Service Registry Design Pattern in Microservices Explained

Discover, Load Balance, and Scale: Understanding the Service Registry Pattern in Microservices Architecture



Service Registry Design Pattern in Microservices Explained

Hello folks, if you are wondering What is Service Registry pattern in Microservices and how does it work then you have come to the right place. In past articles, we have seen popular Microservice design patterns like Event Sourcing, CQRS, SAGA, Database Per Microservices, API Gateway, Circuit-Breaker and also best practices to design Microservices and in this article, we will learn about Service registry pattern.

Service Registry Pattern is a design pattern commonly used in microservices architecture to enable service discovery and dynamic load balancing. In this pattern, microservices register themselves with a service registry, which acts as a central repository for service metadata.

This metadata includes information such as service endpoint URLs, version numbers, and other configuration details.

When a microservice needs to interact with another microservice, it queries the service registry to obtain the location and configuration of the target service. This allows microservices to dynamically discover and communicate with each other without hard-coding service endpoint URLs or…




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