Top Stories published by pjwilk in April of 2009

Esther Dyson: Can Transparency Be a Business Model? Yes.

In the March 30 edition of Advertising Age, Esther Dyson asks if transparency can be a business model. She makes “a proposal for a place to talk to your critics and tell the world how your products are made.” It is, like every word…

Wacky Rookie Wiki Idea or Regulation Writing Revolution?

Skip the rhetoric and go directly to the Wiki.

So just how much might this Internet thing change democracy? Well, to use tax day, April 15, as an excuse to paraphrase President Reagan, we’re paying for this…

Another Market Solution

Yesterday I blogged about a Wiki I posted to improve the public comment process for federal regulation. I seeded the Wiki with a proposal to let the market solve the short selling controversy by letting issuers or shareholders set their own rules about what investors can do with shares…