Go to Pure Fiction
Pure Fiction
This publication is a non-judgemental nurturing space for fiction writers of all levels and experience. We welcome writers of non-fiction interested in branching into fiction. Our main editor is happy to help guide those writing fiction for the first time!
Note from the editor

This publication is a non-judgemental nurturing space for fiction writers of all levels and experience. We welcome writers of non-fiction interested in branching into fiction. We want this to be a safe space for creative growth and expression. Our main editor is happy to help guide those writing fiction for the first time!

Go to the profile of KL Simmons
KL Simmons
Seeking improvement as a writer and human. Email: KLSimmons.medium@gmail.com. Owner of the publications: Taking Off, Pure Fiction and Interracial Relations.
Go to the profile of JA Vassili
JA Vassili
I write fiction, essays, and poetry. I write what I want to read; I read what I want to write. I’ve been at it since I was a kid; I’ll be at it when I’m ancient
Go to the profile of JA Vassili
JA Vassili
I write fiction, essays, and poetry. I write what I want to read; I read what I want to write. I’ve been at it since I was a kid; I’ll be at it when I’m ancient
Go to the profile of Men.21times@gmail.com
Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.
Go to the profile of Richard A. Steele
Richard A. Steele
Writer of science fiction and transgressive tales. Trying to improve his vibration one wavelength at a time while working on his first novel.
Go to the profile of Andy Mackk
Andy Mackk
I write about pop culture and a few other things. Working on a poetry collection and fiction novel.
Go to the profile of Lawson Wallace
Lawson Wallace
64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.
Go to the profile of Tess Obenauf
Tess Obenauf
Multifaceted Individual - Writer, Parent, Coach, Dreamer — “Be a voice, not a number!” LinkedIn/Facebook/Instagram: Tess Obenauf
Go to the profile of Ellie Brooke
Ellie Brooke
Poetry inspired by nature and the inner-wrestling. Prose in pursuit of living well. Learning how to ‘be’. Find me at: wilderword.com
Go to the profile of Amanda Gravely
Amanda Gravely
I am a multi genre author writing mostly romance, fantasy, and sci-fi.
Go to the profile of Auden Wright
Auden Wright
Original, honest fiction. Dark or light as happens.
Go to the profile of J B Ferguson
J B Ferguson
Bass player. Daydreamer. I write poems, short stories, and articles about music and whatever interests me. Creator of Bar Chords publication.
Go to the profile of Dani Banani
Dani Banani
Top Writer in Fiction. I write erotica, fantasy fiction, poetry, and whatever else I feel like. Sex is my favorite subject and love is my greatest passion.
Go to the profile of Rhiannon Hopkins
Rhiannon Hopkins
I write about writing, books, life and strange ruminations that occur around 3 a.m. , heavily disguised so they appear to make sense.
Go to the profile of RGomez
What’s more inspiring than creativity? I write about our lives’ dance with it: Writing. Memoir. Fiction. Humor... I seek my Higher Self in the wonders of story.
Go to the profile of Shrayan Bandyopadhyay
Shrayan Bandyopadhyay
I'm an engineer turned part-time writer.
Go to the profile of Logan Silkwood
Logan Silkwood
I’m a polyamorous, non-binary trans man (he/him). I edit for Queerly Trans, Prism & Pen, Enbyous, and Trans Love & (A)Sexuality. Twitter: @logan_silkwood.
Go to the profile of J. Salvatore Domino
J. Salvatore Domino
J. Salvatore Domino is an author and blogger based in Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A. A classic storyteller, his stories long or short, never fail to entertain.
Go to the profile of D Mind Shifts
D Mind Shifts
D Mind Shifts writes of fractal thoughts.
Go to the profile of Glenn Whitlock
Glenn Whitlock
Fantasy and horror writer. Blogger at Sword of Swording. Aspiring novelist. Wrangler of twin goblins, aka my kids. | https://www.glennwhitlock.com
Go to the profile of Jeof Ogire🥇
Jeof Ogire🥇
Crafting persuasive stories on screen and paper. Screenwriter, publication editor, and film producer riveting hearts and minds, weaving fascinating narratives.
Go to the profile of It's Ericajean
It's Ericajean
Essayist and poet | Author of Rumors of Ouroboros . Learn more about Erica at https://linktr.ee/itsericajean/
Go to the profile of Blazewing
Novice blogger, amateur writer looking to improve skills. I’m a Communications graduate.
Go to the profile of Judy Derby
Judy Derby
Hey, ya’ll! I’m a retired social worker who always wondered what I should be when I grew up. Still don’t know. Love trivia, random thoughts and short stories.
Go to the profile of Kristen Haveman
Kristen Haveman
I am a dabbler and a story teller. Worked as a journalist for local small time paper but have a love of fiction with a to be read list to prove it.
Go to the profile of SLSnow88
I love creating worlds. Entertaining people is engrained in me.
Go to the profile of Paula Shablo
Paula Shablo
Published Author. Loving daughter, mom, Grandma. Bona fide Geek with the graphic tees to prove it. Believer of all the fantastic things. Artist, musician & fan.
Go to the profile of Vincent Kühl
Vincent Kühl
Best Selling Author in the category of Nothing. Short stories, thoughts and, poems. Ko-fi.com/vincentkoehl23
Go to the profile of Cathylouise
Writer & poet. Working on my first novel. Loves metal/rock. Follower of the old gods/pagan/heathen. She/her.
Go to the profile of Ria Rees
Ria Rees
Writer of dark sci-fi, horror and more — www.riarees.com
Go to the profile of J. G. NUNEZ
culture spy and writer.
Go to the profile of Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.
Go to the profile of Tussii Stauffer
Tussii Stauffer
Hello! I'm an Alaska Native author and I am also a Two-spirit!
Go to the profile of Jacinta Palmer🍂
Jacinta Palmer🍂
*Does not Follow for Follow* Writing the kind of Fiction I love 2 Read | YA | Magical | Romance | Supernatural | Freelance Editor | Besotted with dogs
Go to the profile of Karen Toralba
Karen Toralba
Top Writer in Social Media. I write fictional stories, writing tips, travel blurbs, and other random pieces.
Go to the profile of The Truth As I Know It
The Truth As I Know It
My name is Kelly. I am a wife, a mother of 8, a nurse, a medical auditor and a covid long-hauler. Life is short and this is the truth as I know it.
Go to the profile of Edmond A Porter
Edmond A Porter
I am retired so I have time to write creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry, and explore other forms.
Go to the profile of The Ladybird
The Ladybird
Editor-in-chief of ewhye publication = ewhye.com . Read My Novels for free : wattpad.com/user/TheLadybird2
Go to the profile of Ginger Bangs
Ginger Bangs
Occasionally sweary, but always entertaining. Top writer in Short Story, Fiction, Horror Fiction and LGBTQ.
Go to the profile of Kenneth Lee Warner
Kenneth Lee Warner
Writer, Sailor, Community Activist, Political Strategist and Recovering Cellar Rat. Living, Loving Life and Working for Peace on the North Coast of America
Go to the profile of PLUMA
Massage therapist with a degree in literature and MA in Ecology & Spirituality. Interested in feelings, sensations, bodies, spirituality.
Go to the profile of Akshayarka Deka
Akshayarka Deka
I’m a freelance writer offering blogs, reviews & summaries, SEO and ghostwriting services. DM: www.linkedin.com/in/akshayarka-deka/ OR akshayarka.dka7@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Dash Ip
Dash Ip
Scribbler. Globehopper. Sayer of stuff to children in classrooms. Pink Tornado. Novelist.
Go to the profile of Syed Zohaib
Syed Zohaib
Software Engineer@ Apple. I write about JavaScript and mentor students and new developers who are into Web Development.
Go to the profile of Andrea Chelle
Andrea Chelle
Homeschooling mama and creative spirit. ❃ 🎶 I write about God♱, my homeschooling journey, and personal development. 📝Check out my fiction too!
Go to the profile of Daniel Millington
Daniel Millington
An odd writer, writing about odd things whilst trying not to be odd.
Go to the profile of Star Love Grey
Star Love Grey
I am the opened Pandora’s Box. Actress/Singer/Dancer, Writer, Poet. I’ll write any genre if it holds still long enough. Other boring stuff, but I’ll run out of
Go to the profile of Chris Narvaez
Chris Narvaez
Undaunted by failure, typos, and difficult-to-open snack packaging. Writer. Nurse. Podcaster. B-cam operator. https://anchor.fm/howdoesthisend
Go to the profile of Dee Per
Dee Per
Striving to make the world a better place through love, laughter, and the pursuit of happiness.
Go to the profile of Lubna Yusuf
Lubna Yusuf
BOOKS: www.amazon.com/author/lubnayusuf | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna
Go to the profile of Bearded Anon
Bearded Anon
Yorkshire, working class writing many writings of some disrepute. WIP: Poetry collection, novel, short stories and other things to make you laugh or not laugh
Go to the profile of Oscar Rhea
Oscar Rhea
Mother of three. Medal of Honor Recipient. Heart Surgeon at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. Liar.
Go to the profile of P. L. Goaway
P. L. Goaway
I spent way too much time trying to come up with something entertaining to write here.
Go to the profile of Steve Vernon
Steve Vernon
Writer of horror, humor. Retiree. Keeper of black cats, drinker of black coffee, and determinedly trying to lose some weight!
Go to the profile of Arielle D Hart
Arielle D Hart
I am an opinionated woman engaged in her erotic life. Buy me a coffee if you like via cashapp. @ariellehartauthor
Go to the profile of Sakhi Gundeti
Sakhi Gundeti
She talks about herself in the first person. Fiction and humor writer. Twitter: @sakhi_gundeti (She/Her)
Go to the profile of Jillian Spiridon
Jillian Spiridon
just another writer with too many cats
Go to the profile of PJ Jackelman
PJ Jackelman
In love with writing about monsters — the human variety. Turning ‘finding my voice’ into a lifestyle.
Go to the profile of Pat Romito LaPointe
Pat Romito LaPointe
A lover of life stories, often finding humor in them. Refuse to take life too seriously. Appreciate out of the ordinary tales and those that inform.
Go to the profile of BK Johnsen
BK Johnsen
Author of Before You Fall, Into the Bright Sky, & Lady of the Underworld. Philosophizer, podcaster,& karaoke-enthusiast https://medium.com/@bkjohnsen/membership
Go to the profile of Phoebe Millar
Phoebe Millar
I enjoy writing poetry, recipes and articles on topics that interest me. I post once every Tuesday
Go to the profile of Nevena Pascaleva
Nevena Pascaleva
A writer of evocative fiction and introspective personal essays.
Go to the profile of Alison McBain
Alison McBain
Alison McBain is the writer behind Author Versus AI. She writes fiction, nonfiction & poetry, ghostwrites & edits books. http://www.alisonmcbain.com/
Go to the profile of Ben Human
Go to the profile of JF Danskin
JF Danskin
Writing fiction (fantasy especially) and poetry, enthusiast for creativity, collaboration, community. An Editor at the Fiction Writer's Den.
Go to the profile of Maaja Wentz
Maaja Wentz
Writer, reader, pumpkin eater! Free fiction and more at: https://www.maajawentz.com/
Go to the profile of Anandhi Palaniappan
Anandhi Palaniappan
Once an IT professional, now a full time stay at home.I write articles on mental health,nature,fitness,humor….
Go to the profile of Melissa Gray
Melissa Gray
11x top writer. I don't fit in a box, unless it's a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get. Follow me anyway. Mom of two. Wife of one. Editor.
Go to the profile of Jacqueline R.M.
Jacqueline R.M.
Unsolicited insight from someone you don't know in a place you've never heard of.
Go to the profile of Tim Reed
Tim Reed
Fantasy/weird fiction author, and board game designer (www.hallofsentientmirrors.com). Read all my stories on Medium (https://medium.com/@timreed1/membership)
Go to the profile of David Bauer
David Bauer
Short Fiction Writer. Dairy Queen & Roller Coaster Enthusiast
Go to the profile of YM Seah
YM Seah
I explore stories behind food and games.
Go to the profile of Ghulam Mustafa Shoaib
Ghulam Mustafa Shoaib
Blogger, Content Writer, Article writer at https://gmshoaib-portfolio.blogspot.com/
Go to the profile of Sloane Ridge
Go to the profile of Andrew Stewart
Andrew Stewart
A creative, maybe a little dark writer of stories, fiction and non, and poems. Happy to find a place to share my hobby with other inspiring writers!
Go to the profile of Lswanberg
Everyone has a story to tell. This is mine. Writing about my life and grief journey hoping it helps others along the way.
Go to the profile of Fred Rice
Fred Rice
Fried in Malaysia | I’m also on YouTube too! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7tK32Lztce1E7JxRBEHZ8Q
Go to the profile of MCMXCIII_ROME
I’m a writer ya’ll. Critique’s accepted. If you don’t like my story then read the next one. I promise it’s better. For real this time.
Go to the profile of Damian Sebouhian
Damian Sebouhian
I write Muse Exclusives on topics ranging from metaphysics, meditation, tarot, mythology, poetry, art, humor, and other adventures.
Go to the profile of G. G. Bailey
G. G. Bailey
G.G. Bailey is the Curator of the Unarkida (4/665 – Present), the eternal archive of our world, Unara (an aspiring author of Fantasy/Sci-Fi Fiction). .
Go to the profile of nanajuana writes Fiction
nanajuana writes Fiction
Mostly a reader, also A place for my short fiction, as well as completing prompts and writing practice.
Go to the profile of Jojo Teckina
Jojo Teckina
I’m a wife, a mom, an artist, a writer and a hopeless optimist in the face of terrible odds. I believe in love, goodness and a future where we can all have joy.
Go to the profile of Amit Karmakar
Amit Karmakar
👑 Top writer in Ideas. Author of ‘Big little things’. I write about different things, sometimes about 🌈 writing, watercolours or photography.
Go to the profile of Rucha
Figuring out life while trying to enjoy it.
Go to the profile of Alex Markham
Alex Markham
Classic rock/pop aficionado. Fiction and travel writer.
Go to the profile of Lady Le'al
Go to the profile of Julia A. Keirns
Julia A. Keirns
Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.
Go to the profile of Craig Tyson Adams
Craig Tyson Adams
A man whose recipe for triple fudge brownies includes two quarts of vodka, sauerkraut, and a heaping tablespoon of bbq sauce.
Go to the profile of Brianna Heron
Brianna Heron
Writer of flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poems, and short stories.
Go to the profile of Rintu Daniel
Rintu Daniel
Love for the words, creative writing and souls with the same passion landed me in Medium…
Go to the profile of Joe Merkle
Joe Merkle
I write about love, life, loss, kindness, and gratitude. Toss in some fiction and humor and you have the meanderings of a multifarious writer.
Go to the profile of 🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
🦋 Marie A. Rebelle
❤️ Writer: fact and fiction; sometimes transgressive, sometimes erotic, always about life. | Owner: Serial Stories | Editor: Tantalizing Tales ❤️
Go to the profile of Nitin Dangwal
Nitin Dangwal
Writing stories, poems and a little bit of everything about life
Go to the profile of D'Jreya
Writer | Reader of Things | Prose, poems, and articles on reading recommendations. Cure to boredom https://allmylinks.com/djreyathewriter
Go to the profile of Mon Esprit
Mon Esprit
Anecdotes, soul searching, inspirations, poems - an ocean of life with waves of little tales. Top writer in Poetry
Go to the profile of DT Hurst
Go to the profile of Sachin pandit
Sachin pandit
Trying to spread some positivity, medical student interested in neurology.
Go to the profile of Chandu writes
Chandu writes
I am here to write with the conviction that words speak volumes !!
Go to the profile of Conni Walkup Hull
Conni Walkup Hull
Lawyer/writer. I write essays, memoir, poetry, and tales about my never-dull-life with a handsome Sailor. Experienced editor. Fun to hang out with.
Go to the profile of Gentry Bronson
Gentry Bronson
Creative & Media Producer. Writer. Editor. Composer. Songwriter. Pianist. Traveler. Singer. Surfer. Waterman. @gentrybronson https://gentrybronson.com
Go to the profile of Joy DeSomber
Joy DeSomber
Single mom of three. Veteran. Cop. I write a variety, including humor, gratitude, trauma, travel, and more, always reinventing myself.
Go to the profile of Todd B Harrington
Todd B Harrington
After 40+ years of photography I have stepped outside the box and started writing. Connecting words to images, writing short stories, a short film and book.
Go to the profile of Nicholas Breen
Nicholas Breen
Aspiring author who writes for the dreamers, the learners, the unknown poets and people of this world. To learn more about me: https://tinyurl.com/TheBreenShow
Go to the profile of Josh E.
Josh E.
Australian poet whose footsteps through life are marked by poems. Some covered by fallen leaves, others washed away in the rain, but all of them unfeigned.
Go to the profile of David Conte
David Conte
I like to tell the truth.
Go to the profile of Noelle
Writing is my favorite mode of self-expression. I'm a writer & multifaceted creative bringing ideas to life & helping companies achieve their marketing goals.
Go to the profile of Rob Jackson
Rob Jackson
Aspiring Author. Come, sit and read. Let yourself see, hear, and feel. A world of words awaits. I write about mental health, parenting and my own fiction.
Go to the profile of Danijel Crncec
Danijel Crncec
Writing, ranting, reading, having fun; all the time. I don't care about rules or deadlines. I express myself the way I want. I write ransom notes for money.
Go to the profile of Maitiu Corbett
Maitiu Corbett
Lives in Glasgow, grew up in Edinburgh, writes in his pants.
Go to the profile of Randyduke
https://www.amazon.com/Pisco-Peru-Randy-Duke/dp/1908728981 Traveling Carny Geek. Novelist. Spirits enthusiast. Aficionado of the weird and absurd. Cheers.
Go to the profile of Nalanda Joglekar // Writer x Adventurist
Nalanda Joglekar // Writer x Adventurist
Thoughtful stories about people, places & paradigms > bit.ly/getthestories // Side: Learn to write kickass proposals that win grants > https://bit.ly/bwww
Go to the profile of Daniel Rathaus
Daniel Rathaus
US Army veteran with the knees to prove it.
Go to the profile of DC Palter
DC Palter
Entrepreneur, angel investor, startup mentor, sake snob. Author of the Silicon Valley mystery To Kill a Unicorn: https://amzn.to/3sD2SGH
Go to the profile of Matthew Clapham
Matthew Clapham
Professional translator by day. Writer of silly and serious stuff by night. Also by day, when I get fed up of tedious translations. Founder of Iberospherical.
Go to the profile of Ipsita Parasar
Ipsita Parasar
quite literally a gen z who is obsessed with writing. Reminder to drink water, guys <3
Go to the profile of Will Saint Val
Will Saint Val
Fiction, Short stories
Go to the profile of H.R. Parker
H.R. Parker
Editor for The Kraken Lore and The Fiction Writer’s Den. Co-host of Brewing Fiction Podcast. Fiction author and poet. Give me taters or give me death.
Go to the profile of Evan Arius
Evan Arius
Serializing my LGBT Paranormal Romance novel (Yes, they bang 🌶) on Medium. Always queer-positive, sex-positive. Sometimes supernatural. Mostly M/M
Go to the profile of Jorgen Winther 🌱
Jorgen Winther 🌱
The ghost in the mirror. Writing about ways of making life a pleasant experience - and mirrors
Go to the profile of Jillian Cardillo
Jillian Cardillo
Essayist. Writing about the experience of being human. Dabbles in fiction and humor.
Go to the profile of Sergey Donskikh
Sergey Donskikh
A Ukrainian intellectual cursed by the vice of addiction, emotional instability and highly developed critical thinking.
Go to the profile of Scarlet Ibis James 🦩
Scarlet Ibis James 🦩
i am a writer and a reader and an editor.
Go to the profile of Alex Porter
Alex Porter
I continually search for meaning in the mundane, pathways in coincidence, mindfulness in nature, and humor embedded in tragedy.
Go to the profile of Abdullah Shahed
Abdullah Shahed
Wordsmith weaving chuckles and grins. Join me for quick wit and joyful tales. Let's laugh together! 🤣🎈
Go to the profile of NLennel
A freelance writer and occasional researcher who’s just trying to hone in my craft. | Spend way too much time on X: @NLennel
Go to the profile of Jason Welsh
Jason Welsh
Any sarcasm contained herein is entirely accidental and unintentional.
Go to the profile of Pico Salas G.
Pico Salas G.
MBA Expat leading diverse teams in Tech - Used to write scripts - For me, it is about improving as a person and as a professional.
Go to the profile of Margaret Dunn
Go to the profile of Glenda Thompson (aka Ada James)
Glenda Thompson (aka Ada James)
Always learning, always growing. Dreamer, Artist, Painter with Words. Survivor. Chasing my rainbows. Follow me?
Go to the profile of Anish Bhattacharyya
Anish Bhattacharyya
Hobbyist writer. Balancing emotional and literal truths.
Go to the profile of Wilkie Winters
Wilkie Winters
Writer of contemporary fiction, erotica and whatever else comes to mind when the whim takes us.
Go to the profile of Walker
Writer by night, marketing by day. Parent nonstop.
Go to the profile of Anik Thakur
Anik Thakur
Whirling thoughts set free...
Go to the profile of Waleed Hussain
Waleed Hussain
I have an opinion. I have a dream.
Go to the profile of Trevor Dunkirk
Trevor Dunkirk
Trevor writes on fascinating word origins and occasional wellness articles, as well as short fiction based on his experiences in Latin America.
Go to the profile of Alba Tay
Alba Tay
Industrial chemistry graduate, curious learner, lover of words and literature. Through writing, I hope to understand and experience deeper the world around me.
Go to the profile of Nuno Padovani
Nuno Padovani
He/Him | Sharing my journey as an aspiring fantasy author. Writer of fiction/fantasy short stories and at times... my feelings and thoughts.
Go to the profile of Lauren M Hayes
Lauren M Hayes
I’m Lauren M Hayes. I’m a lifestyle blogger and a creative writer who writes novels & screenplays. You can check out my blog at https://laurenmhayes.com.
Go to the profile of Myles graham
Myles graham
I have lots of stories always playing in my head and now I’m going to bring them to life
Go to the profile of Preethi 🫧
Preethi 🫧
As a freelance writer, I create captivating narratives through informative articles and inspiring poetry.
Go to the profile of Shari Walker, MSW
Shari Walker, MSW
Personal Growth Coach, Tech Copywriter, mom, and former foster kid. Writing about life, growth, and harmony. Founder of GROWTH Goals. ✨📚💻 heyshariwalker.com
Go to the profile of Rishi
Award Winning Author | PhD Creative Writing | Short Stories and Flash Fiction
Go to the profile of Courtney Cloud
Courtney Cloud
NYC-based writer, music enthusiast, and art lover on a mission to inspire through words.
Go to the profile of DW Davis
DW Davis
Indie author. Retired Educator. Writer for THE FICTION WRITER'S DEN
Go to the profile of Somtoochukwu Benedict Ezioha
Somtoochukwu Benedict Ezioha
Welcome. Here's where I showcase my love for Fiction, my first love. You can send me an email at somtooben@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +234 704 482 5634
Go to the profile of Izzibella Beau
Izzibella Beau
I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond
Go to the profile of Sidharth Singh
Sidharth Singh
Short Stories | Philosophy | Creative Writing
Go to the profile of Marko Čibej
Marko Čibej
Having a clue is not prerequisite to having an opinion. I have opinions.
Go to the profile of Maureen Morrissey
Maureen Morrissey
Teacher, wanderer/wonderer, writer of fiction and reflection. My novels can be found here https://www.amazon.com/stores/Maureen-Morrissey/author/B08NFCT89C
Go to the profile of Donnaf1828
Hello all, a writer who is looking for people to read my work and hopefully enjoy it. ♥♥
Go to the profile of Alan J. Schwarz
Alan J. Schwarz
Alan Schwarz loves life. He is the founder of JAMS Productions, a television production company based in Toronto . His passion is writing.
Go to the profile of J.K. Emsun
J.K. Emsun
Writer, illustrator, and certified goober
Go to the profile of Sheri Jacobs
Sheri Jacobs
Author, Educator, Actor www.sheri-jacobs.com Author of children’s book DREAM WRITE (pen name, Kiss) and the non-fiction book, THE FRIENDSHIP DIET. VO/film actor
Go to the profile of Susan Boylan
Susan Boylan
Writer, reader, and freelance proofreader. I hope you enjoy my stories. She/her 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Go to the profile of J. Andrew
J. Andrew
Big issues, small stories, ordinary drawings.
Go to the profile of Chantal Weiss
Chantal Weiss
Spiritual Badass, Writer, Mentor & Healer: Not all mother-daughter relationships are pretty in pink...
Go to the profile of Owen / Crazy Sheep
Go to the profile of Catherine Gagnon
Catherine Gagnon
Fantasy & Romance Author - Contemporary & Greek Mythology | Auteur de Fantasy & Romance - Mythologie Grecque & Contemporaine
Go to the profile of Peter Borg
Peter Borg
To put pen to paper is to put thought into practice, to liberate the intangible realm of ideas from the confines of individual consciousness.
Go to the profile of Daphsam
Dedicated mother, loving wife, dog mom, watercolor artist, creative writer, full of ideas, with humor and whimsy.
Go to the profile of Just Wandering
Just Wandering
The most difficult things are the obvious ones.
Go to the profile of Scott Christenson🌴
Scott Christenson🌴
Satire, Short Fiction, and Info Journalism. 'Medium's Fountain of Unsolicited Advice' - NYT. Milwaukee native, now a digital nomad living in Asia.
Go to the profile of Shanice Payton
Shanice Payton
A writer who can't read every book in this world. I inspire to write unique and different stories that resonate with readers.
Go to the profile of Jordan Lubov
Jordan Lubov
Multi-genre author writing short and serial fiction. Romance, transgressive fiction, sizzling spice, humor, and memoir content on the menu.
Go to the profile of Sam Letterwood
Sam Letterwood
Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner
Go to the profile of E L Strauss
E L Strauss
I am passionate about writing fiction.
Go to the profile of Don Woodby
Don Woodby
Data scientist by day, sci-fi and fantasy writer by... also day.
Go to the profile of Neil Barrett
Go to the profile of Bill Holmes
Bill Holmes
Writer. Poet. ESSENCE Best Selling Author. Filmmaker. Personal development aficiando who lives and breathes the mantra "I will not be denied!"
Go to the profile of Heleili Mohamed Anes
Heleili Mohamed Anes
I write weird strings of words and I'm not quite sure if they're good or not
Go to the profile of Divya Meda
Divya Meda
Freelance Writer | Founder of Macle | Author
Go to the profile of Ted Strauch
Ted Strauch
I draw inspiration from my diverse experiences in the kitchen, sales, and as a volunteer first responder. Hoping to inspire others with my life on paper.
Go to the profile of Thomas Blum
Thomas Blum
I am writing about stuff that gets me thinking.
Go to the profile of Ken Van Camp
Ken Van Camp
Ken Van Camp may not be the perfect human, but he's trainable. At least that's what Keke says! Ken is the author of Keke's Guide to Training Your Human.
Go to the profile of David Walby
David Walby
Online writer on a mission to help 100,000 people grow and become better communicators. I write on Medium and X.
Go to the profile of Hima
Writer || Solo traveller || Tarot Reader || I think profoundly and feel deeply; that's what I write about.. Here' my blog - https://explorative-soul-hima.com/
Go to the profile of Mindi Boston
Mindi Boston
Mindi Boston is a novelist and freelance writer out of the Midwest. For more information, visit www.mindiboston.com
Go to the profile of Asogwa Ebube
Asogwa Ebube
"Hey, I'm Ebube—an avid storyteller with a passion for crafting compelling narratives. When I'm not typing away, you'll find me lost in the worlds I create.
Go to the profile of David Beer
David Beer
Professor of Sociology at the University of York. His most recent book is The Tensions of Algorithmic Thinking.
Go to the profile of Don Simkovich, MA
Don Simkovich, MA
Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.
Go to the profile of Amy Safford
Amy Safford
Amy Safford has written and edited hundreds of articles, opinion pieces, and blogs on behavioral health, psychology, equality, technology, and ESG issues.
Go to the profile of Emma Rasmussen
Go to the profile of Jason Edmunds
Jason Edmunds
I enjoy socialising, experimenting in the kitchen, reading, writing and walking.
Go to the profile of Diane Brander
Diane Brander
Scottish writer and runner. Curious about ways to boost health and performance through exercise and creativity. On a spiritual quest, whatever that means.
Go to the profile of Keith M. Leonard
Keith M. Leonard
A fiction writer who visits new worlds through stories. Creator and host of the Brewing Fiction Podcast.
Go to the profile of C.R. Hughes
C.R. Hughes
Liberian-American. 26. I write things sometimes. Find me in other places: https://crhugheswrites.carrd.co/
Go to the profile of JamesRickard Writes
JamesRickard Writes
I'm so old that my pronouns are I, Me, Mine. My writing? A little shoot- 'em- up, a little romance, and a dash of weirdness.
Go to the profile of Craig Barnes
Craig Barnes
Short stories of varying genres, hopefully to entertain, amuse and appall. Maybe all at the same time.
Go to the profile of Patricia Dickson
Go to the profile of bonniewame
I clutch desperately at my pens and papers, hoping the ink stains on my hands can amount to something.
Go to the profile of Shamma Toppo
Shamma Toppo
Blog and short story writer. I write on mindfulness, self improvement, helpful tips for middle managers, small joys of life and more!
Go to the profile of Blaine Layne
Blaine Layne
"What's in a name?" - Juliet "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." - Proverbs 22:1 I am a husband, father and former NASM trainer.
Go to the profile of Yangxx