Best of Medium

Top 7 Medium Stories | Week 25, 2024

Which one do you think is the best?

Astrid A.
Quotes of the Day


Hello everyone! This is your weekly dose of Medium.

① The Beauty of Trying — A life well-lived is a life marked by the courage to keep trying.

by thekidultwriter | 👏29607 💬222

Synopsis: The author believes that even in our worst condition, we can still be someone: someone who tries and that’s good enough. If today, you don’t want to try, then so be it. The sun will shine again, and the moon will always show up, even half full.

by remi ;༊ | 👏21072 💬123

Synopsis: To be loved is to be known. It’s a feeling that goes beyond words because someone sees you for who you truly are. The love that knows you is the love that stays and grows. To be known in this way is to feel a sense of belonging that is irreplaceable.

by R | 👏13437 💬105

Synopsis: People who are a great listener are also the ones who doesn’t have anyone to turn to when life’s being a bummer to them. These kind of people are the most dangerous as they’re very good at pretending; pretending to be fine, pretending to have things under control, when in reality they’re struggling to even get out of bed.

by remi ;༊ | 👏34602 💬298

Synopsis: When did my life become about getting through the day, about enduring rather than enjoying? I don’t want my life to be a constant cycle of stumbling and getting back up, of failing and trying again. I want to laugh more, love deeper, and live fully.

by Haven Diaries | 👏17548 💬138

Synopsis: “I don’t want to talk to you anymore, but I keep hoping you’ll call” “I still think of you, and there’s still a part of me that clings to the hope of hearing from you or seeing your name light up on my phone screen” “We are no longer the same people we once were. Our paths have broken apart in ways I never could have imagined”

by keng | 👏7209 💬97

Synopsis: “I am a child with a heart full of hatred. Father, how can I forgive you for the things you never apologized for?” writes writer. “I hate that I still search for you everywhere. I look for pieces of you in strangers, in friends, hoping to find the father I needed but never had”

by icedmatcha | 👏12707 💬96

Synopsis: Life is not about rotting in your bed, being on your phone all day, or eat and sleep all the time. Life is about doing what makes you happy, and that would help you to live. You have to surround yourselves with people you want to be with, with the people that can embrace you and make you feel that you are wanted.

That’s it. I really hope you enjoy. See you next week! 😊



Astrid A.
Quotes of the Day

Self-taught amateur photographer and self-published blogger | Learning everyday