Give the Lamb the help that is needed and the seventh seal shall not be opened –

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first,” the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said December 1, 1972. “We are here but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.” “Open your door that we may enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within you, each of you, for his coming.” Would you like to join the spiritual messengers of God in the Association they ask us to form?

“Give it love again this time, and thy have our message.”

Spoken by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, April 3, 1971

In this writing, the words the spiritual messengers of God spoke from 1970 to 1989 will be printed in bold for the reader. (Also see The Revelation, chapters 4–11.)

Each New Year, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, and Ray Elkins, an instrument through whom they spoke, prophesied what significant events were likely to happen. (Many of these are printed in previous newsletters, for you to read. The JanuaryMay 2013 newsletters are shown here.)

At first, some of us thought of prophesies as predictions that foretell a date or event. Indeed, Ray or Aka did tell us before many things took place. But what spiritual messengers of God reveal (when our Father makes these things known to them and they tell us) may be beyond man’s full understanding. In 1974, Allison Odum, a minister in the Association of Universal Philosophy, described the work for which the spiritual messengers of God were sent, as “the big picture.”

“We have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.”

When they arrived with the heavenly light of a comet on March 26, 1970, the first seal on the Lamb’s Book of Life may have been opened. Now, as six of the seven angels all walk at this time upon Earth, prophecies they told and those in scriptures continue to unfold before us.

It is said, “If you know where you have been you will know where you are going.” Can prophecies help us to see where our likely paths will lead? But we each have free will. At any time, we can change our future. With our prayers and choices will our Father also change our world’s?

Is this one purpose for prophecies?

In greater love than we can imagine, our Father sends His spiritual messengers to Earth to show us another way than what might be unfolding. They seek to give a gift to all who will receive, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Aka’s purpose can be seen as this in all they have said and done.

This writing is about the other side of the prophecies — or of the “great Sword” — the choices we can make. Our loving Father sends a gift to us in His faith that we can change what otherwise may be.

It is the most loving message we could hear.

“St John the Evangelist” by Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri), 1620s

Almost two-thousand years ago, Christ sent his angel to John to show what must happen shortly. John wrote of it in the Revelation. The last book in the Bible, Revelation, chapter 22, ends with this:

“Happy is the man who reads, and happy those who listen to the words of this prophecy and heed what is in it, for the hour of fulfillment is near.”

On December 1, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke and said: New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.

Is the fulfillment near?

After God sent His spiritual messengers as the brightest light in the heavens that century passed over on Earth, they first spoke on April 3, 1970. April 3 was the same day that Jesus gave his farewell words on Passover, according to U.S. Naval Observatory calculations. Then Christ showed man their truth. That day, did he also promise to return?

On April 13, 1970, the spiritual messengers God sends to prepare a way for the Messiah’s coming spoke: For in God’s plan…God’s temple shall be built in all the souls of man, and therefore, the other seals should not be opened. And then thy reign of the Lord upon this earth shall go for a thousand years.

A year after they first spoke in preparation for the coming of the Messiah, on April 3, 1971, the spiritual messengers of God gave this revelation: Prepare thyselves and others, for the half-times are of no more. For we shall lift, and the first seal has been opened. And sayeth the Lord, “ONLY THE LAMB IS PURE IN [HOW TO READ].” Therefore, we may only give thy messages of the Lamb and of our Father unto thee. [See The Revelation chapters 4–8 that tells of this.]

Give blessings, and pray unto the Lord that the seventh seal shall not be opened upon your earth….

When the one known as Jesus Christ did rise, he went in fullness, for not even a teardrop was left. He left upon your earth the Holy Spirit to dwell within man….For he left unto thee the mighty temple of man and the mighty temple of God, and he bound them together forever and ever, that God might look upon His children and love them. For, he died, as you would know it, to save the world; yet, he did not die, for his Father, as He will do to all of His children, gave them the choice. But to prove more did have fulfillment, thus the one known as Christ was taken in whole. Can thy understand of which we speak? [See John, chapters 14–17, 20.]

Then we would say unto thee these words. We should say, now is the time of the Cherub. But remember also, now is the time of the Lamb. Give the Lamb the help that is needed and the seventh seal shall not be opened.

Give it love again this time, and thy have our message.

The Vision of John on Patmos by Gustave Doré. See the Revelation, chapter 1: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants — things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Vision of the Son of Man–I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation and the kingdom and the patient endurance that are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos on account of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet saying, “Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.” Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and this face was like the sun shining in full strength. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades. Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this. As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands, the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

It is, of course, up to the reader to decide what he or she hears, for we each have been given free will by our Father.

“The opening of the sealed book”

Then John wrote: “I saw in the right hand of the One who sat on the throne a scroll…and it was sealed up with seven seals…

There was no one in heaven or on earth…able to open the scroll or look inside it. Then I saw standing in the very middle of the throne…a Lamb with the marks of slaughter upon him…who had seven horns and seven eyes, the eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent out all over the world. And the Lamb went up and took the scroll from the right hand of the One who sat on the throne….When he took it the four living creatures [the Cherub] and 24 elders fell before the Lamb….

‘Thou art worthy to take the scroll and to break its seals, for thou was slain and did purchase for God men of every tribe and language, people and nation; thou has made of them a royal house, to serve our God as priests, and they shall reign upon earth.’”

“Then I heard the voices of countless angels….every created thing in heaven and on earth….

“I watched as the Lamb broke the first of the seven seals.” [See The Revelation chapters 4–11.]

Did the Lamb open the first seal when God sent His spiritual messengers in 1970? The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said June 11, 1971: As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And for the one who should ask our Father — and that that has been said before shall be said again — for we are not great; we are here to prepare a way for the coming of your Messiah. Where no light did shine before, light shall shine again. Upon your earth shall become new again, and therefore, there shall be a new heaven and a new earth. For as the rivers flow, so shall the mighty force of our Lord flow upon your earth.

As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub, for now the seven angels dwell above your earth. [See John 13:15–28, The Revelation, chapters 4–22.]

And think not that we of the Thirteen should sit in judgment, for we are not here for that purpose. We are here to prepare the minds of men for the time that the Messiah should come upon your earth, and to fulfill the words that were spoken by our Lord when He did promise unto thee a thousand years of peace. But remember, this time shall come not as you count, but as our Father, your God, your Father, did count. And as He made thee this coveth, all of the heaven opened upon your earth, for did He not promise unto thee, “For thee should be in our likeness, of our kind?”

You think not that the words spoken unto thee are new? Nay.

“NAY,” sayeth the Lord. These words are not new, for has not a new Book been written? And did He not promise that all those in the Book of the beginning, and were in the Book of the ending, therefore, should live forever, and therefore, eat from His table and drink of His wine? [See The Revelation, chapters 19–22, Acts, chapters 1–2; and Genesis 1:26–28.]

May 15, 1970: Remember one thing, that God is the one important of all our work, and therefore, we must only approach it in a truthful manner….

St. John the Evangelist on Patmos by Hieronymous Bosch, circa 1489

For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. Thy asked of the end, this can never be told, for this is in God’s plan. And Lord of Abraham, and Lord of Isaiah, Lord of all, we say to Thee — bless us, Lord, for it shall be the coming of Thy light. In Jesus’ name, amen.

February 27, 1987: There are many who shall say unto you that the words we have spoken could not be true. But we say unto you, behold, and you shall see all words that we have spoken come to pass.

January 4, 1985: Nothing is preordained. All man need do to change his destiny is but turn around, to be transformed. This is true for one man, or all mankind. These things are possible, but normally not probable….All of these many probabilities are before you, and choices.

Now, you say unto us, “Now that the time is at hand, what should we do? Shall we take and bare ourselves and wait until each step is taken and happens?” And we say unto you, nay. Do not do this. When the time grows near in this day, and the days are at hand, we shall tell you.

September 5, 1971: As we have said before, we can only tell of thee these things that our Lord permits, and of these things He would give us knowledge to transfer into thy time. And as, from time to time, we should give unto thee knowledge, so our Lord should give of the knowledge unto us. For the time of the need, our Lord says, “BE PATIENT, AND PRAY THAT THY SHOULD NEVER NEED OF THE SAME.”

St. John receives his Revelation. Saint-Sever Beatus, 11th century.

June 7, 1974: If prayer from the many should come forth, the Seventh Seal should not be opened. We say unto you, take unto the words of Jonah, read them carefully, and you should know, therefore, that your thought forms may not only change matter, but may change the mind of our Father, God, also. Be transformed; therefore, turn around. Be not impatient. Be humble….[See The Revelation, chapters 7–11, and Jonah, chapters 3–4.]

We have laid the tools before you, the bread and the yeast. We shall also provide the wine. But you must provide the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body for the evolutionary growth of the same. Or you may stand still and do nothing. This is your choice….The pathway is your choice.

Pick up the Sword, the Sword that cuts two ways. Yield it in truth and love and compassion.

The second time they spoke through Ray, the messengers of God announced, April 6, 1970: The great Sword is here.

The whole world saw the comet shining overhead, which an astronomer photographed, April 8, 1970, as Aka was speaking from Globe: Aka shall speak of thy Father. But you have knowledge of the great Sword. The great Sword is here. [It] cuts from both sides, [it] cuts from the past to the present; it is one; [it is] all. For our Father has shown this Sword before to man, yet he did not heed. [See Genesis 3:20–24, The Revelation 1:1–19 and chapter 19.]

And now, of this great Sword — the time shall come when the time of the cutting of the earth is at hand. There shall be, very soon, a large volcanic action toward the Mediterranean seas. This action shall spread, clear across thy continent, through to the Gulf of Mexico. From the Gulf of Mexico, it shall spread, and go clear up to the continent, a part of your continent which is known now as Alaska. This shall take a number of years to materialize in full, but it has already started.

There are already places of thy earth which the Sword is cutting. Be not afraid of this, because all of this is in God’s plan. For, as I have said before, if the men of Christ are to stop this red horse [in] his triumph for world conquest, these things are necessary. So be not afraid. [See The Revelation 6:3 and Zechariah 1:8.]

April 13, 1970: In God’s plan, not only here, but in many places in thy world, thy coming has been announced, thy coming of the mighty Sword and its meaning, the Sword which cuts two ways and both sides shall cut.

If thy should read of the book of Revelation, think thee of thy horse, for now is the time of the Red Horse, and his passing is for all men to see. [See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

If man heeds God’s warning and should see from the light in the sky, then God may take His many children to His mansions and weep no more. As I have told you before of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, that thy groups shall number, always as Thirteen and Thirteen to repeat and repeat again, as it has done from the beginning of time. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Then my mission, and I who have many souls should say with all their consent (loving chuckle), there should be no reason for me, for then God’s temple shall be built in all the souls of man, and therefore, the other seals should not be opened. And then thy reign of the Lord upon this earth shall go for a thousand years….

Should we succeed, then thy planes ahead and thy planes behind shall meet as one in God’s mansion. And God shall weep no more…. [See The Revelation chapters 6–8, 12–17, 19–22.]

You ask if this new comet were part of our coming. And I shall say, yes, for there was a sign in the sky for the enlightenment of man’s soul. Many shall grow restless, almost for hunger for these words. Heed them, give them readily. Do not be afraid. There shall be critics, there shall be many. And poor soul Ray shall be thought of almost as insane. We have prepared his body and soul for these things to happen. He can stand it.

And now, of this great Sword — the time shall come when the time of the cutting of the earth is at hand. There shall be, very soon, a large volcanic action toward the Mediterranean seas. This action shall spread, clear across thy continent, through to the Gulf of Mexico. From the Gulf of Mexico, it shall spread, and go clear up to the continent, a part of your continent which is known now as Alaska. This shall take a number of years to materialize in full, but it has already started.

There are already places of thy earth which the Sword is cutting. Be not afraid of this, because all of this is in God’s plan. For, as I have said before, if the men of Christ are to stop this red horse in his triumph for world conquest, these things are necessary. So be not afraid.

The opening of the second seal….

Did the Lamb open the second seal the second week, as the spiritual messengers of God told of the red horse?

The Revelation 6:3–4:

“When the Lamb broke the second seal, I heard the second creature say, ‘Come!’ And out came another horse, all red. To its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and make men slaughter one another; and he was given a great sword.”

April 15, 1970: I have told thee before of the time of the Red Horse. [Editor’s note: see the April 13, 1970, message and that on April 6, 1970, on the great sword. Also see The Revelation 6:3 and Zechariah 1:8.]

I have told thee that as the Red Horse passes, then thy shall come to man a thousand years of peace on earth as it will be in heaven. [Also read “The first warning, on U.S. Mideast involvement.”]

There has been thoughts in thy mind, be ye a warrior? And God says, “YES, THY SHALL BE A WARRIOR.” But only here on earth at this time for the preparation of God’s mighty army later. [See The Revelation 19:11–15.]

For this army to grow strong — should all souls be cleansed and the temple of God shall be built here on earth, therefore, all the planes shall come as one, before the thousand years of peace on earth — prepare thee as many souls through God’s truth as they may. But do not be radical and critical of man; for I have said before, if a man should shed one tear drop in the righteousness of God, then he shall be as many have before.

Man has played with God’s thirteen here in your plane. As a result, he has had failure this time. Think thee of this, and thy shall know the answer. For the world of God shall repeat and repeat again through man.

Now, I have said before, that if all souls who shall meet shall not be in accord, your group shall not prosper and grow; it shall die in its womb. And as it dies, I shall die with it, I and the spirits who are gathered here with me. I have said we are here for a purpose. This purpose must be of God’s work, for He is thy Father. Remember this.

March 9, 1973: “Aka, [1–21–72–002] asks, ‘Do you have anything to add to the prophecies for 1973 which were given by Ray recently? And which of these prophecies you have given will come to pass in 1973? Is there a way some of the disasters or bed ones might be averted, and if so, how?’”

We shall answer into you in this manner.

For those who should live in the land unto which we have spoken should give prayer unto their Lord and walk in a righteous manner before your Lord. Then, and only then, can these things be diverted.

But we should add to these prophecies in this manner. And we should say that what should be a “Black September,” if it should continue and give growth into a world organization — for this is nothing more than an organization brought forth of professional assassins. But yet, you shall not stop it in this year, for it is much like the barking dog at the heels of the horse.

There is much more we should answer unto your question at a different time….

For these who should stand forth in the righteous spirit of God, we shall stand with them. Fear not, for we do not sleep.

July 6, 1973: We should say unto thee, woe unto the earth, for those who shall commit crime, those who you should know as the Black Septembers, are causing destruction in your land. They shall attack that of your transportation. They shall work through terrorism, through explosing [explosions], destroying trains, buses, and airplanes, blowing up bridges, causing hysteria within your country. These are nothing more than organized, national thieves. They are being used that others may walk away from their sins. But as we have said before, the cleansing shall come to your land.

“The fuse has been lit” —

Aka gave Ray a dream in 1973 during the six-day Yom Kippur war. Ray spoke of this dream often — even in 2000, at the last annual meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy he was alive to attend. He always told us,

“It has not been decided which way the world will go.”

Ray died on October 5, 2000, which was probably on the day of his dream in 1973. His passing came during the holy Days of Awe (or Days of Repentance), several days before Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement or Judgment Day). Is there profound meaning to this? It is a sign for us to see?

On October 6, 1973, Aka cautioned during the Yom Kipper war: We should also tell unto you these words. The fuse has been lit. War is upon the land. And yet, it should go unto the battle of Armageddon. Beware of, therefore, that of the Anti-Christ, for the name should be before you often now. New eruptions shall arise soon upon the land. Fear not for these. Prepare in all ways, for your winter storms shall soon be upon you.

Antichrist — detail from a fresco at Osogovo Monastery in the Republic of Macedonia. The inscription reads “All kings and nations bow before the Antichrist.” Photo by Edal Anton Lefterov — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The spiritual messengers of God spoke on October 9, 1973, as the Yom Kippur War raged October 6 – 25, 1973: For now is the time of Armageddon. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. But beware — should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread its wings and give protection, then the Anti-Christ shall reign upon the earth, and the time of famine shall be upon your doorsteps. We have prepared that, as we have said before, to give you warning before each of these that should happen. But the nation of Israel shall stand, and the nation of the eagle [U.S.A.] shall stand, for they stand before God. And where once before the eagle nation[Rome] destroyed and scattered among the nations those of the servants of God, now the karmic action stands forth again. Therefore, place your minds in unisance….

October 27, 1973: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–27–73–002] who is here tonight asks, ‘What is meant in the Bible, there will be people seen coming from the heavens and people from the earth; the earth shall run red with blood?’ She asks, ‘Is this an actual battle or a war for men’s minds?’” (See “What does it mean — the Earth shall run red with blood?”

We have placed, therefore, unto soul Ray’s mind the vision. We placed, therefore, the vision that as the fuse was lit and came from Europe and went into the land of Israel — and from the fuse entered many lands and many unto battle — and therefore, your world began to smolder — and all of those of the Jewish belief, therefore, should see before them coming from the heavens the first signs of the one you would know as Jesus Christ, yet he should come forth in a form that they would know, and they shall bow before him. Yet, your world should runneth red with blood, for there shall be in reality, in the valley of Armageddon[Megiddo], so shall the valley [battle]be fought on Heaven and Earth.

If the Eagle [U.S.A.]should fail to give the protection that is needed, then the Bear’s [Russia’s] claws shall tighten upon the Earth. But as the Eagle and the Bear should come, therefore, into clutches, one into the other, the Dragon [China] should come forth and bare forth its teeth. And the whole Earth should smolder, therefore, unto the same. And therefore, the Seventh Seal will have been opened.

Yet, your Earth shall not perish, nor shall man, for the Lord’s hand shall be placed upon the Earth, and the Earth shall change form. And the men with the spiritual development and the women with the spiritual development shall, therefore, come forth and rebuild your earth. And those from your other galaxies shall, therefore, find that the earth karma of war has ended, and therefore, join them in the rebuilding of this small speck of dust you call Earth. And a place that our Father may lay His head shall, therefore, come in reality.

These things that were written, these visions that we have implanted upon the Earth, this Seventh Seal does not have to be opened in this manner. The battle of Armageddon, as we have said, may be avoided, if the Eagle acts in a valid manner. If he shows weakness, then the Eagle’s feathers shall be plucked, and he shall fall from the Heavens. And the war of Armageddon shall be diverted unto the year of 1985. [Note: This did happen; the U.S. protected Israel and Armageddon was diverted. Then in 1985, it was avoided again, pushed forth until another time. See “Pray that the Seventh seal not be opened — a prophetic warning.”]

Yet, all of these things that we have shown you can be avoided. But only you, as the people of the Earth, can change your paths. We are not allowed to interfere. We are not allowed to take from you the gift of God of free choice. Act, therefore, according to that hidden place of God within you.

Even before Ray’s dream in 1973, the spiritual messengers of God prophesied, saying “Black September.” Then they spoke to us of the date, September 6, 1977–– before U.S. President Jimmy Carter asked Israel then in the Camp David Accords to give back 90-percent of the land won after Egypt’s 1973 surprise attack.

March 25, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We have said unto thee before of the Black September. And we shall give thee the date, and it should be that that should be easily turned into your numerology, September the 6th, 1977. From this, and this information, shall answer many questions you have asked before. [Editor’s note: See the July 6, 1973, reading and the note below.]

Now we should say unto thee, bring forth love and understanding, the word you use so often and know not the meaning of.

And you say unto this, “How can we bring forth love when each man should stand only for himself? How can these things be accomplished?”

And we say unto you, it can be accomplished. You are like the core, the center, of a tree which branches may extend from. The tree in its maturity and its growth shall have lean years and full years. Love shall be as the tree. The faith that must go into the love for the growth, without it the roots have no place to go. The hope shall be part of the faith….

Before their message ended, Aka repeated: September the 6th, 1977 — Black September.

The “First tremors of the Anti-Christ,” on September 6, 1977?

What happened on this date? The New York Times headlines said:

September 6, 1977 — Israel’s Prime Minister, Menaham Begin, drafted a proposed peace agreement showing what Israel would expect from such a document, at the request of U.S. President Jimmy Carter after a peace process meeting in Washington D.C. when Carter first encouraged Israel to give away land for peace.

— Jordan’s King Hussein warned of war in the Middle East in a summit meeting in Paris with France’s Falery Giscard d’Estaing.

— End of a four-day meeting of the Arab League in Cairo, opposing Israel’s annexation of occupied lands.

On September 7, 1977, U.S. President Jimmy Carter met with the Panamanian leader to sign a treaty to give away land, the Panama Canal. Within a month, in November 1977, Carter led peace talks for Israel to give away land for peace in negotiations with Egypt in the Camp David Accords. A Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1978 to the Israeli Prime Minister and Egyptian President who was later assassinated by radical fundamentalist militants in Egypt for dealing with Israel. Peace negotiations continued for many years, as Israel gave away land for peace at the urging of America. But Palestinian Authority leader, Arafat, did not fulfill his promise for peace in return, nor did he remove the clause in the 1974 Palestinian Charter for the hoped-for statehood that calls for the abolishment of Zionism, or the destruction of Israel.

September 21, 1977: “Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be name of the Lord, thy God; glory be name of His children.”

“And we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the preparation for his reign upon your earth. And all things shall be done for his coming, for he walks your earth now.

“We have told you before, of the Black September, and now we shall tell thee of its beginning. We told you before, unless the Eagle [U. S. A.] spread its wings and did protect — we say unto you that as the Eagle gives away its land, as the Eagle ceases to protect Israel, then woe be man. Yet we say unto you, the temptation shall be great. But for those who should resist the mark of the Beast, the reign shall be short, four and one-half years.

“The preparation — as we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, so are those that are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. The giving away of the land of Panama shall show your first weakness; the granting unto the Palestinians that that they wish shall be second.

U.S. President Jimmy Carter smiles as he begins the Mideast peace process by encouraging Israel to give away land for peace. The Camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on September 17, 1978, following twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David. The two framework agreements were signed at the White House, and were witnessed by United States President Jimmy Carter.

Aka warned again before the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty that we were seeing the first tremors of the Anti-Christ. In 1981, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood assassinated Egypt’s leader, Anwar Sadat, saying peace with Israel was treasonous to their Palestinian cause. The Brotherhood has returned to Egypt after a 30-year exile, and Mohammad Morsi became President in 2012. Aka has long warned of negotiating for peace with those who only want war, and cautioned of Israel’s giving away land for a false peace. In today’s news, the U.S. continues to give foreign aid, trying to negotiate peace. We are lovingly reminded by spiritual messengers of God of the proposed, true and lasting peace God seeks to give. It is a covenant between God and man, a place for Him with and in each of us. In God’s great plan for the Messiah’s coming, the Eagle must protect Israel. Editor’s comment

[See Aka’s prophetic words October 9, 1973, and October 27, 1973 in “Our Father looked upon and gave birth into this nation” (Part 1 of 2) and March 16, 1979 in “Now we say unto you, peace be with you, and peace be with your world” (Part 2 of 2).

March 16, 1979: Because a person should reach high political or professional position does not mean they are wise, does not mean they cannot make mistakes. Love cannot be bought nor sold, nor bartered for. It must be given freely. Trust cannot be bought in any manner. Faith and hope — all of these things must come and be given freely.

Your President [Jimmy Carter] has made such a mistake, which your nation shall pay for….

We have explained in the earlier part of this reading, you cannot pay a blackmailer, for they shall only return for more. You cannot pay murderers to go away, for they shall only come back and slay more of you. The Palestinians shall bring havoc upon the earth. They now have the support of those that you would know as the international Nazi party. They now have the support of the Communist world. They now have the support of what you would call your Ku Klux Klan. They now have the support of the John Birch Society. And some of these have become unwilling partners.

And many of these people, much as the Nazi party of Germany did spread itself upon the earth in blackness before and engulf innocent people to do their bidding, so this shall be once again, and it shall spread north, east, south, and west. The treason that shall take place in Israel shall light the fuse. It has already been lit from France to Iran. Now it spreads forth as a plague upon your earth….

Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler on 28 November 1941. See “Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world.” Photo by By Bundesarchiv, Bild 146–1987–004–09A / Heinrich Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

But as these things come forth, if you should prepare yourselves in a binding manner before the Lord, then those of the Lord’s children shall not wear the mark of the Beast, and their children’s children shall wear the mark of God.

February 1, 1980: “We have told you of another time, yet it could be your own, now. For the Palestinians are quiet now, but they are working in earnest. Those of the Russian continent have made but puppets out of the world. And yet, you have another power who hungers for the world; it is afraid of the Bear. That is that that you call, China.

Palestinaian leader, Yasser Arafat, at an economic forum.

“We have told you before to prepare — [to] prepare a place to bring stores. And we say unto you, it is but the whispering of a wind that keeps you from a war at this moment. It is but the words, ‘One nation under God,’ that has held you sacred unto the Lord.

“We say unto you, lands and many lands shall come aflame as this great threat continues. And the Anti‑Christ and those who prepare the way for his coming are making great progress.

“We say unto you, love one another. Take that that the Lord has given you. Hold the name of the Lord sacred in all things. Do not allow the mark of the Beast to come upon you.

“For a Rose has been planted in the hearts and souls of many. It has passed from hand to hand. We have told you many times this word, love, which you use so often, yet know not the meaning of — you are close now. Love is when you put forth another person before yourself and expect nothing in return. Love is the heavens and the earth and the universe and the galaxies brought forth as leaves of a rose, a bud ready to blossom. Let the fullness of this come into your hearts. Let our words go not unheeded.

“Plant the fields, for the time grows short….

“Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.”

April 15, 1970: I have told thee before of the time of the Red Horse. I have told thee that as the Red Horse passes, then thy shall come to man a thousand years of peace on earth as it will be in heaven….

For the world of God shall repeat and repeat again through man.

Now, I have said before, that if all souls who shall meet shall not be in accord, your group shall not prosper and grow; it shall die in its womb. And as it dies, I shall die with it, I and the spirits who are gathered here with me. I have said we are here for a purpose. This purpose must be of God’s work, for He is thy Father. Remember this….

I have told you to form — to form like a club and to elect the officers in thy club. This must be done.

Aka said a month later, May 15, 1970: It has been suggested that the forming of what you would know as, the church, be formed. Also, that the meeting of once a week of thy group would be suggested….

The practicing of thy daily lives should be done from this day forward, that God may enter thy souls, thy spirits, for in God’s plan are many things which thy shall not understand at this time.

This group should never deny anyone the chance, even if they come of idle curiosity. It would be suggested that this group should take this person under their wing, for as the great bird of the pyramid once flew, so shall the souls of men fly.

Now, with all in accord — and this is something that thy should think about — but pray at the end of each meeting that all members shall be in accord. The discussing, or a discussion of this is good. As I have said before, that if not one man or one soul should shed but one tear, then it is a progress in the right direction.

But remember one thing — that love, love for thy fellow man — the honest intent be made on each soul that thy come in contact with. Do not be afraid to talk of this to thy many souls thy shall meet during the day, and that if one of a hundred, or one of a thousand should come and hear, at least it will give them food for thought, for thy — Father, thy Son, and thy Holy Ghost.

February 16, 1973: For we have said unto you there shall be dividing…of your earth. And it shall be as a great Sword that cuts two ways, both of the land and of the people. [See Genesis 3:24 and The Revelation, chapters 4–8, 19:1–16, and 22:12–17.]

April 6, 1970, Aka said, “The earth’s axis is changing.”

Harvard geophysicist, Peter Huybers, confirms that tilts in Earth’s axis cause the cycle of ice ages and glacier melting. “These periods of deglaciation saw massive climate changes.” Two ‘cycles’ in the way Earth’s axis spins have an effect on the cycle — one lasting 10,000 years and one lasting roughly 40,000 years. When they align correctly, ice melts. At the other extreme, glaciers advance.

Is the great Sword cutting our Earth? The 1970s saw four major volcanic eruptions; nine in the 1980s; six in the 1990s; and ten in the first decade of the 2000s. By mid-2011, there were already three. (Compare the lists of volcanic actions in the 20th century with the volcanic actions in the 21st century to date later in this writing.)

Photo of a “dual-vent” eruption from Mount Etna’s NSEC (New South East Crater) by Angelo T. La Spina — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

April 13, 1970, Aka prophesied a large volcanic action “very soon” toward the Mediterranean. Over the years it would spread through to the Gulf of Mexico and up to Alaska. Mt. Etna’s major 20th-century eruptions were in 1949, then 1971 (as Aka’s predicted), 1981, 1983 and 1991–1993. Since 2000, Etna had four flank eruptions — in 2001, 2002–2003, 2004–2005, and 2008–2009, and summit eruptions in 2006, 2007–2008, in January–April 2012, again in July–October 2012, and March 6, 2013 (after this was written).

Tar Lily, asphalt volcano, Gulf of Mexico, discovered in 2014. Photo by NOAA Ocean Explorer from USA — Tar Lily, CC BY-SA 2.0,

In the Gulf of Mexico underwater volcanoes that spew asphalt instead of lava were discovered in May 2004. In 2007, seven more were found off the coast of Santa Barbara, California.

Active, small, viscous asphalt mound in the Santa Barbara Channel, in the Coal Oil Point seep field, and a sea cucumber.

A detailed area photograph reveals many similarities to volcanic flows near Santa Barbara, California.

A bathymetric depiction of the seven asphalt volcanoes discovered west of Santa Barbara in 2007.

A number of new underwater volcanoes were erupting and heating the deep ocean water; thousands (perhaps millions) of new vents spewed hot gas, water and dissolved chemicals in the Gulf.

In 1982, Mexico’s worse volcanic disaster by far came when extinct El Chichon erupted violently. In 1994, after 50 years of dormancy, Popocatepetl in central Mexico came back to life, producing powerful explosions in 1996–2003, 2004-ongoing. It currently threatens to erupt.

Mount St. Helens, Washington, erupted in 1980. Alaska saw 1976 and 1986 eruptions of Mount Augustine and 1989–1990 eruption of Mount Redoubt. In 2008, Mt. Okmok and Kasatochi erupted without warning. All is as Aka prophesied.

July 16, 1971, Aka said: As the Lord has stayed the arm of the Fourth Angel, beware.

Was Aka speaking of the opening of the fourth seal when the rider on the pale green horse brings forth death, or of the Fourth Angel? The Revelation 8:12–13 says: “Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the stars did not shine, and likewise the night. And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!” Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Fourth Angel Sounds the Trumpet and an Eagle Cries Woe.

Five days before the Apollo 15 manned moon launch, Aka cautioned, July 23, 1971: Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee these words. Of thy space vehicle — yes, we see a problem. Then we should say unto thee, pray for these, for these souls who should enter into your outer space. For we say unto thee these words, for them it shall be troubled times. For, as once before, there was a violation of the Thirteen. [See Acts 1:6–26, 2:1–24.]

Then we should say unto you these words. There shall be chaos.

And as thy enter into the time of the Fourth Angel, then we should say unto you these words. We have given unto you this work to carry from the brook to the rivers, and out into the oceans of time, that it may be carried to the many lands….

Then we would say unto thee, bring unto us one soul, that the work of our Father may be implanted, that those souls who dwell in these isles [of California] may be given these words, and therefore, be prepared for the coming of the Messiah, but therefore, to be prepared for that day unto which the Seventh Angel shall drop his mighty sword upon your earth. If this is done, then our Lord shall spare many, for they must wash their clothes in the Lamb’s blood, for they must make their body and souls cleansed and purified in the light of the Lord. Can you understand of which we speak? [See The Revelation, chapters 7–11 and 14–22.]

Pray for these souls who should enter into your outer space.

The Apollo 15 mission, July 26 through August 7, 1971, was man’s first three-day stay on the moon. During the launch, the second stage of the Saturn V ignited while still close to the first stage and could have caused a catastrophe. Then the Lunar Module couldn’t undock as it orbited the Moon due to a faulty seal in the hatch. The pilot re-sealed it and the Lunar Module separated. But the descent was 6,000 meters east, so the flight path was altered to touch down a few hundred meters from the planned landing site. Also, while the crew slept, Mission Control in Houston monitored a slow but steady oxygen leak; an open valve was later found and closed.

Many prayed after Aka’s loving warning July 21, 1971. All was well. There have been many times when Aka has asked us to pray. And God has answered these prayers. Aka has asked us to pray the seventh seal not be opened.

The Third Seal…

The Revelation 6:5–6:

”Then when the Lamb opened the third seal I heard the third living creature saying, “Come!” So I looked, and here came a black horse! The one who rode it had a balance scale in his hand. Then I heard something like a voice from among the four living creatures saying, ‘A quart of wheat will cost a day’s pay and three quarts of barley will cost a day’s pay. But do not damage the olive oil and the wine!’”

Since the spiritual messengers of God first came in 1970, they have guided us to prepare for the time of the “great famine,” that would begin as inflationary depression brought on by man. Many helpful articles have been in the newsletters the last 40 years.

July 30, 1971: And has been said before, we should say unto thee these words, now is the time of the Cherub. For soon — as the fourth seal was opened, and as the arm of the Fourth Angel now stands in readiness above thy earth, our Lord sayeth unto thee these words: “DO NOT RUN AND HIDE, MY CHILDREN.” For the children of the Lord, the Lord shall walk beside thee and guide thee, and protect thee in thy wandering. But the Lord gives of this warning, “DO NOT STEP BACKWARDS,” for as before, a karma should soon end. Then we should give of thee this date of thy time, the 29th day of the Lord, of 1971, of the month of your time of August.

Editor’s comment: We may not know what happened August 29, 1971. It may not have been in the news. Was the third seal opened? We do know Tropical Storm Doria dropped 7.5 inches of rain in New Jersey August 27–29, 1971, that sent local rivers raging over their banks, flooding homes and cities, many areas never hit by flooding before. Was it a beginning of something climatologists may not fully understand? Here are headlines from many U.S. newspapers that day:

August 15, 1971: We should say unto thee these words. For as there is a council of Thirteen, and as we have told unto thee these words — there are many souls, many spirits, as we were sent for the one who asked — for the council of Thirteen, this is made up of many spirits, as thy would know them. But remember also, we are not great. For our coming, permission must be given from our Lord, our Father. But we should say of these words of our coming, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. [See John, chapters 14 and 17, 16:6–15, and Acts 1:6–26,2:1–28.]

And we should say these words unto thee. Thy shall live through the dark ages again, for upon our coming also came the time of the Cherub. And the Fourth Angel is upon thy earth. For famine, for the infection thy have placed upon the earth of our God, not one stone upon thy earth shall be left unturned. [See The Revelation 6:7–8.]

“When he broke the fourth seal….”

Walters Ms. W917 — Apocalypse with commentaries by Andrew of Caesarea This manuscript was made around 1800 by the “Old Believers,” a group of Russian Christians who dissented from the Russian Orthodox Church and were subsequently persecuted and excommunicated. Because their books were often confiscated and they were forbidden to use printing presses, they continued to write important works such as this one by hand. The manuscript contains the text of the New Testament book of Revelation along with a patristic commentary, which is accompanied by a series of seventy-one striking full-page miniatures.

The Revelation 6:7–11 says:

“Then when the Lamb opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come!” So I looked and here came a pale green horse! The name of the one who rode it was Death, and Hades followed right behind. They were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill its population with the sword, famine, and disease, and by the wild animals of the earth.

Aka continues, August 15, 1971: But your earth shall not end. Your earth shall go on, for our Father has promised into thee a new heaven and a new earth. And for the children of our Father, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But remember also, this is as our Father should count. For the wise to hear and the wise to learn. For this also is the time of the coming of the anti-Christ, and his name should be of six times sixty-six, as it is written upon the records of time. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–14, 15:1–4, and 19–22.]

November 16, 1971, Aka said: Now is the time of the Cherub. For the Fifth Angel now rests upon your earth.

The angel gives [a man named John] the Book of Revelation by St Beatus, possibly in the 11th century.

February 11, 1972, a man asked: “Aka, you have spoken of the Fifth Angel upon our earth. Are you speaking of the Fifth Angel as spoken of in Revelation, and what does this angel symbolize?”

As we have said before, your books of your Bible, both of the old and the new, are the records of very psychic people, those chosen to receive the words of God. But as they have been handed down from generation to generation, they have been added to and taken from. Your book of Revelations, this should make the second happening of the same. For once before, there stood a nation much like your own. At that time it was called the Roman Empire. And as it did fare before mankind, in the same manner, so should your own.

And the Fifth Angel unto which we speak should be of great disease, should be the opposite side of the great Sword, that which cuts land and masses, that which cuts into the souls and spirits of man, and therefore, changes them. All things that have been before shall be again. As Atlantis rose and so it fell beneath your seas, so it should be again. But we warn thee, the time shall come, as has been promised, of a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But it shall not come before the great destruction comes upon your earth. [See The Revelation 6:9–11.]

In our kind, we have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah….

As we have said before, no man can harm your soul or your spirit. Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. Only you yourselves may do this. And in this manner, you shall prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

February 18, 1972: And the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth. Soon he shall awaken. But fear not — for the children of God should have no fear, for they walk in the light of our Father. [See The Revelation, chapters 5, 7, 14: 1–7, 15:1–4, 19:1–10, 20:1–6, chapters 21–22.]

Aka described their purpose, February 25, 1972: And we shall tell thee again of the seven spirits of your Father, and of the coming of the Messiah unto the same, for as we have said before, we were sent by those who should ask our Father to prepare a way for their coming….[See Acts 1:6–20, 2:2–28, The Revelation 1:4–9, 12–20, 4:1–6, chapter 5, 12:1–2,10.]

And as man did come into five places upon your earth in the beginning, so it should be unto the five spirits that should enter at the time of the coming of the Messiah into the same, for he shall not be of one spirit, but he should stand as the five of before, and as the seven spirits of our Lord should descend into the same, and so it should be again, the twelve shall walk upon your earth, and then, our Lord should enter into this one and it should be of Thirteen.

As we have said before, the chain has been broken many times by your people through your foolish acts unto the same. But none should harm this one who should enter, for our Lord, God, shall be present in this one. And then should come your thousand years of peace upon the earth, and each day shall be as a thousand of your years, for they shall not be as you count, but as our Father counts. And as we have said before, the Hebrew people should bow before this one, for they should know that this is their Messiah in truth. For as we have said before, Lord of Isaiah, Lord of Moses, Lord of Jesus, Lord of Buddha, Lord of Mohammed, Lord of Ishmael, so it should be again….[See Isaiah, chapters 11 and 52, Zechariah, chapters 12–14, and The Revelation 14:1–15, 15:1–4, 16–17, 19:11–16, 20:1–6, and chapters 21–22.]

And now, we say unto thee again, we have come to prepare a way, and therefore, give unto thee a new coveth, and this coveth shall go unto the world. But remember these words — thy can destroy nothing; thy must build upon what is already there. And as we have said before, and the bird of the Great Pyramid shall, therefore, take wings again…. [See Exodus 13:17–22, 14:18–24, 16:9–12.]

Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth.


After Aka had spoken three times of the Fifth Angel’s rest upon Earth, they said on March 3, 1972: You now have heard the cock crow three times, and therefore, the time for the cock to crow is over. Pull yourselves together, and stand as the children of God, together. We have seen the need to argue among thyselves, and as been said before, if thy right eye offend thee cast it aside. And we shall repeat unto thee in this time again, your A.R.E. groups have requested copies of your readings. And we say unto thee, give these willingly, for we do not come unto one people, but to all the people of God…. [See Matthew 26:26–35, 69–75.]

And the Fifth Angel is awake upon your earth. Beware. [See The Revelation 6:9–11.]

March 10, 1972: The Fifth Angel rests upon thy earth, but he is no longer in slumber, for he has awakened.

“When he broke the fifth seal…”

The Vision of Saint John MET DT1052

The Revelation 6:9–11:

”Now when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been violently killed because of the word of God and because of the testimony they had given. They cried out with a loud voice, ‘How long, Sovereign Master, holy and true, before you judge those who live on the earth and avenge our blood?’ Each of them was given a long white robe and they were told to rest for a little longer, until the full number was reached of both their fellow servants and their brothers who were going to be killed just as they had been.”

March 24, 1972: For the land shall become bare again. But we shall say unto thee in this manner. As we have said before, this, in itself, can be changed; for as a group, through thy prayer this can be changed. Bring thy group together, and give forth in thy prayer for the same….

Now is the time of the Cherub. Your Third and your Fifth Angel are upon thy earth — for, as they have come before, they shall stand together — and the earth shall tremble beneath their feet. [See The Revelation 1:4–8, chaps. 4–9.]

April 1, 1972: We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be His name. Go out among your people. Give them your message, and we shall go with thee.

But the time grows short, for the Fifth Angel lies upon thy earth, and beside him stand four more. There is but two to pass before thee, and pray that these seals are never opened. Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day. [See Genesis 18:23–33 and The Revelation, chapter 9.]

April 14, 1972, Aka told us: The Fifth Angel stands upon thy earth. He no longer slumbers, but he holds in his hand the mighty Sword of God, that that should divide the people and the earth. And as we have said before — where no water flowed, water shall flow again. Where water flew, it shall not, for your earth shall now start its change. And pray unto the Lord that it comes in your summer months. [See Mark 13:1–4, 13:14–37.]

Again, April 17, 1972: Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel stands upon your earth. Fear not, the children of God.

December 1, 1972: Prepare, therefore, for the coming of the Messiah. Do so by word of mouth, by action and deed, for the time of the coming grows close. The time for the Book of wings is now. Spread upon your earth glad tidings. Give joy unto your fellow man. Or we shall give unto you your three thousand years of darkness, and the debt[s] shall be paid in full.

May 18, 1973: But we say unto you, hark, for the Third Angel dwells at thy doorway, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now is the time of the Cherub.

May 25, 1973: And we should say blessed be the lamb who should come before his Father in such a manner that his Father can look upon him, not in perfection, as you would think of it, but as a Father should look upon a child, who has fell down, but risen again in such a manner that he curses not his Father, nor his neighbor.

For as we have said in the beginning, for as there were firmament and our Father found it good, and as those who were to enter did so, and our Father found it good, and there were harmony upon the earth, yet, if this was all our Father wanted, then it would have been as such.

But our Father is proudest of His children that walk the many roads, that toil the many lands, that plant seed upon the earth, and plant the seed of themselves upon the earth. Yet, He sees them fall, and as they cry, so our Father cries. As they build, so our Father sees them in eyes of a delight. As they dream and bring their dreams into fulfillment, this is as it should be, for what Father should not be proud of His children. And as they bring their gifts of love before our Father, and as they stop along the way to help even the smallest of creature upon your earth, so it should delight our Father.

As we have said, your fields are now becoming ready for harvest and new planting. Plant upon all the Earth. Plant in the valleys; plant upon the mountains; plant in the rivers and streams; plant upon the ocean. Do so in a gentle manner.

Aka said to one person, October 9, 1973: Come forth, and we shall provide the bread and the yeast, for we say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Our Father has many mansions. Our Father should ask unto you, as you ask unto Him, “PREPARE THEREFORE A PLACE THAT I MAY LIE MY HEAD AND REST MY SOUL.”

We have shown of you the two sides of the Sword. And as you were told before of a future yet to come, now you have been told again of a future yet to come, the fulfillment of the same. But as you were given free choice of entity, free choice to come forth, open the door that we may enter, for in God’s house there are many hands that are needed for the preparation of his coming. Glory be the name of the Lord.

October 27, 1973: As we have said before, the great Sword is upon you, the one that shall divide the lands. Where no water flowed water shall flow. Where nothing grew, gardens shall arise, but where first, forests stood, they shall stand no more. The opposite side of the Sword shall be that that should cut away and make bare man’s soul, that others may see them as they really are, naked before God.

November 2, 1973: We have told you that now is the time of the changing of times, that the half-times are over.

December 7, 1973: The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. None further need walk.

June 7, 1974: If prayer from the many should come forth, the Seventh Seal should not be opened. We say unto you, take unto the words of Jonah, read them carefully, and you should know, therefore, that your thought forms may not only change matter, but may change the mind of our Father, God, also. [See The Revelation, chapters 7–11, and Jonah, chapter 3–4.]

The Prophet Jonah, as depicted by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel

Be transformed; therefore, turn around.

Be not impatient. Be humble. Do not become, in your search for humility, a floor mat for men to wipe their feet upon. Stand as a man, and be respected by both God and man as a man, but give your life meaning and fulfillment.

We have laid the tools before you, the bread and the yeast. We shall also provide the wine. But you must provide the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body for the evolutionary growth of the same. Or you may stand still and do nothing. This is your choice. This is where you have been many, many times, and this is where you are now. The pathway is your choice.

Pick up the Sword, the Sword that cuts two ways. Yield it in truth and love and compassion.

We say unto you, do not become so busy cutting away from the soul that thy cast aside the parts that have grown, the better parts that have grown through all time, for you are all of that that you have ever been.

Yet your destiny is of your own choosing. We may only show you the pathway to where you have been, and to where you may go, if you choose.

July 8, 1974: Much shall depend upon your own free choice, and that of your fellow mankind. We say unto you, give unto God that that is God’s; give unto your brother that which should belong to your brother; but just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself. If you should do of such, in all manners you should be serving God. We should say unto you, plant your own field first; then go unto your neighbor and help him plant his….

Pick up this rose, and fear not, for the Lord, God, walks with you, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish from this earth, or from our Father’s kingdom. [See The Revelation of John 20:4–6 and chapters 21–22.]

Aka told us, September 12, 1974, two years after the Fifth Seal had been opened: Across thy land and across the world so should stand the Fifth Angel. And thy should say unto us, “How this should affect the world?” And we should answer unto thee into this manner. Pestilence and famine shall coveth thy Earth. First, by drought, then by storm, so should your food provisions be wiped away.

And you say unto us, “Why should this happen?” We should answer back unto you, for we have warned you, your Lord, God, has warned you, and your prophets have warned you throughout the land that the time was at hand. Long ago, in the land of Egypt a pharaoh dreamed a dream. And a shepherd came forth to interpret the dream. And they did prepare for the famine that would come, and therefore the people ate from the storehouses. [See Genesis, chapters 43–47.]

We say unto you, it is not too late to store thy needs. But your crops shall be lean each year. First you should plant them and they should die of thirst. Then you should plant them and the water should drown of them. Your winters shall be harsh. Where no water has been before, water shall flow. In lands that nothing grew, flowers shall bloom across the earth. Yet, you shall not know the time of planting and what to plant. You shall run and hide thyselves, yet there shall be no place to hide. And then shall come forth upon your earth he who is already born, the one that shall bear the name of the Anti-Christ. And the seven nations shall rise, and they shall represent the seven horns or crowns. And they shall multiply into ten, and from the ten they shall choose their leader, who shall become the Beast, and the Beast should take power from them, and should feed off of them. And the rule shall be light and lean, and all things shall be done to preserve this time. [See The Revelation, chapters 13 and 17.]

But yet again, then the One, the long-waited one shall come forth.

When the earth shall run red with blood and smolder, he shall lay his gentle hand upon the earth and the earth shall rise again as though from the dead. And all nations shall bow before him. And for those that do not wear the mark of the Beast, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon the earth. But think not as you would count; think as a thousand years, those thousand years shall be multiplied into a thousand, for each day shall be of a thousand years. [See The Revelation, chapters 18–23.]

We knew that if we could bring together you from many places, you, each of you, from many cultures and religions, and have you live in a house with peace and love, one unto another, if this task could be completed, then all of you would turn unto the earth as mirrors and reflect out.

Many of you shall be, in this time of famine, sure that the earth shall destroy itself. And we say unto you, nay.

But all of the things that we have said can be prevented, for we are here but for one purpose. That purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And in that preparation the Lord, God, should send His messengers forth to prepare a way within each of His children. There shall be those who should not listen. There shall be those who shall not see. There shall be those who shall stand and say, “What foolish talk is this?” But the earth shall be cleansed, either by men or by God. The choice is yours.

But should the Sixth and Seventh Seal be opened, woe, woe be that upon thee. For as we have said before, man shall run and hide. He shall go to the mountaintops to hide beneath the stone, yet the stone should shield him not. He shall wish in mind for death, and pray for it, yet death shall come not. [See The Revelation 6:12–17 and chapters 7–10.]

And we say unto thee, you who have founded a nation unto one God and made a mockery of the same, you who should go unto the churches in your fine cloth and say, “I have built a temple unto God,” when within reality you have only built a temple into yourselves, we care not for your temples. We care for the temple of God that dwells within man. This word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, this word of yours you say, of love, our Father, God, gave you this word, and He placed upon the Earth His first-begotten son and stood aside that man slay of him. And as his blood should strike the earth, the Earth did change, and darkness did come upon the Earth for three hours. We say unto you, prepare not for this time, and the darkness shall come for 3,000 years, and man shall come back into his caves where the Sons of God did find him. Glory be the name of the Lord.

We have come not with words of doom. We have shown you the paths that lie before thee. The choice is yours. Find the true meaning of the word of love. Go into your churches and find God, both inside and out. Pick not just one day, but use all of them, and then you shall be as a mirror and beauty within shall never die.

We have brought forth unto thee A Rose without Thorns. You may place the thorns upon it if you wish, or you may pick it up, and hand it to a friend, a brother or a sister. And roses shall multiply and all that could happen will not happen. And your earth shall flourish in abundance, and your cup shall runneth over. For those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, even in the times of famine, we shall see that thy needs are taken care of. But know the difference between your needs and your wants.

September 24, 1974: Take up the cup. Open the door that we may enter, and let the cup runneth over unto others. The day is at hand. [See Matthew, chapter 24, and The Revelation 6:9–13 and chapter 7.]

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, as in Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham said unto the messengers of the Lord that he would bring forth ten righteous men. Yet, nay, none survived, but Lot and his daughters. And his wife died in temptation. Let this not happen.

Let this earth be born again in each of you — a new love.

When this birth comes from within you, your brothers and sisters of your other planetary systems await you, for they come with the knowledge of God and the love of God. Must it wait until you have destroyed your earth, that they may become your brothers to help you rebuild it? Or shall you give praise unto the Lord? And the Lord shall hear, and the nations shall hear your words, and the Seventh Seal might never be opened. [See Genesis 18:16–33, chapter 17, and The Revelation, chapters 5–11.]

In Genesis 18:23–33, Lot was asked to find 10 good men and the city would be spared for their sake. God’s spiritual messengers also spoke of this on April 1, 1972: Give us but one soul in each of what thy know as thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day. [Also see Luke 10:1–15.]

January 4, 1975: Earthquakes and winter storms shall come forth in abundance. Pestilence and famine shall reign, but for the children of God who should walk together, the Fifth Angel shall walk past them.

January 26, 1976: Many stand in fear — and we say, fear not. If fire was ready to sweep your land would you try to run and hide, or would you go forth and build a fire breaker, and put out the fire? Remember the words of Jonah.

August 20, 1976: We have said unto you, pray not that the Sixth and the Seventh Seal should be opened.

June 1, 1977: For within thy hearts they say unto us, “Where shall I find spiritual substance to apply into my daily life?” Or very simply, “How do I find peace of mind?”

We say unto you that the thousand years of peace our Father has promised you may start at any time thy desire, within thy heart and thy soul and thy body. We say unto you, love unto thy self. Forgive thyself. Bring hope unto thyself and faith unto thyself. If you may do this, then you shall bring the hope, the love, the faith, into the Father, and you shall also bring it into thy brother and into thine sister.

For within all things, and unto the smallest thing, our Father does dwell. And none should fall unless He should see. But the sun and the rain shall shine upon all. For does not a Father love all of his children the same.

But we say unto you, look into your hearts, and look unto the heart of the person who you dislike. Within that person you shall find many parts of yourself. The reason you dislike this person, you have said, is karma. This in itself could be basically true, but only in part, because you are all parts of everything you have ever been, and so are they. So when you see someone else, you see them as a mirror, reflecting back unto yourself. And that part of yourself that you do not like, you will not like in another.

It is said, “If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” It is also said, “Physician, heal thyself.” But there is a greater saying, “Those who should be their own physician should have a fool for a physician, and a fool for a patient.” In the cleansing of the mind and body, quite often you will throw the better part of yourself away, and dominate it, throw it down because someone else has told you that this is a bad thing, that this is a bad karma. There are many herbs upon your earth. Some herbs will heal some people. The same herb could kill another. No two things upon the face of this earth are identical.

If you cannot love thyself, then think of yourself in this manner. God brought forth you of one kind, of one likeness. There shall never be another exactly like you again ever, because you shall either evolve or fall down. But where you stand at this moment, at this precise second, you are one of a kind. You protect many endangered species. Why do you not take the time to protect yourselves, for you are endangered species. For once that flicker of light, that shell that you live in is gone, that shell is gone forever, not to be repeated, nor a likeness given forth, precisely to the last molecule that your body possesses at this time. It will evolve, the spirit shall evolve, the soul shall evolve, the immortal body shall evolve.

Take the time to love yourselves. If you can do this, you will find that quiet place within your mind where the still pool, the quiet pool lies, and where the candle burns forever, eternally. You shall find God within yourself.

Not one day should pass without these thoughts. “Within me, within this one small person, lies God….”

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [3–115–2] asks, ‘Would you give us further guidance in the study group meetings you have suggested?’”

We say unto you into this manner. You have heard us say many times, “We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, and therefore, we have the records of time,” or the akashic records before us. When all substances come together in that way, we may read from these records, for within you lie those records. You have carried them with you since the beginning of time, and therefore, you are a living storehouse of the same.

We realize that sometimes not all is given with the ability to read these records. The Lord, God, has given man many gifts, each to be used in their own separate way. Some have used them in a very much ungodly way.

We say unto you, there are many people who would — wants to bring together the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. You, within your organization, and in the archives, are like hens setting on eggs. You have mountains and mountains of information. Only through your study groups may the full value of even what we have spoken tonight be understood. For a word is like the wind. Unless it is cap­tured, and studied it is soon forgotten.

The knowledge that you seek lies within these records. You have made your archives. You have categorized the sections. With your study groups take the readings; discuss them. Bring forth the under­standing. If you do not understand, come back unto us and ask these questions, that we may give you the understanding. We have said unto you, “Ask and you shall receive.” Go forth in this manner, and a multitude shall come as one.

See the Book with Wings series

But, as long as the jealousies stand, from one organization to another, from one group to another — we have said unto you, if we do not succeed your earth shall have three thousand years of darkness. We are here for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We are here that the Seventh Seal should, not be opened. [See The Revelation, chapters 19–21 and chapters 8–10.]

But we cannot stop this. Only you as a people can do this, by joining hands together, without jealousy, with understanding.

Each of the gifts the Lord has bestowed, whether it is to heal, to prophesy, and the many other gifts, of song, the gift to love, should be shared. We say unto you, no, soul Ray cannot give you his gift. But he can give unto you a way that your own gift may be excelled and brought forth. These things can be brought out during study periods.

But remember, the soul, the spirit, the immortal body, is like a very delicate plant. If it is not cared for it cannot grow at all, and it can only wither and die upon the vine.


Pestilence, earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, drought, all is brought forth by man. Yet, as the Fifth Angel walks forth, man spreads the chaos before him. [See Matthew 16:1–4.]

June 23, 1978: Throughout all of our work, we have prayed that the Seventh Seal should never be opened, as we do so now. Let you all join in your prayers after this reading.

February 2, 1979: We say unto you, once again you are facing a time when great destruction shall become forth upon your Earth. We have spoken to you in many words, and in many parables, to prepare you for these things. We have told you to bind together and grow in strength. We have told you that the great Sword hovers above you; where no water flowed water shall flow, and the desert[s] shall become green and bountiful, and land shall alter and change its shape. All of this is about you. There is the Sword that should cut two ways. One shall cut away and reshape the earth; the other shall cut away and reshape mankind. At first it shall seem for the worst of all things, for it shall be the best of times and the worst of times. And many gratifying substances shall come from the same. But as we have promised, for those who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, their needs shall be fulfilled.

See Angel Messages — Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul Book Series

We have told you the parables of the food and wine that was provided by God, but left behind. Now we tell you, now is the time. Prepare this way now, for those who should approach your country in peace shall soon strike forth with their sabers and their daggers upon the backs of mankind. The weather changes that are occurring are both of nature and man-made. Yet they shall, as you would say, get out of hand. The time shall come when God shall place all things in righteous[ness]. Many of those of the Anti-Christ shall take advantage of this time, and they shall say, “For look, I am your savior, follow me.”

We say unto you, we have come unto you in peace. We have come unto you with the love of our Father. We have come with the only riches we have to bear — the love, the understanding, the hope, the compassion of God.

We asked you, now, take haste. But within the haste, do not cast away good judgment.

April 4, 1980: When greatness of the world and the Lord shall be made mighty, a way shall be prepared. All these things we say unto you, but they cannot be prepared upon lies and deceit. Love one another as ye would love this one…..

We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, or the prophecies of Isaiah, or the coveth [covenant] given unto you from Jesus; yet we have come that a new covenant may be placed upon the earth and in the heavens and universe. We have come to prepare a way for the coming of a messiah….That we may succeed in our task, we say unto you, open the door that we may enter….

Have they not heard that that we speak? Can they not see around them? Take hatred, suspicion from your hearts. Cast it aside. Love one another. Love one another as you would wish to be loved yourself. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We say unto you — God pleads unto you — prepare this way. Open the door. Love one another.

March 27, 1981: You say unto us, why do we speak to you in this manner? And we say unto you, is it not time? Have we not yet reached you? Have we not touched your hearts and your souls? Can we not plead, as Lot pleaded, for your souls? [See Genesis, chapter 18.]

Did our Father hear this plea? June 24, 1983, Aka spoke of Jesus’ words: “Ask and you shall receive.”

Listen and you shall hear. Look and you shall see, for the great Sword, that should cut two ways, is upon you. Where nothing grew, all things shall now be plentiful. Yet, a third, and [a] third, and a third of the earth shall be laid waste. Each type of pestilence and floods have been brought forth to show you, to bind you together. As we have said before, bring 300 souls who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto one house, and that which you dread the most shall be prevented. [See Luke 20:19–24.]

Aka, by bringing them together in one house do you mean in one worship or in one geographic location or building?”

Of one mind. [See John chapters 5 and 14–17, Matthew 12:25–43.]

June 8, 1984, for the Thirteenth Annual Meeting: We have given unto you all a special message, if you shall take it into your hearts and know from which it comes; it comes with love. We have said unto you, let 300 come and you may divert that great catastrophe, which so many shall dread. You are reaching and touching. Your numbers are growing. Let us all pray before the Seventh Seal is opened that the number of 300 shall be reached. But we say into you, the Lord, thy God, has loved thee unto the utmost, for He has trusted you with the most precious gifts He owns. And He is willing to give you all of the knowledge He has, for “nothing shall be covered that light shall not shine upon.” And no words shall be spoken that you shall not hear, if you wish to listen.

We are here for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

John’s Vision of Heaven, Revelation 4:1–11, 5:1–14 — the Lamb opening the book/scroll with seven seals. Painting by Matthias Gerung — Ottheinrich-Bibel.

“Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal….” [The Revelation 6:12]

The Revelation 6:12–17:

“Then I looked when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and a huge earthquake took place; the sun became as black as sackcloth made of hair, and the full moon became blood red; 13 and the stars in the sky fell to the earth like a fig tree dropping its unripe figs when shaken by a fierce wind. The sky was split apart like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the very important people, the generals, the rich, the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They said to the mountains and to the rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who is seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?’”

June 3, 1983, days before the Annual Meeting, the spiritual messengers of God announced the Sixth Seal was being opened:

“Behold!…Let the rest of the word look upon it, for now all is in readiness.”

Since 1970, in the first 13 years of Aka’s coming, the first five angels began to walk upon the Earth. Then, Aka announced, June 3, 1983: And we say unto thee, for we shall say, as we have said before, nothing shall interfere with the work that is at hand. Thirteen [years?] has passed, and the prophecy has been fulfilled.

Now we say unto you, unto this parable in this manner and in this way. For in the beginning, God looked upon man, and that that He did create of His children.


And so the children did come forth. And they broke the Laws of God, that they might survive and reproduce, and become fulfilled. They did so in such a manner that the seed of man should be sprinkled upon the universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, that the word and the love and the Law of God would become whole. And the Lord sent forth among the men and women of the Earth, and earths, His prophets. At first, there were those who thought that surely, for the Lord should choose a prophet, was a beloved thing, and surely that this one the Lord had chosen would bring peace and love unto the Earth. But even unto the greatest in loves for the Lord, the yokes were heavy, the yokes of love. And the Lord looked forth and saw these things. And He did remove the yoke, and make it lighter upon their shoulders, that the weight that they carried they might carry it with greater ease.

Now from the beginning until now the Lord has sent these to prepare the way for those things He wished His children to know. And He did create into them a difference, that the world might know that the Lord, God, was God beyond all questioning. He did not do it to prove His love was greater for one than another of His children.

We say these words. For though we have cleaned the garden, and though the fields now grow ready to harvest, all those from any place, at any time, who wish to hear these words, let them hear. For all those who should see, let them see, for we have come not to hide; we have come not to ridicule, nor defile any person. We have laid our hands, that the prophet we have should do the work [for] the Lord, thy God. It is by his free choice and his love to the Lord, thy God, that he does so. Understand these things, and in the understanding, things will be much simpler to understand and accept. For it is within him to love his God with all his heart and all his soul. And the Lord, God, he has offered [into] the Lord, God, his body, his life, and his soul and his spirit. And the Lord, God, has seen fit to use of these things. The Lord, God, has not changed the man, for there was no reason to change him. For as time has grown, so has the man.

Now we say unto you unto these words.


As we have said before, in the city of the saints, as in the time of Jonah, shall be of the first of the cities, and the first warning is now. Let the rest of the word look upon it, for now all is in readiness. For that that would enrich the earth can destroy the earth. We have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow; that the great Sword was at hand to cut both ways, land masses and masses of people. And the Lord now has picked up the Sword. And the Sixth Angel now walks upon your earth — not the Fifth, but the Sixth. [See The Revelation, chapters 6:12, and 19.]

“In the city of the saints, as in the time of Jonah, shall be of the first of the cities. The 1982–83 floods on the main stem and tributaries of the Middle and Lower Mississippi River spanned a six-month period from December 1982–June 1983. The flood season was initially marked by three tributary‐centered events followed by a main stem flood on the Lower Mississippi during April, May, and early June. The Mississippi River at St. Louis reached a crest of 39.00 ft on May 4, 1983. The Mississippi River at the Chain of Rocks just north of St. Louis.

Now, more than any other time, you must bind your wounds and bind together, for from the old shall be cast new seed into the fertile fields.

But we say unto you, from the mountains shall come the forces that shall destroy the [upper] lowlands. And the mighty thrust is but the beginning.

The snow and rainstorms brought by the 1982–83 El Niño event overflowed Lake Powell and Lake Mead. The 1982–83 El Niño event was one of the strongest El Niño events since records were kept. It led to widespread flooding across the southern United States, droughts in Indonesia and Australia, and lack of snow in northern areas of the United States. The estimated economic impact was over US $8 billion. This El Niño event also led to an abnormal number of hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean during this time span; the strongest hurricane up to 1983 hit Hawaii during this El Niño event.

We told you before that in this year, and in this time, these things would happen. For those who have loved ones in the cities of Sacramento and San Francisco, beware.

“Those who have loved ones in…Sacramento and San Francisco, beware.” Heavy rainfall in the San Francisco Bay region January 3–5, 1982, triggered thousands of debris flows from Santa Cruz Country to Contra Costa and Sonoma Counties, as well as flooding along the San Lorenzo River, Soquel Creek, and Aptos Creek in Santa Cruz County. Floods along creeks in Marin County plus added significant amounts of sediment to Tomales Bay. The landslides caused at least $66 million in damage. Landslides caused 25 of the 33 storm-caused deaths. Total estimated storm-related losses were $280 million. During the 1982–83 and 1997–98 El Ninos, many precipitation records were set throughout the West. The winter of 1982–83 set the record for the wettest and snowiest California winter as flooding caused approximately $850 million in damage. Frequent heavy rain in the 1997–98 season caused almost $550 million in storm damage statewide. In most of north and central California, the 1982–1983 “rain year” was the wettest on record, and was the wettest since 1937–1938 in the few areas where previous records were not surpassed. Levees burst along the Sacramento River and Feather River, flooding farmland in the Central Valley and several communities including Tehama, and high water also threatened the dikes in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. Significant flooding also occurred on the usually dry Tulare basin north of Bakersfield, where over 28,000 acres (11,000 ha) were inundated. As much as $850 millions of damages were recorded in California, amounting to more than $1.93 billion in 2012 dollars. On January 3–5, 1982, a subtropical storm hit central California, but its forward motion was stalled by a high pressure area sitting over the Sacramento Valley. The result was a 30-hour long event that dumped record totals of upwards of 27 inches of rain on coastal highlands bordering the Bay.

On January 3–5, 1982, a subtropical storm hit central California, but its forward motion was stalled by a high pressure area sitting over the Sacramento Valley. The result was a 30-hour long event that dumped upwards of 27 inches of rain on coastal highlands bordering the Bay Area. The 30-hour totals were records, culminating in a series of debris flows and causing 17 deaths and millions of dollars in damage in the Bay Area.

During the 1982–83 and 1997–98 El Ninos, many precipitation records were set throughout the West. The winter of 1982–83 set the record for the wettest and snowiest California winter as flooding caused approximately $850 million in damage. Frequent heavy rain in the 1997–98 season caused almost $550 million in storm damage statewide.

Northern California resides between the two regions that are most affected by El Nino, including San Francisco and Sacramento. It is a battle ground between mild and dry to the north, and cool and wet to the south. Winter weather here will depend on the strength of the El Nino and other climate factors. [http://]

For those who have loved ones who live on or near that that you call the great Mississippi River, beware.

The flood between May and June 1983 was the second most severe flood in the lower Mississippi Basin since 1927. June 5, two days after Aka spoke, Red River Landing, Louisiana, reached the 4th highest crest of record at 60.52 feet (18.45 m) and was flooded for 115 days. All bays of the Bonnet Carre Spillway were opened for 35 days. In the photo, the Red River took a new channel near Natchitoches, Louisiana, and left behind Cane River Lake. By Billy Hathorn — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

In the lands of the northern parts there [are] of New Mexico, for as Taos has fallen, it was of the second city, as we spoke before.

“In the lands of the northern parts there [are] of New Mexico, for as Taos has fallen, it was of the second city, as we spoke before.” Taos snow had fallen in October-November 1982 and April-May 1983, and was 116% and 118% of average. In El Nino years the only big destination resorts that are favored with more snowfall are Mammoth and Taos, with both of those in the mild category. Wheeler Peak is the highest natural point in the U.S. state of New Mexico. It is located northeast of Taos and south of Red River in the northern part of the state, and just 2 miles (3.2 km) southeast of the ski slopes of Taos Ski Valley. It lies in the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) Mountains, which are east of Santa Fe, NM, and the southernmost subrange of the Rocky Mountains. The peak’s elevation is 13,167 feet (4,013 m). As for the Colorados, El Nino brought severe drought to Barro, Colorado, in 1982–83. Photo of Sangre de Cristo Mountains by Vivaverdi — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

El Nino strongly favors Southern California, Arizona and far southern Utah, with milder effects extending to the southern Sierra and New Mexico.

“Everyone remembers the huge Sierra snow during the record El Nino of 1982–83.” El Nino caused a dramatic boost to Southern California snowfall, with the two biggest snow years corresponding to the two big El Ninos of 1982–83 and 1997–98. Echo Summit, California, had the largest annual snowfall, 747 inches, in 1982–83.

During El Niño years, temperatures in the winter are cooler than normal across the southwestern United States. Major El Niño events during the winters of 1940–41, 1982–83, 1992–93 and 1994–95 also produced exceptionally wet weather there. As for the Colorados, El Nino brought severe drought to Barro, Colorado, in 1982–83.

Now look unto the Colorados and beware.

Photo of Mt. Sneffels in Colorado by Debivort at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,

There is much that we could say, but all you must do is look around and about you, and you shall see the truth of it.

For the cleaning is at hand.

You have within your minds this question, how long shall we remain this time with you? And “Why did you not tell us when you left us?” And we shall answer both of your questions. We did not leave you, for soul Ray was with you all along, and when he spoke, we spoke with him and through him. Can you not hear the crying in the wilderness? [See Isaiah 40:3.]

“Behold!…We have said before, where no water flowed, water would flow….And the Lord now has picked up the Sword. And the Sixth Angel now walks upon your earth.” When the spiritual messengers of God announced in June 1983 that the Sixth Angel upon the Earth, we might not have understood. But today, we can look back, through internet research, and see the truth of Aka’s words. The 1982–83 Paraguay floods refers to major flooding that primarily affected the Paraná River basin in the La Plata Basin of Paraguay in the fall of 1982 and beginning of 1983. The flooding was caused by El Niño and also affected parts of Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia.

By late 1983, scientists who studied climate change and the warm current of water in the Pacific grew surprised by an unpredicted El Nino event. “El Nino” was named for the Christ child in previous years by fishermen who noticed warm water flows off the coast of Peru near Christmas. The 1982–83 El Niño, by many measures the strongest thus far this century, was not predicted and not even recognized by scientists during its early stages. In retrospect, its beginnings can be traced back to May 1982, when the easterly (east to west) surface winds, that usually extend nearly all the way across the equatorial Pacific from the Galapagos islands to Indonesia, began to weaken….

In the face of Pacific Ocean-wide changes, marine life soon responded. Following the sea-level rises at Christmas Island, sea birds abandoned their young and scattered over a wide expanse of the ocean in a desperate search for food. By the time conditions along the coast of Peru returned to normal in mid-1983, 25 percent of the year’s fur seal and sea lion adults and all of the pups had died. Many species of fish suffered similar losses. Along the expanse of Pacific coastline stretching from Chile to British Columbia, water temperatures were above normal, and fish that normally live in the tropical and subtropical waters either migrated or were displaced pole ward. Yet some marine creatures also benefited from the turmoil, as evidenced by the unexpected harvest of warm-water scallops that washed ashore on the coast of Ecuador.

The 1982–83 El Niño produced equally dramatic effects on land. In Ecuador and northern Peru, up to 100 inches of rain fell during a six month period, transforming the coastal desert into a grassland dotted with lakes. Lush vegetation attracted swarms of grasshoppers, which fueled explosions in the toad and bird populations. The new lakes also provided a temporary habitat for fish that had migrated upstream from the sea during the floods and become trapped. Many of them were harvested by local residents as the lakes dried up. In some of the flooded coastal estuaries, shrimp production set records, but so, too, did the number of mosquito-borne malaria cases.

The economic impacts of the 1982–83 El Niño were large. Along the South American coast…the fishing industries in Ecuador and Peru suffered heavily when their anchovy harvest failed and their sardines unexpectedly moved south into Chilean waters. Farther to the west, abnormal wind patterns steered typhoons off their usual tracks to islands such as Hawaii and Tahiti, which are unaccustomed to such severe weather. They also caused the monsoon rains to fall over the central Pacific instead of on the western side, which led to droughts and disastrous forest fires in Indonesia and Australia.

Winter storm battered southern California and caused widespread flooding across the southern United States, while northern ski resort owners complained of unusually mild weather and a lack of snow. Overall, the loss to the world economy in 1982–83 as a result of the climate changes amounted to over $8 billion. The toll in terms of human suffering is much more difficult to estimate. See

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) reported, before the 1997 El Nino: The 1982–83 El Niño was the greatest ocean-atmosphere disturbance ever recorded to date, and its effects were especially felt in the Gulf Coast states, where heavy rains and flooding were blamed for $1.2 billion in losses to property and agriculture between December 1982 and May 1983. At least 50 deaths also resulted from flooding. In every state in the Southern Region, from New Mexico to Florida, flooding occurred at some time between November 1982 and October 1983, and much of it was attributed to weather systems triggered by the unusually strong El Niño. Numerous rainfall and all-time flood records were set.

A timeline of all the El Niño episodes between 1900 and 2016. El Niño events are thought to have been occurring for thousands of years. For example, it is thought that El Niño affected the Moche in modern-day Peru, who sacrificed humans in order to try and prevent the rains. It is thought that there have been at least 30 El Niño events since 1900, with the 1982–83, 1997–98 and 2014–16 events among the strongest on record. Since 2000, El Niño events have been observed in 2002–03, 2004–05, 2006–07, 2009–10 and 2014–16. Major ENSO events were recorded in the years 1790–93, 1828, 1876–78, 1891, 1925–26, 1972–73, 1982–83, 1997–98, and 2014–16. See “El Nino,

Then, December 4, 1987, AKa said: And we say unto you —

Behold, for the time is now.

The Lord, God, should say unto you, “For the Sixth Angel stands upon your Earth. And the earth shall be cut and separated, and where no waters were, waters shall be. Islands shall appear where no islands were….”

We say unto you, harken and listen − for the world should either hear now, for the times and halftimes that were are gone. The land is crumbling at your feet. People are falling. Look unto the deeper parts of yourself and know these things to be true.

May 6, 1988: Then we shall answer and we shall say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be His people.

And we shall answer the question of the one who seeks.

For if you come to the doorway and ask for substance to the Lord, the Lord shall give it. But know these things − it is the gift of the Lord and it is the will of the Lord that shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. For He shall give unto you those things that you need.

But know these things, what is needed and what is wanted is two different things. Sometimes in filling the cup it is said, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord, thy God.”

When you ask, do not give up hope that as answer shall come, for the Lord is everywhere. But the greatest, when you open your door to your heart and your mind, He is there. Know these things. You have never been alone.

But unto the least of the things that you do so you do unto my Father. And unto the greatest of things that you do, so you do unto my Father.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children. For the Sixth Seal is open upon the land. Now is the time of the cherubim.

It has been many years since 1970. when the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived with the brightest comet in the heavens that century, and announced 13 year later that the Sixth Angel is upon Earth. Has our loving Father been holding back the Seventh Angel so that new words could be written upon more hearts?

August 27, 1971: As man should possess a karma, as the land he dwells upon should possess its own karma, as the worlds and universes, and universes and galaxies beyond galaxies should possess a karma, these they did create themselves because our Father gave unto them free choice. Do not put the blame upon your God, your Father, for your own shortcomings. But remember these words, our Father who giveths, therefore, can taketh away….

But beware of the Seventh. But if the children of God deny the mark of the Beast, the seventh seal shall not be opened, and therefore, your thousand years shall reign upon thy earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 6–8.]

July 8, 1974: Hasten, leste the Seventh Seal should be opened upon thy earth…. [See The Revelation, chapters 7 and 8.]

Angels Holding the Four Winds / The Sealing of the 144,000, Revelation 7:1–8 by Ottheinrich about 1530–1532

The Revelation, chapter 7, tells us:

“After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth so no wind could blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, who had the seal of the living God. He shouted out with a loud voice to the four angels who had been given permission to damage the earth and the sea:

‘Do not damage the earth or the sea or the trees until we have put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.’

“Now I heard the number of those who were marked with the seal, one hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed from all the tribes of the people of Israel…

“After these things I looked, and here was an enormous crowd that no one could count, made up of persons from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb dressed in long white robes, and with palm branches in their hands. They were shouting out in a loud voice,

‘Salvation belongs to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!’

“And all the angels stood there in a circle around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they threw themselves down with their faces to the ground before the throne and worshiped God, saying,

“Amen! Praise and glory,
and wisdom and thanksgiving,
and honor and power and strength
be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”

“Then one of the elders asked me, ‘These dressed in long white robes — who are they and where have they come from?’ So I said to him, ‘My lord, you know the answer.’ Then he said to me, ‘These are the ones who have come out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb! For this reason they are before the throne of God, and they serve him day and night in his temple, and the one seated on the throne will shelter them. They will never go hungry or be thirsty again, and the sun will not beat down on them, nor any burning heat, because the Lamb in the middle of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

November 9, 1979: Bring forth unto yourselves that of a greater spiritual awareness. Bind together. Become as one people who should stand before the Lord, thy God. And the Lord, thy God, shall stand with thee. Cast aside all bitterness from thy hearts. Forgive unto thy bretheren as thy would forgive unto thy God. And as thy ask forgiveness unto God, it should be given.

But how can man ask forgiveness from the Lord, and not forgive his bretheren? How can one cast a stone against another? If all these things that we have spoke upon are true, and if you should believe us of the things of heaven, cannot you believe us of the things of earth? For in the Father’s eyes, it shall be as one.

April 20, 1970: Awaken each morning with a prayer. In this prayer, ask God to give thee strength and guidance that thy may carry out thy daily labors, that thy may receive His blessing through the day, which thy have already.

June 24, 1983: A garden not yet planted shall not yield a harvest. And the only way that you, all of you, shall harvest the crops which you wish to harvest is to cast all of these things from your hearts, so that you may work together, and be of one mind and of one entity. But if you cannot look into yourself and find these things, if you cannot ask God’s help, then the fields you choose to create, to plant, shall forever remain unplanted.

August 28, 1974: “Aka, [8–28–74–008]…asks, ‘Am I still progressing as I should be? I feel I am at a crossroads and am not sure of the path to take.’”

We should answer in this manner. We see thee as David, who would stand at the Ark. We shall place the Rose without Thorns in your hands. Pick it up. Carry it forward.

We have come but for one purpose, that purpose is to build unto you in a spiritual way that you should be as mirrors, that others should look unto thee and see of the God within, and therefore, could see the God from without, and therefore, pick it up and drink from the cup.

Although it has promised unto thee a thousand years of peace upon your earth — but count not as you would count your years, count each day as a thousand years, and multiply by the same — that this new heaven and new earth should become possible, that it should come forth upon the earth, many hands are needed. Our Earth, this Earth of yours, is in great danger. Your species is in great danger of annihilation and extinction. Your enemy is yourselves. That the Seventh Seal not be opened we make this plea unto thee, that your year of 1999 be the year of the Messiah. Much work is to be done, much to be prepared for, for would you not ready your home for a marriage? Then ready thyself unto the same fashion. We should hand unto thee the bread and the yeast. Give it forth unto all….[See The Revelation 19:1–9, 21:1–7 and 22:12–17.]

We say unto you, we, this council, has existed since the beginning of time. Yet, we must go to our Father for information, for knowledge. Our Father, your God, is kind, and gentle and loving. Yet each of us has existed upon your earth planes and others throughout the many galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. We have lived lives upon [yet] what you would call the earth plane. We picked one from among us and sent him forth upon the earth plane as a teacher. And he stands within your grasp. For our Father said unto us, “SEND THOSE WHO KNOW OF THE ONE TO COME, THAT HE MAY PREPARE A WAY FOR OTHERS, AND THAT, AS HE SHOULD PREPARE A WAY, SO UNTO OTHERS THEY SHOULD PREPARE A WAY.”

But each should be different in kind, but beautiful in all, for the kingdom of God lies within you, each of you. For who could not love of God’s beauty He has placed upon the universes? And who could walk out among them each day and not know of His love?

Look at the flowers that He [has] placed beneath thy feet. See them. Give rejoice and great tidings each day, for each day is another day closer to his arrival upon your earth, that he should make himself known unto thee. Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God, forever and ever! Blessed be the name of the one who should come.

And we say unto you, pray that the Seventh Seal is not opened. But show unisance unto each other, that you may show unisance unto God. For those who would wear the mark of the Beast shall be cast unto the bottomless pit for that one thousand years, as the Lord should count. Cast it from thyself.

We stand as our Father stands. Ask and thy shall receive. Now is the time of the Cherub…. [See John 16:1–27.]

Aka answered one person: We shall say unto you, you have written many books which say this is sin and that is sin. We say unto you, the Lord, God, did give unto you the Ten Commandments, and in all of the words within the same they say these words. Give one-tenth of the love unto the Lord unto which He has given unto you. Give unto one-tenth of the love unto your fellow man, this same love. But just as important, give unto thyself. And in all ways, you are doing the work of the Lord. For you are the temple of God….

We say unto you, ask and you shall receive.

We shall filleth thy cup with bread and wine. Drink it, eat it, and we shall filleth it again. And the knowledge you seek is but at your tips of your fingers.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, from [8–333–5], ‘In what field of occupation will I achieve my present life’s work?’”

We say unto you, you have chosen to become a teacher. You are now taking the Student -Teacher’s course. Continue in that field. Become a teacher, and then a minister, and then a shepherd. For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. It is only through the touching of one unto another may this be achieved.

We are reminded of the guidance the angel Jesus sent said in the Revelation, chapter 7:

Do no damage to sea or land or trees until we have set the seal of our God upon the foreheads of his servants”

The Teacher’s vows

This was given to us by the spiritual messengers of God, April 27, 1973: “For the teacher can never be greater than his student. And the student can never be greater than his teacher…Take from thy hands all prejudice, that they shall teach in a righteous manner before their God.” They shall serve under the direction of the prophet. They shall learn from your ministers. And let the ministers stand and take a vow before the teacher that all of their knowledge shall be given freely unto the teacher, and they shall hide nothing from one another.

The Minister’s vows

The spiritual messengers of God gave this guidance, January 28, 1972, of vows are made. As each minister stands before God, he or she is asked: “Should thee promise in our Father’s light to teach these things our Father has given unto thee to teach? Should thee at no time be prejudiced against any man? Should thee at all time, for those who come in need, minister in both healing of the body and healing of the soul and the spirit, and the immortal body of the same?”

And should they say, “yes,” then he should take of what thy should know of the candelabra, but this one should have of seven candles. And each one who is chosen should be presented with this. And, as each time he should say, “yes,” one candle should be lit. And then unto another.

These who should be chosen should be versed into the words we have spoken unto thee. They should have the honest effort unto helping mankind. And above all, they should enter all things with an open mind, closing their mind to nothing. And they shall never cease in their learning.

But you should remind them that the oath that they should take should be for [their] lifetime upon this plane and all others. And then thy should ask into them, “Are you prepared to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah?”

And should they say, “yes,” then have them rise. And walk with them, and break bread with them and drink wine with them.

For remember, for those who you shall choose, among you, nothing can be hidden from one another. All things must come in truth from God, for you shall walk in the light of God, and should be known as men and women of God.

“What does the seven-candle candelabra represent that we use in ordaining ministers?” Aka was asked, February 4, 1972. This should be used. And as we have said before, they are the seven spirits of God. April 21, 1972: The seven spirits of God are the seven spirits of God…This dwells within yourself. As we have said before, open the door that we may enter. And we shall say once again, have faith, and you shall walk on the water with us.

July 22, 1974: But once thy have taken the vows, let no man put asunder that that God has given, for thy shall be a minister for all planes, for all times.

We say unto you, should we fail upon our mission, you shall have 3,000 nights and days of darkness upon the earth. And each day shall be as a thousand days. And man shall crawl once again from the rocks. And he shall place upon himself skins. We say unto you, this is not necessary. Must the Sixth and the Seventh Seal be opened to prove unto you our words? The candelabra is within your reach. We did not bring forth the miracle of the candelabra without cause. Put out your hand, that you may pick up the cup and light the torch of light, and therefore, bring forth the Seven Spirits of the Lord. [See The Revelation, chapter 4–5.]

You say unto us, once again, we have spoke unto you as in riddles. We say unto you, nay. Take of our words and study them. Your time grows short. From now unto the year of 1999 a way must be prepared, and the new heaven and the new earth shall come forth, and the thousand years of peace shall come forth unto the earth. And all things that have been prophesied shall come about. Where you stand, so may stand two. And two shall bring forth ten, and ten shall bring forth one hundred, and one hundred should bring forth one thousand, and one thousand should bring forth one hundred thousand, and one hundred thousand shall bring forth one million, and one million shall bring forth the face of the earth.

For the earth shall stand and smolder, for the fuse is lit from France into Israel. When the fire reaches Israel, the earth shall begin to smolder, and you shall see he who is of the Messiah who shall come forth. And then the earth shall run blood red. And then you shall see those from the earth and those from the heavens come forth and rebuild the earth. And there shall stand a mighty monument, for within each person shall be the temple of God.

And so, we say unto you, is the prophecy that has been this day upon the earth. For if our words are false, then we are the fool, not you. If our words are true, then the kingdom of God lays in your hand. The Eagle is in flight….

The eagle symbolizes the spirit from God that worked through John the Baptist, the forerunner who prepared a way for the coming of the Messiah in Jesus’ time. This Eastern Orthodox icon is of John the Baptist — the Angel of the Desert (Stroganov School, 1620s) Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

Aka answered a person: And we say unto you, as you have asked, so shall you receive. Come forth, and you shall find a Teacher’s course. Pick it up. Reach your hand forth and you shall find A Rose without Thorns. Pick it up. Bring them together, and look around and about you — yet, you know them not; yet you see him not, yet he remains within your mind — and you shall see the flight of the Eagle, and you shall become part of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. For we say unto you, the spirits of God shall flow as a brook, and from the brook it shall flow unto the river — and the pebbles of the sand in the river shall be as the spirits of man that should flow unto the ocean — and the pebbles of the sand upon the ocean shall be as the souls of man that shall flow to the many lands, unto the many galaxies, unto the many universes — and so it shall be.

When one looked into Ray (the Eagle’s) mind, one saw this – for it looked through his eyes as the Eagle into each person’s soul.

August 5, 1977: We say unto you, the thousand years of peace that has been promised you can come any time you are ready for a new heaven and a new earth….

For the Lord, God, did place His special blessings into the least of things. Is it not said, “Blessed are the meek for theirs shall be the bounty.” All around you we have placed those things that would give you life. And remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. [Please read John, chapter 3.]

April 29, 1976: We say unto you, if you cannot believe us of the things of heaven, how can you believe us of the things of earth? We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. [Again, see John, chapter 3.]

December 18, 1974: Yet, we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord. For the Book and books that shall be written upon the sky, your time has grown short. You have asked of your earthquakes. You have asked of your wars. You have asked of your hearts’ desires. Yet none have asked how they could prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Our Father should weep for these, for the time of the Fifth Angel’s walk is growing shorter, and soon the Sixth Seal will be opened, and then the Seventh. Must you go back into your caves? Or shall you walk as men and women of God?… [See The Revelation, chapters 6, 7:13–17, 8, 9, 10:1–7, 14:1–7, 15:2–4, 19:1–10, 20:2–15, 21:1–8.]

September 3, 1976: Must it wait until the battle of Armageddon? Must it wait until the earth smolders red with blood? Must it wait until the Seventh Seal is opened, and you crawl from the earth and those from the heavens should join you to rebuild the earth? Or shall the year of 1999 be the coming of the Messiah and the building of the greatest civilization man has ever known throughout all the galaxies and universes?… [See the Revelation, chapters 6–19.]

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God. If you could take but one step in the understanding of thy brother, and thy brother’s brother, this would be the first step toward your thousand years of peace upon the Earth. Any one of you could start that time now. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

October 8, 1981, Aka said: And there are those who gather around the Lord and say unto Him, “How long must we wait, oh Lord?” And we say, unto the fullest time of the Lord, thy God. [See The Revelation, chapters 6:9–11.

One may wonder, could the date of the coming of the Messiah have been “pushed forth and away,” while our Father lovingly waits for many to prepare a place to within our hearts for his coming?

Ray spoke to us of the lesson of the fig tree (Matthew, chapter 24), so we can recognize the signs when the Messiah is near.

“Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near — at the doors!”

Then Jesus said,

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, not even the Son; only the Father.”

Is this what the spiritual messengers of God meant, December 1, 1972, when they said:

New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.

December 4, 1981: Each of you have been brought here for a purpose….

Now, before you, in a short span of years is that time.

He now lives upon your earth.

He lives by the thread of your thoughts. He lives and exists with the knowledge that you are preparing the way for him. He also knows that should you fail, then we shall fail, and therefore, he shall be taken back unto the Father, and another time it shall be tried again. But it will not stop the rule and the time of the Anti-Christ.

April 15, 1977: The Lord came unto you through Abraham, and Moses, and Isaiah, and John, and Jesus, and Buddha, and Mohammed — not to separate you, but to give each of you, as you have built our Father’s many mansions, knowledge.

June 1, 1977: We say unto you, there are many people who would — wants to bring together the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. You, within your organization, and in the archives…have mountains and mountains of information. Only through your study groups may the full value of even what we have spoken tonight be understood.

For a word is like the wind. Unless it is captured, and studied it is soon forgotten. The knowledge that you seek lies within these records….

With your study groups take the readings; discuss them. Bring forth the understanding. If you do not understand, come back unto us and ask these questions, that we may give you the understanding. We have said unto you, “Ask and you shall receive.” Go forth in this manner, and a multitude shall come as one.

But, as long as the jealousies stand, from one organization to another, from one group to another — we have said unto you, if we do not succeed your earth shall have three thousand years of darkness.

We are here for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We are here that the Seventh Seal should not be opened.

But we cannot stop this. Only you as a people can do this, by joining hands together, without jealousy, with understanding.

January 8, 1982: You have forgotten from where you came. You know not where you were born, for you hear us not.

When the stillness comes, when we speak no more, will you build a great fire? Will you wait until the Seventh Angel has opened the seal upon you? Is that then only the time when you shall listen? Why is it that you hear us only in the time of your needs, and not the needs of others?

You became alarmed, all of you, during the last reading because soul Ray’s health would not permit us to continue….Upon his death we shall leave you. Yet, within his compassionate heart, he shall return back to you. Fear swells into your hearts. But think of what a long silence would be; think of no more fire, no more flame, no more beacon to guide your way.

We say unto you, let the fire burn in the soul of all. Let beacons shine from one to the other. Let the knowledge flow now. Let the love and compassion and the hope, that is the seed of mankind, let it go out unto the four winds. Let, therefore, begin upon the Earth your thousand years of peace.

Let it begin in your heart, and be as a fire or a flame, that the warmth that you reflect out from you is felt by others. And do it each day. Do it in such a way, when you touch another with your mind they feel love, they feel gentleness.

Let it be in such a way that you build the temple of God where it should be, within your hearts and souls and minds. And therefore, let it be that no one may destroy them. For once it is built within your mind, you shall reach and touch one,

and one shall touch ten,

and ten shall touch a hundred,

and a hundred a thousand,

until the whole world has been touched.

You will not do this by standing on a box and shouting hell and damnation unto mankind. It may be done by the whispering of a word, a single word, love — and as the commandment was given to you,

love one another.

May 15, 1970, in the first year of their coming, the spiritual messengers of God said: Remember one thing — that love, love for thy fellow man — the honest intent be made on each soul that thy come in contact with. Do not be afraid to talk of this to thy many souls thy shall meet during the day, and that if one of a hundred, or one of a thousand should come and hear, at least it will give them food for thought, for thy — Father, thy Son, and thy Holy Ghost….

For even in the days when John the Baptist taught of the coming of Christ, so should thy talk of this, for thy are here to prepare a way. If thy may do this, thy shall be in God’s plan.

For the building of the temple in God’s word, in God’s mind should be all-important to all men and women of thy plane. If thy would remember this, and remember thy love for thy human being, there shall be no need for material things, for all that thy should need shall come as raindrops, a drop at a time.

Remember one thing,

that God is the one important of all our work,

and therefore, we must only approach it in a truthful manner.

February 19, 1971, two months after they came, Aka told this: Now, as we have said before,

the spirits of our Father hover above your earth.

We have told you before of the isles of California. We have told you before of the great tidal waves that shall come.

We have told you before, that that has been buried shall be uncovered. Where no light has shone, light shall shine again.

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, and the beast from within. And even though thy should cut the Beast’s head, it shall heal its head from one of a greater. And then shall come the time that the ten nations that stood beside it shall join together in slaying the Beast forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 13–18.]

As we have said before, we are not great. Our power comes from our Father.

We have told you before, prepare thyself for the famine. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Father’s hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. And in separating them, still, as during the time of Abraham, He should look within them, and if He should find good among them, He shall spare them; if not, the same shall happen unto them as happened unto Lot’s wife. [See Genesis 18:16–33, 19:1–29.]

We have told you of many things that shall come. We have told you that Atlantis shall rise again and fall again. Man, as you have known him, has dwelt upon your earth for millions of years. Our intention is not to destroy your earth, but to reshape it, that peace may dwell upon it.

Some think Bimini Island in the Atlantic may have been part of the sunken Atlantis

We have told you before that very soon you should hear words from what you call as outer space, from other worlds, much like your own, only farther advanced than your own.

It is our Father’s plan that before your influence may dwell beyond your own planetary system, your thousand years of peace shall dwell; and they shall dwell as He should count, not as you should count.

We should also tell you, within one month’s time you shall feel new eruptions very close to you, for in the heart of the earth now dwells and smolders and is ready to erupt into what you would know as volcanic action. One shall be in what is known as part of New Mexico region. This region shall be very close into what thy know at this time as Taos, New Mexico. Your next eruption shall be in what is known as Flagstaff, Arizona. These shall divide; these shall divide, and therefore, be the parting line, and hold back the eruptions from our Father’s people.

Now, we should say unto thee, we have given thee these warnings.

We have asked that thy form of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and groups of Thirteen, and Thirteen, and Thirteen beyond. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1–41.]

We have told you before that thy time should grow short.

We have told you before that thy would throw stones at each other. We have told you, let us stand before you and to cast thy first stone at us.

Now we should tell you of this. We have mended, guarded, and taken care of this one known as soul Ray. But we cannot re-create; it is not our Father’s intention. Our instrument was chosen to come among you. We did not choose that that was great in the man’s eyes. We chose one who had risen high in man’s eyes and fallen, as thy would know, to the bottom of the pit, that he should know humility, that he should know forgiveness. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully.

Then we would say unto you, your work has just begun.

Join together as one; build on your earth God’s mighty army of minds [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

By Matthias Gerung (*ca.1500 Noerdlingen; †1570 Lauingen), German Painter & woodcutter.

But do not destroy nothing as thy build, only build upon what is there. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Bring him here to us that we may speak unto him.

As we have told thee before, and thy have not listened and heeded unto our Father’s words, if thy brother should offend thee, go to thy brother. But be prepared to forgive yourself, that he may forgive you. Do not hide your feelings, for remember, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Cast God’s spirit into the brook. Let it flow to your rivers, and from there to your oceans, and into the many lands. Let it flow to the leaders of your nations.

Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. We should say one more word; add this to your name. Place the word of Association before your name. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another.

Work together. Listen to each other. If thy have doubts, come unto us. If we are permitted, all thy questions shall be answered. But remember, only with permission from our Father may we violate unto another soul, and these cases must be of the most important of all before thy ask.

We know at this time thy cannot understand of the words we speak.

The next day, February 20, 1971, other prophetic words were spoken: Now all is in accord. Now we would say unto thee — of this one we called thy instrument [Ray Elkins], for as three have passed before thee, and as we have said before –– “the last shall be first, and the first shall be last” –– you have asked this question, “What shall happen to our earth?”

Then we say unto thee, that now thy have the last before the first.

Upon the death, as you would know it, of our instrument, until the coming of the Messiah, we shall leave unto thee the spirit. And the spirit shall dwell within the disciples of this work. And this Our Lord, Our Father, has so commanded.

For you, soul John, our Father shall command that thy shall become a teacher. Thy shall dwell in many places upon this land. Ye soul shall command thee to go unto the land beneath the sea [Yuma, Arizona, which is below sea level], and there gives the assistance and guidance unto soul Luke and unto soul Jeannie.

To thee, soul Paul, our Father has so commanded that thy shall remain and give support and guidance unto our instrument. And therefore, be a pillar of great weight.

To thee, soul Peter, our Father has so commanded, “Upon this rock, he shall build unto this temple of man.”

Unto thee, soul Bartholomew, we say unto these words, thy have become lost. Come back and be as a shepherd unto thy people, for in the isles of California thy shall be needed. [San Bernardino or San Diego area?] For as Abraham, thy shall be needed to talk unto the Lord and His children. For should He not see thy need, then these isles shall turn, as did the wife of Lot, into nothingness.

There shall be many eruptions upon your earth, for every rock upon your earth shall be changed, as the descendants of Abraham were changed. [See Matthew 24:1–3.]

Editor’s note: How were the descendants of Abraham changed? In early times when Hebrews were changed from “ibu,” or wanders, to a people who had been chosen as God’s people through His covenant with Abraham and Moses, prophets would go from small settlement to settlement, teaching the worship of their God. Where they found large stones (or altars, holocausts) erected to other gods, the prophets angrily threw the stones down to remind the Hebrew of the Commandment: “There shall be no other gods before Me.”

The spiritual messengers of God said: If this work does not succeed upon your earth, then upon our instrument’s death you shall have the darkness that arose upon his death and the death of the one known as Jesus Christ. [See Luke 23:35–47, and the account written in the December 2000 newsletter of the Association of Universal Philosophy, which tells what happened upon Ray’s passing.]

For you have thought in thy mind of the one known as soul Cayce [Edgar Cayce]; therefore, he was our instrument. This one [Ray Elkins] is our instrument.

And as there were three, and as there were three hours of darkness then, if this work through his disciples does not succeed, we shall give your earth three hundred years of darkness. We shall give your earth a time of barbarian, of killing — of all things.

For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

Now we give unto you this time — in the year of 1998. Then we shall spare thee by two years. If all is not in completion for the arrival of the Messiah upon your earth, and peace, the wrath of the Lord into His seven angels shall spill forth. [See The Revelation, chapters 8–11.]

A comment: Did the spiritual messengers of God prophesy when Ray would pass on?

Almost thirty years after Aka spoke these words, Ray died on October 5, 2000 (spared by two years from 1998). He passed on during the Holy Days of Awe (or Repentance) between Rosh Hashanah (the head of the year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement or Judgment Day). During this week of repentance, many are praying that their names are written on the Book of Life. Was this a sign for those who choose to see?

Is this a purpose for which the spiritual messengers of God have come — that more names be written in the Book of Life in preparation for the coming of the Messiah?

The spiritual messengers of God continued: There shall be many messages.

For those, we should say unto now, who are prepared to give into their lives unto the Lord, do so.

For those who should not who we have brought forth into commandment, then we should wipe from thy mind all that has transpired, that you may go forth as sheep upon your earth. But remember, you must live again, these sheep. What you do unto this day forth, records shall be kept. If thy throw stones, stones shall be cast back. All that we have given unto you, we should take back. For as the Lamb has said before, “Go unto this house and give blessing. If you are rejected, take back your blessing….”

Before your other questions we should say these words, a new eruption shall come about. You are feeling the beginning of this time. In soul Ray’s mind, the day of the 26th of this month has been very important. I think thy should now know and have felt why.

Take care of thy seeds. Take care of thy seed that thy should plant in the ground and in the womb of a woman, that it may grow and become one of God’s people, for the souls that shall enter shall become part of God’s great army of your earth. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

What happened six days later, on the 26th day of this month, February 1971, that Ray felt was very important?

Explosive eruption on 22 February builds island (From the Smithsonian archives of volcanic activity: 26 February 1971) — “Submarine volcano Karua .erupted strongly 22 February 1971. By 10:30 23 February no activity at all except very minor water turbulence. Island of cinders about 200 x 70 m built to about 1 m above high tide mark.” March 1, 1971: “Although activity of . . . 22 February was reported to be much stronger than the last time an island was formed in 1959, eruption ceased quickly after only 1.5 hours. No recurrence of volcanic activity to 1000 local time 26 February, but series of earthquakes felt on Tongoa 5 km S of Karua. Report of island visit 10 days after 22 February eruption: “On 22 February 1971, at about 0800, a known area of crustal instability began to erupt [at Karua], giving off clouds of steam and shooting black masses of cinder, ash, and pre-solidified crust up to 600 feet into the air. The activity intensified during the day with increasingly frequent explosions and clouds of dust being formed. At the height of the activity the eruption covered an area over one mile in diameter. Accompanying the volcanic explosions was tremendous thunder and lightning, precipitated by the intense heat of the eruption which led to condensation and great atmospheric instability. Then, very suddenly, at about 1800, the activity died away. “Ten days after the eruption, I went to the newly-formed land mass and found an almost moon-like terrain. The islet was flat with large boulders strewn about the surface. A few hot water pools were in evidence and there was a distinct smell of sulphur in the air. Underfoot the ground was still warm and when kicked smoke appeared from the ash and cinders of which the island was composed. On one side the sea was shallow for some distance but too hot to touch. This is the actual crater and the nucleus of all the activity. I estimate the island to be over half a mile wide and in the opinion of local pilots is easily large enough to land a light plane upon. (Information Contact: Richard J. Ellis, Lakatoro, New Hebrides.)

Was this the new eruption Ray thought was very important? Was it a sign — a precursor to what is written in the Revelation 6:12–17, when the sixth seal was opened?

Kuwae is a submarine caldera between the Epi and Tongoa islands in Vanuatu. Kuwae Caldera cuts through the flank of the Tavani Ruru volcano on Epi and the northwestern end of Tongoa. Since the eruption of c. 1452, Kuwae caldera has had several smaller eruptions with VEIs of 0 to 3. The latest confirmed eruption occurred on 4 February 1974 ± 4 days. It had a VEI of 0, and was a submarine eruption that formed a new island. Islands have regularly formed in Kuwae caldera. The 1897–1901 eruption built an island 1 km long and 15 m high. It disappeared within 6 months. The 1948–1949 eruption formed an island and built a cone 1.6 km in diameter and 100 m high. That island also lasted less than one year. All the islands have disappeared from wave action and caldera floor movements. In 1959, the island reappeared for a short time––and again in 1971. The last structure remained an island until 1975. (Was this what Ray saw?)

Volcanic activity been increasing since Aka spoke these words. See the “List of large volcanic eruptions in the 21st century.” Compare it to the “List of large volcanic eruptions of the 20th century.” It began increasing dramatically since 1980 with Mt. St. Helens (that Ray also was shown in a vision long beforehand).

May 4, 1973, After Aka departed and Ray returned back into his body, Ray described a vision he just saw before he was awakened, when Aka spoke of the Fifth Angel. Did Ray see a preview of the Mt. St. Helens eruption years later? The tape recorder was turned back on as Ray was saying: “The whole mountain was falling off — the mountain was just falling. I started to go in and when I did that mountain started falling, and boy, I started coming back out, like 60 [m.p.h.] — it scared me.”

When Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18, 1980, a massive debris avalanche triggered by an earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale caused an eruption that reduced the elevation of the mountain’s summit from 9,677 ft. to 8,363 ft, leaving a 1 mile wide horseshoe-shaped crater. The debris avalanche was up to 0.7 cubic miles in volume.

Aka spoke of Mt. St. Helens weeks later, June 4, 1980: That of the Mt. Helena [St. Helens] shall erupt again and again. And other eruptions shall come forth.

Both Ray’s vision of the island and his vision of the volcano, and what Aka told, came before the Sixth seal was opened in 1983. Aka’s words also came just as volcanic activities increased worldwide, as the list above shows.

See “Behold! For the might of the Lord is at hand” about the region where the island appeared.

The spiritual messengers of God said, March 3, 1972: Give praise unto thy Lord, thy God, and our Lord, your Father, your God shall give praise unto His children, and they shall become mighty both in heaven and earth. But remember, no man shall know of heaven that does not know of earth, and no man shall know of earth that does not know of heaven. [See John 1:6–34.]

But we say, hark, unto thee. Why should you believe the words we speak of your earthly things and not believe these things we speak unto thee of heaven, as thy would call it?

And they say, you say unto us, “What are these who speak in this manner? Are they angels? Are they archangels?” And we should say unto thee, these are words of your own. But we should answer in this manner. We stand in pure light before our Father and you. We have found it necessary to speak in your tongue, of your language. But go forward; bear this yoke of love, and our Father shall reward into each of thee in thy own way.

Landscape with St John the Evangelist at Patmos by Tobias Verhaecht, 1598. The woman and the dragon are shown in the sky. See the Revelation, chapter 12.

The Woman and the Dragon –

The Revelation 12 tells us of the birth of the Messiah, and that he is kept in hiding to protect him:

“And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. His tail swept down la third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days.”

Satan Thrown Down to Earth –

“Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world — he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”

“And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time. The serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, to sweep her away with a flood. But the earth came to the help of the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river that the dragon had poured from his mouth. Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea.”

In light of the Revelation, chapter 12, this prophetic answer from the spiritual messengers of God on March 17, 1972, becomes more clear:

Aka was asked “if the infant Messiah of which you have spoken, ‘Is it born already, as we understand it, and in what country?’”

And we should answer in this manner. These things are known only unto our Father.

And for, at the present time, for his protection, the exact location shall be kept a secret into the same.

But [we] answer in this manner.

Our Lord says, “HARK,” into thee —




For the wise to hear let them hear. And for the wise to see let them see.

And when the time comes, and the ocean roars and the mountain bellows their mighty force,

our Father shall write upon the sky the entry of the same.

Plumes of steam, gas, and ash often occurred at Mount St. Helens in the early 1980s. On clear days they could be seen from Portland, Oregon, 50 mi (80 km) to the south. The plume photographed here on May 19, 1982, rose nearly 3,000 ft (910 m) above the volcano’s rim. Since then more volcanoes have begun erupting worldwide.

May 13, 1977, the spiritual messengers of God guided: We say unto you, lift up your heads unto the greater plan of the Lord, the greater purpose for our presence, the greater purpose that you are here, now, in this place — and that is for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Nothing must interfere with this, regardless of your disagreements.

Who shall you say unto the Lord, “Place the Messiah here, or place him there?” The Lord shall place the Messiah where all can see, and all can feel, and all shall know.

You have but one purpose, as we, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Which shall you have, three-thousand years of darkness, or a thousand years of light, as God counts?

Your earth is in turmoil. And country pits country against each other. And churches are pitting churches against each other. And politicians are each braying into the winds as a burro.

It is the worst of times, yet the best of times.

Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes — rain shall fall, hail shall come — all these things. Droughts shall stricken the earth, and the earth shall change its form.

Yet amongst it all, a new heaven and a new earth shall be born.

And a Messiah shall reign over it.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children. And glory be the name of the shepherds that are chosen to lead His children.

June 19, 1973: Fear not––for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall walk upon this new heaven and new earth, and live within the thousand years of peace, and shall see the Messiah walk upon your earth.

July 2, 1973: As man was created in five places, all of the colors of the Lord are of God. Prepare that way within thyself, and you shall have your thousand years of peace and the beginning, and therefore, upon your earth shall be your new heaven and your earth within the same.

November 6, 1973: Man shall not perish from this earth, for yet before you lies the new heaven and the new earth, and the thousand years of peace that was promised unto you.

November 9, 1973: But we say unto you, prepare, therefore, for his second coming — and much as his own apostles did so, for upon his resurrection, they knew him not — for Thomas he had to produce wounds that he should believe. Shall you be the same?

Or shall you be ready for his coming? For there has been a thousand years of peace promised upon your Earth, a new Heaven and a new Earth. Prepare so, therefore, within the same.

Start that preparation within yourself.


You may want to read Aka’s words in the other article on this subject, “If prayer from the many should come forth, the Seventh Seal should not be opened.”

Learn more from the words of Aka, the spiritual messengers of God.

See ––

“Now you ask, ‘What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?’”

“The great Sword is here”

“Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine

A stairway to Heaven

A Stairway to Heaven

You can read all that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said from 1970 to 1989 in the BOOK with Wings series.

“We are here but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.”

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“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

Have we also been given promises, as Abraham bargained with God to spare the city in His day? See “Bring 300 souls who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto one house, and that which you dread the most shall be prevented.”

For information, email


The words of Aka are copyrighted 2000 by A. Ray Elkins through whom they spoke.



"Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'"

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.