Our nights: prompt

My Sleep

I’ve been sleeping about ten hours for last months each night

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children


Photo by Jonathan Falcon on Unsplash

Do you experience the same phenomenon? May be we are prepared each night to adapt to another energy quality. One colleague told me the same. We are mutating from inside to be prepared to something that is going to happen.

Darker are our days and brighter our nights.

On news we see darker and repetitive facts, around us, we feel more aggressiveness and see more desperate people and mental illnesses while inside we feel hope, we are fed every night and our daily spiritual practices help us to keep afloat.

Do we control our daily nightmare because we dream so much even though we don’t remember every dream?

Last week, we wove beautiful dreams in Queen’s Children :

  1. Lori McCray, with In One Ment, uses her poetic writing to protest against all upside-down values and to evoke the nonsensical conduct of some Humans who destroy beauty on this planet.
  2. Anthi Psomiadou, in It’s All About “Lengthening Our Radius”, shows us how philosophy is practical too and connects to many levels at the same time, how consciousness expansion is important, as a Shakti prompt.
  3. Nalini MacNab, in Being Sacred Space, develops the fact that we take our sacred space with and in us, whatever form it takes.
  4. Daniel A. Teo, in Is that of her definition, writes a poem about women’s condition and how insecurity weights upon them.
  5. Anthi Psomiadou, in Time Itself Doesn’t Heal, using a dialog with the wind, ponders about Heaven helps those who help themselves.
  6. Agnes Louis, in From The Ashes — Phoenix, after the Shakti prompt, claims women are no more victims and are rising from the ashes, with the embers within.
  7. Jean Carfantan, in Soul Crucible, launches the score of my life prompt, showing how our soul’s aim is different from our personality purposes.
  8. Gurpreet Dhariwal, in I Am Being Creative and Loving, claims the power of gratitude.
  9. Ann Litts, in Learning To Listen, shows us how our wishes are hiding what we already have.

At last, I want to introduce you to the text by Isak Dinesen after the prompt the score of my life, Courage in Confrontation.

Radiating to you





Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirator, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to.