the Earth. And Lucifer shall be bound for a thousand years before he is released and learns that there is but one Lord, one God, and “There shall be no other gods before Him.”[See The Revelation, chapters 12–22, and Deuteronomy 5:7.]

September 19, 1980: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Four of the wisest men upon the Earth, from the four corners of the Earth, had decided to come together, that they might learn from one another and take back into their own lands that that they would receive. And so they journeyed far across the land, through the mountains and deserts, and through the valleys. And they did come forth upon a mesa.

And they brought with them those who would stand in attendance and help each one. As they came together, each one who attended the other at first were jealous, for they felt that their teacher was greater than the other three. But then they decided there must be a greater knowledge on the other side or from the other person. And they reached out to learn from the others. And they said among themselves, “We must elect one of the four which [will] be greater, and stand to lead all of us.”

The four had heard all these things. And none did comment. They stood in their own places, and found their own seats among the fire that gave forth the light and the warmth. And they said unto one another, “First, let us pray unto the Lord that this meeting should come out to fit into His greater pattern. Then let each of us contribute our knowledge, that we may take from one another.” And so, they did do so.

And one of the wise men said unto the others, “I have brought this message for you, for I believe in your truth, I believe in your knowledge. I have brought this message from my people that was given unto us — to love one another, to share with those who would allow you to share, to give of the knowledge as a free thing.”

And another shepherd said, “I hear, and I too have come from my people. And our greatest gift that we may bring unto you is faith, the faith that binds us together in peace and love, the faith that we [will] accept your gifts in such a manner that it shall not insult you, nor insult God.”

The third said, “I have come forth, and I bring the gift of hope, [in] the hope that I too, and our people, shall accept your faith and love in such a manner that it shall not offend you, and not offend God.”

And the fourth sat for a long time. And the other three said, “Have we offended you?”

And he said, “No. It is just that your gifts are so great and so beautiful I have taken into myself that I must bring forth thought. And that is a gift I may bring you, the thought that love, hope, and faith may bring eternity to our people, may bring life and health and happiness, that all these things may spread out unto you. Let us link ourselves together. Let the soul substance of each of us join in the center, and let it feed from there unto the four corners of the Earth.”

And so they brought forth unto the souls, not only of themselves, but the souls of the land they had come from, the souls of the people who were willing, and supported them in their journey. And it was a beautiful blending of light and sound that came forth in the center. And all was in awe of such a beautiful sight.

And then they said, “Let us sleep and eat, and then, in the morrow we shall talk further.” And so they did sleep and they [ate].

And then, of the second day the first wise man said, “I bring you knowledge of one who should come. He is coming to bring peace unto the Earth. And he has said unto us to prepare a way. I bring you this gift.”

And the second said, “I too bring this same gift.”

And the third said, “I too bring the same gift.”

And the fourth, once again, was very thoughtful. And they said unto [him], “Have we offended you in any way?”

And he said, “Nay. But I too have brought this gift. But I must show you that those gifts that you have already given are what we need to prepare the way. Let us do this, that we shall always remember. Let us build a house upon this ground, and let it reach to the east, the north, the south and the west, to the four corners of the Earth. And let us make it into a round building that may touch all the universe. And let it come out and around, and let it be known, that there shall be no more wars, nor hate, nor greed, nor jealousies of any kind, for now there is no room for this.”

Again their helpers began, each to say how much greater their masters were than the others.

And the fourth came and said, “Let us trade helpers, that they may learn.” And they did so, and they left. And in three years they returned to the same place. And there before them stood a beautiful building. It was round; it touched the four corners of the earth, and it had four doorways. And each did enter from a separate doorway and form their circle.

And the first said, “It is strange, brothers, but why do we have four doorways?”

The second said, “The four doorways is so that we may not go out of our way to enter the building.”

The third said, “But why do we need four doorways? Can we not all enter all together, in the same way?”

The fourth thought long and said, “The four doorways shall represent the many mansions of our Father. Each person who enters this building may enter with their own beliefs, their own way of worship, into the house of God. Yet, let us place one doorway, that we may all enter as equals before God.” [See The Revelation 21:9–27.]

And the discussion began of where the doorway should be. And before them into the center of the light that they had transformed into energy came forth one clad in a brilliant, beautiful robe of white, one whose color was neither black, nor yellow, nor red, nor brown, nor white.

They looked upon him in amazement and he said, “You have done much to prepare the way for me. I have entered by none of your doorways, for it is the spiritual substance which I have brought here. And being the spiritual substance, God shall see, and know, and hear, and feel, and love, and hope. All of these He shall do, as you do, and as I shall do. I shall not tell you where to build your doorway, but if you shall prepare the way for me, the doorways must be in your heart. And they should not need to be four, but one.”

And he left.

And each spoke up rapidly and said, “Oh, there were so many questions I wanted to ask him.”

And the fourth said, “He answered all our questions. We just did not hear him. In each of our lands we have great libraries where his words are written in many languages across the face of the Earth, and we have heard him not. Let us hear him. Let us put the doorway to our hearts in this building. Let us enter through the doorway with our hearts, our souls, our spirits and our immortal bodies. Let [they] become light unto the Lord’s. Let there be greatness and [psalms]. Let joy ring out from our hearts unto all men and all mankind. Let this place be as a mirror — and from it, many doorways shall be built across the lands. Let us hear his words and know they are true. But to know if one is true, you must first hear and understand, so I bring you unto this day, understanding.” They all left.

And the third year they came back, only this year there was one doorway, entered by the north, and one small exit that a person could leave, [by] the south.

And they sat down together. And they cast the energy into the circle. The soul, the love, the hope, the faith of all mankind [grew] into the circle.

And again, the one appeared into the circle. And he said unto them, “For I am the oldest of you and the youngest. I am the wisest, and the most dumb. I laugh with a light heart and heavy heart, for I am all things that you are. For I come from my Father to tell you these words, for you are His children, who is well pleased.”

We have told you this parable. It is only a parable, a story of understanding.

Love one another as you would wish the Messiah to love you. Love one another as you would wish God to love you. Ask not what God will give you. Ask not what God may do for you. Ask deep in your hearts what you shall give and do for God.

Let there be laughter in your hearts, and songs in your minds. Let the true meaning of what we have said here today come to you. Let it surround you like a lover. Let it mold into your ever-being. Let it be.

Take not from our words, nor add to. But let each one, as teardrops upon your earth, take that that should fulfill their needs. Bind together. Cast aside these things we have spoken of. Cast them aside and let the beautiful, [who] All-being, enter into you.

If another comes to you with negative thoughts, you do not need these. If another comes to you with anger, you do not need these. You do not have to pick them up. If another comes to you with greed, you need not pick this up. Pick up and cherish in your heart, in your soul, and allow that to enter into you which [would] make you a whole being. We have not left you. We have not forsaken you. We have not ceased to love you.

There is a time for all things. Let that time begin now, in you, in each of you. Let it reach into your souls, into your spirit. Let it become your immortal bodies, blended with God, and know that He loves you.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. You have all been through great tests, trials, and tribulations. You have all felt the heavy hand of that that we would call the Anti-Christ, and his movements, the Beast who goes before him to prepare his way.

Accept not this mark.

[See The Revelation, chapters 12–22.]

November 28, 1980: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer your question in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you these words, and unto this parable.

For as the Lord directed the Seven Spirits to go forth and create the Earth, they came forth and created mountains and lakes and forests, and all things in abundance, and they did bring forth all things of their kind.

And as they created the fowl of the land, and the seasons of the land, they were each discussing this one thing. “What should we bring forth unto man in the time when the earth sleeps that should bring gladness into his heart? For the flowers have bloomed, and the greenery is gone from the earth for the trees to sleep.”


And so it was, and so it is.

For across the land this one small bird appears, and whenever man sees it, it brings gladness to his heart.

Yet, as man has developed, and time has passed, there was those who would destroy the cardinals of the Earth.

And we say unto them, nay, that shall never be. For even as the land shall change its form, earthquakes shall occur, and they shall continue in force through the pathway that we have given you. As we have said before, the great Sword now is above you, and beneath you, and all about you. It shall be the splitting away of man and earth. That that was desert shall turn into gardens. And that that was forest shall be laid level by the might of the earth.

All these changes shall come, but the cardinal shall stay with you to let you know that even in the time that approaches, the time of the Anti-Christ, that even the Anti-Christ cannot destroy the cardinal and its gift from God of hope unto man. For in each of you, deep inside, is the Spirit of God, and only you may cast that out. If you choose to keep it, then the cardinal shall remain in you forever. And the hope of man and God shall come into fulfillment, and the day shall come forth when war shall be no more, and peace shall reign upon the Earth.

As you approach these days ahead in your preparation for the celebration of the one known as Jesus, the Son of God, the firstborn, then we say unto you, make extra preparations in your heart. Know the cardinal lies within you. Let hope flash within you.

We know that at this time when trials and tribulations have grown heavy, that hope is almost in despair. Yet hope and faith, and the knowing that you are one with God shall bring you through these times.

As you have seen, many loved ones who have passed away at this time, know this — that God is with you and with them. Know that nothing from either side may interfere with this work. It shall progress and proceed [forth], and coveth the Earth and the planets, and all universes.

The slow part of loving one another begins in the understanding. It shall become hard for you to understand those who wear the mark of the Beast. It is not your place to judge them. It is not your place to defeat them. It is only your place to know that they shall not place the mark upon you. [See The Revelation 7:9–17, 12:7–17, chapter 13, 16:13–16, chapter 17, 19:1–2, 11–20, 20:1–6.]

Let the cardinal come forth, and be your mark, of God.


January 16, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto you this parable.

For there was a time when there were wars upon the Earth, and wars upon wars. And no one knew, therefore, what to do, for there were many upon the Earth who longed for peace. Yet there were those who would bring warfare and more warfare to the land.

And finally, into the warring nations it was decided that each would send forth a disciple of their beliefs, and gather together that they may talk and bring forth peace. Each disciple made ready to leave. Each of the heads of the state, both the hawks and the doves, gave them many words of advice. And they all walked out unto a common ground, and therefore, sat upon the ground, and they made rules that each may speak, and in turn, and that each would listen fully to the other without interruption and would try to understand that which the other had to say.

One of the least nations, who had not wanted war, but had [between], between the warring nations, was chosen to speak forth. And he said unto them these words. “We have no grievances with you, any of your nations. For in our philosophy we see the world in a grain of sand. We see heaven in a flower. We see the ocean in a stream. And all is the making of the Lord, our God. And, it is our belief that we have all come from the Lord, our brethrens and sisteren, in the spirit of mankind and in the spirit of God.

We have but little to say. We see no difference in your beliefs. We honor them. All we ask in turn is that you let us, our small nation, live in peace. Let us worship as we wish. And you worship as you wish. Let each nation stayed out of the internal affairs of another.

If one nation should go to war within itself, let that be decided within the nation. But let it not take the warfare beyond its own borders. But even then, if there is a difference within the nation, let them come together and speak. Let them tell no lies. Let them come forth as men and women of God, sit down, as we are sitting, and decide their own fates. It is said, ‘If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.’ It is our opinion that if we do not stop this war, the Lord shall cast us aside.”

The other nations listened. And each of the delegates thought long on the words they had been instructed to say. There were some among them who were fanatics and stood to say their philosophy in a fanatical way. Yet none could say what the first delegate had said, nor deny the truth within the same.

We tell you, there shall be nations who turn from God, and have turned from God. They have turned their backs, their hearts, their souls. And there are nations who are reaching to God, some in a different way than your own.

But you are a nation of many religions of many kinds. There shall [be] brought forth unto this nation many crisises ahead. We have told you before, now is the time that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We have also told you that now is the time that a preparation is being made for the rule of the Anti-Christ.

But we have also told you, for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, they have nothing to fear.

The great turmoils that shall take place upon the land shall be the final reckoning of peace upon the lands. Stand fast in your beliefs and you too shall hold the world in your hand, and heaven in a flower. For in darkness there is light. What has been covered shall be uncovered, and all truths shall be known.

There shall come forth unto you, now more than ever, many false prophets who shall tell you, “Come this way and that.” We say unto you, God did not invent religions, man has done so. Believe in God and His commandments and the heaven and the thousand years of peace shall be yours. It is not a reward. It is not something God dangles before you. It is your just earnings.

For as there are those who should make ready for the rules of the Anti-Christ, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah who shall rule upon your Earth for a thousand years — but not as you count, but as the Lord counts.

Cast aside the differences among you. Bring forth the love that can be your eternity, for you have it before you. and within your hands to start that thousand years any moment you wish, in the mere knowledge that all you must do is reach down and pick up the torch, the torch that shall burn in your heart and in your mind.

Jesus of Nazara said unto you, “I have come not to change the Laws of Moses, nor the prophesies of Isaiah, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.”

We say that the Son of God speaks the truth.

January 30, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the children; glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever.

We see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. He who should offend another, and should do so in the namesake of our Lord, shall never know the glory of the Lord, for he has committed the greatest of all sins. He who should break the Ten Commandments and accuse another falsely, in any way, there is but one way that he shall find the righteous way unto the Lord, and that is by going to the person he has accused, and telling them of the wrongness they have done unto him. For we should say, the wrath of the Lord is mighty. For in the twinkling of an eye all things can be changed.

You have seen despair. You have seen yourselves on the verge of bankruptcies. You have seen all of these financial things, physical and mental things, beginning to happen to you.

We have told you for many years that the time would come, the time when those who would make ready for the Anti-Christ would try to destroy you.

And we told you at that time, for all those who did not wear the mark of the Beast, that of the money changers would be hard upon you.

You have seen that time now before you. You are beginning to see in a way that we could show you no other. Earthquakes have shown you nothing. Tornados, hurricanes, plagues, all these things, as soon as they passed, you could not see beyond that. These you see, because they are happening all around you.

But the wrath of the Lord for those who cause this shall be mighty.

We shall say unto you, we have tried many times to prepare you for this time — the storage of food, the storage of monetary means. [See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine”.]

We have also told you that we would give you your needs, but not your wants. We have also told you to ask and you shall receive.

And yet, you say unto us, “Why should all of these things happen?”

And we say unto you, this is but the beginning, for as it is written, “In the full time, for four-and-one-half years you shall not be allowed to barter outside of yourselves, nor buy nor trade.” And it is written so for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation 13:16–18.]

So now is the time that the bartering system among yourselves, far and wide, should be established. Now is the time that you may think not only of yourselves, but of one another. Now is the time to wipe away all prejudice and thoughts of these kinds.

There are those who should try and assassinate your leaders. There are those who should try and destroy you, financially, morally, and spiritually.

Now we say unto you, let the demon within you be cast out; let it leave your bodies.

Prejudice, hatred, fear, mistrust, doubt, envy, jealousy, greed

Reach out into the fullness and the knowingness that there is but one God and one Messiah. God is the Father; the Messiah is the son. And as God sent him forth once before, so He shall, and is here on your planet now. It is not within our power to tell you the place and whereabouts that he dwells at this present time, but should you read the Rose without Thorns, you shall find the verse and the answer, therefore, within the same. You shall further find the answers to the trials and tribulations which you go forth through now.

We say unto you, if you should plant a quarter acre of vegetables, plant ten. Now is the time. Do so in harmony and in a just manner. For all these things shall be needed. Let the wheat come forth that it may be stored for making bread and feeding your animals. Let the oats and the barleys both come forth for feeding both.

Now is the time that all these things are coming into fulfillment.

There are those who have looked upon soul Ray as a fool in his obsession to plant and lay ways [to] [lay away] land that could be planted, and develop[ed], therefore, unto the same, but this could be the savior. Your time is running short. Therefore, the development of such places as this will not happen in many places. You will find other groups like yourselves who have picked up and listened. But you shall find many others who shall persecute you and throw stones upon you, and spit into your wounds. If you shall stand you must stand together. When you speak, speak with wisdom.

February 16, 1981 (Phoenix, Arizona): Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this way and in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We shall say unto you this parable.

The Lord, God, had called forth three of his prophets from the Earth. And as they lived in different parts of Earth, He asked them to journey forth to a central point of meeting.

Each began to prepare for the journey. At the place they prepared, there was water and food in abundance. As they began to travel forth, some did not bring enough water nor enough food. Some drove their animals too hard, and as a result, some of the animals became lame. Eventually, all arrived at the designated place; some were late, and some later than others, but they would waited as they were ordered to do so.

Yet as they arrived, they began to complain, “Why would God ask us to go to this place and have these things, evil things, befall us?” And soon, each was telling the other his woes. And none could understand why the Lord, God, had allowed anything to happen to them on their way.

And then upon the [appointed] day, the Lord, God, came forth. Now all three had heard the voice of the Lord, God, but none had felt in truth His physical presence. When all felt His physical presence, some had brought people with them, that they might ask God for healing [forth], and some of these people fled and ran into the desert and the mountains to hide themselves. Others stayed. The three prophets became quite fearful, for they had asked questions unto the Lord.


And the first prophet spoke unto the Lord, God, and said, “Lord, you told me to come to this place, and on my journey here I have lost animals.”


The man said, “Yes.”


The prophet said, “Yes.”


The prophet shook his head and could say nothing.

The other prophet said, “But Lord, I ran short of water on the journey.”


And the prophet said, “Yes.”

And the third, thinking now of what he had said before, meant to please God, and he said, “My Lord, God, You have given us everything.”


He said unto them, “I SHALL COME UNTO YOU THREE DAYS.”

And so the second day He did come unto them.

By this time, all those were frightened had come back. Some of them had died.

All three of the prophets felt abused, and therefore, wanted to report to the Lord, for some that they had brought with them for healing had passed on without the healing. And they said unto the Lord, God, “Why should You allow this?”


And they said, “Nay.”


The second day the Lord, God, appeared back unto them. And they complained again about trivial things.

And the Lord, God, looked upon them and projected love upon them, and love upon the Earth, and spoke no more.

They did stay into this place many days, and then they left.

And you shall say unto us, “Why should the Lord, God, not speak unto them?”

And we shall say unto you, the Lord, God, had brought the greatest gift He had, to place at their feet, and they could not see this. And when He stood among them and spoke with them, they could not feel this and the love He had got forth unto them.

And this is the way it is upon your Earth now, in this place, in this time. You curse God, or you curse your brethren, or you blame [the] others for your own misgivings. The greatest gift God gave unto you was the freedom of choice, the freedom to live, to die, to laugh, to cry. He placed all the things upon the Earth to bring happiness into your hearts, and love. It is by your choice which you should choose….

You have one more question, ask.

“Yes, [13–433–1], ‘How do we know the spirit which speaks through Ray is of the God over all things and not of evil influence?’”

That is for you to decide. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For those who have eyes to see, let them see.

For those who have minds to think, let them think.

In another time, angels appeared to the shepherds to announce the birth of the Christ Child. “And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.’…And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!’” See Luke, chapter 2.

We say unto you unto these words. Look unto the past and you shall know of the truth, for to know where you have been is to know where you are going.

There shall be many false prophets upon your Earth in this day. Study that which they do and you shall know which is a prophet and which is not.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

In all your lives there has been a harsh time, a testing time. [See “What Is the Great Sword that Cuts Two Ways?”]

It is like fine steel. You have been thrust through the fire, and you shall be so again, before the day comes when the Messiah walks with you. Some shall become brittle and break. Some shall just fall away.

But some, who shall not wear the mark of the Beast, shall walk with him.

It is the prophets we told you in the beginning of this reading. It is your choice. No one is forcing you. God has given you free choice. The direction you take, though it may be many other directions, may be all part of the same to complete the whole.

But the Lord, God, says unto you, “I AM A JEALOUS GOD. YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME.” Remember this.

And remember, that as a hand was stayed upon this city of the Phoenix bird, as the spiritual growth continues, so shall the hand lay upon it, the hand of God. It is your choice whether it stays there or is removed.

This message was spoken February 16, 1981, in Phoenix, Arizona, where Aka through Ray had come to heal and to teach since 1973.

February 20, 1981: Now we say unto you, for those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For your country now shall pass through the beginning of its greatest triumph and defeat.

We say unto you, you have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, regarding what you just said, what are some of the immediate problems that our country will face?”

First your country shall face, the people of the country, shall face financial ruin. Many people shall lose their homes, their businesses, their means of making a living. All of this shall be done in the name of stabilizing your country, yet it shall bring upon [the] land a greater depression than the land has ever known. In the midst of this, new leadership shall then come upon the land, only to find that the other threats that we have spoke of are all at hand.

Editor’s note: In 2021, is this not happening? In the name of protection from COVID-19, many small and medium-sized businesses are shutting down across the nation. People are losing their homes and means of livelihood. Are many of Aka’s words we read pointing to the preparation for the coming of the Anti-Christ, if we can hear?

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–319–1] asks, ‘Could you please tell me who were the Warriors of the Sun, or the Sons of the Sun, and what their mission was?’”

We shall answer in this manner. As the Sons of God did look upon the Earth and find, therefore, the women fair, and therefore, did enter of the same, they became earthbound — in other words, half god and half man. They brought forth unto you your first written words, your knowledge of [not] only chemistry, but alchemistry, your knowledge of building and preserving, many scientific discoveries, all of these things, for that of what you are now.

Those who chose not to remain here went into other planetary substances. Some of these planets have evolved far beyond your own. Some of these have yet to develop where you are now.

Those who are your brothers and sisters shall soon be those who you shall meet.

You are both Cain and Abel. You are both of the first [born] and of the last. You are the vanquished and the beloved. You are the sons and daughters of God.

The Creation of Man by Ephraim Moses Lilien, 1903.

If you should start at this time to prepare the thousand years of peace upon the Earth, you may begin the preparation at any time you wish by simply turning around and seeing the simple things that lay before you, the simple truths.

There shall be many during the times of persecution who shall be persecuted. During the reign of the Anti-Christ all these things shall come forth.

Fear not; for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast can never be forced to accept it.

[See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Yet the time shall become hard, for you shall not be either to barter or sell your goods. Yet bartering shall take place among you, one unto another, and you shall establish your own financial means of trade.

A swap meet

March 27, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, forever and ever; glory be the name of His children.

And we shall say unto thee this parable.

In another time, when the Earth of yours before the continental shifts, as you would call them, began, there was huge cities and great civilizations, and much knowledge, even the knowledge to travel from planet to planet. And the Lord, God, sent those forth unto the Earth to make ready for the coming of the Son, yet they did not hear Him.

And the earth began to change its form. And the Lord, as He did in the beginning, placed forth His hands, and as you would know it, those planets began to line up in exact sequence. And the earth’s crust began to shift, and tidal waves, earthquakes, volcanic action. It was as though the new earth was rising beneath the old to replace itself.

Long ago, Rodinia (from the Russian родить, rodit, meaning “to beget, to give birth”, rodina, meaning “motherland, birthplace”) was a Neoproterozoic supercontinent that assembled 1.1–0.9 billion years ago and broke up 750–633 million years ago. Rodinia formed at c. 1.23 Ga by accretion and collision of fragments produced by breakup of an older supercontinent, Columbia, assembled by global-scale 2.0–1.8 Ga collisional events. Rodinia broke up in the Neoproterozoic with its continental fragments reassembled to form Pannotia 633–573 million years ago. In contrast with Pannotia, little is known yet about the exact configuration and geodynamic history of Rodinia. Paleomagnetic evidence provides some clues to the paleolatitude of individual pieces of the Earth’s crust, but not to their longitude, which geologists have pieced together by comparing similar geologic features, often now widely dispersed. It is unknown which shift in Earth’s crust ended the previous civilizations of which Aka spoke, that did not prepare for the coming of the Son – long before the Sons of God arrived on Earth.

And when it ended, and time had passed, their knowledge was gone, and they became known to other planets as the man-animal or man-beast. And then it did come forth when the Sons of God did look upon these of the women and see them fair and leave their craft to marry and live upon the Earth. And from that time, so you have built another civilization.

In many of your minds are the questions of when. In the next two-year period your earth shall begin the worst of its shifts. These shifts and changes shall continue until the year of 1899 [1999].

Editor’s note: Remember Jesus’ words in Mark 13:32, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” The spiritual messengers of God had told us that through prayer and combining our minds in one accord, these things can be averted, pushed forth. Many asked God for this.

However, at Christmas in 2004, right before the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, the the editor heard the spiritual messengers of God say in spirit, “As in the days of Noah.” Then in early February 2011, (before Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak stepped down) the editor heard, “Our Father will no longer hold back that that is to happen.” Could this be why many of the words you read from an earlier date seem to fit for this time?

If your societies are ready to preserve their knowledge, they shall survive with it. If they are not, they shall crawl out of their caves once again and become the man-animal, for they shall forget how they worked of steel and how they touched the other planets. Even the stories of the old shall be thought of as superstitions. For you see, yesterday is a superstition of today and a truth of tomorrow.

Many times we have told you that now is the time when the Anti-Christ, as you would know him, shall come into power. And those who are here to make a place for him are now going to do so –– as we are here to make a place for the Messiah. This shall place greater burdens upon you, because those who shall stand fast, and because of the mark of the Beast which should identify you as one of their own.

For those who should not accept this mark, your ability to trade or barter shall become almost impossible unless at this time, now, you begin to build your links —

the link which should stretch across the land and the countries, the link that shall be strong enough to bind you to the Lord, God, yet bind you together.

You may think you will survive by yourselves, and we tell you, no.

You may take our words as lies or as of truths, but we say unto you these words of which we have said before: “Why should you believe us of heavenly things, and not the earthly things?” Why should you take our words of the spiritual growth, and not realize that we come to you to prepare the way, that you might not climb out from you caves, that in the midst of all of this change the Messiah shall come unto you, and the thousand years of peace you have asked for, waited for, is but at your finger tips in less than 20 years. Much of the things as you know of them now will change. But only if you build your trade links across the land, only if you bind together.

You shall hear much of those who should come to you and ask you if you believe this or you believe that. These are the radicals who are doing nothing more than preparing the way for the Anti-Christ. No one needs to have you confess your beliefs. Your belief is within yourself, and if it is true God knows it. But remember these words, “Thy shall have no other god before Me,” so sayeth the Lord, God, and that is the first commandment He gave unto you. [See Deuteronomy 5:7.]

We can place in your mind the wonders of the Earth and the stars of the universe, in the twinkling of an eye, but we can do none of these things without your permission. We cannot lift a finger to save you unless you wish it yourself. And if you wish to only save yourself as a selfish gesture, we can still not help you. It must be a universal binding together.

There shall be some of you who say unto thee, “Come, go sit on the mountain with me and let us contemplate this.” If you contemplate long enough, the earth changes shall occur. The Anti-Christ shall have taken power. And quite possibly God will look on you as a sad soul, and accept you into that that you know as purgatory. There is that place, you know, between life and death, which [was] made for fools. They achieve nothing in their life, nor did they harm anyone in their life. They took the life and used it for nothing, and wasted it.

As you say, the son of Lucifer shall rule. When he is through with those that he rules, they shall become lost souls, as Lucifer shall become lost, for even Lucifer has no use for nothing.

You say unto us, why do we speak to you in this manner? And we say unto you, is it not time? Have we not yet reached you?

Have we not touched your hearts and your souls?

Can we not plead, as Lot pleaded, for your souls?

We have never dictated to you, nor said, “These are the things you must do,” because the Lord, God, will not permit it. We have said these things unto you, “Nothing from either side shall interfere with this work” — not those who prepare for Lucifer. They shall try. But remember this, the Anti-Christ shall be the son of Lucifer, and he shall have the strength of Lucifer, and Lucifer was a strong angel as you would know, but he was cast from the heavens by God and the Son of God.

If you come in truth, then lay aside your petty bickering, your petty aggrievances. Cast them aside.

When Jesus came unto you before, he did say these words, “You think I have come to bring you peace on Earth; I have not, for I shall change and put daughter against mother and son against father.” And for those who believed in him, it did happen that way. But now is another time, and a new coveth [covenant] has been brought forth unto you. Accept it, of your own free will. And that that you wish, in the spiritual sense, shall be provided, and all things that are needed for this work shall be provided.

We have spoke to you of the healing well. We have spoke to you of a place to build for worship. Now we say unto you, blessed by the name of the Lord, our God. Blessed be the name of His children.

When Aka said this in March 1981, the church had not yet begun to be built. But it did come into fulfillment. On December 5, 1982, the first day of the Advent season (celebrating a time when John the Baptist prepared a way for the coming of the Messiah — a time when many await the Nativity of Christ’s birth, and some await the Second Coming) Ray Elkins dedicated his new church to God. He, as the spiritual messengers whom God sent, who worked through him, are here “but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah” for this time.

Now we say unto you these words. A good shepherd does not leave his flock in need. If you should leave your children, God’s children, to be devoured by the wolves, you are not a shepherd; step aside. Make your decision, once and for all, and either way we shall stand with you.

A decision of this type is not a varying thing, something you decide to do one day, and decide to undo the next. A vow to God is a promise to God you have laid before Him. We have told you before, unless you expect God to not collect the bills that are owed unto Him, do not make them.

How many times have you said, “Oh, Lord God, give me this, save me from the police, keep me from being arrested for the wrong I have done, and I shall be a righteous person.” How many times? Will you stop and count them? How many times have you found yourself with a loved one dying, and called upon the Lord and said, “Lord, save this one, and I shall do all to you.”

God does not want your lives. God only wants you to love yourself and one another. But think of the debt that you have brought forth and made to occur. God forgives you all your debts. Cannot you forgive one another?

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

April 3, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto you these words, and in this way. For, in a time the Lord, God, had made the plans that His son should come unto you, and, therefore, He did choose one who would come forth for the preparation of the same. This one’s name, as you would know him, would be called, John the Baptist. “The Baptist” was placed as an after-name upon him because he went before and in front of all others, and did baptize unto the Lord, God. And he told them, “I am here to prepare the way.”

Many gathered from far lands to come unto him, to receive the baptism of the spirits of God.

Painting of John the Baptist

He abided by all the laws of Moses. And he was there for the fulfillment of the prophesies of Isaiah. Yet he had come as the sons of man did descend upon the Earth. He had come from another planet in another galaxy, known as Yahweh, named after the Lord, God.

From lifetime unto lifetime he came to prepare the way. And from lifetime unto lifetime he felt failure. And yet, before him, as he baptized the one known as Jesus, and all that had come before this, he felt that this time success. For at long last his journey would end. At long last his quest would be fulfilled, his destiny.

Yet, he had seen all things, even before he was born, as the one known as Mary, the mother, did come unto her cousin, Elizabeth, and John was in the womb of Elizabeth. He knew then that for a short distance was the one he would go before, and great joy filled John.

And so, the day that came forth of his baptism of Jesus, he felt at that time his total journey was done. He cared not how he would die, as long as he could see that what he had done was a righteous thing before God. And hell feared him, even when he put him in a dungeon. He even feared him when he cut away his head, and left it to the dogs.

It was not long after death that John knew his journey was but to begin again, for after the crucifixion, and even before it, he had wandered into a new land. And the tips of the Eagle began to spread across your North American Continent and South American Continent, for he was there for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

And he thought, “Here, in this place, where they had accepted Jesus, the Messiah, in such great multitudes, they shall never wander from the ways and his teachings.”

And so, when he reached Black Mesa, to spread his wings, again he felt fulfillment, and thought his quest was ended. And at that time, he saw once again that [he had] yet, it was the beginning.

He went forth once again, from what you would know as Salem, through your famous Spanish Inquest, through the Roman rise and fall, to find himself from body to body, until even he had become to where [that] all that was past he would forget, for his quest had become an unfulfilling thing.

And then he came forth for rebirth. And then came the day, the day that you are about to celebrate, the 3rd day of April, 1970, the day of resurrection, for all that he had been would be resurrected back unto him, and all of his heritage would be restored unto him. That day when we came unto you, and spoke, we said unto you, “We have come but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.”

See “A Gift from One with More Love in His eyes.” This photo of Comet Bennett was taken April 4, 1970, on the next day after Aka first spoke.

We have told you a story of a time, of a place. It is much as you read the Akashic records; it is as though the wind has taken time, and yet, it never ends. We told you of the times when we had touched your earth and the heavens above, and the many planets and galaxies. We have even told you when we walked the earth. But most important, we have tried to explain to you that, in the task of the preparation, from the beginning until now, our time has been but for the same purpose. Many have gathered to hear our words — and hear the words of God.

Many have believed us, and many have shunned the words. But the Lord, God, has not been displeased. Now, above all other times, His gladness, as a bouquet of roses, as a healing well, has been passed on to you. Into the hearts of each of you, we see your souls, the souls that you have prepared to place before God, as an offering unto Him.

As we said before, we do not ask for the blood of the Lamb. There are many times when you have thought that we had asked for your blood, yet we had not. The fulfillment of the soul is a cup who runneth over, a horn of plenty, that for what you take from it may be replaced in full.

The baptism of your soul unto God is a beautiful thing between you and God — and the light of the Lord at your doorstep. For you have not left Him outside, but you have beckoned Him to come in to that quiet place within yourself, where a candle burns, where a cool pool runs clear, for you have said to the Lord, God, “Enter into the temple,” the temple of God, which is yourselves.

For those of you who have worked but one day, the Lord would bow upon His knees to give you thanks. For some of you who have worked so long, through the 11 years, who have wavered many times, but stayed, the Lord says unto you, “YOU HAVE OUR UNDIVIDED LOVE.” For in each of you, you have given all you have. You have given love unto God, the most important commodity that you possess.

A rose blossoms on Easter Sunday at a church to God of the Association of Universal Philosophy

We say unto you, take this day and make it holy unto yourselves, and never forget. For the Rose shall be placed in each of you, [it] shall be stamped into your souls, for you have picked up the flowers at your feet and have passed them on to others.

You have gone unto the mountaintops and to the seas. You have crossed the seas and spread the word[s].

We say unto you, remember this, the Anti-Christ cannot hurt you, cannot harm you, cannot place his mark upon you.

For you, through your own turmoil, through the struggles you have gone through, have proven yourselves worthy of the love of God. Many times we have said to you, “This word you use so often, yet did not know the meaning of.” And we told you to stand beneath the cross; the cross is the crucifixion of yourself. “And feel the blood,” the blood was your own blood that ran through your veins. The life was your own life. Now you shall know the true meaning of this word.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

There are many questions which you wish answered; in your next reading we shall answer more.

Some of you say, “Why have all things been taken? Why have I been uprooted from my land and brought to this place?”

And we say to you, it was but the test of your soul. If you shall go about your task each day and be as a mirror, reflecting out unto others that great warm fire which burns within you, giving it to others as it has been given to you, then forever will the gift be given, the gift of love. Bring this into your hearts. You shall waver, you shall doubt, yet you shall return back unto yourself.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. The course of your history is now about to change. Great things shall come forth in the next year, and great catastrophes.

April 24, 1981: “Yes, Aka, I have one more question on this. In what form will the cleansing come?”

From God.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [5–206–2]. He asks, ‘Please define what the mark of the Beast is.’ He asks, ‘Is it a physical mark?’” [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

We should answer your question in this manner. If a man comes forth into your house and takes all you own of a material nature, and his thirst is, therefore, not satisfied, but he rapes your wife and kills all your animals,

does he not carry in his heart a mark that can never be erased?

That is one form of marking.

The other form of marking shall be a very real, material marking.

We have explained to you in other reading[s] this mark and why circumcision has been used — the fore head.

May 15, 1981: Now you have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question for the group, which [6–281–1] submitted. ‘Aka, when we were in Houston last week and met with the group there, we were talking about the distortion of energies being felt by many of us. You gave then, through Ray, very specific instructions on how to lessen the effect. Will you please repeat them so that we all may benefit from the information. Please explain again how this transpires.’”

(Chuckle) The knowledge which we gave, as you say, through Ray, was knowledge, as we have said before, “Soul Ray is I and I am soul Ray.” The knowledge now intermingles. It is a step forward. He may give it to you as easily as we. There are many things of knowledge that is the intermingling and the total conception of minds that [were] taking place, that he may answer for you in a wakening state.

But to make it clearly understood that both minds work in sequence, we shall explain to you in this manner — that the destruction of your minds may be done with five sequent tones, you may do these as you would do the scales, or a musical scale. To find these tones, which could be destructive to your mind, simply take the range of scale of the musical tone. Take the upper high ranges, and the [very] low ranges, or that below five microhertz and that above five microhertz in tone value.

Rough diagram of sound frequency scale, showing ultrasound and some applications.by-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2820673. The original uploader was LightYear at English Wikipedia. — Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons., CC.

You shall see that the ones from five to zero are in the creative range, and therefore, can be the most destructive, for they are tones that cannot be heard by even your sharpest-eared animals on the earth with the ear; they can only be heard by the mind. The tones above these may be heard by dogs and other animals. Play these tones to yourself, that you shall know them and know which tones can damage the nervous system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system. Play the opposite note in your mind, and it shall counteract the tone in itself. Place forth the correct five frequency tones, of the opposite side, and none of these things may damage you in any way.

As we have said before, now is the time of the Anti-Christ. It is becoming more and more prevalent. We tried to explain to you that assassination would be one of their major tools.

Sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW) are weapons of various types that use sound to injure, incapacitate, or kill an opponent. In the photo is a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) that produces a 30 degree cone of audible sound in frequencies within the human hearing spectrum (20 Hz — 20kHz). Today, police also have LRAD cannons for crowd control that can emit sound in a 30–60° beam at 2.5 kHz.

But remember, we have said before, there is work to be done, and nothing from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work. There is peace upon the Earth, shall be brought into unity, from all religions and from all mankind.

Join your hands. Forget your differences. We have said this over and over again, yet you have heard us not.

You say unto us, “Why should I forgive this one, when they have done such and such to me? Why should I stick out my hand and say, ‘I forgive you.’”

We shall say unto you these words. This of your Catholic Pope would forgive his assassin. Could you?

The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II took place three days before, on Wednesday, May 13, 1981, in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City. The Pope was shot and wounded by Mehmet Ali Ağca while he was entering the square. The Pope was struck four times and suffered severe blood loss. Ağca was apprehended immediately and later sentenced to life in prison by an Italian court. The Pope later forgave Ağca for the assassination attempt. He was pardoned by Italian president Carlo Azeglio Ciampi at the Pope’s request and was deported to Turkey in June 2000. Pictured is Pope John Paul II in 1985 by Rob Croes (ANEFO) — This file has been extracted from another file: JohannesPaulusSimonis1985.jpg, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=56479547

Have you reached into the heart and soul of your own development to forgive one another, to love one another, as you would love yourself? This, and only in these manners, may you rise above that of the Anti-Christ, for the Anti-Christ has no forgiveness because he has no soul, for everything about him and those who would serve him serve but for one purpose.

You have one other question, ask.

“Yes, the question is, ‘How does the attempted assassination of our world leaders, in particular the Holy Father, fit in with the plan of the Anti-Christ.’”

You know of the assassinations, attempts, that have been placed upon your own leader, Ray. Ask yourself a question. If he were assassinated today, and it was done by those who [should] call themselves Christians, how soon would it be until open warfare arose? For there is [are] those who would take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and no more nor no less.

The attempted assassination — quite simple, to take over the Roman Catholic Church, to make it a tool.

And so it shall be into other world leaders, to make them a tool. It is only part of the whole.

We say unto you, come forth and love each other. Come forth and look into each other’s eyes, and hearts and souls, for it is the pathway that the mark cannot be placed upon you.

[See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

May 22, 1981: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Could you give us the time, in terms of month and year, of the beginning and the end of the four-and-a-half-year period of the mark of the Beast?” [See The Revelation 13:5, which says 42 months (3.5 years).]

As we have told you before, only the Lord, God, has that information. We do not have it. When that time is at near its completion the Lord, God, shall place it before you, as He has done many other things. [See Matthew 24:36.]

But the time for that preparation is as deadly as the reign itself.

The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian. It says:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

Unite humanity with a living new language.

Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Balance personal rights with social duties.

Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Continue the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. That is the most important thing.

Even the full time, for those who refuse to wear the mark of the Beast, who devote themselves to the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, shall not have to worry.

This much we will say to you. Think of when the Beast reached his 13th birthday, and know he shall come into the fullness of himself on his 33rd birthday. But his power to rule over all of the dominion shall occur four-and-a-half years before this time of his age. Therefore, it should not take but a small amount of mathematics to figure the time, the date, and the place.

Editor’s note: We may not know when the Anti-Christ was born, but his sign, Comet Bowell, was seen March 9–13, 1980, Aka said. The moving graphic (see February 1, 1980 message) which shows the comet’s passage through our solar system tells us when it was closest to Earth. This may not be the day he was born. But the spiritual messengers of God did arrive and enter into a man to speak to us when Comet Bennett passed closest to Earth. Or Aka may have told us the date of the Anti-Christ’s birth in another message about that time.

June 8, 1981 (Phoenix, Arizona): Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, unto this parable.

A small boy sits under a tree, and watched his father work. All day his father stood behind the oxen as the oxen pulled the plow. There were many times when the plow hit rocks and his father was thrown to and fro. And soon it became time for the midday meal. And the father came over under the tree, and the lad said, “Father, why did God place rocks in our field?”

The father thought, and he said, “My son, as you grow up you shall find many obstacles which you shall come against. Some will be very good experiences. Some shall be bad. They are like the rocks in the field.”

The lad looked back at his father, and he said, “Yes, father, but that does not answer my question. Why did God put rocks in our field and not in all the others?”

The father thought. He had no answer.

That night after his work, the father went to his teacher, the Rabbi, and said, “Rabbi, why did God place so many rocks in my field?”

The Rabbi thought and thought, but could come up with no good answer. And he said unto the father and the child, “I shall take this up with the other teachers.”

And so, when the time came when all those traveled into the land of Judea, into the city of Jerusalem, the Rabbi went before all the Rabbis and found them talking with a small lad no more than twelve. And he at first forgot his questions, and then suddenly he said, “If this one is a gifted one, then he shall have the answer.” He said, “Why did the Lord place so many rocks in this one’s field?”

The young lad turned to him with kind and gentle eyes, and said unto him, “Have you ever known my Father to place any yoke too heavy for one to bear? In some fields there are more rocks that others, because this one has more obstacles to overcome than others. But the real truth of it is this, God did not place more rocks in the farmer’s field. The farmer chose the field with more rocks. Should he wish to have less rocks, let him sell his land and buy land with less rocks.”

The Rabbi thought. “But where would he get the money, the extra money to buy such a field?”

And the lad looked at him and said, “For whatever you shall ask in my Father’s name, so shall it be given.”

After the festival was over, the Rabbi returned home, and there he met the man and the young boy. And he told them what he had been told by the young lad. The young lad looked for a long time, almost like he knew from the wisdom that he was receiving, and he said unto his father, “I should find this one. I, Andrew, shall find him and serve him, for he shall have many answers.”

As time went by, both boys grew into maturity, and the time came when Andrew was serving the one known as John the Baptist, and Jesus came forth to be baptized. After the baptism, John turned to Andrew and said, “Go then, and follow him, for he shall give you the knowledge that you seek.”

You shall ask us why we have told you this story. What does it have to do with you in this day and in this time? And we say unto you, each of you have chosen your own rocky fields. Each of you seeks the answer to come from someone else, when the real answer in already in your hearts and souls.

Remember, no one else chose your field for you. You chose it for yourself. If you do not like it, it is written, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” This does not mean a part of your body, this means a part, and part that of yourself or something around you, that you do not need in your life. If it has come into your awareness and bears you harm, remove it from you. If some says, “Keep it,”nay, do not keep it. It is not them who it bothers, but you. And remember, God wants His children to be happy and to laugh. You cannot laugh while your eye hurts.

Now, you have many questions, ask.

“[13–441–1] asks, ‘Should the group called “The Seven” stay together at this time?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. If there is but one person who stands in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, wherever they stand, so shall we. If all the things, or any part of the things that you do, you do in a Godly manner, reconcile your differences and bind together, but bind together also.

Understand that the time grows short and whether it is seven, or one, or one thousand, or one million, for those who should bind together, they shall not wear the mark of the Beast.

July 17, 1981: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever.

And we shall say to you, for within all the land and the universe there lies but one God. He has put no paths before you to trick you. He has laid no substance before you to tempt you. For all of His secrets He has laid before you in the simplest of matters.

You, who do not understand the simplicity of things, then we shall say unto you, the Lord, God, spread gold upon the land. And man picked up the gold, and worshipped it. And some hoarded it. And soon it became the most precious of all metals.

Then why would the Lord place such a metal in front of you if it was not to tempt you?

And we say unto you, the Lord put rare flowers upon the land.


The Lord put trees upon the land. He put stones and jewels of many kinds. He left the choice up to His children.

And He put wisdom upon the land, wisdom that no gold or jewels, no matter of any kind could buy.






Now, we shall say these words unto you.

Lucifer’s son now dwells upon your Earth also.

And from those who should hear and make ready in preparation for his way, there are those who should seek to destroy the minds and place the mark within the mind.

This is done with light and sound. The light, [from] which we speak, are the gamma rays and the alteration of the gamma rays which should filter unto your earth. They are used in the broadcasting of brain frequencies. At the present time, they have not unfolded all of these frequencies. They make you irritable, one unto another. They make you suspicious, one unto another. They make you accuse one unto another. They make you cast aside all the commandments. They are there but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Anti-Christ.

Chart showing gamma waves by Hugo Gambo — own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=473246

Now soul Ray has brought forth unto you the knowledge to counter these frequencies. He has told you of the many sides and frequencies of the earth. The complete range of frequencies that would destroy you are of five. We told you long ago to be of five. Now we say unto you to alter your brain frequencies that you may know of the change within yourselves. It is like the scales of a musical tone. At the present time they have not found the lower tones that could really harm you. But to counteract these, to change them, to alter them, only means to run through your own scale within your mind. As you hit upon the tone which irritates you, go back to the tone which pleases you. Keep that tone in your mind. Make song of it. Record it, and soon it shall alter the tone that they are broadcasting at the present time.

This knowledge that we give you is given to you in a simple way, one that all of you may understand and practice. Do not confuse or alter our words. Go back and find that knowledge that Ray gave you of the frequencies of the earth.

Do they mean the Schumann resonances? The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. Diagram of Schumann resonances in Earth’s atmosphere by derivative work: Stw (talk)Schumann_resonance_01.png: The original uploader was Neotesla at Japanese Wikipedia. — Schumann_resonance_01.png, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5025580

With them you shall find a complete counterbalance for all frequencies that shall come in the future. It is the opposite of the normal which shall give you the protection.

Now you have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–281–1], ‘Am I on the right pathway or should I find another?’”

Your pathway is the pathway which takes you unto God. And any who reaches to God, then that is the right pathway. Fear not, for we are with you….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13–443–4…Las Cruces, New Mexico]. ‘What is my destiny in this lifetime?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say, and answer your question in this manner. The destiny of all men and all women − there are only a few that are predestined, preordained. This is because of a choice they have made before entry. Your destiny is that which the Lord, God, gave unto all men, even the chosen ones, freedom of choice − your own free will, to do with that, with the most precious commodities that can be given you by the Lord, God, life, to do with it as you see fit. God shall not interfere.

If you chose to come upon the land and build a meeting place for the people, this He would appreciate. If you choose not to, to go on, the other things you have in your mind, this He would all understand, and love you the same.

These words Aka spoke on May 5, 1981 came into fulfillment by December 5, 1982, when Ray dedicated the newly built church to God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have a question for the group in regarding water. Arizona is getting now to where they are requiring or suggesting the registering of all wells. And it appears that our people wherever they live are going to find, if things continue as they are, that they will neither be able to own wells or to drill or dig wells on property that they have for water to irrigate this land. And could you tell me if this trend is going to continue and get more severe or if we can go ahead with the faith that the water will be available to us and that we will not be restricted.”

First we shall say unto you, the Lord, God, promised you these things; the sun and rain shall fall upon all. They shall not be removed.

But second we say unto you,

it is also written that none shall barter nor trade leste they wear the mark of the Beast.

See The Revelation 13:17–18. Note: Is this a glimpse of a long range plan in preparation for the Anti-Christ’s rule? By controlling and limiting water use for farming, ranching and drinking, food production would be limited and people might have to move away from rural areas where they could be self-sufficient into designated, compact urban areas where it will be easier to control and limit the population to a “sustainable” number. It is said, “if you know where you have been you will know where you are going.” Aka’s many comments on what may seem to be unrelated things begin to reveal a larger plan. But remember, there is also God’s plan and that is why His spiritual messengers have come to prepare a way.

There are those, who at this time, who shall try to take these rights from you. We say unto you, up until this time you have done nothing to stop this, even though it violates the Constitution of your United States. Joint action − join with other groups at this time, and you may stop this. But even though they shall try to regulate it, it shall be impossible for them. This would be like trying to tax the grains of sand upon the earth.

You have other questions, ask….

Now we shall say unto you, and we say, hark unto these words − for listen well. For that that shall come forth and be written shall come forth in many forms now. The knowledge that you seek lies within soul Ray’s mind, to alter and make such changes that are needed within the Rose without Thorns and The Psychic Light. It shall be complete, and it shall reach the four corners of your [Earth], for your world bleeds now. It is within great need. Pick up this that has been laid before you, but pick it up with love.

Note: Here are some more of Aka’s 50 books today that are spoken in love for you. They are in three series (The Book with Wings, Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul, and The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star) and 5 individual books.

Now we say unto you, there are many of you who fear places where you live, who fear your neighbors, who fear the house in which you live − who fear the earth on which you walk. We say unto you, if thy right offend thee cast it aside. But do not become so busy casting aside, for the sake of casting aside, that you cast aside the better parts of yourself. If you are unhappy where you live then move elsewhere. Move where you shall be happy.

But remember, wherever you go you shall take yourselves. Find happiness within yourself, and therefore, you shall find happiness not matter where you are.

Let the light of God be the beacon before you. Let His love filter into your heart this day. Know the He loves you. Know that you are never alone.

The light of God always shines down as His spiritual messengers upon His church in 2020; they stand with God and with the church since it was built and dedicated to God in 1982.

And we told you before that a new power, as you would know it, would be given unto soul Ray. Some of you have already seen it. Nothing shall be hidden from him. Yet the power to forgive in the name of the Lord shall be within him. But do not confuse him with he who should come after, for he is here to prepare the way.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

Aka’s message, October 9, 1981, was also in “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ.” It identifies one more part in the preparation for the Anti-Christ’s reign, and how his armies will act in a totalitarian way toward others who prepare for peace and the coming of the Messiah, even unknowingly, and all others. This is a preview of what would come in a one-world totalitarian govermental order under the U.N., reminescent of the NAZI and Palestinian Arab views. Aka’s similar messages are spoken with the depth and view of God’s spiritual messengers, not that of man at a time a place. These warnings to stop the Anti-Christ’s dominion can help us learn from the past to wisely choose where we are going, if we look more deeply into them.

October 9, 1981, the spiritual messengers of God began: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, as your world stands aside to mourn the death of this one known as Anwar Sadat, we have spoke to you before of this day. We have spoken to you of those of the “Black September,those who would violate the Commandment, “Thou shall not commit murder.”

President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin acknowledge applause during joint session of Congress in Washington, D.C., during which President Jimmy Carter announced the results of the Camp David Accords, September 18, 1978. Mohammad Anwar el-Sadat served as the third President of Egypt, from October 15, 1970 until his assassination by fundamentalist army officers on October 6, 1981, three days before Aka’s message. Egyptian radical religious militants murdered him because they thought he had betrayed the “Palestinian cause” to wipe Israel off the map by signing the 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty, that followed the Accords.

We say unto you, as we have said before, the fuse had been lit [from] France and it shall burn unto Israel.

For those who should work, and do the work of the Anti-Christ, are about their master’s bidding, to [subvert] and take by violence, and to bring forth the mark of the Beast upon the unwilling.

For those who can hear, let them hear. For those who can see, let them see. For now you shall see, very soon, the name of the Beast and the name of the Anti-Christ.

As we have said before, [that] the Eagle [U.S.A.] should spread its wings — and in doing so it shall protect the Christ child — for you stand at the threshold of the beginning and the ending. For the things we have told you to prepare for are now at hand. [See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 13.]

Young Jesus

Now, beyond all times, you must bind together. Lay aside your petty grievances. Know that this is a time when the half-times are behind you.

As the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, soon shall be the Sixth. And then the Seventh. Should the Sixth [Seventh?] Seal be opened, woe be most of mankind. For you see before you the two karmas of Abraham [Isaac and Ishmael?], much as you saw before you Cain and Abel. And now you see the descendants of Cain, and what they are capable of doing.

And there are those who gather around the Lord and say unto Him, “How long must we wait, oh Lord?” [See The Revelation, chapters 6 through 8, and Genesis, chapters 4 and 15 through 25.]

And we say, unto the fullest time of the Lord, thy God.

For we shall send forth upon the third day a rose to be born and lain in the land of Egypt. And he shall rise, to walk with the Messiah. But before this time, in the fulfillment of these things, war lies before you.

We say to you — bind together.

As Judas walked among Christ and in the time of Christ, and so did John the Baptist have his Judas, so it is once again. There shall be many who shall strive, now more than any other time, to strike down your freedom of choice. There will be those who shall both try, from without and from within, to destroy this work.

But we bring forth a new Sword, and it shall cut away the untruth, and lay forth the truth. And for those of the men and women and children of God’s, and God’s people, it shall stop the mark from being placed upon them, on one side; on the other side of the Sword, it shall cut away [at] those who should infiltrate you, and try to destroy you.

[See The Revelation, chapters 18, 19 through 22.]

But we shall not take from you the freedom of choice.

Should you care to walk with the Anti-Christ, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with the Judas, this is your choice. If you should care to walk with those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, this shall be your choice — a freedom of choice, the most precious gift the Lord, God, has given you. Hold it dearly. Do not allow it to be taken from you.

For those who hold it in a righteous manner, we go before you to prepare a way, as we come before the Messiah to prepare a way.

Roses shall sprout upon the earth where blood has flown.

Memorial on the former site of the Niederhagen concentration camp, one of 23 main concentration camps (German: Stammlager), of which most had a system of satellite camps. Including the satellite camps, the total number of Nazi concentration camps that existed at one point in time is at least 1,000, although these did not all exist at the same time.

December 4, 1981: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, as we have said before, in the darkest of hours, there shall grow hope and light. We have told you before that many things shall be placed within thy pathways by those who work from the other side, and by that we mean those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. They shall go to many lengths to discredit and to harm you.

But remember, no man, not even the Anti-Christ, can harm you. He may not put the mark of the Beast upon you. Only you can do this.

As long as your heart and your soul and your spirit stays in the hands of God, and your trust, then we are there, we are with you.

If you give up, and say, “What difference does it make? What difference that one soul is lost unto the Anti-Christ?” −

it can make all the difference, because the more that can stand against these marks, so shall the chances of your world becoming as one, a world of peace.

In a time when war looms around you, in a time when chaos seems inevitable, if you shall look, you shall see the tiniest of flower that shall blossom, and from it may grow a great garden.

But if you pay it no attention, if you say, “So what, there is one flower,” and destroy it, then it cannot grow into the garden. That flower is the spark of hope within you, and faith, the faith to know that your God is with you. He is not just with you in the best of times. He is with you in the worst of times. And “yea, should you walk through the valley,” where all within it could be evil, if you walk through the valley with God, there is nothing to fear, for He is not just beside you, He is within you.

We know, when these things happen over and over, [and] more and more is brought forth, you are inclined to say, “What good is it all? I can just give up and walk away. I can turn my back upon this and say, ‘I do not need it.’”

There will be those who say unto you, “You are not Godly.” There will be those who shall say unto you, “You are wrong.” There shall be those who shall say, and use the word, God’s words, to deceive you, to convince you to walk away.

We shall say unto you these words. When Mary Magdalene was brought before Jesus, and he said unto those who would stone her, “Let those who have not sinned cast the first stone,” and when they turned and walked away, Jesus did not stone her for two reasons. He found no reason to stone her, no great sin to stone another human being, for he knew God did not want her blood, for that is not God’s way.

So often, when all goes wrong we either stone each other with words, because we are hurt within and confused, shouldn’t we not think, “If you have wronged and learned from it, you need not stone yourself. That is not what God wishes, for when you stone yourself, you harm the temple of God. God has no wish for this.” When you learn from a mistake, put is aside, and go on. Do not blame [continually] yourself.

Or when your brothern has made a mistake, do not continue to blame him for it. If your brother makes mistake and tries to rectify the mistake, is it necessary that they kneel before you and say, “Forgive me?” Nay, this is not necessary. You and they both know a mistake was made. It was by act, and their actions. If your actions against them become bad, then they shall react against you. It is like throwing a pebble into a brook. For every act, there is a reaction.

Yet, when another acts in a harsh manner, it is sometimes without, a lack of understanding. When there is not true understanding, there is anger, there is harshness, and cruelty. Stop, think, “This is my brother; this is the person I have loved all this time. Are they so wrong that I cannot forgive them?” And in the process of forgiving them, you allow them to forgive themselves.

It was said of Jesus, “How many times shall I forgive?” And I know, in a sense, that it sounded like forever. But here are all these who love you, each unto another. Their actions are petty sometimes, and out of place, though they work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, and they look and they seem ungodly. But they act only out of frustration, not meanness, not cruelty.

Know these things within yourself, and should you know them, go unto them and say, “Am I not still your friend? Am I not still your brothren? Do I not still love you? You [were] wrong, but you see it. You did not need to stone yourself, nor shall I stone you. Let us put it on the shelf where it belonged, and both of us shall learn from it.”

For the mistake they made, if you truly learn from theirs, you shall not make it, and you shall become greater for it, not only in the eyes of God, but in your own eyes.

There are many who do not want to hear these words. There are many who would come and say unto you, “They speak lies unto you.”

What have we to gain to speak lies unto you? What have we to gain − we do not ask for your souls. We do not ask for your worldly things. We come not to take from you. But we come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Believe us in what we say this day.

You think when you walk alone that you are alone. You are not, we walk with you. We hear your thoughts. We feel your hurts. We even feel your frustrations. But we say unto you, faith, love, hope − are not these the things that God built your Earth upon? Are not these the things that we gave you an instrument for?

We know how you feel at this moment, when that of the instrument shall be restricted in the things that he may do for the present. You think, “Why do they not act against these who have offended, or those who have lied? Why did this that we call, the prophet, lie down as though he were a dog and take this punishment?” He did not take this punishment for himself. He knew that it was not the time. He knew that all of you would hurt because of what he was accused of doing. We asked unto you these words. If we guide his hands each day, do you think that a healer can destroy, when all he has done is heal? Have you not seen him when he could not pierce the ears of his own daughter without healing it?”

You have fear for his life. You have fear for his health. Then help him. Help him by giving back the love. Help him by loving each other. Help him by loving yourselves enough to forgive yourselves. Remember, fear is a beast. It is like jealousy is a beast. Once it is given [the] fuel of your feelings, it grows and continues to grow, into a bigger and bigger, and greater monster. Hate is the same. You need these not in your lives.

Are we but one crying in the wilderness? Can you not hear us? Can you not feel us? When we have been with you every day, are we strangers to you?

Love one another. That is the words we give unto you, that are the same words the Messiah gave to you before. Know this, that your instrument, your prophet, bears a great knowledge that he may not even share with you. But if it is necessary, he shall give up his life for you. We plead unto you, do not make this necessary − for if he does, this world shall lose for all time, not just for now.

We speak to you with the words of our Father, who dearly loves you.

These who should plan and plot are not through yet. Yet there shall be thought form sent unto them throughout and from out the many souls on both sides. Take a time when we finish this reading that the thought forms shall be sent to them in such a manner that the fire may be laid aside. [Note: See the Parable of the Time of Preparation that Aka told on August 2, 1975.]

But remember, as we have said before, when you pray to God for something, if you want a car, do not just ask for the car, ask for a way to make the payments upon the car, pay the taxes upon the car, and the fuel and the maintenance necessary to run it, and a place to park it.

Think your words out carefully. Think your thought transfer out carefully before you send it, and it shall come through clear.

But love one another. With unity, you have everything. Without it you have nothing.

We know that each of you look around you and see the small sins of the other. But when is a sin so great that you cannot forgive? When does it become? You may stop a person who is about to kill you, with a physical act, but the act, even though a violent one, can be produced with love and compassion.

We are giving of the words of another, who shall come after the one you call the Prophet now. But it is not time; it is not time that he should leave you. Yes, we took the steps necessary to keep him with you. We did make the repairs. We did waken you, that you might see with you own eyes the anguish and the desperation that lies within him.

Each of you have been brought here for a purpose. Each of you were here before at every time when the coming of the Messiah has been attempted. Had it been the time last time, he would not have been crucified, but it was not the time. But now, before you, in a short span of years is that time.

He now lives upon your earth. He lives by the thread of your thoughts. He lives and exists with the knowledge that you are preparing the way for him.

He also knows that should you fail, then we shall fail, and therefore, he shall be taken back unto the Father, and another time it shall be tried again. But it will not stop the rule and the time of the Anti-Christ.

We have taught you the power of the mind. Ray has hidden nothing from you except the time that has been given to him of the great catastrophes, and the place where the Messiah is hidden. These things he knows, because the Father has seen fit to place these in his keeping. He also knows that it shall take each of you, each one of you, doing what you call your meager tasks, the things that don’t seem important. You are reaching more people each day through your clinic than you would in any other way. Each person you have touched becomes a thousand. Each person who passes through shall never be the same. Regardless of what happens, there will always be in their mind, “There is a God; there is a different way.”

You walk with, between all faiths. Some of them would destroy you if they could − and think that they were righteous in doing so, and think that God was on their side. No, God is not on their side. God is with you. We have told you before, there shall be many false prophets who shall come and say, “Look how great I am. Look what I have done.”

We are only here as the tools of God. We are not here to destroy you, your thoughts, your minds, your bodies. We are not here to own you. We are here to plead with you and give you knowledge. Take it, as [a] flower.

You may think that the tasks that have been placed before you are not important. But believe us when we say, they are the most important things upon this Earth at this time, or any other earths, in all the worlds and galaxies put together. They are like the man who is to build a dike. He started with one rock. You have many rocks now, for you are many. If you come together, [then] that’s the way to build the bridge, the dike, that that should hold back these things that are happening. [If you] come together in thought, in thought-form, and in love, all shall be laid aside.

It shall not be easy.

We did not promise you all your wants. When soul Ray made the decision to come back to you, we promised him nothing. We told him he would be ridiculed and persecuted because of it. Yet he came, because he had found two things: himself and God, and his love for His people, God’s children. And so he has chosen to serve. He has wavered many times, but he has continued.

We have come not here tonight to preach at you, to lecture at you; we have come here tonight to plead with you. Take these thoughts from your mind − the thoughts to run away, the thoughts to hide, the thoughts to hate one another. Take the petty things out of your life, and you shall find the riches that you seek.

Some of you do not understand Ray’s love for all of you, and the depth of his love, yet the loneliness of the man. For remember, he is a man. He hurts when he buries you. And he cries in the loneliness of his own despair. He has joy when he marries you. He has joy in bringing new life among you. And he has great joy in healing you. Yet he is a man, with all the feelings of a man. His body is weak. Help him. Help us, for when he dies, so shall we, for soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray.


August 12, 1983: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. ‘In the 19th of July 1975 reading you said Buddha had the mark of the Eagle on his chest. Can you give more information on this?’”

(Chuckle!) And we shall say unto you, for the Eagle was here at the beginning of your civilization. And wherever he traveled he prepared the way for those who would come after him. And from Adam to Jesus of Nazara is but one. And therefore, the journey inbetween took on many forms, as the Eagle took on the form. In the planet Yahweh, to this time, all is but the same.

Look closely at the ring upon his finger and you shall understand that mark, for it is the marriage bond between himself, his karma, and his God. It is also the marriage bond between him and he who he comes to prepare the way from.


February 17, 1984: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of Lord, thy God; glory be the children of God, and glory be the name of the children of God. [You can listen to these words, if you wish.]

And we should say unto thee, unto this day and unto this time. For the times and half times are coming to past. The half wars, the rattling of the chains of wars, shall soon have made a whole war, one that mankind can ill afford, but yet, it shall come.

And we say unto those who think they may escape it by being in a different country, or a differ­ent place upon the globe, woe be it [them], for there is no place upon this continent, no place upon this and other continent[s], that shall not be affected, for the continental shelf, in itself, shall be affected. And a great shifting of the plates shall take forth and come forth. In the upper atmosphere, electric magnetic forces shall take force, and there­fore, you will have what is called a total blackout of electrical energy, and that that is produced by electrical energy at that point and in that period of time − that a total blackness shall shift and float as huge clouds that form in the upper, high atmosphere shall smother the sun from striking the earth. And night and day shall not be known, one apart from the other.

And as the Earth shifts and circles, those days shall come upon man in total madness, for there shall be other instruments of war that shall be used, which shall be known as ultrasound, that of light and sound which shall drive men mad, and they shall destroy one another in their madness. And they shall reach for their hearts to pull it out, for it shall beat so fast and so rapidly, and so great a pain shall be within them that neither if they were stung by giant scorpions would it be any better. Yet, they shall not be allowed to die all at once. For the madness that shall come upon them shall be as a madness that shall strike their children’s children in the womb of their wives and their mothers. [See The Revelation 9:1–12.]

For all things that have been written shall come, and become true − not that you shall know that this is the way of the Lord, but that you shall know that it is caused by man and the Anti-Christ.

And the Lord, thy God, shall send forth His son into this great abundance and abominate upon the Earth. And as he comes unto the Earth, all planetary substance shall know of it, for his reflection and his face shall be seen not only upon this Earth, but upon all earths, and they shall learn from it. For there shall be earths in the newest of development, and there shall be earths that are older than yours, but each and every one shall learn from this.

For that of the Messiah shall rise and walk upon the Earth.

And as he comes forth, he shall call forth all those who have perished. And they shall rise from the earth and appear unto their brethrens as though they were not dead. And there shall be a big tribunal that, therefore, shall judge unto one another, and judgment shall be rendered upon the earth and the heavens. And, therefore, as the last shifting of plates that takes forth, so shall rise both the heavens, and it shall be the heavens of the earth, and no one who should wear the mark of the Beast shall be allowed to enter into this.

And we should say unto thee, woe be these who shall see beneath and into the greater bowels of the Anti-Christ. For at that time, all those who have suffered so long shall rise and ask for justice from the Lord. And the Lord, thy God, shall render justice unto them. [See The Revelation, 6:12–17, chapters 7 through 11, and chapters 19 through 22.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Why is this necessary?”

It is not necessary. None of it was necessary. It is still not necessary, for it is but the Sixth Seal that is opened. But when the Seventh Seal is opened, then it will be necessary.

Why is it necessary? Why cannot man repent? Why cannot man change his ways? Why should he go on killing his brothren, plotting to gain, as you would call it, the upper hand? Why is it that he cannot look [in] the Lord, his God, and love Him with all his heart?

(Sigh) Is it not written that should man not change his path, he shall die in his own pollutant, in that which he creates?

The atomic bomb is but a small part. You have created germ warfare, which is more horrifying than all of your atomic bombs put together. For they shall shift with the currents of the air; they shall fall with the rain that you wait for. They shall come on the gentle breezes.

In what you call your World War I, you knew then that the use of gases was too horrible to turn loose on mankind; there was no controlling it. And yet, you took the same theories and cultivated what is now known as germ warfare.

Look at your own people now; they are dying from it!

Do you not see it? You call it a flu epidemic − of man-made disease.

God gave unto your keeping a land with no diseases. And He put into your keeping all the elements that you might alter and change things for the better. This could still be done.

Why do you think you hear us crying in the wilderness?[See Luke 3:1–17 and John 3–36.]

Yes, there is still time. But someone must hear. Someone must not react to the pebble dropped into the brook.

May 11, 1984: And we say unto you unto these words, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, unto this parable.

For as a man walks, and as a man speaks, so is he known, whether he be a liar, or a man of truth. By his action he is known, by that unto which he does. And so it is with a woman. But the Lord does not make a liar, nor a thief, nor a murderer. man himself makes these things. The Lord does not make you truthful or law abiding. Man himself makes these things.

And so we say unto thee, that upon the mountain top three men met, [as] had been prearranged. Each brought the great knowledge of the Earth from whence they lived. Much had the knowledge of the other.

And as they met, an uninvited guest arrived.

He looked quite innocent, and he looked as though he was not of a great scholar. But the three thought they would make sport of him, and began to ask him questions.

Unto each of the questions they asked, he answered truthfully and forthright.

Soon, they began to realize that his knowledge was way beyond anything that they possessed.

And so, they began to plot to kill him. All three of these men were great scientists, great of knowledge, great [of] philosophy, yet here they were − jealousy has overridden their thoughts; greed had taken forth their brain; and the monster of monsters had possessed them. And they did slay this stranger.

And as he lay dead before them, suddenly each began to blame the other for his death, for they were frightened. From where did he come with such great knowledge? Before they had come upon the mountain each had thought about God, but none had really believed. Now they began to remember all the stories of a stranger sent among them to bring them knowledge; was he he? Was he the great chosen one they had slain?

Each began to realize that if their people learned of their deed, they themselves might be slain or cast into the wilderness, for all the people had waited for the coming. They made a pact to bury him, and they would return unto the three corners of the Earth to tell their people of the great knowledge they possessed. And so they buried him beneath stone, and they went forth.

When each arrived into their own lands, into their part of the Earth, the great scientists gathered around them. And a young man came walking through the door. He looked exactly like the other man. The man became greatly frightened and confessed what he had done.

And the young man looked upon him, and each of them, for he had appeared in three places. And he said unto them, “For I come from the Father who has sent His first son unto you and you have killed him. But I have come to collect the debt that you owe.”

And they said, “What debt is this?”

And [he] said unto them, “A life − a life from each of you.”

[For] the great countries and great dictators of countries thought, “We cannot give forth a life unto this one. Why should we be afraid?”

Yet the whisperings from the people had already begun. Instead of three countries and three parts of the Earth that were divided into thirds, suddenly the people were becoming one, with once voice − to pay, to pay with their own lives.

They were greatly frightened.

And then the young man said, “I will give you your lives, but first, we shall debate. And if you are smarter than I, you have greater knowledge than I. You have killed my brother, and he had a greater knowledge than you. If I have a greater knowledge, then you must crucify yourselves.”

They began to debate. And upon each subject the young man excelled greatly. And the mob and the people called for the lives of the men.

And the young man spoke and said, “No, they shall live, but they shall not live great among you as they have − nor shall not be great among God, nor in the eyes of God, for they have committed murder.”

As you wait, and as this time grows near, the story we have told you becomes more truthful, for there are different parts of the same man that may be killed many times.

He may be betrayed by his friends, and that may kill one part of him.

He may be lied to by his friends, and that may kill another part of him.

But the final death shall be between him and his God, for not the smallest thing shall fall upon the earth without the Father knowing, and caring.

Now we have told you of the times that are ahead.

Some would say, “They have told us these stories to frighten us. But look into your own books ––

and is it not written that none who wears the mark of the Beast shall be allowed to enter? It does not say that [these] who wear the mark of the Beast shall not continue to exist, only that they may not enter.

[See The Revelation, chapters 7, 14, 15, 16, and 20:4–6.]

And we say unto you, “Enter where? What do they speak of? What do they mean?” [See The Revelation, chapters 21 and 22.]

Are we to ignore the visions of John, or Isaiah, or all the prophets? Are we to ignore them, to change them to suit our own desires, or are we to accept them, as they are, as they were, and as they shall be? [See The Revelation, chapters 7, chapters 14–16, and 20:4–6.]

For as the men on the mountain top, killing the thought, the message that was sent, was not enough.

For as the Lord, Jesus, said, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.” [See John 2:12–22.]

And we say unto you, is it not written that there would be two prophets, and they would die and lay in the square of the town, and in three days they would rise again? And what is the true word of resurrection? To rise from the [dead]. [See The Revelation 11:1–13.]

Did not Jesus tell you the story of the son who forsaked all things and left his father, and went into many lands, and the son who stayed and worked the land.

He took his inheritance with him, and when all else failed, he thought, “Even the servants on my father’s land live better than I.” And so he returned. And his father clad him in the greatest gowns and garments.

And the older son came and saw this, and said, “Father, why do you do this?”

And the father said, “For he was dead, and he has returned. Would you deny me this?” [See Luke 15:11–32.]

Many years ago when we came to you, and were asked, “Why do you come?” And we said we did not come unto others, but we had come that the fulfillment of soul Ray should lead his flock.

You prepare yourselves for your Annual Meeting. As shepherds of flocks, ask yourselves what you have accomplished. Have you tended the flock?

Are you truly a part of the whole?

What have you done to bring strength to the group? Have you brought truth? Have you brought yourselves?

Did the house of the Lord go wanting?

We have told you a parable, a parable of truth. The degree of truth will be for your deciding.

November 9, 1984: Yes, we see thy need. [We] shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, unto this parable.

Throughout the many lands the rumors were heard. These rumors were stories that were told of one who had come. And it was said that he performed many miracles upon the land.

And from land to land men and women, both, began their pilgrimage. They began to travel to see this, this wonderful sight, for behold, this must be the Messiah! They said unto themselves, “For if we can just reach this one, for surely it shall be a god.” They traveled by many means. And though their journeys were hard and harsh, they gave up not hope. And at last they reached the place where this one dwelt.

The first thing they noticed about this one was the quick laughter and an easy smile. As he went about his task[s], he healed those who were brought to him, and there was many stories to be told, and heard. And he spoke of wisdom, and they listened.

But yet they went apart unto themselves, and they said unto themselves, “We must form a group of elders, that they may test this one to make sure that he is the Messiah.”

And so they did of this. And they formed the questions, each group, one unto another. And they approached him. And they said, “Yea, Master, if you be the Lord, thy God, would you tell us?”

And he said unto them, “I be not the Lord, thy God, but I be of [the] God.”

Ray Elkins stands outside of a bookstore in Phoenix in 1974, where he taught and healed those who came for help.

They looked at him in confusion. And they said, “We do not understand.”

And he said unto them, “You come seeking the Messiah, and I am not he. I am of the Lord, thy God, for I have come to prepare the way for he who should come after me. And he who should come after me, you shall truly know. Yes, I may answer all your questions. But go now, let us sleep. Think upon what we have talked about.”

And so they went away, both in awe, and in doubt. For if he was not the Lord, the God, and if he was not the Messiah, who was this who said he was of the God, of the Lord, thy God? How could this be?

And so, upon the second day they came unto him. And they said unto him, “We wish to ask you questions.”

And he said unto them, “Come, then, tonight when my work is done, I shall answer your questions.” And he went about his task of healing the sick. He went about his task of being compassionate from man to man. And where he found no hope, he brought hope. And where he found despair, he brought faith. And where he found no love, he brought eternity. For unto these he [had] placed the light of God, and they took of it, and they shined.

And that night he went unto those who had asked him questions, and they said once again, “Are you God?”

And he said, “Nay, I be not God, but of God. I be not the Messiah, but of the Messiah. For I have come to prepare a way. Cannot you see this?

I have come to heal the wounds of the Earth. I come not to slay the Beast, but to remove the mark of the Beast –

for I am of God.” [See The Revelation, chapters 11 through 13.]

And he said unto them, “Go then, and come back.”

And on the third day they did not approach him until evening time. At evening time he worked with the hand tools making toys. And they said unto him, “If you have no children, why do you make toys?”

And he said to them, “I make the toys for the children of God, that I might hear the laughter of God.”

And they said unto him, “Then let us come with you; we wish to hear the laughter of God.” And the next day as he made his rounds they followed him. He handed toys to this child and that, and went on his way. When the day was done, they said unto him, “We heard not the laughter of God.”

And he said unto them, “Are you deaf?”

They said unto him, “Nay, we are not deaf.”

And he said, “It was all around you, the light and the sound of God. For he who has ears to listen, let him listen. For he who has eyes to hear [see], let him hear [see]. But from a greater sense [of] all senses let him feel in his soul the righteous path that he himself must take. Be not of a hypocrite. Do not denounce another man because he does something that you yourself might want to do. Go and live in a manner that you would be proud of that that you are, and you too shall hear and see all these things.”

Within time, as he went on about his tasks, these left; others came in their place to ask the same questions.

And so it went, day after day.

And those who lived close around him understood him less − for [the] few who can see the roses that are planted at their feet, for few can see what is close at hand, and what tree can see itself grow? For we say unto you, a prophet is known less in the town that he dwells….

Aka said to one person: Now we say to you, we have shown you where you have been. You have searched for a Messiah, when the Messiah need not be searched for. When he arrives he shall let you know, when he’s ready for you….

Know this, that be it stone or earth that you build with, build strong and firm, one stone in front of the other.

But know something else. You are a chosen one throughout time. Do not waste this any longer. If the Lord, thy God, asks you for all, give it. If the Lord, thy God, gives you all, take it. But remember, destiny has brought you and formed you, that you [could] run away and put your head in the sand and cry out, “Not me, not me.” For all men and women there is a time, a time of truth, that moment in life when you look, both backwards and forward, and you know that you may go in a direction of righteousness. At that moment, it is your choice, your free will, that should expel you forward. We have come not to take from you your free will. We have come for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

We say unto you, look about you. But remember, there are others who are here now for the same reason − all with a purpose, all waiting, all wanting….

You have other questions, but not for this day nor this time.

For we say unto you, go with God; be with God. For now is the time of the Cherubim. Now is the greatest of times, the times of light and sound.


January 23, 1987: Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. “There shall be no other God before Him.”

There shall those who shall come forth and say unto thee, “I am God.” And they have profaned the name of the Lord, and in their profaneness, they have even profaned themselves, for they have allowed no place for themselves.

If you wish, you may go back to the time when the Anti-Christ, known as Adolf Hitler, walked the face of the Earth. And he came forth and he talked in a voice that attracted many people. He used his talent for organization. He used his psychic talents until they had depleted him. And he used the psychic talents of many others. And those who would not agree with him, he slayed them and had them slain. He killed 12 million people in his concentration camps alone.

We are concerned to see this once again appear on the face of your Earth.

Survivors being liberated from Dauchau by U.S. forces April 29, 1945. It was one of 23 Nazi concentration camps. But there were many more satellite camps, as well as six Nazi extermination camps and euthanasia centers.

There are those who should know better and do not in the land of Russia.

But there are those with all the choices of freedom that your land should give, “one nation under God,” and they should say a profaneness. We say unto you, this is not the way. These people shall not lead their people unto God, but away from Him; they shall lead him not to the coming of the Messiah, but away from him.

And you say unto us, “Is these the Anti-Christ?”

And we say unto you, as we have come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, there shall be those who come forth to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ.

Believe in the Lord, thy God. Believe in the wisdom of Jesus of Nazara.

Do not sway and allow them, anyone, to sway you from the path, and you shall never wear the mark of the beast.

[See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

We say unto you, there have been many times and half times. There have been many tests, that test people down to where there is no more. Why should this be so?

We say to you, we have told you before that the times were coming and would come about. We say unto you, prepare yourselves.

Do you have to build a castle or a monument? Nay. The only monument you must build is within your body and mind. And know that you are the children of God. You are the creation of God. You were created in His image, of His kind, of His likeness. [See Genesis 1:26–31.]

A building within the mind and body too place during the Corn Ceremony on August 15, 1987, at a church to God, Dripping Springs Road, Arizona. Aka spoke of the coming ceremony the evening before : Yes, we see thy need. We should say in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for now shall be the time of the transference, or transformation. For as it has been written by Daniel and by John that the time would come when the new world would begin, and the new world shall be the time after the half times − and so it is. [See Daniel, chapter 2 and The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

And we say unto you, hark, for those who have eyes to hear [see], hear and for those who have ears. We say unto you, fear not. But as you should walk through the doorway, make certain that you prepare yourself.

This was the first of four Corn Ceremonies performed. The other three Corn Ceremonies were held March 16–18 and August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989.

We have told you before of a time that the body should be cleansed. And now we shall tell you of the second part, and that is a time of the cleansing of the soul.

For as you begin to go through the doorway you will be asked, “Is your soul ready? Are you prepared?”

If you are not prepared, say, “No, my soul and spirit is not ready.” If you need help all you must do is ask for it. “Ask and you shall receive.”

But remember, for those who walk through the door, the mark of the Beast shall never be put upon them, or can be put upon them. [See The Revelation 20:4–6.]

The day of transformation is before you. It will open, and can be opened from 1:00 o’clock, p.m., tomorrow until 9:00 o’clock, p.m. But all things must be ready and prepared. It has been a long time, 3,000 years since this has happened.

Editor’s note: On August 16 and 17, 1987, there was an “harmonic convergence” of the planets. Some felt this facilitated the opening of a vortex to the new world, which some refer to as a new heaven and new earth. This guidance above, from Aka, spiritual messengers of God, was given on the eve before the opening, at a church to God.

Ray Elkins, at the last minute, had agreed he would serve as an instrument or prophet in giving a sacred Corn Ceremony, to open a pathway into the new heaven and new earth promised in prophesies long awaited. More than 50 people came to join in this sacred ceremony.

As the prophet began the ceremony, three circles were made (of three colors of corn flour), to encircle a star of David (also of corn flour), which was drawn out onto the church floor, so that the new world would fill the church. Ray asked the ministers and some Board members to stand at the points of the Star of David on the edge of the circle, to serve as guardians of the boundary between the two worlds, that nothing could interfere with the sacred entry of the new heaven and earth in this moment in this world.

Within the circle, the “Sacred Twins,” known to Indian peoples, were enacted by teachers in the middle as the ceremony began.

Each person had written on a list those things he or she did not wish to take into the new world, and as Ray came to them he took from them their list and burned it in a ceremonial pot in the circle, cleansing their souls for entry into the new world.

During the ceremony, Ray came to each person who gathered outside the circle, on the edge, to lead him or her into the circle.

He asked if they were prepared and wished to enter into the new world. If they said, yes, he placed three marks of corm flour upon their forearm.

He then asked if they wished to accept the mark of the Eagle; if they said, yes, three marks of corn were placed upon the other forearm.

As he asked if they wished to receive the opening of the top of the head, he sprinkled a vortex of corn flour above the top of the head.

He also asked if they wished to receive the giver of the gift, and said to some, the Holy Spirit, each according to their faith. If they answered, yes, he placed a mark of corn on their forehead, blessing them with a gift of Spirit sent from God.

Each, who now had been prepared to enter into the new heaven and new earth, had lit a candle representing the light of his or her soul. Ray placed each person’s candle, one at a time as he came to each, within the center in the middle of the Star of David, which was encircled by three colors of corn flour that had been blessed and became the entrance way into the new world.

A powerful, peaceful, loving energy radiated within the sacred corn circle as pure energy, like something made all anew. Within the circle of radiant, pure, clean energy — which seemed to have no persona but was pure, perfect being without form, or light without beginning or end — burned the candles, which the prophet had delivered into the new heaven and new earth. There they stood within it, throughout the night and next day until sundown, shimmering in the powerful spiritual glow — symbols of the peoples’ souls standing amidst all this radiance and love, in the new world, as a great blessing in this and the next world.

The vortex which had been brought down to make an opening into the new heaven and earth for the time of the harmonic convergence, continued to shine within the sacred corn circle throughout the night and into the next day, for the time of the harmonic convergence.

Those who participated will always remember, for it will remain forever — it was given within our souls, to know.

[See the AUP newsletter, Rays of Philosophy, about the Corn Ceremony for SEPT/OCT 1987 and JAN/FEB/MAR 1997 (to be provided).]

September 4, 1987: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee, as you have passed from one world into another, in so doing we have told you there would be persecution,

for you chose to separate yourselves from those who could wear the mark of the Beast,

and in doing so, they would attack you, and try to persecute you for many reasons, and in many ways. But ask yourself these questions. For whom have you chosen this way − for yourselves, or your children, and for the generations to come?

Long ago, we told you of a time that would come. And this time has come.

But yet, the Lord does not leave you without protection, for your minds are strong. And with the gift of [mind] and the gift of mind power there are many things that you may do to change the path of those who would attack you. We have told you before, should those come and try to burn your fields, turn the fire back toward them with your minds. This you may do so now.

See the Parable of the Time of Preparation.

But remember, now is the time not to shout or to explode your emotions, but to control those emotions.

Do not allow these people to close your mind. Do not allow this to happen. The only way they may harm you is that should you close your minds once again and leave being one of the people, for you are the Corn People. In entering, you became a pathway for others. We tried in every way to show you what could come, and the energy that could come, and be with you. That, [what] came from the center of the vortex, you carry now within you. It is [of] one. But you, if you stand together, as one, none of these people may harm you.

They will try.

At a time, not yet, we shall bring an attorney into your lives, that [the] attorney may be needed; not yet, but at a different time. For they now violate your civil rights. Remember this.

Also remember, do not let them isolate you. If they should come for one, let all go, and be present. And if they should say unto one, let all hear. Stand together, and this way, and only in this way, they cannot defeat you.

If one should come to one of you and say, “Come, come into this private room and I shall speak to you,” do not go into this private room.

Say instead, “No, I shall wait, and go with you when I have others of the Corn People with me.” Be sure that you go in groups of three always.

We told you a long time ago, the “threes and thirteen.” As you came together and performed [either] ceremony of the Corn People, the ceremony of Life, we saw your need. We did not desert you; you did not stand alone….

Stand together. Be as one.

Here is what the spiritual messengers of God told us 17 yers before, on April 13, 1970, when they were asked: “I wondered if you might tell me if there is any relationship between the comet which appeared in the east a couple of weeks ago and your coming?”

The brightest comet of the decade was discovered by a South African astronomer named Bennett just after Christmas in 1979. It passed over Earth on March 25, 1970, shone brilliantly in the heavens throughout April 1970. With this heavely light, the spiritual messengers of God arrived and began speakng to man.

For, in God’s plan — as I have told you before, that God’s soul is like the pebbles of a brook, that man’s spirit is like the pebbles of a river, that man’s soul is like the pebbles of an ocean — in God’s plan, not only here, but in many places in thy world, thy coming has been announced, thy coming of the mighty Sword and its meaning, the Sword which cuts two ways and both sides shall cut. If thy should read of the book of Revelation, think thee of thy horse, for now is the time of the red horse, and his passing is for all men to see. [See The Revelation 6:3–4, and 19:11–16.]

If man heeds God’s warning and should see from the light in the sky, then God may take His many children to His mansions and weep no more. As I have told you before of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, that thy groups shall number, always as Thirteen and Thirteen to repeat and repeat again, as it has done from the beginning of time. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Then my mission, and I who have many souls should say with all their consent [loving chuckle], there should be no reason for me, for then God’s temple shall be built in all the souls of man, and therefore, the other seals should not be opened. And then thy reign of the Lord upon this earth shall go for a thousand years — and take from the earth as we built the block in Ray’s mind, so should the block be in all souls of the world.

Can you understand this? [See The Revelation, chapters 6–8, 14, 19–22.]

“I can understand the block, that is very necessary. The Thirteen, I would like a little more explanation on.”


“This, or may I say that, from what I have been able to gather, this is our solar system and its turning around the sun, in one reference, but possibly there are other references?”

When thy think of the number, Thirteen — Thirteen to God, [seven? second?] to God, and then there was four. And then we cast from thy heavens those who were not deserving. Yet this had to be restored. [See The Revelation 4:5–8, and chapter 12.]

So, in Christ’s time this was restored once again. But then, thy chain was broken once again. [See John 12:18–35, 14:27–31, and Acts 1:15–26.]

Now, we shall try and restore it once more on this plane of yours. Should we succeed, then thy planes ahead and thy planes behind shall meet as one in God’s mansion. And God shall weep no more. [See The Revelation 21:1–8, 22–27, and 22:6, 12–17.]


March 18, 1988: You have other questions ask.

“Thank you Aka. [18–548–2…Peridot, Arizona] asks, ‘Do you have a message for me?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we say unto you, you have come here for a purpose. Take the knowledge that is here.

Long ago, one came into what is now known as the Pima reservation.

And in the rights of the manhood he did make a mark upon the hand of one to be named. It is one-half of a square. It is the mark that allows knowledge to flow.

If you, of your own free will, decide to accept this knowledge, seek him out. But once again, know this — be ready to devote your time, your energy into learning and teaching. When this three-and-a-half years passes, the year of 1999 shall be very critical, for it shall have been the time, and no more half-times shall come before you. Listen closely to our words. Study these things we have said unto you carefully, and you will know the truth of [this].

August 26, 1988 (The day before the third Corn Ceremony): Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children for ever and ever.

And we shall say unto you this parable, in this manner and in this way.

For upon the land came one man, and he went into the desert and he took his wife. And they went forth, and they went and they cleared the land, and they drilled the wells and they diverted the water from the rivers and they built dams.

And because of all this many other people came behind them to form their homes in the vastness of the desert lands.

But when these two came they had friends and that of the friendship of the people, and the people accepted them, for they came in peace and harmony − both with the land and with the people who were there − and they tried not to change the people, but to accept them for that which they were.

But as others came, soon fences were built and land claimed.

But these two brought their love upon the land and they bore children − at first, one girl and one boy − and the land was good to them.

And they bore another son and that son did pass beyond, and woe be it unto the land, for the tears were mighty, to flow as a river, and the sorrow was great.

But the Lord said unto the woman, “Harken, for we shall give unto you another son. We shall give more than just a son.”

And so it came to pass that the healers came and did lay hands upon the woman and she did rise, and she came upon and did bear unto her husband a son. And all grew in harmony and in good spirit, and the land yielded year by year a greater abundance and greater crops.

And then, once after five years there came another one, and this one looked as though she had come from the heavens of gold. She was a fair child.

And they were holy blessed.

Now time passed and the two who thought they were so blessed, they parted their ways. The one went one way, the other the other − each to a different way, each to a different land.

But yet, the desert beckoned them − called them quietly and gently − the quietness of the morning upon the desert land, and the sparrows of the desert. And soon they both returned to the desert land.

And their children grew into adulthood and they went unto the four winds, yet to return back again unto the desert, for they were desert-born.

They were born from lions and eagles, and they knew that that gift that God had given them was good and strong.

Each day passed, one into another, and the hand of God rested upon them. And the children grew and prospered, each to become that which made them prosper financially and materially.

And one day, the older brother and the younger brother did quarrel. And it brought many tears unto the father because the father loved his children.

And as time passed, he would have his grandchildren. And as more time passed, he saw his great grandchildren, and then he saw his great great grandchildren. And he knew that he had brought seed upon the earth and planted it in fertile land.

But yet, when his time came to pass he could not pass because he saw that his sons had quarreled, and they had not settled their arguments and had not brought peace unto him − that he could not pass unto the Maker, the giver of life of all − for he was ready to go unto the holy mountain and he was to see the light of the Shiny Mountain glowing in his heart each day.

And he prayed unto the Lord and said, “Dear Lord, that I may pass, I ask for but one thing and that is the health of my children and that they love one another according to Thy teachings. Let them not be as Cain and Abel; let them be as brothers and brother into one land.”

And the Lord look upon this, His servant, and He said, “You shall not pass unto any doorway until peace and love have been brought unto this of your house.”

And so the word was given.

And there could be many endings to this story.

But we shall leave it unto your thinking as to how it should end.

For in every household, such a story has its own beginning.

Let [it] not be brother against brother, or mother against daughter, or father against son. For now is the time of the great Sword, the cutting away of the land and the cutting away of the people − for where no water flowed, water shall flow; where grass did not grow grass shall grow, and that of the desert shall blossom forth and it shall be abundant and green.

And nothing shall be hidden from the people, for they shall see all things − and these things that we say, so the Lord has given unto His word.

We say unto you, you have come to celebrate and to pass through unto the new world. When you pass through, remember our story and leave those things behind that you do not need.

When you ask for those things, do not ask from greed, but from need and they shall be given,

for all that is holy shall be holier − for as sundown of yesterday so began the opening of the doorway that shall be opened completely tomorrow. And once again you shall look upon the heavens and a sign shall be given unto you at nine o’clock tomorrow in the evening.

Let no one ignore the fullness of all parts of this. Let them see from the beginning to the end the fulfillment of the promise of our Lord −

that those who should not wear the mark of the beast, and the beast shall never touch these in any way.

The End

(and the beginning of a new heaven and new earth upon the Earth)


Read the companion writing to this on the mark of the Beast –– “Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ.” The reader can learn to recognize seemingly unrelated events in this world that are part of the prepartion for the reign of the Anti-Christ.

But at the same time, God sends His spiritual messengers to prepare a way in people’s hearts first for the coming of the Messiah and the long awaited thousand years on Earth, as God counts.

These writings are in the series, Now you ask, ‘What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?’”

Also see the collections, “The great Sword is here,”Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”

In “A Stairway to Heaven” you will learn about how the spiritual messengers arrived in 1970 and how they speak. You can also learn more about the Association of Universal Philosophy they asked us to form. We hope you’ll join us.

“The WORDS of Aka, spiritul messengers of God, to you” are their recorded messages that are trnscribed to read.

The spiritual messengers of God said, September 21, 1970: Yes, we see this, and as we have said before, we give this message from our Father. We are not great; we are but messengers. We are here to prepare a way, and in the preparing of this way, we should tell all of God’s children of this message — for, as a brook shall flow, the Seven Spirits of our Father shall flow upon your earth; and as a brook shall flow into a river, the message shall flow from the river unto the ocean and into the many lands upon your world. Therefore, we should say unto you, [kelara tiene], and these words shall mean unto all a very simple thing, love to all from our Father. It does not mean — regardless of the tongue thy should speak it in.

Can you understand of these words we speak?

“I think so, Aka.”

Then we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub, or the Cherubim, as you wish to call it.

Now we have told unto you of the time of the Cherub, that the Cherub shall be of the highest angel of our Father and that they hover above your earth. And we have said unto you that the times and half times are at an end. Now shall be the time of our Father. But remember, what our Father has placed upon your earth, let no man put asunder. For it would be better that he cast his soul into a pit with Lucifer, far better.

For those who should try, their souls shall be with Lucifer.

But remember, our Father has given to you free will. Our Father does naught unto man; man does unto his self. If man should kill another man, then this man shall be killed into himself, and he shall give of his own punishment. But for those who would not do of this shall become, as thy would know them, of the lost soul. But remember, too, the beginning and the ending of a karma, or sin, as you would call them, shall be in this fashion. If you should know of sin, and then do upon it unto others, this shall be done unto you. But if you should not know of this sin unto others, but learn of it later and do not do this again unto man, this shall not be a karma, for it shall have ended as had it began.

Remember, our Father loves you. You are all His children, except those who belong to Lucifer. And those who belong to Lucifer are nothing, for they shall be in the pit with Lucifer.

And then, there are those who we would call of, lost souls, and they are of nothing. And there are those who would have no spirit at all, and they are nothing. So remember, only those who are in the Book in the beginning may be in the Book in the ending. [See The Revelation, chapter 20.]

Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God asked us to form? Here’s how.

On October 5, 1970, Aka said: Do not misinterpret our words. For those who would misinterpret the words of our Father, [it] should better he cast himself in the pit with Lucifer….

Love thy Father as much as thyself. Love your fellow man as much as thyself….

Think again…for three days, first, of God, and then of the word, Aka, that we might enter your home and bring the healing that is needed there. If thy should walk on the water as thy did before, have faith; have faith in yourself and in your Father and we should take thee by the hand.

We have told unto this soul, form a group, and the children of God shall not perish from your earth. There is [are] many there who would need your help. There is [are] many there who shall need this healing after the time that shall be of one, if thy should walk through the rain and storm and be guided by the Lamb, for remember, the Lamb’s blood shall cover thy earth. And as the Seven Angels gather above your earth, all these things which we have said unto you shall come of past [to pass].

Shall you be ready?

Then do of these things.

September 14, 1970, the spiritual messengers of God said: As thy walk upon your plane and upon your earth, walk it in a way that thy would climb your Father’s ladder, and in climbing this ladder, climb it in such a way that others may walk before you. Think not always of yourselves….Each person on this earth shall reach his Father in a different way. No two souls upon your earth are identical; no two spirits upon your earth are identical, and no two mortal bodies upon your earth are identical. Each body must be fed its own fruit; each soul must be fed its own fruit. And above all, if the body and the soul are fed the proper fruit, then the spirit shall grow, and therefore, the immortal body shall climb your ladder as three.

Now you asked this question of other prophets before. And as we have said before, do not misinterpret our Father’s words, for what we are allowed to say shall come from our Father, and by misinterpreting these words, thy shall create yourselves a new karma.

But remember, our Father loves thee. Our Father sheds many tears for thee, and in love, love for all. This one simple word which you use so lightly, if you could understand the full meaning of this word, then your journey should have ended, and you shall have returned back to the same from which thy have come.

There were many prophets before, and many were destroyed, and many were misinterpreted. Even Jesus Christ, as thy would call him, was misinterpreted in many ways. Yet, this word of his was so close to our Father, for remember, as Adam sinned, and in sinning, he created death, for death was a way of overcoming sin by rebirth.

Rebirth upon a new plane or the same made no difference to our Father. The difference to our Father was the backward steps, the steps that a soul should take that should destroy the spirit. And by destroying the spirit, you have nothing, either for our Father or for Lucifer, for then you create a lost spirit or a lost soul because the spirit has lost its soul, and the soul is left to wander forever in nothingness.

Now you asked, “May this lost soul see our Father’s light and return?” And we would say, yes, if in his choice he remembers his spirit. But very few ever do, for in their wandering and their searching, all they can see is the mortal body, and never of our Father’s light — and in His light which He has created the immortal body, the body which never dies which lives forever and ever in our Father’s light, and in our Father’s many mansions, and above all, in His ever-enduring love for your worlds and the many worlds of this great, vast creation of His.

Email the Association of Universal Philosophy — AUniversalPhilosophy@gmail.com or AUP@earthlink.net.

This writing, “We have told you of the coming of the Antichrist and the Beast, and the beast from within,” is available in paperback. And you can read many more of Aka’s books.

Listen to Aka’s recorded words.

Study the readings.

Please join us in association with the spiritual messengers of God Aka.


The words of Aka are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they spoke from 1970 to 1979.



"Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'"

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.