Top Stories published by Planet 4 in December of 2016

Our Front-End Testing Strategies

With Planet 4, Greenpeace wants to build a solid and sustainable technical base for the websites of the organization, from International to NROs. Here's how we want to…

Who are we designing for?

This post is co-authored by Jess Klein and Nadav Savio.

Greenpeace websites have a diverse audience. To help people take meaningful action for the good of the planet, we will need to design Planet 4 around the different needs. This is the basis of…

How To Prepare for Planet 4 User Interviews

Over the past few months, we created a handful of archetypes to guide design decisions for Planet 4. These were designed based on research, assumptions and informed guessing. We pulled together a proposal (the archetypes) to test our approach and ideas…

How we will select and review plugins that will be part of Planet 4

During the discovery phase, we pointed out that before being used in Planet 4, the Wordpress plugins we will select will have to first go through an in-depth review process. Such process has now been defined, and…

Interviewing an Archetype

In our post Who are we designing for?, we detailed 3 archetypes to focus on for the first iteration of Planet 4. Our next step is to talk with people who we think fit these archetypes. We want to find out how well the archetypes match reality, so we can adjust them. At the same…

Planet 4 Monthly Update — December 2016

Click here or on the link below to view the interactive version of the December infographic