Top Stories published by pjwilk in 2009

XBRL, the Business Process, and the New Information Era

My blogging pace has slowed because I’ve been able to Tweet most urgent matters and have been spending time away from ranch work on phone calls, most of which are related to business process technology and, potentially, XBRL. This new…

Crowd Sourced Legislative Tracking for Crowd Sourced XBRL Disclosure

Update: CBO has published its cost estimate for H.R. 2392.

Bipartisan legislation to make XBRL the standard for disclosure to the U.S. government has been approved in committee and…

Dark Pools, Efficient Markets, and the Human Factor

A Boston Globe story today, Shedding Light on ‘Dark Pools’, includes this from the head of equities at Fidelity’s brokerage arm:

“I don’t mind if the best price is on an exchange or in my own dark pool,” [Michael]…

These were the top 10 stories published by pjwilk in 2009. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.