A Peaceful War #6

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
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3 min readJun 15, 2020

We can change the perception of many through our writings as soon as readers are ready.

Photo by James Eades on Unsplash

A story

When I discovered a family secret under altered consciousness, I wrote it to my family. Then my wife sorting papers, discovered a written summary from a session I had twenty years ago with a psychogenelalogist, and all was on the paper. I was not ready to act from it. It was just an intellectual knowledge.


Thinking comes first but thinking without acting is not enough. There is a deep divide on this planet and we will have to act to be sure we will be ready for the opportunity window that is coming. This opportunity is coming and then will be wiped off in the cosmic cycles for eons.

Are we satisfied with the state of the world?


I took one of my texts out of the paywall to broadcast it for all. May be some of you could transtate it in your own language. This text is modest but propose a tutorial for a Lightwork. The path is made while walking. Giving is receiving.


Let me introduce Ayelet Baron who joined us. She shares Medicine for the soul and have many other missions, among them, she is a futurist. Please explore her work.

This week :

A fighting essay to change the patriarcal rules by Jean Carfantan

Louise goes on her trip to her transformation

Aimée Grandin writes a poem about Divine Consciousness following the prompt, with an audio.

Jean Car fantan proposes two poems about the meaning of life and a third as a praise to Goddess Brigit

Gurpreet Dariwal writes a poem about her mother, a beautiful soul and person.

The Gemini Games about synchronicity and a secret question (?)

A beautiful intricate mandala by Rachel Carfantan

Louise gives us her observations and recommandations

A story of wonder by Yael Wolfe My Little Fox and a poem about men like Percival, who don’t ask the question. An advice, read the other text too on the bottom of this last poem.

At last I answered to two secret questions by Yael and Tom to be decoded like dreams.

We are still growing slowly but surely every week.

I wish you a beautiful week with Love and my gratitude for the gifts you offer to us all, editor, writers , readers and may be future writers and/or editors.




Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. https://lefildar.gent/en (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)