State of Stake vol. 70

Published in
17 min readJul 11, 2022

Paradigm’s biweekly update on the Proof-of-Stake ecosystem, 27th June — 11th July


  • Ethereum Sepolia testnet merged successfully
  • Polkadot announced a new on-chain governance model, Gov2, which aims to improve inclusivity and decentralization while increasing the number of decisions Polkadot governance is able to make
  • Congratulations to Darwinia Network on winning Polkadot’s 21st parachain auction and Totem on winning Polkadot’s 20th parachain auction
  • The Vasil hard fork successfully launched on Cardano’s testnet. Once completed on the mainnet, the Vasil hard fork will allow faster block creation and greater scalability for DApps running on Cardano
  • Aave has created an ARC for a new decentralized, collateral-backed stablecoin, native to the Aave ecosystem, known as GHO
  • Immutable X announced staking
  • Algorand’s biggest event of the year is back for 2022! Decipher is coming to Dubai, November 28–30
  • June was an exciting month for BNB Chain as the team made further progress on our Development Outlook for 2022 and continued diving deeper into BNB Smart Chain (BSC), BNB Beacon Chain, and BNB ZkRolllup
  • Tezos launches Jakarta 2, its 10th protocol update. The original Jakarta protocol was found to have two critical bugs, which were affecting the implementation of the experimental Transaction Optimistic Rollups, or TORUs feature. Both bugs have been fixed in Jakarta 2
  • The v16 network upgrade, codenamed Skyr, happened on July 6th. This upgrade transitioned the Filecoin network to run its core logic on the Wasm-based Filecoin Virtual Machine
  • Injective has undergone a mainnet chain upgrade that includes support for CosmWasm smart contracts, interchain accounts, binary options, negative maker fees, and more
  • In order to strengthen the Solana network in the face of massive user growth and adoption, engineers have been working on a number of upgrades
  • Stake Wars is back to help decentralize the NEAR network and help the community with cool new challenges and rewards to members who want to become validators. In Stake Wars: Episode III, NEAR is focusing on Chunk-Only Producers — NEAR’s next step toward a fully-sharded protocol
  • Polygon Avail launches on testnet to turn monolithic chains modular
  • Catch up on the latest from the ICP ecosystem in the Internet Computer Updates digest: Supernova Community Choice voting is open, Motoko Mech Zero unveiled for NFT airdrop, Protected recovery phrases for Internet Identity
  • New KyberSwap Elastic protocol inherits all the powerful features of KyberSwap Classic, while giving you concentrated liquidity and the flexibility to take your earning strategy to the next level
  • Band Protocol partners with Astar Network
  • Subgraph indexing performance is getting significantly faster. The Graph’s hosted service integrates the first Cosmos Chain: Cosmos Hub
  • GameStop chooses 0x API to power DEX swaps in its new digital asset wallet
  • Elrond-go v. is here, with several fixes & improvements. Jungle DEX is here: Web3 innovation playground
  • ICS-721 spec for interchain NFT transfer was merged and entered the development stage
  • Private messaging platform Alter launched a limited beta, allowing new access for SCRT stakers
  • Yearn launches, a treasury creation tool for NFT projects
  • Introduction to THORChain’s LUVI and Midgard APR calculation update
  • Kava 11 is officially set to launch on August 31
  • The June ICON Roadmap Update has been published
  • The Celo Africa Web3 fund is live
  • Dock’s web3 IDs are coming
  • Oasis Q2 2022 engineering update was published
  • StaFi Protocol Monthly-June community update is out
  • And much more!

Top 10 Crypto Assets by Staked Value

Source: Staking Rewards

Proof-of-Stake Networks’ Updates


Check out our recently-published ‘Defi in Ether’ — biweekly update on Ethereum DeFi ecosystem vol.56 full of news from the ecosystem: $40B in DeFi, dYdX Chain announced, EulerDAO introduced, Compound releases code for multi-chain Compound III, Uniswap Labs completed an acquisition of Genie, The Synthetix Algol release, Balancer’s update on the bug bounty progress, and much more!


  • Polkadot announced a new on-chain governance model, Gov2, which aims to improve inclusivity and decentralization while increasing the number of decisions Polkadot governance is able to make.
  • Congratulations to Darwinia Network on winning Polkadot’s 21st parachain auction and Totem on winning Polkadot’s 20th parachain auction!
  • ink! 3.3.0 has been released. This restores SemVer compatibility in the 3.x series of releases, along with compatibility with v0.13.0 of substrate-contracts-node.
  • You can see all of the HRMP channels between parachains (on either Polkadot or Kusama) using the “Dotsama Channels” app.
  • Only on Kusama & Polkadot it is possible to swap parachain slots with no downtime, no vulnerabilities, and no loss in security — even for a second. Congratulations to Shiden for being the first to extend their slot using XCM, without governance.
  • Referendum 64, funding a Treasury Proposal to reimburse various teams for their work at Davos, has passed.
  • Referendum 67, upgrading the Polkadot runtime to v9230, has passed and been executed.
  • Imbue will be onboarded as Kusama’s 39th parachain (plus Statemine & Encointer) after winning an auction.
  • InvArch Tinkernet has been in the lead the entire Ending Period.
  • Amplitude is currently in the lead of the current parachain slot auction, but InvArch Tinkernet has also been in the lead during the Ending Period.
  • Referendum 210, upgrading Statemine to runtime v9230, has passed and executed.
  • Recommending validators using an active learning algorithm
  • Polkadot Community Call (2/2) — June 2022:
  • Interested in upgrading your Web3 developer skills? Register for Web3athon, a 3-month virtual event for developers & builders sponsored by Polkadot, and get a chance to win from a prize pool of $800k.

Feel free to read our latest biweekly report on the Polkadot ecosystem vol.40: The second day of Polkadot Decoded 2022 is in full swing, Totem got the 20th parachain slot on Polkadot, Imbue will be onboarded as Kusama’s 39th parachain, Interlay plans to launch iBTC, Darwinia and SubWallet are now integrated, Band Protocol price feeds now live on CLV, Moonbeam introduced Harvest Moon, Celer is partnering with Gnosis chain, and more!



Binance (BNB Chain)


  • The Vasil hard fork successfully launched on Cardano’s testnet. Once completed on the mainnet, the Vasil hard fork will allow faster block creation and greater scalability for DApps running on Cardano.
  • The Cardano Foundation furthers its partnerships and drives conversations: Activity levels rise for the Cardano Foundation with new partnerships formed and the CF team spotlighting events from Consensus in Austin to Women in Tech in Paris.

Cosmos Network

  • The next HackATOM, the hackathon competition that features challenges, amazing workshops and building in Cosmos, will be happening in Seoul, South Korea, July 29 to 31. This will be the first in-person hackathon for Cosmos since 2019.
  • ELI5: What is IBC?
  • Find the latest governance proposals here.



  • Solana Network Upgrades: In order to strengthen the Solana network in the face of massive user growth and adoption, engineers have been working on a number of upgrades.
  • Solana announced it will launch a new Web3 mobile phone, called Saga. Users will be able to download Web3 dApps, including NFT marketplaces, and developers would leverage the phone’s hardware security measures and tools to publish their own products.
  • Hit the Road to Breakpoint with more Solana x Jump Hacker Houses





Band Protocol



  • Dock Network (DOCK) — The Most Comprehensive Guide (2022): Dock is building a gateway to Web3 by providing simple solutions for businesses and developers to build, manage and present digital Verifiable Credentials and decentralized identities using blockchain. Dock provides credentialing technology that can be used to create cryptographically secure and instantly verifiable digital credentials, including workforce certificates, academic achievements, identity documents, and KYC checks.
  • Dock’s web3 IDs are coming:


  • Last week in EGLD:


  • Filecoin News 46: The v16 network upgrade, codenamed Skyr, transitioned the Filecoin network to run its core logic on the Wasm-based Filecoin Virtual Machine. This upgrade represents the most dramatic transformation of the Filecoin network since its inception nearly two years ago, and is the first step towards unlocking user programmability on Filecoin.
  • ESPA Bootcamp: Supermicro’s Solutions for the Filecoin Ecosystem: The Enterprise Storage Provider Accelerator program is designed to help startups, data centers, managed service providers, and CTOs become successful members of the Filecoin network. Let’s take a look at some of the modules that have been shared during the bootcamp.
  • Lighthouse Makes Permanent Storage on Filecoin Easy and Affordable: Lighthouse is a facilitator of permanent file storage on the Filecoin Network where users only pay once and their files are stored forever.
  • How to Become a Green Storage Provider: Filecoin Green provides important guidance and tools to SPs who contribute to the network’s efforts towards decarbonization.

The Graph


Immutable X

🚀Powered by Immutable X:

IRIS Network





Near Protocol

Oasis Network



🚀Live on Polygon:

Secret Network



Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain)

  • Gnosis Chain Weekly · 01 July 2022: Highlights from last week; @dapplion, the Gnosis Chain Merge Coordinator, updated the community on their progress. The next round of DappCon Berlin tickets goes live on the 7th of July and dfdao revved their engines for the next round of Dark Forest.

Yearn Finance


0x project


That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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