Top Stories published by pjwilk in May of 2009

XBRL, the Business Process, and the New Information Era

My blogging pace has slowed because I’ve been able to Tweet most urgent matters and have been spending time away from ranch work on phone calls, most of which are related to business process technology and, potentially, XBRL. This new…

Debt, Equity, and Credit: Equity Scores a Home Victory

Judge Posner’s Wall Street Journal op-ed on Thursday got me thinking.

Equity spun out of control in the 1920s, crashed, severely damaged the economy, and was controlled not only by forcing equity to be more…

Education, Activism, and New Media

U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa tweeted a link this morning to this video, a compelling story of the success of education choice in the District of Columbia and the unfathomable decision to terminate it.

There’s also a link to a Washington Post editorial on the Reason site…