Your Weekly Forking 6–8–18

E.R. Ellsworth
Pickle Fork
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3 min readJun 8, 2018

Something something, pickle pun.

Highway Patrol

by E.R. Ellsworth

Scofflaws. Criminals. Lawbreakers.

Call them what you want; I call them scum.

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A Co-dependent’s Guide: 5 for sure ways to get that guy/girl of your dreams to notice you (like I did with Tom Hanks)

by Haute Mess

It’s important to let the person of your desires know they have a special place in your heart. Follow these simple guidelines to help Tom Hanks, I mean that special someone, know how you feel about them:

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Have You Heard the Good Word About Podcasts?

by Drew Petriello

Hey, friend of mine — I happened to notice that, when we were in your car the other night, you were playing your Spotify playlist labeled “Get Them Honeys.” When I asked you about what you listen to when it’s just you, you said something about another playlist. Of music.

I apologize for my forwardness, but I cannot let this continue.

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I Ditched my Rape Whistle and Started Carrying a Rabid Raccoon Instead

by Kyrie Gray

It’s really hard to live a fulfilling life if you don’t feel safe. And when I thought about how 1 in 4 women will be attacked while walking alone, I felt like I’d never be able to relax. I have night job. I’ve always felt uneasy with the trek back home at that hour. I realized my puny rape whistle was the cause of my distress. That shrill sound won’t scare away a rapist! I needed something more effective. This is why I’ve started carrying a rapid raccoon.

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A Comprehensive List of Pet Peeves

by Jonathan Greene

I get annoyed a lot. Inside. I try not to let it show. But there are just some things in life that truly irk me to my soul. I don’t want to explode with verbal diarrhea when it happens in front of me so I thought it best to contain it to a useless Internet diatribe hashtagged as #satire.

But it’s not satire. This sh*t really p*sses me off.

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E.R. Ellsworth
Pickle Fork

Co-creator of The Black Suit of Death, not a shill for the Illuminati.